<br />UMFQR ai Covetuewrs. Borrower and I. ender covenant and agree as foliows~
<br />1. Payatent of PrinelptN and Interest. Barrowtr shalt promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />itufebtedrtess evidenced by the Note. prcpaytttent end Tare cha awes as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this lleed of Trust
<br />2 far Tea sal isaera~ee. Subject to applicable law dr to a written waivtt by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender an the day monthl}• installmems of principal and interest are payable under the Note. until the NMr is paid in fuU.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds"} equal to olio-twelfth of the ytarly taxes and assessments which may attain priarity over this
<br />Deed of Trust, and graund rents on t!x Property, if any, plus one-twelfth o[ yearly premwm installments far hazard insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium instaflrnenis (or mortgage insurance, if any, alt as reasnnahiy rsumated inn+ally and from
<br />time to time by Lender on. the Maxis of asstssmemc and hilts and reasanabic estimates thrrmt.
<br />'the Funds shaft tic held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal er
<br />state agency (inNuding i.errder if Lender is .uch an instirodon). i.,tndrr ,hall apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assessments.
<br />inxurance premiums and graund rents. Linder may nor charge [ar so balding and applying the Funds, .matyzmg sail accaunt
<br />ar verifying and compiling sand assessments soil hills. unites Lender pays Barrower interest an the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits !.ender to make atrh a charge. 8orrawer and lender ;nay ague in svntisg at the umr of ececutrcrn of this
<br />Dered of Trust that interest on the Fvndc than he paid m 8arrc Ntr, and untesc such agreement is made or apphcabie tau
<br />requires Stich interest to he paid, Lender shall nut tie rrywred to pay 8orrawer any interest or earnings on the Funds. t_endrr
<br />shalt give to Aorrawer. wiiham chntge, an annual anctmting al tfrr Funds shnutntt credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpcnt for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additianal securitp for the sums secured
<br />hY t6rx Dted of Trust.
<br />ff Iht amaunt ,.f %he Funds held by 1 endrr. together won the future monthh' mstallmrms of Funds payable p: wr to
<br />the due darts of taxtt. assessments, msurancr premunnc and ground rents, shaii eecced the amaunt required !n pay Bard taxes.
<br />assessments, insumnct premiums and gnxnt6 rents us than tali clot, such rsec's> shalt hc, at Borrower's option, either
<br />pramptiy repaid to Bortower or credited ,n f;m'rower tin mon[hiy instaltmcnts nt Ponds- tf the :msaunt ref the Fund<
<br />htid by Linder shall not M iui}icirnt to F+a}• tales. assessments. msuranct premiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />Borrower shalt pay to txrtder any armsvnt necessary to make up nc~ deficencs •,v+thin 3C) days from tht date nMice i< mailed
<br />by [trrdtr to Bormwer requesting payment thereof- _
<br />Upan payment fn full of all sums sec!ued h}' this peed of I rirxi. f.rnder sfraii pn+ntptly rotund to Borrnwrr any Funds
<br />held t?y lender If r:ndtr paragraph ig f:ercaf the Proprrts ,s ,old +<r the Pr„ptr.• is athenx;sr acgmred hy- 1 ender. l.rncitr
<br />shall apply, rto later than immediately pow to the salt ;,t ehc Prnprriy cx nc acdurs+tux:r h}' tender, tiny Funds held by
<br />I snder of the brae of appbcation us a credit against ihr sums sra,trcd by this l.7erti of~Trusi
<br />3~ Application of Paysneata. linicss appiicabir i;+u ~mv+de- othcru+sc, all pavmrms rccrivrd hi' Lender under the
<br />time suet paragraphs i and ~ hertat shalt f:c apptitd by t ender tint :n payment ;_( snx?cmts t+ayahte !r?tender by Bnrrnwcr
<br />undtr paragraph 2 fxreof, thin to rnterrct payable an the Nntr' 'her: to +hr pnncipai of the '\ote and then to interest and
<br />pnncspai on any Fuurre Advances.
<br />3. ('bastes: i,ieet &>rrowtr shat! pay all taxee..rstrtsmcsiv anal ,abet charge+. tirn•s ,end ::npas;iirntc attrihutablt to
<br />the Ptaperty which may attain a pnor+ry over vhts Ih:cd +?f 'Trust, and tca.schN.i paymrnts .;r graund rents, if any, in the
<br />rnsatatr provided under paragraph ? hrrect or. rf txst paid in loch ntanrx r, h~ Horrawrr making payment. when due. dircetty
<br />to the payee tftercnf. Bnrrowxr ,hail pramptiy furnish .<a L.rndtr .rtl nauc r, of anx+unts dui under this naragraph. soil in the
<br />event Barn?wet shaft make payment directly. 8urrowe: shall promptly t,un:sh :~x i under tece+pts cvidtn;:it?g loch payments.
<br />Barrowtr shall pramptiy ehxharge any lien union has pr+uaty n+er ehr, deed of Trust, ; m+-'dcd. that Harrower shall riot F±r
<br />regtnrtd to drxharge any such lien +n fcxng as &irte?wtr shaft agree m arittng 'n the {?~y must n( the abhgavon srcvrcd by
<br />Hoch iron m a manner acoaptable r.: f rndcr, ex shall +n gtxxl t.iah .aniest .+a'ir tan hy. ,,r detrnd enforcemau of such ben +n.
<br />1 a( pproctedmgs wheth cast to prevent tht cniarctment tit Uxr lien .n fnrfrusot nt the Prepeny ar sop part thereaf_
<br />~ S. iistard lasuraate. F3irr tawtr +haft keep the improvemrtw n-xu s•t++trng or hrrrafter rrccted on the Property inured
<br />against ilKS by ifre, hazards oiriarded wuhm tht term 'attrndesi .orerage`. amt such u[hct hazanfs as f_cnder may reyurrc
<br />and in such amounts slid far such lrcrx?ds as f.enskr may reyunr, l+rnvuird, :hat i.rmlrr hall m?t reyu+rr that the amount of
<br />such cavtragc racred that aimsunt +H .avcragt rryxurrd io pas the Solna xrc urtd ht~ this L}coil of ~f*ust
<br />ilre inaeeranr:r r.rr trot pis*n:hug the m+uraacr shall hr .hasen by Hunerwrr zr=hte<t t, apprav,rf by !coder: ~rov:drel.
<br />that xtttb appravai shall vat be unreax>nably wuhltcW AI{ prcmmrrss on ,nsutance policies shall he paid in tht manner
<br />prarided uodtr paragraph '_ hertsof ur, rt Hat paid ~n such manner. M 8orrrnvtr staling paymtm, wfiea dui. directly to the
<br />titsurancr timer.
<br />All :nsurarxce palates and ret?rNab :hcrt'e+t xfsatf t?c .n !gran asieptabie t_+ L rn\ier and shalt :n\tvdr a standard mortgage
<br />ciaute 6n Savor uE and in term aeeeptabtr ra !..ceder l cadet shalt haxc the r+gl+t tc? hixiu the Fa<+t+eics and roncwais thereof_
<br />and Barrows! slinil prcmpdy furnish zo Linder ail itinrwas ':otr. es arui all rrcrpas =~€ par.! prruuvms to ihr evert of loss,
<br />Barrawet shat! glue prortipt rxxx:r m the irixs:rantr \: ur,rr an:i t rndcr t extcirr may male prsx>t c+f i,+ss +: not made promptly
<br />by Barrower.
<br />Unftss Lender amt Barrowtr ++tfrctwase agar r€+ ..-nhug.:: vsrance Fn entcds of?aft it .tppi+cd to rratoration cv rrparr t.f
<br />ihr Ptnpeny damaged, pruvntcd trts:h t>=stntaur+n c±r rCgatr :+ rs,*n+,rn.+~rliv r~a+ihic ~rxl rr\• ±crUruy rd th+c pttd of trust is
<br />Hal thrreh}• unparrrsF_ If such rrs(tnatwn w~ repair +. m+t tours+mi: ally teavbir ..+r r ihr ,ct, ray tit ih+s iJeed ui '! rust would
<br />be +roparrtd, the ;ns+rrasnr pratxeds shalt he applied h. the sure. steroid by this f}ted ,.: -trust, wofi ihr races+, it anY. paid
<br />to Fbrrawcr If the Property is abaitddneJ by BarruNCr, :~r it Harr rawer t:sris it+ nxpa+od t.+ t et+drr :. ithtn 3Q dayt from ihr
<br />dart netsce is mailtd by L.rruirr to Borrow-tr that the mcurancc• catrirr vtTrrv to xtttir n .t.+un tut insurance laenelits, l.rnckr
<br />rt authauzed to e;dlctit and apply the insutnnc.r ptt>ttxd* at (rndcr x spoon c:dtrt io :rsiorauun ur repair of the Pm{xeny
<br />nr kt the sums starred by this IFte+f of Ih+si.
<br />Unless f.erider atnE Borrower othtrw rsr agile .n tinting. an} -uch appii:atam .+! F'rsxeeds ra principal shaii nut r+etrnd
<br />ar pwtpaim the dui dau of ttre rntetthl) insta8rntnes reirrrcv to an paragtapfst i and Z hercut or ~hange the amoum of
<br />such mstaiimems. N~ under paragraph h Itcrcoi tE>t Proptih n aayuutd k+} f erxdrr..+li right, tdir and uverest ul Bor n?u er
<br />en atsd to any insurance policies acid m~and ter inr iutx:rtds ihtri•ot rrsutung tram ilamegt to ihr Pruptrtp prior tc+ the laic
<br />ix acyutsnixxi shat! pass to Lender to the ctltnt szf :he scans setuied h} this f3tsvf of trust irutned,atcly poor to such sate or
<br />xyuisiboa.
<br />6. P7taervatiaq grad Maiatraaaca ai Prapeitp; i.titseboWs; t:'andasainiisms; Plaaatd Unft 6ereiapmtMS. Hanowcr
<br />+hafi keep ittc Proprrt} m gexat rrparr soil shall ~srot +asninrt +. .+r pcrnot unpainnern o drte+carahun u! ihr Property
<br />ass'
<br />slut shaft rnarpiy wuh ttte pn)visans of away kasr +f ih;s F)ted r=f Trasi n on ~ icaschald it This teed of Tntst is tin a uutt in a
<br />eondammium ur a ptantiW unit ilevtlaprrnnt, Barrower strait preform alt r'! Barrowcr's ohtigalians under trio declatai+on
<br />or cmenaots etcatsng or ~vztnmg t~ tvndom+nmm or planned uun drvtiopment, the by-lawt and rrg+date?ns +?i the
<br />condammium or planned oral devei~pttttnt, and ,cnshtuesi dexrunrnts tl a ccndomimum or planrecd rant dr+dopmrnt
<br />ridtr is r,<tcuteif b}' Barrowtr and recorded together wsth tors i.>eed sit !asst. the .avenants attaf agrreruems :+ -uch r+clci
<br />snail ire .thurpxatrd >ntu amt snail atrirtsd soil wppirrrient ihr .€r+cnantx :+nd ugrremcnts ui this 17ecd of 'f rust ns if ihr rider
<br />.rim a port hcrto!
<br />7. ~'Cabea93Bp al tstadea's Sa asNy. ff Barrow-et 'a,fs tr, fx;r form the ~~vv::nante soli agrremtms t\nxarncd in this
<br />[Foil! of Trent. ur :{ auy a.rxxi or erucdr>xg a .;.mrne+ueri union matr;ratly affects istutvr's ,ntcrht m ttx A.*ul>en).
<br />+tstiulirtg, twt twt hmttad to, emmtns dumarn.:mafvCrr.... csxit rnlarctrnert, ur arrngensenh \~r prtacrdings :moiv ing :i
<br />lnakrupt car dtitdent, thin Lrn.kr at l ansier"s upt~n~ upon nabCt is 9arrawrr, :nay make such appcarauc ts, dsi:one such
<br />twf~ slid takt such actKrn at zt ++scetsary to protect 1.tnder s :ntcrest, :ntfudmg, but n\•i fnn.trtt h+, d.shurx:nrrti „t
<br />rcasan.ble attwnty c lets end entry upon tM Praptrty tv taste re pails It l rndcr reyinsrd n,uttgagt ,.xwran.c a :r
<br />eanditrau ed making nc~ ksaa s~urtd f±s th>s Ckmd of Trust, fish rr+Nrr skiail ^ay the prrneiuins reyua ed t~, ~rnana.e~n +,wh
<br />=mtutats;rt to dleCt un`d Much urtrr as [tit rryuuernent tot such .nsuraurr corn=mates :n etoardauct cash Hun own + a,.d
<br />t,erntti~s writ{en agrerrs}tnt ar applrr'aMe ta. Borrwver shall t'+i) ?hr annaunt of all <rmrrgagr :nsuiancr ptcauunta us the
<br />ruaruaat pravirkd endrr patn`,rrph ? hsre.:f. -
<br />R..nAy.,.,.an>mtafs :}ytVrtsed !~ Lertdcr twfarwm t-+ the paragraph 7. w,rh -isart~t :tltrc.,n ~hatt 1+~.?nxr ..:r.rt
<br />:ndlPhrtSdntRt i4f BnM roatt aCA'111tCd ref !ius {7'tetl Q( i toil I "'nKY4 ttarinw'e" 3?Ad t.e'uSe: agrr.: t;° .?t fir! tt~i:??+ \+t i':+~ -~ih
<br />amt'!uRtt than h[ pa}}bkC up{xi ,ttfitce tttTnt f.fmitk ;\+ tii]rraNe< rr4r+ttltng !?sl}i`/e hi 'r+tr C(1L J:ed ihati txa# nxir#i+; :hC
<br />dart al dihlsurspaYatit at sba rate pay airbc fttrrt YMK t++ irrnt :+n ++.+z\ andrrg p os:paf unrkL ihr `sac . ? ++ l;ay rttr t trot\:resi
<br />at wFi'it talc ycaasEd F.e crutiryry la a{rptrcabk taw. r,i N14Kti tttnt sik.h sic=ants shxP. 1Kyt sn r -. t .o the hrghrvi rna•
<br />peitrtisarAk tmdai appii:als#t taw NoituaY ti,rntaotrd ,n tt+,t paragraph ? +tt,,i toys+srr Lrndrr tea :rn in an+~ expense or tali
<br />ass) ati.an fsertuntiri
<br />~ t1WR, 6 tmlt4 Liar ~kr t>r .art tai hs rnatkr. rr a+>faat+.fe +_~a;tt,e*. +-iw*n ,+nd +n+s?ss+y:+a+ a'+l nc~ I'ruprrr)-, fu o++ckr'
<br />shat E,rrtdst 'rx.aal€ g,i-a 8aate~wtr si:aria prnxf' tau any oath rrxspr;i hen Spica veng teas:+r:a ,ir sn+aya- tin rrior ~efa_td tv lrnslrr a
<br />+t~tris~t ra the gra3ttlG•tSti `
<br />'iii.jf .a....l'i(7
<br />