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__ <br />9. Coodemnation. The proceeds of any aw;rrdorclaimfor damages,direct:or consequential;in connection with,any <br />condemnaeiair or other rakiegbftfie'Property, or part thereof; or forconveyance in lieu bf condemnation, are hereby: assigned <br />.and shay tx-paid to Leoder. <br />in the event of a-total takingof the Ptaperty,the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by thisDeed ofTrust, <br />with the excess, if any; paid to Borrower: In the evenF of a partial taking of the Property; unless Borrower and Lender <br />atherwiseagree in writing, thereshal! beapplied to the sums secured by this Deed oPTrusFSUchproportionof the proceeds <br />as is equal to-that proportion which the amount of thesums secured 5y this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately priorto the date of taking, withthe balance'nf [he proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />7f the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrowerthat [he condemnor! o(ters to make <br />an awardorstttleadaimfor damages;Borrowerfails to-respond to Lender within3Udaysafter thedatesuchaotice ~s <br />mooted, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, ar Lender's option,. either to restoration or repair of he <br />Property brro the sums secured. by this Deed ofTtvsc <br />Unless"LcnderandBorrowerotherw•iscagrecin`writing,anysuchapp(ication of proceeds'to'principalshall notextettd <br />or postponethe doedateoftlte montfily;insiallments referred to inparagraphs l and 2 hereof orchangeheamounLOf <br />such-installmehts.. <br />10.:Borrower.Not Relessed..Extensiodof the timefor payment or modification ofamortization of t}fe sumxsecured <br />by this Deed'of Trust .granted.byLendertoany successor inriaterest of Borrower shalt not operatetq retease,:in anymanner, <br />[he liabilityof the.'onginab Borrower a~~d Borrower'saucctssors in interest: Lender-shall note be requiredto commence <br />proceedipgsagainstsuch.successor or refuseto extend tirue fnr'paymeni or otherwise modify. amortization of the`sums <br />secured bythisDeed of Trust. by .reason of anydemand made by the uriginatBOrrowerand Borrower's successors in interest: <br />ll.. Forbeararrce try Lender Nona Waiver. Anyforbearance,by Lenderin exercisingany right or iemedy':hereunder,: or <br />otherwise'afTorded'by applicable law, shalt not be a waiver of `or preclude the exercise of any such' right or remedy, <br />The procurement of iasuranc~or the .payment of taxesor other. Liens or charges by Lender shalt not Se a waiver of Lender's <br />right. to accelerate the maturity of the indeotednesssecured by this Deed of Trust. <br />12.:'Remedies Camulafive. All remedies providedi^ this Deed ctfTivsCaredistinct and cumulativeto any otheFright : <br />brremedy::under [hisDeedofTrust or affordedby laworequity, and may be'exercised concurrently,independently or <br />ucceesively:, <br />13.SaccessorsandAssi~u=:Bonnd;.Jointand.Several.Liability;CaplionsThecovenantsandagreememsherem <br />contained shalt bind, and the rights hereunder shat! inure to. ffie respective successors and assigns of Lenderland BOrtower. <br />subjecttotheprovisions ofparagraph 17bereoL All covenants and agreementsofBerrowershallbejoint and several. <br />"Thecaptions and:headings of:[heparagraplfs ofthis`.Deed pfTrust are'for:convenience onh• and are ;nor to. beusedtn <br />interpret or define the provisions hereof: <br />lJ. _NoBce. ' Eatcep[ for: ang notice requred under applicable law to be given m another manner, (a) .any notice to <br />Borrowerprovidedfor in this-Deed ofTrusi shall be givettby mailingsuch'notice by.. cenifiedmailaddressedito Borrower at <br />the Property Address or at 'such other address as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender ax provided herein;-and <br />(b} any notice to Lender shall be given;lty certified mail, return receipt requested; to Lender's address stated herein or to <br />such other>address as,Lender may designate by notice: to Borrower-as provided-herein. Any ..notice provided for in>tttis <br />Deed of Trust shall: be deertted to bout beemgiven zo Borr¢Wer or Lender when given in the manner designated bereir.: <br />15.UniformDeedofTraah,'Governingl:aw;5everabBity: Tltisformafdeedofirustcom6inesvniformcovenantsfor' <br />national: use and nonuniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdicfion to constiCUte a: uniform'security;Instrument <br />covering real property... This Deed of Trust shalt begoverned bythe law of thejunsdictionin whichtfieProperty is(located. <br />Idthe eyent that any provision orclause'of this Deed of Trust ar the )vote conflicts with applicable law. suc8 conflicrshall <br />-not affect other provisions of this'Deed-af Trust or the Note: which can x given. effect without'ttie conflicting; provisi•~n, <br />andtothisendtheprovisiattsoftbeDeedofTrustandiheNotearedeclandtabeseverable.:.: <br />16. Borrower's Ctrpy.' Borrower shaII be furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of dhis Deed of Trust at the time <br />of execution or after recordation hereof: <br />17. Tra~rferof he Properly; Asamptioa. If all ar any part of the Property or aninterest thi:rein is sold or transferred <br />by Borrower•withou[ Ixnder's prior written consent, excluding (a) the creation of a lien or eocumbrance'subordinate to <br />this Deed of Trust, (b) the creation of a purchase money security interest for household appliances, (c) a transferby devise, <br />descent or,byoperation'of law upon the death of a joint "tenant or (d) the grant of anyleasehold interest of three years or less <br />not containing an option to purchase, i.ender may,'aLt.ender'spption. 3eclare all the sutras>secured by this Deed of Trust to be <br />immediately due and payable. Lendetshallbave waived su.h option to accelerate if, prior to the sak or transfer, Lender <br />=and the_person io whom the Property is o be sold or transferred reach agreement in writing .that the credit of such .person <br />issatistactory to Lender and hat the interest paya66c on the sums secured by this Deed of Trust shall be at such rate as <br />Lender shall.. request: If I•ender 5as waived the option toacceierate provided-in this paragraph J 7, and if Borrower's successor <br />in interest has executed' a written assumption agreement-accepted in wasting by Lender, Lender shall release Borrower from <br />allbbligalionsunderthis Deed of Trust: andihe Note: <br />ff Lender exercises such option $o aceelerate: Lender shall-mail Borrower notice`of acceleratinn in accordance with <br />.paragraph 14:hereoL-Such noticeahall provide aperioci of not less than.3U daysfrom theda[e the notice is mailed Within <br />which Borrower may pay rho sums declared due.. If Borrowertfails o pug such sums prior io ahe expiration of such period, <br />Lendcrmay, withour furtherpotice or demand on Borrower, invoke any remedies permitted by paragraph 18 hereof. <br />NoN•UtvtFOart Covtstvekrs. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as followsi <br />IB. ActtkrWaaRemedies.-Ezecpl asprovided inparagrapb 17 heceof,.upoa Borrower'sbreach of any coveaanl or <br />agreement of Borrower in Ihs Deed of Trust, including the covenatNS to'poy wheo due ang sums secured by-this=Deed <br />of3rust..Ceader prig[ toacnkration stroll mat police to Borrower as provided lo. paragraph 14hereof specifyiglE (1) the <br />:breacA; (2)He actiow,regaired tocunsucb 6nach;'(3): a dale. not less Ihan30 daysfrom ihedale thenotice Is mailedto <br />. Borrower, by: which sucb breach. must ere cured; aod:(0) thae "failve !o tore such breacb on or .before the' dale specified- <br />ialhc ralkemay result in arceferationof the sums'secured:bythis ikedof Trustaad sale of::rhe,Property.:Thenotice <br />shall farther inform Borrower of-the right to niastate.:afler accekratiou and the right to bring"a coud`action tgasetrt- <br />the pan-eichtence of a"defah oraay offCer-.deferee`of.Borrower [a acceleralion..aad sYc. If:fh2breacd is'not:cured :. <br />on or befen the date specigeJ in :the rrotice, "Lender at Leader's: option may.'dcelare aB of the sums secured: by :this Deed <br />of Trust l0 6e immediately dot and: payabkwitbout farther demand and may invoke the power of sale and aayother remedies <br />permitted by applicable law. !,coder shall 6eewtigedlocolkct allreasopablC costs and ezpeuaesincurred Sn pursuitjpthe <br />nnredies provided in this paragraph 18, iaclodiaR, bW: aol limited; to, reasonable attorney's fta.' <br />11 the power of sale is touched, TrusleeshaA record a mutt: of defaultin each coooly in which the Property or some <br />part thereof is locatedaod sMllmail copies of suck mutt in tbtmanntr prescribed 6y: applicaWelaw to Borrower and to the <br />other persom ptescribedby applicabk law: After thelapat of sorb time as.may-6t required by. applicabk'law;Trustee shall <br />glut public native of:sale to thepersons and in the.manner;prescribedpy.:applicabte:law:. Trustee, wiihoutdemand an <br />Borrower,.haBseBthe.PwperlyaYpublicauckiontothclrishesfbidderalthe.:timeand;place..and-undertbrtermsdesignaled <br />is eke notice of sale inone or more parcek aad in sucbordrr as:Trustee may; determine: Trrrsteemay postpone sak>of all. <br />or any parcel of Ike Property by public annoanccmenl at the fine sad place of any previouslyscheduled sak. Lender or <br />[,enders designee maypnrch6e the Property at nay sale.: <br />Upon receipt obpaymeat ofahe price bid, Trustee-shalt deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the Property <br />sold. The recitals in theTruslee's decd shall'be primaYack evidence of thetrulh of the statements madciherein..'.Trustee ' <br />shag apply the proceeds of the sale in the foilowiatg order. (al to alt reasonable costs and expenses of eke sale,: includitrg, but <br />not limited to,Trustee's fees of not more Nraa 3?' Of. 1 "~ of the gross sale price,.reasonable attorney's fees and costs of <br />tiAe erideatt; tb) to all same secured by this Dees of T_ rust; and (c) the excess, if any, to the person or persons legally entitled <br />L thereto. <br />F9. Borrowtr's8ight fo ReiosTale. Notwithstanding Lenders-acceleration of the sums secured by thiDeed of Trust. <br />Borrower'thatl have the right to Ftavc any,proceed'engs begun by Lender. to enforce his_Deed'of Trust iiiscontinued at <br />any time prior to thr earlier to occur of (i}. [he fifth daybefore'the sale of the Property pursuant fo the power of axle contained <br />inihis Decdaf Truslor (ii) entry ofa judgment cnforcingihis Deed of Trttstif::(aj Borrower pays Lender all sums whichwould <br />bethen due under this Deed of Tnist, [t•.c Note and notes securing:Future Advances, if any, had no_acccleration occurred:. ' <br />(b}.Borrowcr:cures alibrcachcs of any other covenants or agreements of Borrower-.containedm this Deed of -Trust. <br />(c);ilorrowtr. pays alt .reasonable cs penscs incurred by Lenderand Tnistte `in enforcing. the covenants and: agreements of <br />Burruwercontainedir, this. Died of Trust :and in enforcing Lender's andTrusiee 'scmedits aspravded in~paragraphfH <br />tiereoF,irreiuding..but not limiCedto, reasonable attorney's fees; and(d) BOrrOW[f taY.essuch acua~ as I.endermayrcasonabdv <br />require tonsure."that Yhc ben of this Deed iii Trust, tender's interest in the Fr<>peny. and $arrowcr's obligation to pay <br />