<br />nw. petsonafly liable on the Note or under this Deed of Trust, and tc) agrea..hat Lender and any other Borrower
<br />htsreundtr may agree to extend, modify, forbear, or make any other accommodations with regard to.the terms of this
<br />Deed of Trust a the Note, without that Borrower's consent and without releasing that Borrower or modifying this Deed
<br />of Trust alto that Borrower's interest in the Property.
<br />12. Natka. Fscept for any notice required under applicable Iaw to be given in another manner, (a) any aoNce to
<br />Borrower provided for in tfiis Deed of Trust-shalt be given by delivering it or by mailing such notice by certified mail
<br />addressed to Borrower at-the Property Address or at such other address as.Botrower may designate by notice to Leader
<br />as provided hmtn, acrd (b) any notice to Lender shall bt given by certified mail to Lender's addt~ess stated hereto or to
<br />such-other address as Lender may designate by-notice to Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Decd ofTrust shalt be dtxmed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given in Ute manner designated herein.
<br />13. Gosaoios Law; SeverrblBty. The state and local laws applicable to this Deed of Trust shalt be the taws of the
<br />jurisdiction in which the Property is located. Thofotegoing senttmtt shalt not limit the applicability of Federal law to
<br />this 1)ad of Trost. In the-event that any provision or clause of this Deed of Trust or the Note rnnflicts with applicable
<br />law, such conflict stroll not atTect other provisions of this Dted of Trttst or the Note which can be given effect without the
<br />conflicting provision. and to this end the provisions of this Deed of Trtut and the Note are dtxlared to be sevtnable. As
<br />turd herein, ^coats", "expetrss<:s" and "attorneys' fees" include all sums to the extent not prohibited by applicabk law or
<br />limited herein.
<br />14. Heerowe!'s Copy. Borrower shalt be furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Deed of Trtrst at the
<br />time of emotion or after recordation hereof.
<br />IS. Rehablfltatioa Loam Agtroememt. Borrower shall fulfill alt of Borrower's oWigatioas under any home rrJtabilitr
<br />lion. improvement, repair or other loan agreernent which Borrower enters into with bender. trader, at Lender's option,
<br />may require Borrower to execute acrd deliver to Lender, in a form acceptable to lender. an assigtaoent of say righit,
<br />claims or defenses which Borrower may have against parties who supply labor. materials or serriees is eaaatxtiao sritlt
<br />improvetaeau made to the Property.
<br />Ill, Trmdv of the prapaer.; Anstt~pOra. If all or ampp part of t23e Pr rip of aA intitrest
<br />therein is sold or transferred dY liosrowr ritbotat leeder'a prior wtitLem ooneeat,
<br />tettcludirw (al the creation of a lien or sneumbrant~ aubocdanata txs tttia Dssd of
<br />Trnet, t 3 the crsatiws of a pttre6aas taooeY securitp intsrest fx ~ i=
<br />saps or tc) a trarsafer by dwiae, descent oc by atone o! laaa uPw flee of
<br />a joint tetrant, Lender cap at Lertdes' a opitiaar. dssx~larse all G4s aa~tt smcurad 6lt this
<br />Deed of 7'ruat to tae iza~iauly dos amd psyaQls. Lst>der steal! tsawt wined mteh
<br />to ataslszats ff, prior to t!m sale ~ traaafttr, I.eneler and tAe p~srtrat to
<br />v~i tM Pr is to be sold or tramsferrsd reach agreearntt in .rsitia4 chat the
<br />credit of ~t peratxt is satisfatcoory to Iwadmc amd tltut tta ant:csat payabls oo tits
<br />sttas secured tsy thin Dead o! Trust shall be at such rata ae Lerxler shall tegtaest,
<br />If Letdet erteccitas such option tp arxelerate, I.ettdttr stroll rail HottGtser taDti4s of
<br />acceleration in accasdatrce with paragraph 12 taeraol. Such ttotioe shall provide a
<br />period of not lass than 30 dari frog the data the notice is ariled or ~lioacsd
<br />witlrin which llorroarer tttay pay the sutp declared dsa. I! ltartoter Leila to pa stmt
<br />seam prior to the escpiratioa of such period,. Lender cap. without further trot~os of
<br />deaant9 as Horro+rer. imroas any rewdisa psrutted tsy puagrapn :7 nersof_
<br />NON-U41dWRM COYFIVAKTS Boisa+ttr and treader fwtt:rr cvt+eaaar acct 3g[ee as
<br />17. AtxeMratieat Readira. F.aeapt sr ptevidsd im peragxtpti b bearer. ales Naeeew~ Eeeatb et say systaotat
<br />a agreaanant et l3aeeawar is this Dead at Trost, iotiaarng Banswsr'a Lattaae M py, 4! tlr cad at M etsiatdac tLtra attar
<br />theq ate des, aapy germ aseaeed by ttaY t)asd of Ttttatq, Leeds peiar 4 aiett plea tsa+flse as Bseaswss as
<br />pawided ~ para<eapb 12 hermf speeBjiegs t11 the hreaeht t2t the aWam tetNiteal b tees see- Msttdn; i3t a iaM. mat
<br />!w tlae 211 drys (item the date tbs atatice to taaBsd os Baaaewer: bT wtdtar catch Isreari aataR 6e cMdi amt tat ctrl
<br />failan da coca aodr brasch oe or 6efete the dace apatt8ad is the matte ~ ret~iR,,~ctatiRS11~i4 sttoa setanad Ia!
<br />thin Drd aCTrost and sale aE th. t'topaety. Tbr ttrtka shall iorthsr iatoas 8saaesase at tw dghtxa nlitauea after
<br />acoderatlom and the right as 6riog a cavrt acttan to assset the easesjateaee a! • tlstmalt a: mp stieR tiatts»e et Bttnrswer
<br />b aecderatka and aria, It the breach b met cs[red on a bafata :iM daa spaetlted ht the asdea, !.aortae, u taawiar'a
<br />option. racy declrre >u o[ the an.u aeeered by th4 Uaad el Treat m be 1mmtfiWdy dw amt psyaWe wtttreot toethat
<br />da~rad and may !rooks the potror of rata ud ary other rataNdias premdtted by apptia-hitr taw. !wader abaft bo aatiNad
<br />is t>91Mct all ewaeatrble cart: and expeeaea Iscoecad m paeaatag the rataadtm past!idad ten tEda paesg:eph 17,
<br />bet eat l~ibd to, rn.enable sdoaneya' tea.
<br />Tf for power ~ sale is tensolud, Trartae aldtl recetd a ttotlor of detwlt k arch caaety is which the 1'roparty or aotae
<br />pact thereof b located sad a1u11 >aall tppiea of attch aotkv to the tnrooet prescribed b1 appliabta 4w to Baerowar sad
<br />to the other persons peesaibed by applkahk law. Attu the lapse of such time sa may ba regelted 6y applcable Iaw,
<br />Trnabe shdt gin pebtit trtke of oak to the petaoea and in the ransom praacrtbod by applkable taw. Temtee, wittttset
<br />demwd en Borrowr, aball sell the Property at pablk aatcttea to the ~t bidder at the rhea sad plree sad oath the
<br />terms tiesignafed in lira notice of sale In ono or mom parcda a~ in such order sa Tootle may determine. Ttvatea may
<br />postpone oak of al! err say pared of t~ Property by pa6ltc artaotmcemest u the time and place of any prevtattsy
<br />achedded sob. Leader or LmderY designee may purthae the Property at my sale.
<br />Upm ranipd of payment of the price bid, Tcaabe shall dellrer ta the pttrthaasc Ttmtee'a deed conveying rho
<br />Propsrty sold. The redta4 so the Trmtae'a deed shat! tee prima facie evldentx of ehe truth of the atatemeab made
<br />tbeadn. Tuba ahrB apply the proceeds of the ,ale le the following order: la) ta alt rtaaottable coats sad expettsea of the
<br />axle, Inelwdirgi, bad sot {Imlted ta, Trustee's fen utnally incurred of not more than .... ~?$ ....... °b of the gross ante
<br />prke, reasonable attorneys' ter and cestr of tick eetdence; Ib) ta all snaa secured by this Deed of Trost; sad (c) the ex-
<br />err, U sax, b the pet~an or penom Iegalh entitled thereto.
<br />18. Bs:rswar's Right b Reinstate. Notwithstanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secured by this Deed of
<br />?rust. duo to Borrower's breuh. Borrower shall have the right to have any proceedings begun by Lender to enforce this
<br />Deed of Trued discontinued at any time prior to the earlier to occur of li) the fifth day before the safe of the Property
<br />pursuant ta the power aCsalt conWtttd in thu Deed oC Trust or (ii) entry of a judgment enforcing this Deed ~~f Trust if:
<br />W llotrotaer pays (.ender all sums which would be then due under this Deed of Trust and the Note had n.. _-;-eEeratian
<br />oepurtn0: (b) Btsesower torts aft tsreacites of any other eovenaats or agtecmcnts of Borrower cantainai in :-[[s Decd of
<br />Trett: k) Borrower pays alt reaaansble cxpenaes incurred by Lender and Trustee in cnforeing the ccnenaats and
<br />agrrsrteta orf Borrower contaitttd in ttsia Died of Trust and in enforcing Isnder's and Trustee's rcmniies u provided in
<br />parfgtteph t7 bersat, itteisuling. but teat limited to.:easunabk attorneys' fees; and ld! Borrower sakes such action as
<br />Lrmrdat (may raaaonattty re:'tuirc to assort that ttrt lien ~f this Died trl Trust, tender`s inicrest [n she Property and
<br />Yrrsossst"s otttigastiaa rte parr fire awns soured tsv this Held vt Taut shalt ccstttinur urotmpasred. L'pan such payment and
<br />caw ~ Msrorwm, ciao flwd Trwt sad the ~!bligattoat srcuraf hereby shat. rema[n in 'uIt f,xcr and effect as if nu
<br />a~asrraea ott# aa,treas4
<br />