<br />82-.o~3s e9
<br />- UxrFOet•:tCavExxxrs. Borrower and 1 ender cevenant and agree as failows:
<br />1. PaymeMofPrinclpal;and7nterest.Borrower shailpramptly pay when dtie the principal of and intereston the
<br />indebkednessec[denced by iheNote, prepayment and late. chargesas pmvidedin theNote, andthegrincipaf of and inlcrest
<br />on anyy Future Advancessecured bythis Deets of Tn+st
<br />2. Funds for Tales aid Insurance. Sub}ect to applicable law or to asvritten waiver by Lender, Borrower shallpay
<br />r to:Lender onihe day monthly instatlments ofprincipal and mteresi`are payable under the Nota, imtil the Note is paid in foil.
<br />alum (herein "Funds") equalto one-twelfth of thayearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority overthi<
<br />- Deed of Trust, and ground rentson the Property,if any,pios ane-twelfth gf,yearly premivminstallments for haaard insurance.
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premiumtnstallmertts for inartgage insui•antt, if any, ail as reasonablyestimaied-initiallyand tram
<br />time to time'by Lenderon thebasrs of assessments and'biNs andreasonable'esumaies thereof.
<br />The Funds shall bey held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are ipsured or `guarant:°ed by a Federal or
<br />state agency-lincludingl.enderif Lenderissuch an ns[itutian). Lender shalt applytheFunds ta',pay saidtaxes, assessments,
<br />insurancepremiums andground-rents.. Lender may.:not charge for so haldingandapplying the Funds, analyzing saidaccount
<br />orverifyingand compiling saidassessmenisand bills, sinless LenderpaysBorrowerinterest onIhe:Funds and-applicable-law
<br />pe:.rmits Lender to `make such-a charge.. Borrower and Leadermayagree mwriting at-thetime ofexecutionof-this
<br />.Deed of Trvsttbatinteres[ anthe-Funds shall be'paid-ro Barrower,.and'unless sach,agreementis made orapplicablelaw.
<br />requires such interes£Pe be paid:.Lendershalf rsot be`r'equ+red to pay Borrower any interest ar earnings on thrFunds..Lender
<br />shall give to Borrnwer:without charge,-.an,.annual acceuntingof the Funds shaw•mg,credits and debitsao the Funds and the
<br />purpose forwhich each debit-to the,Funds was made:. The Funds are pledged asadditional security focYhe sumssecured
<br />try this Deed of Trust.
<br />if the amount of ahe Fundsfietd by Lender, together with the future monthly .installments of Funds payable. prior to
<br />-thedue dates of taxes,assessments,.insurance premiums andground'rents.. shalCexccedYhc amnuntrequirediopay said.taxes,
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fill due; such excess -shall he; at Borrowers opuon, either
<br />promptlyrepaid to.Borrower orcreditedtoBorroweron-monthly installments of'FCmds: Tf ehe amount of the!Funds:
<br />'held hyLender shallnotbe stitTicienYto pap'taxcs. assessments, insurancepremiumsand ground renisasthey fall dues..
<br />'.Borrowershalf pay`toLender any amountneccsearv romake ^pahudeficiency withim30 days fram the datunotice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requestiogpa •ment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in .full of all stuns ucured 6y this Deed of Trust, lender shad!. promptly refund eo Borsewer any: Fund<
<br />'heldhy Lendtr.If underparagraph l8 hereof theProperry is soldnrjhc Propertyis otherwisracyuired'tiy'Lender;Lender
<br />shall apply,no laterihan immedialely,pnor taehesaie ofthc,Propertyarits,acquisition hy: Lender,.anyFunds held by
<br />Lender aline time: of applicatian a a crediragainst the. Burns secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />3. Applicatbnot Payments.- Untessapplicabfe taws provides otherwisc,all payments received by !.ender undcr'fie-
<br />Mofeand'paragraphs'land?hereof shallheapplied~hc Lenderfirst in payment of amountspayabletoLender byBnrrower
<br />underparagraph 2 hereof; then to interest payable an ifie Nate, then to the pnncipai of the Note, and: then to interest and
<br />principatbnany FutureAdvances.,
<br />" 4..Cbae;est [.kus.-Bnrrau'er shalt pay all iaxcs.'.assessmems. and t+ther ,:barges,fines and'impavtionsattributable-ta
<br />the Propettyvrhich may attain apriortyover this-Deed of:Trust,'.aodleasehold:payments or ground. rents; if any; inttte
<br />manner pravided'under paragraph 2 hereof or. if not paid in such manner, by Bnrrower making payment; when duerriirectly
<br />- to the payerthereof. Borrowerslrall promptly furnish io Lender all nonce,:: of amounts due underahis paragraph, and'in-the
<br />event Borrowershapmake payment directly, 8ormwer. shalt prompt!} furnish ro T_ender receiptsevide^cing;such payments..
<br />Harrower shall promptly discharge any lien:which has;pnorkg'ncer ttiis:Dced at T'rust;grovided,that Borrower shall:niitb+:
<br />:required to discharge anysnchlien so7ongas Borrower shaltagree rn H;.rizing to thc:payment of the obhgahan secured'.by
<br />such lien in a manneracceptablc to Lender; nr shall in good faith contest such hen hy; br defend enforcement-c}f such-lien ~i .
<br />fegafpproceedings whichoperateto prevent. the cnrorixment of-the l+en t~rfarfeiturc of the-Property or any parr thereof,
<br />S: 116irrd lawr>rce. Borrower shaiF keep the improvements maw existing arhereafter erected on the Pmperty ins.n cd
<br />..against foss. by fire hazards included wthin_the term "extertdedcovcrage", and sucht?therhazards as Lendcrmay rei~~~rc
<br />and in Bitch amaunes and for such pcriads as Lender may require; provided, tfiaz Lender shall not regwrc that else amount o!
<br />- such coverage exceedthat amounrof coverage rcqu+red to pay:.ihe sums secured by this Deed afTrust.
<br />Thei:nsu:ance carrier. providing. the insurancc.Yhall he fioscn by Borrower suiiject to approval by'l.cnder. nrovidcJ,
<br />that such approvaCsbalf not be unreasonably withheld; A!1 premiums on insurance policies shag Ix :paid in the manner
<br />:provided uodu'puaBraph.` liercof ot, if not paid in Bach. manner; Try: Borrower making payment; when due; directly: to the
<br />1nSUrallCeCafrier.
<br />All'instu•.ance policies and renewals. thtreot shall iNe+n farm acceptable to Lender and shall ncludea standard mortgage:
<br />clause in favor of and inform acceptable to Lender; T.encber shall .:we he rrght to hold the pnlicres and-renewals thereof;
<br />and Borrower shall promptly furnish to !:ender a13 renewal itoticcs and all rctietpts of p:ud premiums. In the went cif bss;
<br />Borrowershali givepromprnotice to theiosurancc earner and L.ebdnr;.T:endermay make proof of loss ~t:not madupromptly
<br />by Borrower:
<br />Unless'Lcnder and Borrower aherwiseagree to wrnrng, insurance proc:ceds .tra}t be appliedta resroration or repair of
<br />ahe Property:.damaged, provided such rrstarauon ar reps+r » eti~riotmcally,:feasrblc and..ihe security of this. Deed of Trust'i~
<br />not thereby ampaired: If suchrestorauonarrepair tsnot economicaltyteasible cr ifahe seeurityof thre Deed of Tnistwould
<br />be impaired, the insurance proceeds snail be applied to the sums secured Pry this 17eed'a! Tivst; with the excess, if any,. pail
<br />IoBoerowcr. 1fYhe Property:.is-abandoned$y Harrower. euifBorcawcr fails to respand'. to Lender witho-30 days from the
<br />date notice ismailed by Lenderm Borrower that tfu: insurance earner ottcrs.[o settle a'Naim7ar insurancc'benefits.l:cndcr
<br />as:awhorizedto coilectandapplytheinsnrance prcxeedsat Lender's option'ettheriorestorationor regairaf tlie.Prnperty
<br />or to the sums secured by th+s Deed of .Trust,
<br />UrJess tinder and Borrower otherwise agree in wr+ting, any.. such applicauon ai proceeds to pnncigal shalt not extend
<br />prpostponeafze ducdaie of themanthiynsiallments teferredro-inparagraphs'aand 2 hereafonchangcthe;amount of
<br />such installments, It urular paragraphr lx'heteof the Property is acquired by L ender; a31 right; title and interest of Borrower
<br />inand urany insuratrcepotities and m andto zhe proceeds thereof resuliingfront damagetoihcProperty prinrto the stk
<br />oracgmsiiron shall yrass'ta Lender ro the ezzent of thr sums secured b}' this Deed of 'T'rust immediately pnor to <uch sale pr
<br />acquisition. '
<br />& Precetvtttiotte zt`d 1-4aiuteitaoce of Pmpetty; lxasettolds; Condamioiums; Plrnned L1nit Developments. Born++c
<br />chat! keepthe Properzy'in good regatr .tnd4half matcamm+[waste ++rperixiit impairment ur deterinration ++, :he Propcrt~
<br />- ::nd shalt comply with the pravisietu of any3ease if'this I•leed ofTrust is ana leasehold. Lf this.Decd ofTrusti, en :r unit in ..
<br />condominium ar a planned unit development. Borrow,;t snail pcttarm all of Borrower's abiigafions 'under the dccl:uati.m
<br />c.: wvenants creating:.or governing the: condominium or. planned unitdeveiopmentj the by-laws ant regu~:; ,k .-, ;•f the
<br />condominium or ptanged unit development;-and canstiatcm,dcx~umenrs. if a candominium orplanned unit dc:clopmcr,~
<br />rider is executed. bgBtrrrower and rmordedlogethcrwith this Deedcrf `Trust, ihecovenants~and-agreerneii:+ ufsuch rider
<br />shalt be inearpatatedintoands}iall amend and supplement thuceienanrsarul agreements of`this Decd of.Trust as if thunder
<br />wc:c a part hereof.
<br />7. Protection otl.eeder's Security." If Borrower fa+[s tapertarm the °ovenants and agrcementscontamcdin thi<
<br />. Deed of Trust, or ifanyactionorprocccding it ~_ommerrccd"whuh materiallvaffects i,ender's interest in thc:Properic•
<br />including, but not limited io;emiimn[ domain. iresotvers., code enforcement, or arrangetrtencs or prticcec3inga inutrtving
<br />banf:rupt o: decedrnt. th-an 7xndarat Lender's option: uppn notice [<sBorrower, maymakEsuch appearances, disburse ~:rb
<br />- sums and tai;c such action a; is necxssary tc protect Lcader~. mterest; irrctuding, but mat Timued tt>. <tishuracntent
<br />reasonable attorney's fees aed cut n' ~ponilte Propi;rt} to snake n:pairs. -1fi,enderregtiired rnortgagc..insurrncc .~~
<br />mndilion of inakmg the loan secured bti this Deed of Trus[;Borra+vershall pay,ihc'premtnms-.required ti> ntmntain s.t~h
<br />~nsurancc i^ c$cr, nnut such time arc the. requiremenC for such insurancetetmmates m accordance wrah'AorruwcPs :d
<br />Lender"s wnttcn aRrccrneni ~r applicable law Borrower sltaflpay *he:amoua:tc+f attntortgagcinsurance Itrz~nium5 in the
<br />manic provided ^rdu paragraph ? hcrcaf.
<br />Anv amounts disbarred by I_c+~dcr p+arsuanfiothts. ~rag~a ph 7;with"interactthereon, shall lx:camcadditit+na)
<br />rode -tedocss r( &~rmwer secure-d h~ this Dced of Tnsst: t; nles~ $o wet end ! endcragr~te t~~ o[6er ie. m5 of payment, ~uwh
<br />am'. a--t~ :hall he payable t.por: notice frnrn IA~dc'r 2e. Evnowcr rey ~ _-pug payment theri:of, andShal7 t+car interest f7na+. the
<br />- date ~! disbcrscrncnt a: the rate pa}ablc frnrn nmo [o time on outsia'd ng pt+netpal under the Note unless paymcryt nF interest
<br />at s+xh laic wain.: t~ ~onttary t~ applcabla law: in which: evar,• -.oCh'amaunts >hall tx;ar interest at ahe highest rate
<br />pcrmissihle unucr appticah!,r taw inching caafattted-in this'ga~agtaph. 7 eltaEl r°7uirel•ender.:o incur nnys>rpense t::>r laze
<br />am• sau3n hcreur[dre
<br />E. Iwapectlen. Len[Sc= may make en ~autc tatii,~.ntade reasonahse cruses cipan and insxcsians at tt>e Prak!x. sty Moir Sa.d
<br />thx~ Under shall. give Nor,rnrct zwtice gtsur to a»y ssscts rnspt+uiibn sgec+fping rea=orrnkrlc cause rbxrefor rc.Ja,cu ,<~ .,crtdcr's..
<br />me ::rt In :h¢ Praoextv._
<br />