<br />I?EED OF TRUST g2 _,, < <._! ~ "7 ~ 4
<br />THIS DEED OP TRUST is made this .....20th .................. day of ....... goober..... , .... ,
<br />[4.. $ ..sa~ongt}ieTruStorg+?ber~,,3,., Afaxkv.$ttsa.aaa. xerry. J.. Marltvicka;. Husband: and.Wi£e:.....
<br />.............. (herein "Borrower"). S%lset~r .>;e3eral: Sauittgr: and : .
<br />Y.OSit~ lABftOC iatioti Of' BT'41iiR1-':BOiF ............................ (hCTEIII "'1'rUSLet~). 88Q~thC-t~"IICBCl81'y.
<br />...
<br />t.~e 1~!'aalt`a~ l9lsrEgstj- Finance Lt'tind; LincD7:n. Nibrastca" . ~ .hQdY..Rolsi:t].~. altd... ; .. .
<br />P6~' .... ...... , organized and
<br />existing ttnde;the taws of .ths State of .NeJaz'aska .................. . ....................::: .
<br />whose addrbss is .....27. ] 5 , "$°. ,S1+Feet.,...~vite .301......... .
<br />:.........:.:.... I:.inctsln,, Neb~'$~kdt ¢$5t>li:............... - - - ....... (hereha ..Lender.,}
<br />$ff)RROwER. in coasideratioD of the indebtedness heron ttcited arm the trust herein cteared. itreeoCabll 817415
<br />and' comet's to Tfttstee. in trust. with power of sak: the following described property !Darted in the County ~
<br />...:.:.:............Flal1 ...................Stateofidebtaska:
<br />The Southerly Fifty-five and Qne-Hal£ Feet (55'~")
<br />of Let One (1), in Block Tveitty-five (25), Russel
<br />Wheeler's addition to the Gity of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska, also itaotm as IOI~C :4. iAteeler
<br />which hastiraaddrtssof .,1014 NDrth Wheeler Street .. %raad lalaa~d
<br />68801 ................ t4e<eia °Ainpaetp rlddtsss"'t,
<br />}tars}
<br />TOG6ni6R with sli the imptovet4eatt5 new ttr ~ tttreteel as the ptoptrtr. and ail eitittwrrnts.
<br />ap~tgtmwtpce.s.and tents tsubjec[ however to the ciypcs and aµtMtritfacgivsa harm zD !.ender ro+vticrt atd apply sorb
<br />reaW..ap of whif.-t shall be deemed to bar a~ remain s pan of the ptDpetty ~wveml by this Deed of Trust; a4d aq of
<br />rile fotagoiatpR, tgge[isac, with said property tar the (etiseitald estate if thin Did of Trust is an a }easehdd) attt
<br />hertioatter referred to as the "Property";
<br />I't? SECt}t;E tD Lender the tepttyment of the indebtedness evdezked be Bttttower's note dactd ~ . ~4bet[ ...... .
<br />- - .. 2D.. 1.~ .................... ate extensions and teaewals cltereof therein "'Vexe"'!, iR the principal sum of
<br />.., ....
<br />U,$. i 4>.7SlQ.~,~A------------ -- -. with-iatetest theaton. providing for twonthiy instaltmaats of pri~ipal and
<br />it-teteat web the bsiancc of t-te indelttetlness, if not so©tter paid, due and gayablt on . Nottmtbpx . I , .1992........ ;
<br />th4: payn~at. of aH-other stops, wit!}; interest theceot.. advancod in accordance- ttetxwith to protect the security of this
<br />Da~,tiETrttst: and clu gerfgcmance of the covenants and agreements of Bonvw-er herein inntaiaed,
<br />Botrowtr covenanu that Borrower is !$wfully seised ot'the estate hereby rnrtvtytd atui -has the right to grant attd
<br />con~r,tha PrDRetY, and that: the. Property. is unencumbered. except for encumbrances of record. BorrDwet covenants
<br />th4t; Bertt~atee w,}trraats attt(, wt'}! d~efepct ggaecal;y,t#te,titlt to the Property against a}1 ctaitas ate demands, subject to
<br />Dfxec~rti.
<br />Uxtl~G-RSe CdvFatpNTS. Botrotvgr and Letukr covenant and.ag[ee as fo}lows:
<br />1. .-a~_ and-Ltatrgt. Borrower shall pmmptly. pay when due the princpal and inttrest
<br />itttlebtat3aaatevidsoeed by.theNote and rata charges as provided !n-.the Note..
<br />L Hwrtla 4te Ttrxa}ralttGlera~soe, Sttbl~ ua applicable }aw or a ."ritte.a w'aivez by Lender, Bortvwr: ; ~} pay to
<br />t.endat va t}!~e tbty,tttoaihif-payments:Df ptincipxi and inttzesi ort payabit under the `}att.. until the '~+ttc is paid
<br />in IMi1« ti sapt[(heraa "I°uttc~s")aqual.toaae•twelRh of tbt ytariy ta,~rtsagd as;euttteaca tinc}ud}ng condominium-and
<br />tidatryad unit d~al~aamtt atggea[etit:. if any) wtri,ph may aaain.priDrity aver this ikn} a1 Trust. and ground rears un
<br />tkt}r'~* tf;alalr. pith cata<t+rttillhr ofy+~ly pr+tmlttm insts}lmtats for-haxird insuraact. p}us are-twe}fkt of ytarl,Y
<br />pr~ltd4 rtmts fex tnurigate itesttiantt_ if atty. at} as reasnnab}y estimated initta}}p atuf twm tint to ntaa by
<br />1+':t~,tbtlt ttaais e(-tea tad biib send rebk estimates cttaieot. Hannw~tr shall twt be eYbiigated m make
<br />'1M~1 ~ f 1MAd1 tY Ltil{~a1' t0 t91a etfrt~i t~Nt-.lifieTtweez mtt7tO.c 3w:it p"tc egtstta to i ife iiraidtr izF a }arwr rnwt ttattCatr
<br />4arMt eti error d arch naid~rt is rP ta,tuutiattsi t«
<br />-~1tfw tom- ~f iF~
<br />..~ w. .
<br />