<br />
<br />9. Condemnation. 7"ht proceeds of soy award nr datm for damages, darcct or consequem;aL in a,nnettinn with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of ihr Property, or part thereof, or far conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shaiF he paid to (.ender
<br />In the evens of a trnat taking of the Property, the prvicerds shaft he applied to the sums secured h}' this Dted of Trust.
<br />with the txcess, rf any. paid to Borrower. en the event of a partial taking of the Pro peen', unless Borrower and Lender
<br />ntherwiss agt'rr in writing, there shalt he applied an tht sums secured by this Dced of Trust such propr?ninn of the proceeds
<br />as is equal [n that proportion which the amount of the sums ~:cured by this Dced of Trust immediately prior to the dart of
<br />taking bears to the fart market ~aiue of [he Property immedatAy prior to the dace t+t taking, wi[h the balance of tht proceeds
<br />paid to $ortower.
<br />if the Proptrty +s abandnried by Borrower, cr if. after nonce by Lender in Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages- Borrower Inds to respond to [.rndtr :.Whin 10 stays aHer the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized to correct and apply the proceeds at I tnder's option, tuber fn restoration nr repair of the
<br />Property or to the zams secured by thrc Fieed of Tnrst. -
<br />Ciniess Lender and Borrower othtru~v.c agree m win ing, xm nxh uppbcattno of prrxeeds to prancipal shall not extend
<br />or gc~tpnne the due date c+{ !ht monthis :rstatirnrnts referred +:, ~ ~ ; aragraphs and 2 hereof or change the arnount of
<br />stub installmtnts
<br />16. 8armwer Vat RNeased. Eaier,ssrna or sht time Wr paymtnt or r^,ad;t±cau.,n o anlem zaLOn of the sums secured
<br />by this Decd of ~(7ust gramtd Sy i ender in any successor in ,nteresr ~d Ha~;awrr shall oat aptrate ;n release, In any manner.
<br />the Gahrlitq <~f the ~+nginal Hnrr. wee anzt B~rrsret's sucres+~rs s ,mteres! (ere}er saa!1 rant bz required to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor ,ar reface to extend time 'or pavmtni nr ,?thera•nr modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Dced of Tnrst by rcasan :,f a;ss demand made h•, •hr nrtg;nai Borrower and Borrower's successors In interest.
<br />I!. ~Fnrtxarante by i.trtder vm a ra'tdvtr. \rn s,~rbearan<r ks 3 ender ;_. csrrctcmg anv right !:r remedy hereunder, nr
<br />nthetwist a$orded f?v ypphcabit law. shah not ?•t ., •+awer +• ,r J*reciudc :hc eetrc;se of any such right sr rrmedy-
<br />Ttm prcxurrrncnt a: ;nsnranat cr tht I+av:nrm vt ?ales ra „thee ' rn, •=r c;;argrs hs i ender shaft n,t tse n waiver of Lender 5
<br />n ght ±u aceNrrate the maiurin' of the t:tdchtcutte<; stcursd h: thn f>ted ,,; Trust -
<br />f2. iisracrlies C'amufative. Ai` remedies pr.~s';..u~d a tht. th-cd of 'Tr r.>t arc ;h4t~nct and eomuVanve to any .u her neh[
<br />car remedy under this Tieec# of Trust ;u ., if,uded 1+s !;.w ;.r equus. one( n.as tx txeretseC n5ncurrentic. indrpendcntly nr
<br />SUCC'tS4f xtly
<br />t3. Saceracwra acrd Acripns Hound; Joint nerd yevera! I.isAilkv: !-apciom. Ti,r ,ovcnarts and ^greements herein
<br />contained ;bait nmd. and the r,ghts hereunder ~.hait ~nurt t.-~ 'hr •cspcc-tn- :uc~ce.s.trx asad ass;grs nr Lender and-Borrower.
<br />subject €<s the {rr;;•asaans .,i ;saragrapn ~" 'rere.:t -xit <<~=rn.,nts -and .,crcemtnt: ~ i Harrower shah t+e joittt and stveraf.
<br />The capuon> and headings of ihr paragraphs nt ±?u+ Ueca ~•t tn!st arc tnr rnnantrnce !>nIc dnd arc not to he used to
<br />interpret car tietirte the provisions ixrsawi
<br />!d, lotk`t. Except for any nat:<r ergs:-red :;n.... ttp3~,.a^IC :s. ~ s:tvcn :ta :'nahrt manner, +a! anv notice to
<br />Itzrrcowrr prowtded for to ti?s (3etrl nt 7 nisi <hatP tx g,vtn~~s -=uaiing n?ch~ur.--ace ~y .-eruflcd mast addressed to Borrower at
<br />vhe Property Tddrtss ar at such cuher :.ddrtss as Harrower ~~;as- .festRnntt i,y notice :o t.cnder ~ts provided herein, and'
<br />thi any nott.'e tt. (.ender shalt f,e green i?,r icruhN med. return reserpt trpuecttci, to ;-ender-s address stated herein or to
<br />such c>t?h'.r :;ddrevs :+s (.ertdrr may drs;gnarr hs. .u?tier tc: Borrowtr as prnv!dtd i;trttn Ant notice provided tar in thin
<br />(Jred of frost shall !?r Jcrnxd ,tn hair been cavtn ?.~ 6orrnwrt :,r tender ss hen g!veu ;n the +Wanner designated herein.
<br />f 5. Lirrifar+n tired of Tema; (:overniuR t•aw; .Severahtiity. i kre R.,rt-e :+t ,Sf-c :f ,~t !t:r:.t comr'mrs untiorm .-avcnants for
<br />nahc?rrat use ,=txi rx+n-rrnr(orm eavcnantn wnh i:m;ttd vanane+ns ~sv- iurtsdta+on to consntute a uniform sreunty itzstrument
<br />::ursrcnp etas praperty'. (his shed of .';!tst ,hK!i he govtrr,eri M ihr Saw ++t she ;r+risd;ciu,n ;n which the Yropertt~ is located.
<br />in the zvrm that anv provr~n5n of :,iausa ~,t th,. irrtd ,:: t nest ur !:~ ti!?tc _.,~fti, is u,; tt anphtahie law, such conflict shall
<br />rN,i a&'esa tuber ^n,vtvorxa art thn (&cd tit 7n,a; s?r the Note which ra -.. g,+vtn rtiect wuhaut the confiichnq provision.
<br />arW to then end titre pruvsa!tstn of the I3cr!t •?t 1 rust and the '~ it art dttiartu to E,e seetrahic.
<br />f6. Banower's t:apy, k3k rrnwer sha13 he te;rn,stxd a s.?ntur mad .t,py .+i *,ix• Nutt and ni this Reed nt Tntxt at the time
<br />of excttibon ar afftr rt+~erdatxsn hcrmt
<br />1?. "[taasfar of the Prtataert>: fcasrarptbn, if art +~t an?' part ;-i the Prnpttry ~r an xntcrest thereat rs sold of transferred
<br />Ely Btxrowrr wttix>ut (tndsr's prirx warren corasent_ rct4xlrr,g , a tt>< setae+_nu :,; a hen sir eccumhrancc subordinate to
<br />!her iiceci of erns!..`+; the arrana=_: :u a puroirsu r=,onrt =r--_u~,=:.E,te: rzt iu; hunxh.~ld up^uarn cs. !. ~ ,< transirr i,v Jevisr.
<br />clexxnt or Ely upcrarx,ar of Saw upon the death :?t a tonne tenant or t:# 1 tAe gram ,+`: any itascSin!d interest of there years or less
<br />rust etxrtarntng an Willson to purchaxc. I tenser mny, .,t i.ender-. .,pt?*,n. dct!art ,+it the stuns stcurtd t+)' thn (seed of 'first to t?t
<br />,mnrcdiatri} due end pas able. t order shah h.;sr wa:rsd such r,puon ts+ ac.ccitr;•te +2, (ztrer t!- tht sate ur transfer, i.endv
<br />anti 1hC person !o orbs?m the Yropcrty rs .n ix usid ur transftrrc<t reaclf aglcernent :r• writing that the credit n( Ruch person
<br />~s satistactnrv to i crtdt: arses that the ~rtereat Fuvat+ic +•n the <utnx +tx'ured by this feed nI Lrwt shall f?e at xtth rate ax
<br />i ender shalt rtqurit. It I-coder ?+as w>irsed ttu ::ptaon ;.? acctieratr rtes rtdrd an th;s paragraph !', and ii Borrower's suCCtssnr
<br />+rr tnterssi has rxz~wed a : t,tttn aaaum,:+im akretntrm a.ctptcd :sf wr:trog t*v E.trxkr, sender shalt release &srri,wer fen+n
<br />al( otsltgatccxss under this iictsi o! t'~rust ,!nd tAr Vote
<br />tf Lrndar txcrctxes su.h ,>punti t.! a..e+cratr, i.c•neier ... '_. oasts E+tsrre,wer n~rtet of acreicraum? +n accordance w•uh
<br />paragraph .`~ hrrcrat Surr6 aWrce shah oros,+It a verec>d .~? ^_ s !ban 1i: sines f:rxra the- dart the sober ~< mallet( wuhitt
<br />whttM Bnttawer Wisp Psi tr>F sums dre ihrn# 1.rc !? Ho:r;.+we< talks tt+ pry such soma poor :+a the ex ptraunn ,rf such pentxi,
<br />i.rm(rr may. wuf5cwt furt(scr taottct ,?t demand ,fo Horruwet, ;+:. ckr any rrmt!Iirs per melted h• paragraph iii hern'rf.
<br />tvrn+~d.'^ttrr'rx ns t'orrtr,nts [iv*rrawct atad 1 toner twttrcr !nw•ti4int a+ul ugreC as toilows.
<br />tfL Attrkrauor; kraredies. 4:aespt ru prwided in parapispi 1? hereof, upau Barraweis brsath of any carerarf ar
<br />spistmewi of Banasvrr is iti6 tired ref Tnra, iactadiap the roaeraWa to p.y whoa due say terms reeurtd by Ibis Deed
<br />et Ttatt. Lewder prior W atrsietmiew xisaii nsad satire to Srxrawer m pco.Edtd in purrprry4 i3 Arrest spttUYiop: ii) fibs
<br />brterth; {2J Ytx actiaw regarttd fo care sarA brsucb; (1i a d/rt, rrul less Ihtm 39 days from the dtte ttrt notice ry mailed to
<br />iotm+rir, h}' wikh xwi Anach met be erred: sad Ni t-m lailwe is awe amcA fsrtacb as or before the date specified
<br />M tpe aatks any testis is aieteierKtmi of tbt saes xtr'wed b7 tAb fMed of frmt sad sale d the Yroptrty. 'IAe aoLLce
<br />virq faAier iaforw Derrmwer of tie ripif eo renet:Me after actdertiNar Wad the ripW to iririp a cant action to assert
<br />the: naa-exiattacr of a tfeftwk ar rosy atilt defeaas of Ilwrsrer is asrekaatioa sad sak.. ft the 6rrarh is oat cured
<br />sal aC blots the rats spt.i6d io tit eart•;w•t. l.eads+r N Lewder's sprint may rtccfare sti of flat steals ucured br this 7ked
<br />a['Trtsi to tie Immeipatdy due sad paylik wititW trtttier demand sad any inroie tie pewee tf side amt any otter remedies
<br />pert!trttted 63 a~titaile Arr.. (,elder atitp 6e twtMdtt for tallest all reauutaWe tosN sad exptasea irxyrtred is ptnaiag the
<br />ctmedieaptasiied ~ the paraprapi IE, ptcttdtap, bri war lit!aTied to, rrewrarbie atleraey's (see.
<br />kf tit power of srk p itereied. Tristee slrll rtcord a neiire of Aefwdt it sass coraty it xAiri the Property ur wma
<br />Floret tAsreot p txatM sad stall raaY sepses of strA natirce is sit mature pstscribed h7 apptieaMe law to @ortawer std to tie
<br />dice peraats J:rtsrtcrfiad iy app~crilt ltw. After fie lapel of wck titre m may be rsqufred-try applisafde law, '1'rwtes slitW
<br />pi've prifYt rroiits of stilt io He psrwsw sad it tit aireirier preccrsbtd by applicable law. Trmlee, altionl dtrriard of
<br />lerrtwer, ste!itf stY f~ Prapetty u peddle etstiat m tit iiRies{ udder ai tie time sad piact tad Wader tpe terms desdMpaltd
<br />is the aattts ~ rte it are ar mar: pwceb awd sa ores seder ar Trrstee may dNCrraiae. trmtee racy partpere sde of ag
<br />rx tarp ~ptrtrt art tit T'raptrty Ay pwttt6c atataaeemtat ss the time sad pprx of say prev3uusty sthedrded sak. Lender ar
<br />i`rades s desiiifef tray pias4gss t!m T!rapetty M stn raft.
<br />(Spy isrtipt e( pwyatterd of the prier Md. T+tstee si1I1 driver to the prutiaser Trrater'x decd tanreyitp thx t'raprrty
<br />said. 3lee rcriitii it sit Trtdee`t seed sued iK prima taste rvidtacr of the ttdi of the tatatstatt made thereat. Trvdte
<br />apply tiw d lit grit tt tAe failawiwp ardtrs Isi to ~ rtasatabk torts std zxptasts rsf tAc stsk. €arArditgE. bas
<br />rot Jirrllyd-wr ~fxa s;d tM taste tila it ~'*f ; `t• o{ tit prow sett pore, rtaaawabie adiorMV'a ices sad tads w'
<br />tii't tffdlall4r: iii w art stunt arrrrt! M} tip d Tend: sad tai the excess, if say. Fa Iht persua Ot ptrrsaoas kitauy eafittd
<br />tltmatao
<br />ffl. Ilrrruwtr'rr $yit.Ae Ratrntats. aiutrr:thttaa!ttrrg L.rndrr's attckraf+4tn i:1 rise sstms stcurrai by that t)ec..i of Trtrst.
<br />8orrawtr tfs>AEf fai.e -the ripiyi to hart xny proc',teaiitgs hagun by 1 ender t.r nnLars's Efiit fhrd of Truce .; ~ . ~;urutd at
<br />step trroa prim tp Rtes sartxr it :n:.ur s*f fN star Mith dsa hrftsre the ^!ait of t!re Prnptrty' punwnt rs3 the ih war :.` .,r+tatrred
<br />t»tMaYYetil of 'chat ca Gri t++tty crt a t+k3Nnte'rst tnicucrnp that 1A+ed of Tr_txt !f;ai Bnttowrr pays Lerxkr aI# xnnn .:~ wit would
<br />Fie ttNat dal tuvder the Uasd .i# Y7s>yt, ihr Pfuta stns +xsiM seet;ung t=utors ,4dvaru.es, ti any, had nn accrlcratreur .~i urrreh
<br />fits ttoraarstr s,utw ~att ateacAn tsf arty ratlttr s:ossnaMS at agrcrrrvtnts cf Bat rower cocrtaiPatr3 ,n ;MS ('kid of 1rvsC.
<br />i..t Hvaarryrwtr payv ail rAaaaara#lte tspremes =late red by I.trdltr and T'; ustts In enfnr~,~+ng ihr .<*re-cants and adrernutus nY
<br />Paternrrfir'r.'t'3''"!W!''''ru'....tsed cn rhs fystrl of T~ruat arsd :n t„frstt°in= Icrsders arxi -fr•ust.^e's rr•tatdrts as-pr.±videvi ;r, Ixaraprspi? i1r
<br />t1t,1YEr~_ Pi,@Ei.w.y.. ~w~r not Itt~ttd 1G. Pra~iint{3ik Ytf 6N r>t7 n tt'~`y ge>F i>ii t~'(K'tOwti' Pui,rx xitbi 'py i~i?r} pY sridcr '.Star traSf?r=at*t}
<br />rrtlstipR }ta grxrN't ,',tN[r Yite ants +3t 'z~if lksd F+f Ir-,ct + cerwikt L '. nttretr ~rt 4hr grr*CYVYt .nvi #~t~.xtiwH'e a4i?7igatF!rrt I!j t.as'
<br />