<br />$~'-~- tlCt3A51
<br />6. Tn the event said property is sold at a judicial foreclosure sale or puisuant to the power of a sale hereinabovc
<br />granted, ar.$ tfte p°cxeeds arc not sufficient to pay the total indebtedness secured by this instrument and evidenc-
<br />ed by sa9d'~romrssery-note, the mottgagee.vili be entitied'to a deficient} judgemenr$or the amount of the
<br />deficiency without re2~rd te- appraisememL
<br />In the event the mortgagor (ails to pay any federal, S{at?, or local taz ass men!, inct~me tax or other tat Ilcn,
<br />charge, fee or other expen~~ charged against thc.ptoperty t5e mortgaecxt iti hereby- authori:xd at i[s option to pay
<br />the same. Any sums so paid iiv [he mortgagee shaltbe added to and bt~come a par! of the prncipai amoun[ of the
<br />indebredness es°idenced by sand noce;~-ub3ect to thesarne [erns and conditions. [f the mortgagor shall pay and
<br />discharge the indebtedness evidenced by said ptomis<soi}' t~otc, and shall pay such sums and shall discharge all
<br />taxes and liens and [he costs, tees, andexpenses~f making; ~nf<?reing, .+.nd executing this mortea3e, then this
<br />moneage shall be caneetled andsurTentYered.
<br />R, The covenant; herein contained chali hind and the bene~u and advantages shah inure to the respecove succecsors
<br />znd assigns of the parties hereto. U'htnever used, the singular ^u[nhet shalt include the plural, the plural the
<br />singular, and ;ie use of env eerdr* shall include ail genuer.
<br />ri. do wai•rer of any covenam ; c:eir, at nF the ;>hiigation secarett hCr4by shalt at 3n~~ time thereaftzr be held to be a
<br />wai~.cr cf the terms hereof ar of the ^~~te s. ~ cd f:creh.-,
<br />10. A judicial decree. order, ocjudgemeza holding any pro:i:ioti or laortion of [:his instrumen; invalid or unenforce-
<br />abic shaUncrr m anv_ wavimpair or precit;de ;he cniorccment of t17e~reznaimr,g pro~isioas or portions of [his
<br />'msttument.
<br />i i. rYnv written notice to'bc issued io ;he martg~agor purxuan[ to site provisions o` thiti instrument .halt he addres;cd
<br />to site mortgagor ai _ ?~~ xorth PrrAe Grand Z~I:arsd~ Nebraska &8801 -----------_
<br />_ and any wrtteir+ notice to be ,.1 ,°d [n t~,^ mortgagor shall
<br />be addressed to the mortgagee at. 424' W. 3rd >t ° p. l3cx 2~3A5, Grastd island, Nebraska 6080:
<br />in '+'~'t rtvF.SS Vl'HEttECtf, the mortgagor has execrated this instrument sod the mongagec has accepted delivery of
<br />ttiis instrtcmen[ as oftheday andvear aforsaid.
<br />~~ ~ ~ ~
<br />. ~nneT.it Sv raab
<br />-.,
<br />r' .
<br />.. _ ..
<br />................
<br />_ Tiose *ta,"~ Stat2b
<br />Executed and.tldi.cred in the presri~~e tSf the fr±liat;np v.rtracssrs
<br />' ~ (Add rlpptaprrate Ac3traowledgemcnt)
<br />STATE OF NFRRASKA 1 Bt(orc mr, a quaiiC+~d tiotary Pub3;c, xr>onally appcarrd __ ___-
<br />tis- __ i-+r rr,~.h ~_,snd P.f se *'-3rV jtna~.
<br />cov*~Tt~ o>< -~_-_-- _ 4
<br />__
<br />kna~.^ to me uti be idcnacal Txrsou or persons wF,7 signex! .he torexuirg i:vt~aarrent and acknc;ukdged th ~.~union
<br />th.rcof to he .___ =~=eir__ va3untarp a Y and dtrd.
<br />Witntax m~~ hand and notarial Seri o•t _ 1-. ._ ..,:. ,.
<br />19 ' ''
<br />~~~-iyr f Yw~r
<br />5E:a +~o~ 0. R'"Qac
<br />ri ~. 4 tiw. x / ~n
<br />V ~r~ , py~r,ye
<br />~!y Commies ion Expires ---_~-_-_.-___=-- -, .9 _'_
<br />JTATE Ol= 1ERR.\SAA ~ BcF~re me a ycalif;ed tic:arr pi t.i:c, prr .'.i: z:pp ~a: tc; _
<br />w.
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<br />.. err;.:+rcuon., known tc mr t:? ~; the i'resa.~+.ent and .a_nt-~f; pc '..r ;.h ,~tcd ,._ regc n, _.,. ,.. ..,,_.
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<br />a~rowlet}ger,+, tt;c exr;-triion ;he:r:.~f t.• be his .i tt.n?a.tc act a^d dc~d a> <uch, .terse a:~c -~~.. oluaar_ .-, _ti.a ri.e~~ <zl
<br />saiv _ct±+h}r3h,;)+±.an.:E the; ass ,-,z,rate yea` uas ailixc + t4errt~ be i - ~~hontp.
<br />~~a;i;-~c i'ttv ha3K7 a ~ No[n,r.,;.l psi ti^ ;q :.
<br />t5littLl
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