<br />
<br />THIS DEEC (~F TRUST is made the 17th day of September
<br />(9.g?., among the Truster,. _Evere t C. Y7iley Sr. and Petty L. Wiley, husband and 54ife
<br />.. i herein 'Borrower"1. . .
<br />.John, R., Brownell,,. Attorney at ,Law ;herein "Trustee"), and the C)cncficiarv.
<br />Cor>rmeraial .Savings .Company .of .Grand .Island z axporation organized and
<br />czisting under the laws of ?iebraska.. .... whose address is.. 212.1, ?do>;*.b.. .
<br />.Webb. Rd.., .PO. BP7C 971 .Grand .Island.,. Ne., fv83rJ2. _ , i herein "Lender").
<br />BORROWER, in consideration of the indebtedness herein rrci~cd and the trust herein created. irrevocable grnu.
<br />and conveys to Trustee, ir. trust, with power of sale, the follo~.ving described property lxated in the County of
<br />.... Ha1.l ....... ... ...... .. State of Nebraska.
<br />Part of the Fast Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast
<br />Quarter (E ~ SW; NE ) of Section Ten (lU) in TownshiF Eleven (11)
<br />North of Rac~?e Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />more particularly described as Follows:
<br />Cormtenciny at a point Two Hundred Sixty Four (264) Feet *Ior*_h of
<br />the Southeast Cornet of the Southwest 'Quarter (SW7t)-of the North-
<br />east Quarter (NEB) of .Said Section running thence Flest foz a
<br />distance of Three Hundred and Thirty (330) Feet; Thence running
<br />North for a distance of ,One Thousand 7,nd Fifty Six C10b6) Feet;
<br />thence running East for a distance of Three Htmdred and Thirty
<br />(330) Feet to the Northeast corner of the Southwest,,(Ztzarter of
<br />the Northeast Quarter (SW~t NE7t) of said Section and -thence running
<br />South a distance of One Thousand and Fifty Six (1056)'Feet to
<br />the place of beginning, EXCEPTIIQG therefrom attract of land more
<br />particularly described in the reporf of appraisers recorded in the
<br />Hall County Register of Deeds Office in Book 29 Page 377.
<br />which ha, the address oC.......1503. East .9th. Street, . GF.artd .Island,..tiE. b850.1 .. , , .. , , . .
<br />IS+.e.+3 :curl
<br />(herein "Property Address"I:
<br />19ur a~a z,o coa.7
<br />_ TaasiusR arth :dl the improvement. now or hcrc:+itr rrectru on the properly, and all caxmcn[s. nghls.
<br />appurtenances, rents (subject however to the right. and authorities given hcrcin to Lcndcr to collect and apply such
<br />rents), royahks, minerah oil and gaff rights and profits, water. water riKhu. and water :sock, and all fixwres now or
<br />hereafter atUlchcd to the property, all of which, including replacements and additions thorcto, ,hall Le dcemeJ to b<
<br />and wmum a part of the propcrt}~ coccrcd by this Decd of ?-ruse, and all of the foregnng, together with sail prupcrty
<br />-, (or the leasehold cstase if this Lhed of -truss is on a leasehold) arc hcrcin u.fcrred to us the "Property";
<br />To Sfcuat. ro Lcndcr (a) the repayment of the indehrcdncss evidenced by Borrower's note dated, 9~~17/B2 .
<br />(herein "'rote"). in the principal sunz of. thirteen. thousand. file .hundred .and. eo/1QQ .
<br />(513,.500) ... _ _ . ... Dollars, with iTlb.res! ihcreon, providing for monthly in>tallmcns
<br />. of princi~l and interest. with the balance of the indebtedness, +f not sooner paid. due and payable on..Sept. 15 ,.
<br />1985 .. . .... . ... . . .. . . . _ _ . _ , _ _ _ : the payment of ^II other sums. u<•ith interns shercon, ,idv:~na•rl
<br />in uccord:mcc herewith to protect the xeuris} of this Decd of Truss: ^rd the perfgrmanc: of she covenant, toed
<br />agreements of Borrower hcrcin contained; and (h) the rcpa}'mens of uny future advanec~. ~a•!th ietcrest thereon, made
<br />i to Burrower by Lcndcr pursuant to paragraph Z 1 hcrco(f hcrcin "Future :\dvanccti")
<br />L.~ Biurower cov:nuna Iha[ Buaotvcr is Liwfully leixd ut'thc testate hr.ebti conveyed and 'nati thr r~~ht 1o gr,~nt :usd
<br />cc+nvcy ths: (`rvperty, ;hat the Proper:: iv uncncumtkraJ. ~+nd that Born,wcr will uan~nnt ^nu dc(cnd gcncrcay ihr
<br />title to the t ropert}~ against al} claims :end dernnds~ ,uL;cu it any Jccla;:~titx+.. ~_,tmeos +: rc~,Iri~;rpu iislc.i .n .~
<br />schcdv!c c.~f ceccpt uns 4o c:n~c rage in any Urlc ;usu r.+ncc pU _ nuu:ink Lcndtir ,err; tt :u t$u Prop~r.ye
<br />~; kE9RAS1lA ! w a r ..~ ; 7r rwM~:rs,.~e,axtroer iMSrAata[>rt
<br />a'
<br />8~--s'~ *~~,~5 DEED OF TRUST
<br />