<br />g2._f}r,3R~19
<br />DEED OF TRUST ~~os;~s~s
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is made this.... ;~S.th .. ~~'.. .day of ...August . .
<br />~~ried?man
<br />19.g?., among theTrusror,.B.la~e.Scott„at:a.Dorezn. _ .................
<br />both single ,perscns_ _ _ , , , . (herein "Borrower") . ...... ............ .
<br />A!£RICAN CHARTER, r~D$RAk.$AVTNG5_.AND,hUA?~. i?SSOGIAII,ON..(huein "Truster' ). and the Renefic~an_
<br />.../y}A~R~AN.pllytjSlt FlpEgtAt,SAVINOS ANP.IOAN l1SSOCfAil01'1 ..........., a corporation organized and
<br />czisting undttthe lays of... -the United, ,ytat~s.,f_ r~mzr~c~. whose address is .............. .
<br />~Oi,SwAh,l]1hShwf-.Linoeln,.N~¢f~~1a.44SO4. ....... .. (herein"Lender"1.
<br />BORIIOWER, in consideration of the indebtedne>s herein recited and the trust herein created. irrevocably grants
<br />and eonve}'s to Trustee, in trust, w~th power of gale, the followinr_ described property located in the County of
<br />Hall , State of tirbraska:
<br />...........................
<br />Lot Thirty Four (34), Sass Second Subdivision, being a part
<br />of Section Fourteen (14), Township Eleven (1L) :7orth, Range
<br />.. __ ink .,__.. _c ~~_ ~~~ -, ~. .. ..., r...... r.. ii..n~~cLn
<br />L
<br />~rand..isLand,........
<br />15trNU (C,iy~
<br />Nebraska .68801, . , , , .. _ _ (httein "Propcny Address"):
<br />[suu Ana z;p Coee1
<br />TocentEa with alt the improvements now or hereafter crecu°d on the pro~rtq, and uH easements, right..
<br />appurtonanees: rents ('subject ho>•evcr to the rights and authorities glean herein to Lender to coiled and apply cueh
<br />roots), royalties, miners}, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock.. and all fixr~res now or
<br />bereattor attaehed to the property. all of which, including replacements and additions thereto, shu31 be deemed to be
<br />and remain a part of the property co>'ercd by this Decd of Trus:', and aiI of the foregoing, together wi+.h ~;ici property
<br />(or ttte leasehold estate if this Deed of Trust is on a teasehold i are herein raferred to as [hc "Proper[}";
<br />The undersigned waives the F,enefit of the homestead exemption. as to 'his deb[.
<br />Yo Secu><€ to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by Borrower'; note dated ..f~ugu e c
<br />2~,_ 1982 _ , (harem "Rote"), in the pcincipat sum of. - -FOATY. T.NQ :BOlSA.~ll .tiiNE.HCNll.2k,U
<br />_FIf'T'Y._and.QO/1~U_(~.y~,950,.QQj,.....Dollan. with interest ;hereon. pr vi<iing.or monthly i.a.t,mer.a
<br />o[ prtttcipal and inttrest, with the balance of the indebtedness, it not x>nner paid, due ant: pa~aLac on , apt it »_
<br />..... ,1485. , - .. _ . _; the payment of al! other _ ums, wa6 ini , cst there .r., ud ~i ~.cJ
<br />in aeaardance herewith W protect the secarty of this Ihed of Trust, and the pcriOrrttan%c of !be coverant~ :u';
<br />agzesmeats cd Borrower herein contained; and {b7 the scpat~ment of any fct;irc ed~3nres. with intcrc~t th~rcon. _iu;dc
<br />to Acrr[zwrr by Lender pursuant to paragraph Z 1 ftereef (herein 'F~stur Adtimncc>" i_
<br />ES13rrOWCr %ovteanis Chat Borrowct !S lawfully wised o€ tnc estate h r^t.,; e ~;rve4~d uaU ha, ;6c t ~ _ __.u
<br />- ~nvey the Pra~pCKy. that the Propcr3y i5 uncnct:n.txrcd. 'a nil that Rtrrc;wcr u-il; ~aa;ran- air.; ~~.a t ~ {encretSW (hc
<br />irik: [o $~c PttlG.crty aga;nst all claims an3 demand ,what to ac} {eci.~ret:.+ns axr[u•r;s r.~:.u ti stn iix 1 n
<br />st:it.dutr ~[ rzebptie~i to rovF*rigc k'~ any :i~i~ ~ncur.mc~ pot tester. a •~.dr`s in:~ rc;r ~n ti;e Yn'~fxrrr.
<br />i} ai'+a~, c der Et,r t; cn ..e; ~ t; Tit1 r~~_-_ _ -~,i __.. -- -- 'yr.1.
<br />-g tIEfRAS~~ ` ,~ : t,c v ,; ?a_ rxfu;rKtut uq~otw txsrautetni , .. ,~ 3~,.~fiMa=a,-,a,
<br />