<br />g2 -. ; ~;i _~ t~ ti i3
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is made this... Eighteenth day of .October, , , . ,
<br />19 ~.? ., arttong the Trustor..... ~~G~. T... ,Bd.Lley .and . P.t;bF.a . A.. Bdll.ay ........ . . . ........ .
<br />........................................therein "Borrower'")......,. ...-.........,... ......
<br />.John. R+. $~'4Wrt~=.~~ .. ...................... _ _ ........ .(herein "Trustee"). and the Htntficiarv.
<br />Commercial, Natignal. Bank, &..Trust _Co.., _ _ , , _ , , , .. ;, corporation organized and
<br />existsng tinder the laws af. , thB..State. of. *fabxaska......... ,whale address is. .. . .
<br />.424.5+?... 3sd. St.., -~xalld . Zsland,..i3ebraska. _ . (herein "Lender").
<br />BonttawsR, in consideration o[ the rndebtedncss hcecm rented and the trust herein creatrtl, irrcvrxably grmts
<br />- - antl. conveys- to Trustee, in trust, with power aF sale, the following descnbed property located in the County of
<br />,Hr3.~~„ ............... ........ . . .. State of Neheaska:
<br />Lot Two t2) in stock '?ourteen (14) in Rollin's
<br />Addition to the Cit~• of Grand Ssland, Ha11 County,.
<br />Yebraska
<br />whrCh has tixr sddrrsn of. 105 ?~. St): St. Grand Island
<br />Ne$rasks 68801 fhrrtxn"ErroprnyAddre~e"'F,
<br />f~lfata ,ne !.p evert
<br />Ttft;ExttExt wath aN th.; improuvcmrttta Hove ,?r hrr.afti~r ::rettc:d .u: the pnr}xrtp. and alt ~~zx~nx.•nt,. r+ghts,
<br />appuritnancea rents isuhjrtt httwevrr to the rzgixte and autharit~rs ~icen hrrrtrt to Lender to : a}text anti appl} ~u.h
<br />rents}_ rapafttrs, m+nrr~i, oil sad gas rights and profRc, waltz, water ragitts, and water stock. and at1 tixtun•s Hove ar
<br />ht:msfter attached tt=-:hr property, a}i c71 which, :n;:;udmg repior;:mcnts and aJdsteons [htrcto, shall to Jtemr:l to h.
<br />ua[i mmaen a port raf the praprny covered hY this t3erd of Trust; and a3! 01 the faregoxng, tt:gc~ther wrth said pruprrt}
<br />ux ttic Yraseitt'id ;,rate ri this t)erd of Trust as art .i teasrhaldl ;uc hcrt:xs rcicrrcd to as the "Prapcrtt".
<br />Tu SECS<ttt to Lerxier ; a} the repayment of the indttttcdness rvxdrncrd h. Harrower ; Hate dated . 10.11 /.80
<br />- ... , . .... !?ttrctn "!Vote"1, an the prina:tpa! sum rrf_ .Sixty _Thousantl .AnJ.l+ax'3. ($6A.A.Qtl...`Ja)
<br />... - Do}iars, with interrat ihcrrrm, prc,vrtiing fat muntixly anstalltrtent.
<br />tr# prtrtcipttttirtd zrueres:, went the ~iartcc of rite: uxdttxcdnrss, ii not scx~ntr paid, due and payable un. UQLObeY
<br />~ ,19$7 .. .. ,the payment of aU attire sum+, with intcreat titcrcun, advanced
<br />' _ +ti a~cordantt hrrevrrth ttr prrits~ the: ~euncy of ihu t~rrd a( Trust, a~ the imriormarxr of the cuvinunts and
<br />a~recme~sisast Htttr~rec hertan ccarsaut~i: anti i h1 the repaayment crf ,tnp f>Nuta edtances. with ,o-rtcrr :r ah.rc°.,=x- mndr
<br />t~ Hnrrcnre,r bs L.~d~r pursuant to paragraph Z i hcv6•c>! therua 'Future .~dv~~tkt~ `i.
<br />*sfw~r sa'itiCn~tnts tlni ~?tr€tw°cr is taw'fxrff~ s~ased~sti ttri: t~iati- M;-rehy- s~-€zrrrted arui ~han the : Ef{ht to yt<ynt rn.!
<br />X-tile ~tY- t# the Nroptrtr t'. unern.umisc7~-d, :atui that E3urrtavrr wrYt warrens a td d.-Fend gt<nzraify xhc
<br />utitt itt ttte ~tpcrty agattgt aii cigtttt~ s+fd tttmirnis suhprct t€r yny dre'iarutrom : is+emrnts tie rc•~Eraitrun, t+stcd +n .r
<br />vr~ed~s-af'.ercxpr+~tt tit e<as~rrr. rn any tti'ic zstctrrarrc~r poii~y insuring, F.entirr's interest in t2te )'ru}x'rx4.
<br />--+ tat R Paecvt-, t ?$-.-rttawtttire u14h~IM utl#N?
<br />