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_., _ ~ _ _ _ <br />8~"~) t? ~ 0 4 5 <br />4; Condetana6oo. The proceeds of angaward or claim for damages .direct or consequentisi, in connection with any <br />coddehinartionor other:[akingpfthe Properly, or pa7tthereof: or for conveyancein lieuofcondemnation: are hereby assigned - <br />~and shall be:'pafd toLender:: <br />1n Chc even[ of a total taking of the Property: the. proceeds shall tx applied to the sums secured by .this Deed of Trust. <br />with the evccss, if any;. paid to' Borrowed In--the event of a pattial takingof the Property, unless Borrower aad Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall ix applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proporttort which the amount of the sums secured by .this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />taking hears to tbefaiF marketvalue of the Properly immediatelyprrorto Fhe dateof taking,:with the balance of the proceeds : <br />paid: to Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, ar if; after notice by Lender to Borrower' that the condemner offers io make <br />am award or settle a daim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 3f) days after the date such entice' is <br />maf[ed, Lender is authorized'to collect and applg the proceeds, at Lender's option;. either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the Burns secured by this Deed of Ttvst: <br />Unless Lender andBorrower otherwise agree inwriting,.anysuch application of proceeds to principalshall not extend <br />or'postpOnethe due date of the monthtyinstal[menisreferredtoinparagraphs 1 and'2 hereof. or change'Fhe amount of. <br />: such installments. <br />10. -Borrower Not Rekased. Ealension of the imc for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Deed of Trust. granted' by Lender to any successor in interesf of Borrower shall not operate to. release; in any manner, <br />the liability of the original Borrowe: aad. Borrower's successors in interest.. Lender shall not he required to commence <br />proceedings against suchsuccessor or refuseto extend time forpaymem orolherwise modifg amortization of `the sums <br />.secured by this Deed ofTtvst, by reason of any demand made bythe originaf-$onower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />IL Fortdearance by LenderNof a.Waiver. Any forbearance by Lendeririexercising any. right or remedy hereunder.. or <br />otherwise afforded by app[icablelaw,`shall notbea wailer. ofor precludethe exercise of-any such:right nrremedy. <br />Theprocurement of insurance or the paymenrof lases or other liens qr charges by Lender strati not hea waiver of Lender's <br />right eo:accelerate[hematurity:of themdehtednesssecuredby this Deed.'of Trust, <br />7.2. Remedies Cumolattye. AB remedies provided in this Deed of Trust are distinc{'and cumulative to any other right <br />or remedy under-this Deed of Trust:ar afforded by law or equity, and may be exercised concurrently, independenFly or <br />successively... <br />13.Succt~orsaod'AssignsBound; Joint. and Several Lialelity:_Captions. Tfie covenantsanda¢reemznts .herein <br />contained hall bind, and the rights hereunder shalt inure ta: the. respective successors and assigns: of Lender and Borrower, <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph ] 7 heron(: Ali cavenants and agreements of Borrower sfialt he :joint .and szleral. <br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Deed oT Trust .are for convenience only and are not,to be` used to- <br />interpret or define the provisions hereof. <br />14:`Notka Excep! for. any notice required: under applicable law to be given in anothermanner. (apany notice to <br />:Borrower provided for_in this Deed of Trusr shali'be given.hy mailing such roticc by certified maiC addressed to Borrower: at <br />the PropertyAddressor at sucho[heraddress :is.Borrower may'. designate by .:notice toi_enderas provided `herein;and: <br />fb) any notice to Lender shall be given by certified mail; return receiprrequested, [o Lender's address stated herein or to <br />such outer address-as Lender may designate bg notice to Borrower as ,pravided herein: Any notice' provided for in thts <br />Deed of Trust shall be'deemed-to have been given to Borrower>or Lender when given in`the manner desigvate;3-herein. <br />15. Uniform Deedof Trust; Governing.Law; Severabillly.' This form of deed oFtrustcombnesuniform covenantsfor <br />national use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations. by jurisdiction to .constitute a uniformsecurity instru(nenf <br />covering'real property: This Deed''ofTrust shall be governed ny the law.of the jurisdiction m which the Propertyis located: <br />Imthe event that any provision or clause ofithis Deed of Trust or the Note conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall <br />not af[ed other provisions of this Dced bf Trust or the. Note. which ken bz given effect without the conflicting provision, <br />artd-•to thist:a~. the provisions oftheDeed of Trusf and the.Note are declared to be. severable. <br />~6. Borrow•ePs,CoRy. Borrower mall be furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Deed of Trust at the time <br />of exatCttt{onfp after7lxnrdatdan,dereoE <br />1T,'`"1~reroEtlie'PropeAy;Assum~r8on. Jf all:or anypartof the Propertyar an interest therein is eold'or transferred <br />b¢Botrower without Lender's prior written consent, ezduding (a) the creation of a lien or encumbrance subordinate to <br />this Deed of Trust,. (b) the creation of a purchase money security interest for household appliances, (cY a transfer by devise, <br />descent nr by operation of taw upon the death of a jainrtenant or (d) the grant of any,leasehold interestof three years orlesa <br />notcontaining art option to purchase, I:ender may, at Lender s option, declare alt the sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be <br />immediately due and payahle. Lertdershall have waived such option to accelerate if, prior to the sale qr transfer, Lender <br />and [heperson 1o whom the Property is to bcsold oriransferredreach agreement in wri[ingtharthe credit-of such: person - <br />is satisfactory' to Lenderand tharthe interest payabie`on the sums secured: by this Deed of Trust shall tse at such rete as <br />Lender shaU.reyuest. If Lender haswaived theopiion toacce{orate providedinihis paragraph t7; and if Borrower a successor <br />in interest. has executed a written assumption agreemenE accepted ire witting py Lender, f.endeFF shall release' Borrower from <br />all obligations under tf;is Deed of Trust and the Note.` <br />If Lende:exercisessuchoption toaccelerate; Lcndershailmail Borrower noticeof acceleration in'accordancewith <br />paragraph 14 heron#. Such notice shalt provide a period. ul notiess than 30 days from the: date the notice is mailed within <br />which Borrower may: pay Ihesums declareddue. If Borrowerfailstopay suc}c sums prior tothe rzpira[ion ofsuch period, <br />Lender may; .without further notice or demand on Borrower, invoke say remedies permitted by paragraph 18 hereof: <br />Nox-UNIFORM Cove>vnxTS. Borrower: and Lender, further covenant: and. agree`as follows: <br />Ig. Acceleration;, Remedies. Except as provided in. paragraph 17 hereof, upon Borrower's breactr of any cnvenanl or <br />agreement of Borrower in Ihis Deed of '#'rusl, .including the covenants lo. pay when due any. sums secured, 6y [his.Deed <br />bETrust, Lender prior toacceleralion shallmail noel to Borrower as..provddedin paragraph 14.hereo[ specifying: (1).ahe <br />breach; (2) lire action: required to cure such brtach; ,~) a date, nod less than 30 days: from the da9e the notice is maBed' to <br />'.Borrower,bywhich such breach must 6e cured; aud. (4).that[ailnre to ruresuch:breachon.or..before Ihe'date specified <br />inlhe trolice:may resultin accekratioo of .the sums secured by this Deed of TrusY.andsaleof the Property..Thenoticr <br />shall further,inform Bon'owerof the right'to reinstatrafter acceleratioa.:and, the right fo bring: a court action to .assert <br />ahenon-existence ofa default or any_.ottttr defense of- Borrower to acceleration. and sale..Iffhe breachisnotcured <br />on or lxfore,the date specdfied intbe tattoo; :Lender at Lender's.'option may:.derlare alt of the sums secured_by this: Deed <br />of Trust to be immediately due and payable w[Ihoul further demand and may invoke the poweroESale and any other remedies <br />permitted by.:applicablrlaw. Lender shalltre entittedto colkctaBreasonal9ecostsand: expenses incurred-in pursuing: the <br />retneditx provided fn this; paragraph. ig, indudittg, but rat limited. to, reasonabk attorney's fees. <br />'. If Ibe power of sak':is dnvoked,Trusteeshall record a noticeof default in each county in which the Property orsome <br />partlhereof is`brated and shalt ma8'copiesof such notice: in themanner prescribed byappllcablelaw io Borrower and'to the <br />ether persons prescribetf 6y applicable law. 'After the lapse of such time as may be required by applicable law; Trustee shall <br />give public notice of sale In lbe_persons and-in themannerprescribed byapplicaMe law.Trustee,wiihoufdemandnn <br />Borrower, shall sell the.Property a[public;auction toth@ bighesdbidtler atthe: time andpdaceand under the termsdesignated <br />in fhe notdceof sale inone or more parcels-and in such.order as Tmstee may. determine. TrusKeemay posrtpone salepf a8 <br />or any parcel-of the Property by public announcemenGat the time :and place of any: previously scheduled sale. Lender t>r <br />Lender's designee maypurdtase theProperty aYany sale.. - <br />:Upon receipt of paj~menf of the price 6id,Trustee skald deddverto the purchaser Trustee's deed: conveying the Property <br />sold. The recitals. in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of .the truth.. of: the: sfatemenls made'theredn. Trustee <br />sballapplythe proceeds of the the following order."(a) to all-reasonaWecasts andexpensesoF thesale,indudinK,buf <br />not'lim[ted to, Trustee's fees of not. more than %of the gross sale price, re:uonableaUarney's fees and costs, of <br />title evidencr;:(h)to all sums secured by this Deed,of Tnist; and (c) fhe exress,.if any, [othc person ar personslrgally entidded <br />thereto. <br />L =13. Bovower's Right to Reinstate. Notwithstanding Lender's acceleration of the simis secured by this Recd of Tncst. <br />Borrower shallhave the .right tohave anyproceedingsbegun by Lender [oenfnrcz this Derdai Trust discontinued ai- <br />any-timz priorto [hz earlier to occur of (i} the fifth dagbcfore the sale of theProperty,pursuantto the: power ofsalecrrtained <br />•inthtaDeedof:Trutor_(ii)entryofajudgmentrnForcmgthisDrcdbfTrus[if:(a).Borrowerliays:Lenderalisum'swhrehwbuld: <br />be then due under this Deed of Trost. the Notz and notes securing Future Advances; Sf any, hidno acceleration occurredi <br />{b)Bo:rower::cures alibreachc of uny other eovenants or:agrecmenis ofBorrowercontained in thisDced vf-.Trusti <br />(c)$e owes. pays all reasonable espeas¢5 iiieurr;.d byLendzr and Taustez'in enforcing. the covenants acid agreementsaf <br />Born r an::uned in ihi D ~a o` Trust and in enforcing Ixnder's :end Trustee ~ rerriedirs %is provid~,d in.'taa ryupR. I R <br />hareer m..ludmg, but oat 1 .t1ed to, rcasonaolz attorney'sfces; and fd) Borrower takes such act,nn as Lendzr;nsry r<a_, rably <br />require ~.~ assure that t}re tree of this Decd of "fnrat;. L:cndec' tote rest in the Properly and Borrowers nbligaiii>r~ to pa}~ <br />