<br />
<br />~. UivaFORM.Covt:xnxrs. Borrower and leader covenant and agree as follows.
<br />s 3.:..Parment of`Principil and Interest: Borrower shaft promptly pay when due: the principal of. and interest. on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced bythe Note:prepaymentandlntechaigesas provided in the Note, :mdrhe griricipal of ancf interest
<br />nn any FYiturc Advances secured by this Deed of Tnrst. ,
<br />2. Fonds for Taees atalhtsnrance: Subject to applicable. law ur to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the daymonthly installmentsof principal and interest are payable under the Note; Ytntil the Note is paid'in loth
<br />a sum'(herein "Funds"} equal tnone-twelfth of the yearly ;axes and assessments which may attain }riority. river thic
<br />UeedofTrusi;ahdground reatsbn [tieProperty, if any; plgsone-tw~e{fth oPyearlypremiom installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus otie-tivelflh:of yearly premiuminstallmentsfor mortgage insurance;if any.. all as acasonably esrmared initially, and: from' -
<br />.time ta[ime by Lenderon the basis ofassessmentsond bills and reasonable estimates thereof:
<br />The Funds:shallbe held in an institution the deposits ur accounts of which are insured or„guaranteed by a :Federal or
<br />.state: agency'(ncluding Lender if Lender is such ah iostitiition). l..cnder shall apply`tlie Funds tq,pay said "9axes,assessments.
<br />instirancepremiums. ahdground rents. Lender may not c}rargc focso holding and applying theFunds, analyzing said account
<br />: orverifyingand'campilingaaidassessmenisand Gilts; tmlessLenderpaysBormwer interest on,theFundsand applicable law
<br />permits l.enderto makesuch a charge. "8orrnweY and Lender ntay agree in ivritirig aC the. time of execuliom of this-.
<br />DeedofTrusk ihatinterestori the Funds shalt bepaidto Burrower, andimless stichagreemen[ is trade or applicable law
<br />requires suckinteresi: tobepaid,~Lender shall not be required to'pay Borrowesany interest or earnings onthe Funds: tender
<br />shall give-to Borrower;without charge, an annuaLacc~n:ntintt of the Funds showing. credits and debitc to the Funds'ani3 the
<br />purposefor whicheachdetiit to the Fundswas made.. The~Fundsarepledgedas additionalsecurityforthe sumsecured
<br />by thisDeed of'Trust:
<br />If tlie'amouocof tfieFunds hefdby Lender,tngether withthe :future rnontFily:installments'of Fundspayable prior to
<br />the due'dates of taxes: assessments,itsurance premiums and groondrents, shall exceed the amoaht required'to pay, said taxes:
<br />assessments, ihsnrancepremiumsand groundsenuas they fall i1ue,such"cscecssha]I bear Borrower's option;; either
<br />- promptly repaid toBarrowerror credited to Borrower on monthly. installments of Funds: If'theamount ofrthe'Fimds
<br />field by: Lender shall not be: suflrcient' to pay taxes, assessments, insurance,:premiums :andground rents ':as they:'falldue,.
<br />Borrowershall;pay to Lender am•_amount necessary to makeup the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lenderto Borowerrequest}rig payment thereof:
<br />Upon payment.infull of all somssecuredbythis Deed ofTru>f. 1_ender shall'promptlyrefund tc..Borrower any Funds
<br />heldby Lender. 7funder paragraph. 18 hereof the Propenyis sold arfhe Property isothcrwise acquired.:by Lender;-Lender
<br />- sha8apply, nolaterthan immediately prior toahesale of: ffirProperty er its-acquisition by Lender, any Fonds'tield.by
<br />Lenderat ttieIime of application as.a crediragaihs[ thesumssecured byhis :Deed of Trust:
<br />3. Applicationof.Payments. lintels app[icable law provides otherwise. all: payments received byLender under the
<br />.Nate and paragraphs''1 and? hereof shall be app[ied by t_enderfirst is payment of amounts payable ao Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest payable on the Note: then m rtie principal of the Note. and then to"interest and
<br />principaSonanyFutureAdvances: :
<br />4. Chttr~esdftens..Borrowershallpayalttases,assessmems and-oihercharges: fines'and impositions attributablet4o
<br />thePropertgwhichmaya[faina:priorityoverahisDeeddfTrust:.andfeaseholdpaymen[anrgi•ourtdrents..if any,:iothe
<br />mannerprovided under paragraph 2`hereof or, if nor paid in such manner, by Borrawermakingpayment when due, ttirectly
<br />to the. payee ttiereof.-Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender ail notices of amounts due. under Thisparagraph, and an the
<br />eveoLBorrower sha1L make payment direct)}', Borrower shall promptly furnish [o Lender receipts evid~icing such payments
<br />Borrower shall. promprfy:discharge any lien which has priority overthisDeedof TNst;;pcovided, that$orrowcr shall :not lie
<br />required o discharge any such }ten so long as Borrower haB agree in.writing to ttie payment of the obligation secured'by
<br />such lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,. or shall in good faith contestsirch lien by. qr defend enforcement of such lien in.
<br />legal pproceedth s which operate [o prevent the.ehforcemen[ 06 the,lieti fir forfeiture of the:Proper[y or any panahereof.
<br />S. Heard I~sura~ce. Borrower shalLkeep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property i;'tsured
<br />againstlossby6re,hazards included within iht:term "extendedSCUVerage'", and. such:otfierhazards asLender mayregYiire -
<br />' and in suchamounts andfor such periods: as Lender may require; provided; that Lender shall no[ require that.[heamount nl
<br />such coverage exceed thata:nounf of coveragerequired ro pay the sums secured by this Deed of Tntsb `
<br />'. The:insorancecarrier..providingiheinsuranceshallbechoscn by Borrowersubject;toapprovaLbp-T..ender;provided.
<br />that such: approvalshall no[. beunreasonably..withhefd. A11 premiumson insurance poiiciesshall be paid in.'the manner
<br />provided underparagraph 2 hereof or, if na[ paid in such manner; by Borrower making payment; when due, directly to the
<br />imuraoce carries
<br />Altinsuranee policies and renewals [hereof shaCl be in form acceptable to Lender and shall include astandard mortgage
<br />clause in favor oEand in form acceptableao Lender. `Lender shall have"tfie right ro hoW the policies and renewals thereof.
<br />andBorrowershalYproinptly'furnish to Lenderaltrenewalttoticesand:tlf receiptsofpaidpremiumx tntheevent ofloss,
<br />Borrower shall: give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender.. Lender may make proof of loss i (notmade promptly
<br />by.Borrower.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, insurance prxeeds shalt be applied to restoration or rep.t~r of
<br />the Property damaged,provided such restoration or repair isecunomically feasible andthesecurity of this. Deedof Trust. is
<br />notthereby impaired: If such restoration or rpair is not economicagy feasible or if the securityof this I>eed of Tnrst would
<br />beimpaired, the iosuranceproceedsshallbe applied io thesums ucuredby thisDeedrof.Trust, with the excess,if any;.: paid
<br />to Borrower. fEthe Property is abandoned,by Borrower, od if Borrower faits zo:respond to Lender within 30 days from tfic
<br />datemotice is mailed by Lendec to Borrower that the insurance carrier offers to s`ettte a claim for insurance benefits. Leiiiler
<br />is authorized to co8ectahd apply the insorance proceeds at lehder's option either to restoration or repair of the Property
<br />or to the: sums securr;d,by this Deed of Trust.
<br />-LinlessLenderand.Borrowero[herwiseagreeinwriting; any such.:appiicationofproceedstoprincipal:shailnotextend
<br />or postpone the due date of tfre monthly. installments referred to in paragraphs l and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such installments. If under paragraph,f8 hereofahe Properly is Acquired by Lender,;ali right; title and interest of Borrower
<br />in and to arty insurance policies and inand faille pro:eed5 thereof resulting from damage o the Property prior to the sale
<br />pr acquixition shalt'pass to Leader to the extent of the sums secured by this Iced of Trwt immediately prior to such sate or
<br />'acx{utsit}on:
<br />6. P'mervationand D1ai~tenance bf.Ptroperq;. Leaseholds; Condominiums; Planned Unit Developments. Burrower'
<br />shall keepthePropertyin good repair andshalF'not cnmmii uastc or permit impairment or deterioratiaih of the:. Property.
<br />and shall comply with iqe provisions of any lease'if this Deednf Trusris on a teaschgld.:IfahisDeed of Trust is on a unit in a
<br />.condominium or a.. plannedunitdeveloprrrenl, Borrower. shall pecform:all of Borrower's obligatrons under :he. declaration
<br />orcoveaants creating. or governing the condominium or planned unit development, the by-taws anti regulations,of the
<br />condominium or-planned uaitdevelopment, andconstituenCdocumenis.:If acondominiumor piannedunitdcvetnpmem
<br />rider is executed by Borrower and recorded. together with .this. Deed of Trust, the covenants and agreements of such rider
<br />shag be ncorporased inioand Shall amend andsupplemenrthe'covenants and agreements of [his-Decd of Trust as if the ndr, `
<br />were a part hereof..
<br />7.:, Rotectbu-. of Letder's: Secority... If .Borrower fails to.. perform: the covenants and .agreements cuniained in this
<br />.Deed of,Trusi, ofifaay actiohbrpraceediogiscommcnced wFiich: materiallyafl'ecis Lender's interesf-m the. Property,
<br />including, but not limited to, einioent domain, insolvency,. code en€orcemcnt, or arrangemenu or,procecdings involving a :
<br />bankt'upt or decedenf;thenLender at Lendez's option; uooa notice to Borrower, may%make such appearances, disburse such
<br />.'sums and. take suchactsonasis necessary to protect-Lender's interest, inchtding;,bu[ noklimited to,dishursctnent of
<br />reasonable a[torney's..:fecs and eutr;~ upon the. Property tomake repai•.rs. It-Lender required mortgage insurance a, a :
<br />condition of making;ffte lean secured by. this Deedof Trust,$orrower shall pay the: premiums requircd:'to maintain such
<br />'insurance in effect aitziF such urns as ape regwrement fof such insurance lermmates maccordance wizh..Bnrrower's acrd
<br />Cxirderi wzittcn agreement or appiicable.faw. Borrower shall,pay theamount of aft mortgage:nsurancepretniumsin the..
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. -
<br />L Acy amounts disburs;d b} Lender pursuant io t}SiS paragraph 7, with interest thereon. Shall become addinanat
<br />indcbtednc s of Borrower secured by this Deed of Trust. Unless Borrowerand Lender agree to other ternsbf payment, such
<br />am u:;a shat[ tx. , ayable upon nofieeSrgm henderto,Borrower requesting paymenLthereof,Arid shell bear interest from the.
<br />date of disbu-semc;n[ at the ratepayable from time W timeon outstanding. principal junder thc'Nale unless payment of interest
<br />at seep rate would be contrary to applicable law; in which ~evcnt loch. amounts shall bear. iMeresf aY thehighest rate
<br />permissible under apphcabtelaw. Nothingcnnfainedin khispar graph 7 spelt requree Lender to incur any cxpcnseortake
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8. luspection. }xndarmay make ur cause to be madereasonablc entries upon anti inspf:cpons of the Property, pr<avided
<br />the; Lender spa{I grc BorrucJer hetree pricer to any such inslr@ction specifying teasonablc cause therefor related to. l,cndcr's
<br />nL.rpSt in She Protrnv
<br />