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~Q~T~T AG~ <br />7ltis mortgage made and entered into this _..__~nd-_..__..__ day' of __Sz~tember _______,. <br />19__32-_, b`.nd t+eh,ween KenneCh W. a*:d Rose !~1nrlr S*_aa~, `3u 5beria and F3ife <br />{hereinafter referred to ~ mortgagor) and Com*.?2ercial National Bank and Trust Company <br />{hereinafter referred to as <br />mortgagrel, who maintains «^ office and place of h;zsinezc at ____.a~_=_~~~~Lrd s[reet in Grand Island, <br />Hatt County, Nebraska. <br />WIT!'fEStiETrI, that for the consideration hereinafter staled, recc'ipi of whfe$ is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor <br />dog hereby mortgage, ;ell, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, its successors and assigns, all of the foI- <br />kwaing de<rribM prol+erty ;trusted and bring in ate L'onntc of naI I <br />Stale of Nebraska. <br />;,ots one (11 , mac: t2) , ,.:see ,.7 '~etag Subdivision, in .he City of <br />Grand Island, ball Court=c~, tlebras;:a <br />toge[ber with ill the tcr*cmenis ant! appurirnancc~ thcrctu bePong+ng, all the tints. issne~5 and profit> therer,l, unu al! <br />casements, rights, ro~altid, mineral, otl ynd ga.. rigttts and ;x~Cis, Nater, water rights, and water +uxk, and including <br />all hearing, plumbing, reirigcratnm, Lghung, c~aipn;cnE and alI fizutt [> czi ev, ry descrEption belonging co tnc <br />mon~gor now or hereafter atta:hed tMCtcto or used to u;nnectum with the premises herein drxnbcd end in aduitton <br />thereto the fnliosving des:rilied progenies which are an,3 shall fie deemed t~ tie ii±tut[~ and a yeti of rite realty, tent. <br />are a petition of the security for the indebtair~s hcrcir .rated, (If none, sate "ne'~nr"} None <br />Ta twsc atxl to hold tht lame un:e the Mortgage^, as herein p;o~~rd.:~: <br />The r[tntt~dgcr is lawftaliy sewed anxi possessed of and has the right to sell and convey ;ail? prolxrt}; !hat the <br />same is free from all ct.:urnbranc~s txtepi a hereinab,ec~ recited; and that hfortgagor cosenants io warrant end <br />del end the ;+fle aforesaid thereto and cserp 1?art thereof against the claims of aL' persons µ; <br />Th[s instcum.:nl is yiti~ea to srcuTe the pa}~mcn; of a promissar: note dated _ SeLtember 2 , _ 198 <br />in the princiFul sum of S_ ~G7 vS.'_- _._______, signed by '_Ce_r..'u_t:~ k _a.^,c u:icv 5t a,w <br />--` -- _ <br />in behalf ~f ___^=hmn~:nl vac <br />arse, as :uch note or totes may tram time to time be mod: feed, renewed ar extended in w;i:irg. <br />to the wart the titk ;a Maid tea; estate is trans;cred, er contracts to be t:ansferrcd, irom *_he undersigt;ed to: :n} <br />season or Oy any method whatsocYcr, ;he rnGre ptincipat sum and accrued interest shall a7 once b~contc due and <br />pe>abie at :he cFcctron of tht holder i:ercro,`. FailwC t3 exercise fttis ep,iea bxausc of trans;cr o' :tile as aho'.e :,.a[ed <br />in one autan4c Shall sot coa;ntLt: z w~aivgr of the rig t to excrcist the same Sn the e~eat of an;a subsequent transYcr. <br />I. True mortgagor ao~crzan:a and sgre~~ as fv'tiows: <br />a.T=.t p.orrtlxtic pay tic indehte;lncs~ evidenC~'d bg sa=d promisor; nt~tc at the Ertt~i and ;n i}:~ :.,anrc; <br />,,_ Tt paq a!{ saxes. ;3sc~stn;rtt;. u,ttcr ,-arcs, and ~ he; ~_-s~rnr_,t~x c- ~;,rt:_ to ~~ta ~,~_ <br />Y'?. _:!itmt, ,ut w'h'tin p.E~wcic,t n.x, ,ot .._n ~°'.x. a...eanbeft,zt~ a7,. ht.; rss=nn,2t dcR t-'re ~.. _~ <br />..~rt~ia" t~ , _ ,xld rt_r,eagei. <br />.. _. ........ t <br />to ~i"g R"i~~`ers wt r ~.FCV r2nht. i ~, ~> rt ~.; ay s _..~ '?c:' t. ., ~- ~ ..~~ ~_. .,~,. <br />h ._. ~~ r 1 rt ~ I s' tt; .~i; ~ v _._ , .. _, <br />