_ .._
<br />Loan No. 50767-1-18
<br />~~' DEF U' OF TRUST
<br />" T
<br />T}r,1S .`SEED Cr} TRUST is nat9e thi.=...... ~ti1..... .......dt~y or $ept°mb?r ......... . . .. .
<br />] 9 . ~.2, among the 7'rustor„ . `G~Ylliam. L. _ Vansant, . ~iY.•: and _BeveYTlY J x . V~lsai~4..'rlusb~l .and. Wife,
<br />jointJy,and,ear_h.in_tneir.owr,r~<3ht, ,heleln'Borrowei'"),. ,.........`:....... ......
<br />- Joseph H. Badami , . , , , . _ :..:. ~ . (herein "Trustee '1. ~°nd the Benc(ici;r~.
<br />...
<br />FIkST FEDERAL SAVINGS r1ND TO ''d T CQLN ,,,. a cor ration oI arired and
<br />existing under the laws of the . who e adder, I~ . L'35 , ^.+~,~
<br />Skr,@@t..I,iwcoln,.NPb.zaska.685D3....... ... .. .....: ..:. .. (h~rein'f_tnder";.
<br />Boeaou.eR, in comtderation of the iadcotedness heroin7eciledand theYt•ust herein :,rc-[d, irrr~,l ~ShR° grm[s
<br />and coeveys to Trustee, in truer, with powc~ of sz;3e, the'foiiowing desenbcd popery located is th c euntp +~I'
<br />Hall State of hlebraska;
<br />lo` zao (2), _n B1cx:3 One ~l)', Lake Da is Acres ~:u'.aiv:sion,
<br />&ali ;`san+~r, `~tebznska.
<br />- m
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<br />sn - 1'v ~ ~ t1)
<br />~ ~ d _ m
<br />(~ .~ R ~
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<br />N T w v~ ~ }~ ~-4 ~.~,0
<br />~. ~ q ~ ~
<br />5. w ~
<br />~` o i ~ ~„
<br />which hzs the address of... , 4212 Calvin Dri~.re Grand Island
<br />......... ,s~~F~u .... e~I, ..... ....
<br />Nebraska 68801 (herein "Property ~~ddress")
<br />(State and Zip Cone;
<br />ToccTrtr_H wish all the impn~E~cments eo~ti~ or hereafter ercctcu t,.i the propcnp. and ali ca, mcotti_ il~h Lti_
<br />appurtenances, rents (subject however to the ; fights and authontirs ei~cn herein to Lender tc. ~ ~liect a ~d ~epp; such
<br />rrnuj. rocalucs, mineral, oil and gas rights and prot'tts. water. wale: dehts. and water slack, ;u;d ail ! xtc:r_; :..;:u or
<br />hereafter attached to the property, aR of which, Including replao~raents znd addiiiol~s ti~creto, shali he uurrrcd to he
<br />and remain a part of the prepcrty covered by this Decd of Trrst; anU a.'1 of the foregoing. u~ecthcr with said pn~p~;t.:
<br />(or the. leasehold estate if this Thad of Trust is nn ;t leasehold) arc herein rc3err~°d to as the "Property"~.
<br />l
<br />''~-'.
<br />\~
<br />To Secuxa to Lender (a) the rcpacment of tee i~dcbtedn~_, evidenced b}' I3arrow_r's note Gated .~ Fp~e~;l;t ~ ~'t~
<br />(herein "!siote"j, in the principai sum oC. ~ixt-V Flve '~lotlsdt~ 57x '?undrAd aIKY OQ~100
<br />... . . .. ......... . ................... - .Dollsrs, ~tii!t inli;rent th~rc~~n, pritviding frx moothls rts;al(m::I!l~
<br />t~f principal and interest, with the balance cif the indebtedness. f roe se~u ,r E~aid, de~_ ,Ind paiaale u.I .. _ _
<br />_.. _. _ G,c_t.QYf~2 .7-,,, lq~~ _ .. _ .... _ ......... _: tkrc pa~~Incrt oI all ~1h'.r surr:a. wrth irrt I thclc
<br />in accordance herewith to protect the sccwity of this Deed or Trust; .inc. the personrance of the c>seaar,t; :~r:ei
<br />L agreements of r3orraw: r herein cr eta I ~d, ;utd (S) th r f ,~r.,en c° aI fatal ~ c ~~anv:,- wi:r ir,scrc~t th ~~. ~, , _~,
<br />[o Btlmower by Lender pursaant tc paraeraph 2] her. f t hcrr~ Fuu.re .1dti~.,I~cs' I.
<br />Bernwer cnvcnm;ts that $orrower is !awfulis~x'i>ui of the ~ .at her ~~ ron~c}~'~t :ILLS h r u' ri~~n ~.i:II, at:.'
<br />r_pnvcy tnt• Property, that the Pr~>pecb.~ is uncr,c:ue;°r~rc{i_ une] tMa BUr.~ ~ti-er .~ ,i sae,ant ar~~ !~-,:~ _~ ~.nltl~ :}t,~
<br />title t0 the PfPps:ri}' 94~in5[ ali clain7s &tid (letPand.+, ct jrct 't c dcCia ~ In. ,,. ~_ u.~nt~ o i u i,_~i~; i,r~,i ~ ? ;t.
<br />1 ~+'.
<br /><e.hcclulc of c'.,cct bops t~ :oe _rag: In as}- t~ is ~r.,tr ~.~. poLCV .a surinC 1,~~ I ,'r ,r~.l i;, rii ; to.%."i~,.
<br />ME8RAS1(A t ''a+^'- ~--3 NMA; f!!!M~ uNIr9RM iNSTNUMrilT
<br />
<br />