<br />7
<br />
<br />E.{tvteottm Cover+nivrs.. Borrower aRd tender covenant and agree as Inllows~
<br />.. [. Paymrnt::o! Prinriipn3 and In/crest. Borrower shallprnmptlypay wheo- due the. piincepalof and "interest nn the
<br />indehtedncss evidenced byahe Note;prcpayment and late charges aSprovtded in the Notn;. andtheprinc+pal of and intc'resi
<br />on anyy Futr re Advances secured by this Decd of Trust.
<br />2. Fnadstor Tarn and Ituarance. Subject to applicable law onto a wrinen waiver by T_endcr. Rorrower'shall pay
<br />to Lender nn ttieday monthly ins[alitnentsof princrpa[andintcrest arepayablcundcr lhrNo[c; unfit t'n.r Ntnc is,p~id infnlh
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to ortc-twelfth of'the yearly taxcsand assestmcnfs which ma} ~t!cain pnoriiyover rasa:
<br />..Deed of "trust, and groundrents on the Prr+peay,:if any, plus one-Iwe}ftht+f ycarlyoremritmrinstallmcn[s toe h:~zard'ansurancc.
<br />plus one-twei&h of yearly premium installments for mortgag6:insuranee ,f any„all as reasonably estimated in,tially and from
<br />bins 4: time by Lender on She basis of assessments and bails and reasonable estimates ihcreiif.-
<br />7Tc Finds shall be heldinn aninstitutinnYhe deposits or accountsof whichac insured-t>rgiiar.uttecd h~ .: Feder,I a:
<br />stat~agets~y_(includingLendcrifLenderissuefianin<tihnion). Lendershaifapplyzhe'Fzin<isurpay:.aidi~.c}.:i=ael;n,ent,.
<br />insurance premiums sndground rents" Lerdermayndrehargc (or so holding anda~piying the Fundc.:rn:~lyiin~ ,;u~l accoc;ni
<br />or vcri€ying and wmpiling said assess.menfs andbilts, unless Lender pays Borrower' mictestan theFizn<fs -i ,,i :~pphc^blc tau
<br />permits[ender to malesuch ~z charge Borrower and'9..endermay agreein :wasting aathc rote .~ c~o_uui,n of ihi,.
<br />DcedoYTrustthat intereston the Funds shailne"pa,d tc.:Norrower and uniesssueh agreement I~ m,id< rr apphcablc law
<br />_. requires such interest to be'paid, Lendershall narbe requred to payBorrower any;inferest orezrniRe> <m thv Funds. Lender
<br />shaRgive to Borrower, wiifioui charge, an annualaccounting,of thcFunds showing crednsam J~hic, io iFteFunds andit:<•
<br />purpose for which: each debit to tFe Funds was: made: ThrFunds arc pledged as additional sezurity for the solos secured
<br />by thin Deed ofTrust..
<br />Ifthe amount of the Funds held-by Lender, together with the Future mnntht3 ~nstallmenu of fluid payable poor -m
<br />lase due dales of taxes, assessments, insurancepremnrmsandground rents shall exec d th ..mount rcgmr< "ry satd is<r:.
<br />assessments, insurance premiums andground-rents zsthe;. fall due,:'such acev sF:~l, hr. at Borra~+•<r. „pticn ~rthcr
<br />promptly rrpaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly instalments of Funds. If the amount itt the Famds
<br />held by Lendersfiall not fiesufficientto pay taxek,.assessmems, insurance premiums and;grdund-tent, ati they€al-due.
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make ttp the deficiency wrthin 30 days from the date notzcdis marled
<br />by Lender to Borrower regtxsting payment tfteeeof.
<br />: Upon payment in Fuliaf all:sums secured by thts.Deed of Trvst.'Lender shall'prompdy: refund td BorraweE any F'und~
<br />heldbyLender.`Ifanderaaragrapkl8nereoFthePmpertyiss~~dorthePropertyisotherµiseacyuiredbyLendcr.Lxnder
<br />shall apply.nolater [hantr.}mediatetypnor tothe sale ofthe Property or its scgmsnitinby CendegCzny Fonds held by
<br />LendeYat the time of application as a credit against the sumssecured bythis Died of 'T'rust.
<br />" 3. Ap~itieatlon: ot'Payrnents. Unless'appticable taw. pt Jvrder otherwise: allpayments. reserved 'hc l.cndcr ender the
<br />Noteand paragraphs I and 2 hereofshall be appliedhy i.cndcr first:iRpaymenrnFamounts payable rq Lender by: Borrower
<br />-underparagraph.`2 hereof, rhea to interest payableon thelJote.. then: to'the principal of tfic-Note: andl then to'intcrcst and
<br />princippal on any Ftrture Advances.
<br />1.:°Ckat~.Liens. Bortov+er shall pay all: [axes, assessments and .other charges, finetiand impositions ;dtribut:zhtc ro
<br />the Property which may attain a priority over ibis-Deed of Trust. and leasehold .payments dr ground Yeasts, if,any; in the
<br />maonerprovided tinder paragraph 2 hereof ot; ifno[ paid. in such:manner, by Borrower making payment, whendue,dimcRly
<br />- iiathepayeethereof. Borrowershallpmmptiy furnish: to Lender. allnotices of amozrnts dttc :under phis paragraph„andrin. the
<br />eveatBorrowershallrnakepaymentdirectlyBorrowershalFpramptfyfurmshtoLenderreccip[sciridcnciagsuc5payments.
<br />Borrower shat promptly discharge any. lienwfi ich has priority. nverthis Deed of Trussprdvidecl, that Airrnwcr shall not h~
<br />'required [odischarge any such lien soiong as Borrower fiallaereeinwriting iothe payrneht of thei~Faligauon'sc¢ared by
<br />sucft lien in a inaoneractxptable to Lender, otahaB.in good fattF`3 contest uichlienby, orllefend cnforctiment iifsvch hen gin,
<br />lega~ppra:eedings which operate to prevent the eniorcemer,t of the lien or forfeiture of the Property or any par' thereof;
<br />S. IEatrard Iasaraaee. Borrowcrshall keep,the rmprovements now.exrsurtg rot hereatterkrcaed nn'ihe Propei;t, insured
<br />againstiost by file, hazsrds indudetl within the term."extended coverage'", am3 ouch nther5azards as i~cndcr may regain
<br />:and in. suchamounts and#or such periods as. Lender may: require:. prnw•ided, that ltender'shall. not requ+rc that tlir:amouzii of
<br />such coverage exceed that amount of,coverage Yequzred io pay the sums secured by the Dced of T nztiC
<br />'.The insurance carrierprovidingihe insurance. eha$ [rc chosenby Borrower subfcct:to; approval by [ ender;' prnvdcJ.
<br />IhaCSttcftapprovafshaU noalx unreasonably:wi[hheld. All premiumsun rnsurancc-policies shall hc.'pard m the manner
<br />provided under paragraphZ hert:of or, if not paid in such manner, by Borrower making payment.'wheti due, directly tti the
<br />inwrancccanier.
<br />Ali. insurance policies: and renewals thereof shall he zn fer n eceeptable w lender and shall mchtde a standardmortgage
<br />clausrin favor oCand in form acceptable to Lender. ]..ender shalhave`the nghtto hold. the'policies-sodrertewalsthereot.
<br />atidBorrowershallpromptiyfurnishto [xnderal6renewal notices and. all receipts'af paidpremwms. Tn thecvegi ofles,.
<br />Borrower shall give prompt notice to theinsurancecarrierand i:ender_ Lender'may makcptuof of .loss iFaturmadc ptnmptl;
<br />by ;Borrower.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wasting,. insuranceprc+ceeds shalt bci~przed +o restoration or repatrcf
<br />the-Property damaged, provided suchresloration br repaar rs'ccunomically feasible andtb_ ,~=.ur,cy of. tkia. Deed of Trust ~_
<br />not therebg impaired. If-such restoration oYreparr is not cc,momically feastbic oral the s ~: only nF Iht< iced of "fntsrwould
<br />be imparted, the insurance proceeds shall be applied to tne"sums secured:;by this i3ced of "trust. ••ub thc:exresa.:. if any, paid-
<br />.. to Borrower: Iftfie Property.is abandonedby Borrower, or if. Borrowerfads torespondti~ 1_cndcr within 30 :days from the.:
<br />date notice is mailedbyLender to Borrox~ertharthe insurance carrieroBers7o settle a c1a:m for irsurance:benefits,.l.ender
<br />is authorized tocollect and-appiy`ihe insurance prxeeds at lxnder's. option cuherto restoration nr repair of tlic Prapcrt~:
<br />or to the sums secured by his Deed of Tnist.
<br />.Unless Ixgder and: Borrower o5herwrse agree: in writtng,any suchapphcation of pre+eced+ ., puntiyai shalt n.. i ~.: xtc r~,1
<br />or postpone Lhe,iiue dateofibemonihty installments referred to inparagraphs: i:.and. ~ hCrc,~~,i ~.~~- ch:+nge'ihc ~rnount of
<br />suchinstatlments. If tmderparagraph:d$ hereofthe Properiyrs acquired byl.ender, all rzght..titlc and i~,iterest ~..-~t For-~~~.+cc
<br />in andtto any insuran~c oolictes and wand ro the:proceeds thereof resuhmg tram damage 10.:. he. P~,~I:R:rty pr3.,r .o '~
<br />or acquisition sfial} pess to Lender to the extent of the sumsaecuredbv this Deedot i rust imn+ec3iatcly pnna t.+ auGi ,alp car
<br />acquisition.
<br />6.;Preunatan and Sliuatenance of Property; Leaseholds Cundommwms; Planned Unt! i}e etopments: Bor o++a
<br />shall keep rite ProperF} n gaol repair and shall .not conrmrtw t ~: t`u m,t ,ntlsan meat orxrctc ~~~, n •~ (he :Property
<br />andshallcompJy with theprovistons of:any lease if this llecdof Fruv. ., en a leasehold. ]f this Deedoi ; rust ~, on auniCin a
<br />eondomniuin or a planned unit development, Borrower`shallperforrn :.1 .+f Borrowers nF,Iigatiom un,Jer the dectaratiori
<br />or covenants creating orgovermng the condomirsium or plarine~ col: a .ciopmenq ztieby lsxs n;:~ ,egulatons of the `
<br />cnndotninium or planned unit development, and consUtuenl-yocuinents. If a rnntlominium or planned amt development
<br />rider isezecutedb}~Borrowerand recordedtogetherwithehis DeedcYflfust,thCCOYCRarlfSand..llL'tl::il:a;Rl:. f11.SllCl't fldl`[.
<br />shall be incorporated into andsha[I amendandsuppiement the cnvenanisand agrecment~ ofihii Geed cr, -'runt::rs if the ndcr'
<br />were a Part hereof.
<br />'~. Protection of Lender's Security. if Borrower fails to perform ±he covenants: and a~ temen'= containcii m this
<br />Deed of Truse,crif any action orproccedmg rsaommenced whtch:matenaily:.afTects l.cndcr~ +nrercat iR thePropurt}^,:.
<br />~nclading, but not limited to; eminen[`domain, insotvency,.ende enforcement, or arrangements err procecdtngs ittvnlvmg a
<br />bankrupt or decedent, then.I,ender at tender's option, uponhoE;ce io_}3orrawer, rtiay:makcsuch appearances. iliibursc ,uch`
<br />sums and take such action as is necessary to protect.Lcnder5 mierest, including, but-.not 1 itiited ±n, crisbursenocnt of~
<br />reasonafile attorney's fees and entry upon the Properly to. make repairs. if: Lender required nrortgage,itisui;ince :+} :i'..
<br />condition of makirtg theioan securedbc this Deed of Trust; Borrowershull' pay the premiums requi;.cd to maintairz such
<br />inuurance in eHeerua'it such time as tfie requirement for ,ucr nsuraiice terminates ~n'-accotdaruc with $orrowcr s ;!nd
<br />Lender's wrieten agreement or appltcabte law 'Borrower shall r ~; .he ::mount of al! mortgage insurance prcvtiums m the
<br />manner: provided under paragraph 2 hereof...
<br />Any amouats._disbutsecl: by Lender pursuant to this p: rl terra ph i, w,th ant r ;hereon shall hecnmcadd ~ .rn,~-
<br />indebtedness of Burrower secured by this I3ee3 cif Trust. Uniesti Bar owes and Lender .agree ac, rthu.tcrms of paynie~ u, i
<br />amounts shafltie payab?e upoi: noticeTmr~ [.enciei to Barrowe yt.cs,.nl payment ~er<s, and shatlbcar uitcresCfrom ~n~.-
<br />late of dLsbursement a the rate p~yahte fn.`nt me [,~ ume on o f an hn5 mcipai u, t the Note uoiesSpaymert cf zra~rr
<br />at. such rate would bt martin ~ app} a,ic .1.~. cn which eve a ugh amounts ha,l bear intcrctit :at the highe.5t aft:.
<br />permissible under apphcabie Oar. Norhint. contained in tnispa,agtai.ti 7shall regni . 1 =h.~er to incur ar,y e.:xpense .+r taki,
<br />any acrioshereunder.
<br />&~ Inapectiou. Lender rney make nr caz~sc tniia madere~as=+nahlecnites typo rn rn fi: c nr rh~ T> >n~ zti', p, ~icc1
<br />that Lender snail -give Barrowe n_ tie `pr,or to any such inslx.ctmn specifymfr reason.,bl_ ,...use ..r= r~fo. ei c; cct to 3 a nr pr's
<br />interest in the PraPertv;
<br />