<br />....~~n ~';;:~~
<br />f orrower pays Funds to Lender, the Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are
<br />inst_tred or guaranteed by a Federal or state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shalt apply
<br />the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding
<br />and applying the Funds, analyzing said account or verifying and compiling said assessments and bil{s, unless Lender
<br />pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower-and Lender
<br />may agree in writing at the time of execution of this Deed of Trust that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower.
<br />arid- unless such agreement is made oc appticabk law requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be requited
<br />to pay Bonowcr any interest or comings on the Funds. Lender shalt give to Borrower, without charge, an annual
<br />accoueting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose For which each debit to the Funds ttras
<br />made. The Funds are pledged as additoma! security for the sums secured by this L}eed of Truss,
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. together with the future monthly iastaBrtrents of FurWs payable prior to
<br />the due data of to:es, assessments, insurance pttmiums and ground rents. shat! ezeced the amount requirod to pay said
<br />taxes, assessments, insrrance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such ezcess shall be, u Btrrowrr's option.
<br />either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrowec on monthly installments of Funds. If the amount at' the
<br />Funds held by Under shall not tx sufficient ro pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and Rtomod reins as tires fsli
<br />deu. Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount rr[xessary ro make up the drticieacs is awe or mare patgtrteates as L3trder
<br />may require.
<br />Upon payment in fnll of all wins secured by this Decd cif Trust, Lender shall ptamptia ttfitad to Bcrtatret' nay
<br />Funds held by Lender. If under paragraph l? hereof the Property is said err the Pte,pettx rs ariretsatse acgwred tars
<br />Lcrtdn, [.caller stroll apply, eo -ater rhos imttudiatcty praac to the salt of tlse Ptegaetre cv its a:~grrtsitiai tg Lcnda; aerc
<br />Funds Irdd by Lender u the time of appticatim a: a credit against tut sums snrrmnll ba ahu []red of Trust.
<br />3. ~ of Rtpntnals. L`aiess apptieabk l;>r ptardcs athmrnr. 391 DHasaents rretrtsd cast under reader
<br />the "lore and paragraphs i and : tactsei shaA tae applied by L,tradct' fmt in Irayarmru c,f ~ pasabk as Lander )rlr
<br />Hotttrwer colder paragaph 2 heecrnf, tltea ro ie;ant parable an dye !note, a~ rhea m nc~ tall the _"'wi~s
<br />i. friar !Moarfiapa tai [?oaaia of Tnet;« (trgtat i;3ua. i3oatow,rr slt~ m 3R ~.r 8erto+aer's oki[padaia
<br />ueakt a~ mortgage. decd dtrtrtt or cttler t~enmtr troth a trr,a a hu p roes [ Lkcd W Tt+ag,
<br />inciudiaeR Baetoorer`s s'OYla~tt M ma9tac pat~sfmcats .fora dm, Nnrto+aer stna8 ~« Tw ,'awstr ra err mrata aa9t rattan,
<br />sssessaaeats and other chagrs, fiaa and impaeuiioas .nrtiewtatKr ro t+ar r, teas a>atote 3 +at,ar t~aR
<br />Owxd oiTttttt, arM ieaaehoid pta>rasarts or tmra4d Hats, ct cats.
<br />S. Nwaai Yraaraaw 8arrataer shall tse~a cur ~s ~ rsasteetg ~vr !atmrattrs raarurdl :sa rir
<br />ioaasrod agrrimt trees bs tire, hatatM terindei rauu cur re+rat tsvrwt7itaDi «~~ueaaar eraa ~aam ~aiearr hwrata9+, r+ LawQiar
<br />aaaT >cganne clad ®suoh atscNmtt aaai fart sutEt pCrradC as Lz+rdnr ~ ~-
<br />71ra teauraare ratter prwdr+ai cis taseaauaere shall ter cMaa~a ~ t3,errawr+r k~ ^ .,, 3~nw~ err Lraras+t pta,rw~i,
<br />that snt9r apipirawai stLail eau ue t~u9a .rraehridl :#i nanrtascc y~++,w:+n a ±eaua ~ ~e air q, ikrrla
<br />actxpubir to Leader and shalt tnrlrtdr a standard anwny is A war=.a .a ~s e~ w +:arra re~rraoar t,~ teot~rr.
<br />Lax,dn shall hasrr rhr right to hold cue pu9a-yrs and rratt.aas ;tarrca~a.. ~:,.rpn.~ , ., ~~ar r+»r. ~k am. marepr. ~A ~,+A aNtaw
<br />.r .ether secw+ry agreement otdr a 9ica w6ts'6 ttarpt ptraratt wren .per lknry ~,a iasnt
<br />In tite+t+~ +>fl sass. f;ett+wtet shall l~ 9 tsptt,[~ ~ rhr aas~~ }.rws~r a`ia~ ray ~ a?~rn tt~ ttna+lrr 5
<br />ssC coos if not nredt prompt' b± 8aasaa~ar-
<br />If tht fitpprass ss ~wrdaer$'m t3nenrr.sar.:v ii Baee~ee~t 7adt s,: mrs~e~li ~ i.fiatAn avgarme ti;' Sa±rs 8s+vm tax ~trtr
<br />aotiee is massed br Isader ro 8aetcwet than cur uastataatx ; aat*rr e~akt+ t, ,~,# i ~ v 4r, .c~...,a +r srxrr r~s µ.,rra qs
<br />aurharimd to sxtllact 3ed a,ppic cue ieswa,au~r ~rueetsi~ rr lrafca . ~~+t ~ Dear .~ -~^.,:,a~t~.+a a +r}~a.a .-0 r
<br />Property dr to tlx sums sea'tetad M rho Lked cd Trffist
<br />(9ti P!'aaaflttliM ail +lt ; Lleaariroiia: leaiaiaraw~rr„ i7atraaet ~. ttai It~}ta. r--
<br />rorer shat) ktxp the Prrtpetty to guoti atrpur and s[sa;: ou+ ..meant w astr .+t rya ,oui~=ti's` ;~ ~.-r+t'°br+rwiF.4 ant egrK
<br />Property aad shalt cwepis rtth the pr..ntrAS sa a9a :ic3sr st :irons t.atanri as €.:~. =>c,xr a ~ra+wrs..nr r :_ ~ f .y 9 trasr r+
<br />rxr a unit io a coadiamrnium se a ptaeoai umt stc+saaptarart_ lh~xi+wet „iara per..:, ca iL~t.aarat s ~y.iatauar:
<br />tle decluuioo sat :orrreut[s :rearing :x gwctarrgi at«r ..ntbsm:n;.nm .~r :rwar~tst a; ..ses.~p~rat, .tx r;-;:awe, 3
<br />regulations svf rite .vadvmiatttm su pii3nord us,u sleacwpmeot. m+t.~+ttn~rrsaa .t~~>!'tt_.
<br />7, Ptotataiw of IwadoPa Soewk+~. tf Bcrtcwte ratio taw perhvsa .hr a.tiico~hak ~TS.t a~etYasre.> ,~+uraanrarll .n rlr4,
<br />Dad of Trust, err if any actnn sat prs>~aresfrag is ciuemtwcrv9 .tt.,~Lr nrs:rrxa.+ atfsves ~xr„~r $ ~neaa.t .n oar 1't+i¢~t..
<br />thin Lender', u L,endcr"s opioa, upon nwe.~r to Btuto.rte ;oaa nuir .°.t:9• a,p}>Karan.rv :'-rsiwt•sn° .;;h sstms, itwiwdrry
<br />reasoaablc attortKys' fees, and tatty stwh x-taut as is nrc~csaaty cx ~r:,tres Letcsirt's :nurtt tt Lrraier try~trareKt mttrtgade
<br />insurance as a eOrtditlORl of tnakrag the iwa sKrurat try this Decd H Frost. tfurr..v,ct +.~ ail i`+y t!x pnmrums t+eniurrta9 eo
<br />maintain such iasuraaa in effect until srtcfi umz as the rcquttrmret tv such :trstttatts:z :rrtnrnrtrr, to azc'wdaassx ytth
<br />8ortower's and Leedu's written agca:eatent ~r appiuabtz iaa~.
<br />Any amottnu distwtsed by txader pursuant to tins paragraph ', with ,ntrrrst them}n. err :rte sate tact. shalt
<br />become additional indebtedness ai Borrower secured by this Drxvl ot'frust. L'nirss Brxrs?wrr and Lender agtrz to
<br />other terms of payment, such amounts shalt Fx payable upon notice from Lzniirr to Bottuwzr requcsung p }meat
<br />thereof. Nothing contained in this paragraph ?shalt enquire Lender to incur any expense or take any action hereunder,
<br />8. Lespection. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable rntnrs upon and inspections of the Properly,
<br />provided that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior ro anv such inspection spttifiing reasonable cause therefor
<br />related to Lender's iatetest in the Property,
<br />9. Caaikm,ntttlan. The proceeds of any awazd or claim for damages. direct or ctmszquential, in conntttion with
<br />any condemnation oc other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. art
<br />hertby assigned and shall be paid to Linder, sub}ect to [he terms of any mortgage. dezd ~rf trust or other security' agree-
<br />ment with a lien which has priority over this Deed of Trust.
<br />it), Borrower 1VM Rokaredi Forbearance By Lender Not a Wotvec. Extension of the time tier payment or
<br />maditieation of amortization of the sums secured. by this Deed of'Prust granted by Lender to any successor m interest of
<br />Bo:r'o+!er shat) not operate to release, in any manatee, the liability oY the original Horrower and Bortower's werrswrs in
<br />interest. ietsdet shall not bo required to commence proziedings against such successor or refuse to extet~ ' !mz for pay
<br />Meat a! otherwise modify amortization of• the sums secured by thrs Deed of Trust try reason tat any demsr~~,.:nade by the
<br />origtrrai Horrowv and Borrower's sttccesssats in interest. Any forbearance b} Lender ut zxrm,sing any rid?tt ur rrmed}'
<br />htreanCet, or ottwerwisr afforded by apphcable law, shall cwt bz a waiver of or prry-)udz she exercrse ,al' an} such right nr
<br />camody-
<br />li. fieaeoron ewtl Boarrd: Meet and Several Liab::lg; Ca-siyrrrs, fhz c,r.er.arr:s ,tn.t aKrerrrents
<br />itarttD caataitrEx{ .9u11 b.n4, end the ntdets ftrrzunirt shall rnurr ter, ztrr rt`prcuvr sucersscir.:r:ax; a»:krrs ,,i l.en,ier and
<br />let, wubte'c~t ry t~ ~nvtsustw =oaf jrar~{raph t+r bctr=sF. A ~~:zar::~ ac3ri agreements err H.rtros+er >h,+'si ix rams and
<br />.enr'-rat ire.i ~Mr";+rtwMti ,; d., ;r~rrs'trtq i)re-d~q f ~--t. s-,tc •[ .r --` ~_.rE=.. . ' r 4...r- -a!,s~,• s.,.;rsrrs4 rr:n iktK€,+t fr+,st
<br />~€. ~.:~~. watt ..sr.«y elsaV ter __..,~rs ~ ....- -,_- .. r.... _. .E,-_. .. .,,a~ .,. ik=:S -tl-r,.? s;•. ri
<br />