<br />$~.....t)t~t3$5:
<br />d. For bet=.e s aunty of the,indebtedness hereby secured,: upon iherequestaf the mortgagee, its successors
<br />or assigns; mortgagor shall eaectne and'de!rver. asupplemental mortgageor mortgages covering sny additions,.
<br />improvement, or bctierments made to the property hereinabove described and alGprapartyacquired'by it after'.
<br />the date hereof (aE! in form satisfactory to ntorteagee). Futhermore,should mortgagor fail-to cure any default
<br />in the'pe meat ,,t a pr[cr .rr trferlnr rncs:rnt+r.,n~e on the property described by thisinserument, mortgagor here-
<br />b; agrer~ to per mt rrongagee ±o cure such default. trut mortgagee is notabligated'to do so;-and such ad~anre:
<br />~shakit~~=om+_ Hart of [he indebtedness secnsedby this instrumen#, subjecfta the same terms and conditions.
<br />e. fhe riehts created by this conveyance sha41 remain in full force and effect during any postponement er
<br />cxtensron of the time of the payment of the indebtedness evidenced by~said promissory note or`notes, or any
<br />par[ thereof ;eCL'tCd hereby.
<br />f: To continuously maintain hazard insurance, of such type or types and in uch amounts as the mortgagee
<br />may-from time is time require an'rhe improvements now ar hereafter on said property, and will pay promptly
<br />when due any premium5therefor. Ali insurance'shail be carried in companir<. acceptable to mortgagee and the
<br />palieies and renewals thereof shalYbe held by mortgagee aed haw_ atrlched thereui less payable clauses in favor
<br />of attdsnforrio acceptable to themartg~ree, In event ofloss,mortgagor will give immediate notice in writing
<br />to mortgagee, and mortgagee may make proof of Iris if not made pramptle t;' mortgagor, ar.d each insurance
<br />company concerned is hereby apihorized and directed to make paynterrt for such toes directly to mortgagee
<br />instead of io morigagor and mortgagee jointly, and the insurance proceeds,. at any part thereof, may be applied
<br />by mortgagee at its option either to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby securttit or to the restoration or
<br />repair at the property damaga3 ordesiray^ed, In event of foreclosure: at this mongage, or other transfer of title
<br />tasaid property :n ex~ttngurshr~nt of tht'intlebtedness secured hereby, allright, tali, and Imrrest of the
<br />mortgagor in .and to any insurance policies then in farce shall pass to the .purchaser or mortgagee or, at the
<br />option of the mortgagee; may fie surcendered foe a rzfund.
<br />g. "i'o keep all buildings and other improvemchis on said properly in gaud repair and condition; to
<br />permit, commit, ar suffer no waste, impatrmetit; deterioration of said property or any part: thereof; in the event
<br />of failure of ahc mortgagor to keep the buildings un said premises and those erected on said premises, nr
<br />improvements:ihereon, in good repair, the mortgagee may make Such ,repairs as. in its discretion it may deem
<br />necessary for the proper preservation thereof: and tht full amount of each and every such payment shall he
<br />Immcdiatelr due and payable; and steal! be secured by the lain of this mortgage.
<br />h, "fo Hat voluntarily crraie,cn pcrrssit to be created agaigst the property subject to this mortgage any hen
<br />ar liens inferior tv the Lien of this maraga>~c withcxtt ~+riaten cdnscnt at the mortgagee; anti futhet, that n:ort-
<br />gagar will keep and maintain the same fr« from [he claim of all persons supplying labor'ar materials for con-
<br />struction of any and all buitdmgs ar impravcntents now. bring erected or ta`be ertttcti on said premises.
<br />i. Ta Hai rcttt vr'assiytn any pan of the rent of said martgagcti property yr danohsh, nr remove, or
<br />aubstantrakly sltet any building without the wrtttrn consrnt of the mongagee.
<br />j, doll awards a} damages to caunection vrtth apy condemnanon for putsdicuse of or injury [o any of the
<br />property subjetiY tp thin morigage,are hereby assigned and shall be psrid to mortgagee, who may apply the came to
<br />payinem of he in.[allmen[, lasl due under ~wid nate,'and marigagge ;; hereby authorized, in the name of 1be
<br />mortgagor, to clteiutc and deliver valid acyuiatanccs thereof and: izt'apgxal t rom any such award.
<br />k. The mortgagee +hatt have he right io inspect the mortgaged premisey at any rcasanablc time;
<br />1: 7'o comply with cite pro4isians of any ieas,r tt tnis ~lurtg.tgc ~, on a leaseho{d. If this Mortgage is on a'
<br />unit in a .ontiorntntum ar a planned unit developmen.. Eiorrower ~;hail petfarm all of 13orrawer's ohligatians
<br />under tits dcclaratian o[ covenants creating ar gatierning thr coudomiaium ar,planned unit dctiefopment,the
<br />by-taws anti regulation of tlsecondomtniumar planned unit dcvziopment, and constituentdacuments.
<br />.. I?efault m any of [hc cov,:ttants ar conditions of ibis irtsuumeut or of tEsc note or town ageement secured hereby
<br />shall ternrina;e [l-,z mortgagor's;right is possession, use, and enjuymrnt of the property, at the option of the
<br />martgngze or a_signs ii[ hemg agreed that the morigagor shall have such right until default).. Upon any such
<br />default, the mortgagee shill t,zromr the owner of all of the rtnts and prairu accuririg. after d~fauli as se:.urity for
<br />the indcbtcdnc~ss seiurcY3 hereby, wish tart right t6 enIer upon Said property far the purpose of collecting wch'
<br />rcncs an. profiu. This irusrument shall operate as anassignrnentaf au} rentals oa said proputy to That extent
<br />Ir tt~c mor;sago, detaulu, and (alts to make any payments when due or is conform to acrd comply uiih ar,? of
<br />the conditions <Ir agreement:, wn;3incd in this m~ngage or the Hates which it secures., [heri the entire pnnclpal
<br />xum and accrued Sr,tae>t shall at once hrromc due and payable, and draw ~ 4;er cent r_~;i o:,,; Su[zrest~
<br />theteafttr until paid at the ete~ti~~,~ of tk:c mottg,.+rxee; and ihss rnongage tray thereupon ~ -`oreclosec; mtmed,ately
<br />for thz whole of the indebtedness hereby secured, intludirt£{ the cast of exxending the abs~:as: of nlle from the
<br />date oP this mortgage Ic the trine of cammen<inK wchsuit. *'I`tcr~lv~s
<br />». In the evrat of a farcricsure c,r defac,lt a. prrrrrdta,'lecrein, the mortgagee sha!! at o~tte be c, [ r'-d [_, :ftt p>>
<br />session, use, and en3evrr=t;it o! the -.t elate a;o.esaid and tts rite -cni, ar--,, r~~_~ :r.i. , n tics nc~rrr~f,
<br />Crum !h a riling ,! such r~~h_s a .t r r n~ €h >tn~ ~, at ft3t~ u ~ n ,~ w~n~. t' .~
<br />t,~1! at <.n~t tr_ dei[vtrcd tc, he inor ~,.fce sp., I -_4ue,., uratsn Ia,u_ 5.rn~ r~, . ,.., ,~, s , . -,: .r , t"ru
<br />cufotcc<i by rnort~are±, hti~ lay approp ~.a.. ;cg; .ra~cc:i rigs, tnclud:,g a rrc., c: .,~r~~t ..
<br />
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