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<br />9.. Ca~ndemaation. Theproeeeds gfany award or claim far damages, direct or consequentiah mconneeiionwith atry <br />..condemnation or other takiugof the:Propeny,or parithereof, or for conveyance in lieu of eondemnahon; areherebyassigned <br />and shalt t?e paid to tender. <br />]n the ev ^t -f z toter takingof the Fropeny, the.. proceeds: shalt he applied to rhesums secured by this :Deed nfTrusY; <br />with the excess is any, paid to:Borrower.-tn the event of a'partiat taking ~f the'Property, unless Borrower and. Lender <br />ottxnvisc agree in writing: thercshsll tx applied to the sums secured by this Decd of Tntst suehproportionef the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportton which the amount of thesums secured b3^ thrs Deeei of Tryst immediately prior to the date af. <br />;akiog tvcurs to the fay rrarkei value of the Prtaperty imrnediatelyprior to ttiedate of taking, with the balance. of the procecd< <br />paid to Borrower. :... <br />ff the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after naticeby Lrnderta Borrower that thecondemncir offers tomake <br />- an award or Battle a ciavm fo[.damages, Borrower faili to respond to ]:ender within ~~ days :after the date such notice is <br />- mailed, Lender is authorized:YO'collect andapply ihcproceeds. at'Lender's option, either to restoration or repairaf the <br />Property or 'o the sssmx stxured by this Deed of TrusL.' <br />Unless Lenderand ilorrowee othenviseagreetn writing; any such applicatioitofprtxeCds'to principalshall noteztend <br />or pastpone •fic due date of the monthly' installments referred to in paragsaphs i and hereof. orchange the amount of , <br />.such insta'tlments. <br />10. serro~rer Not Released.L=xtecision of the 2imr for payment armadification of amortization of the sums securefi <br />by thrs.Deed of Trust granted by Lender tnany succs'ssar in'.iaterest of Borrower shallrnu aperate to release,: m any manner, <br />- the ifabiiity of iheortginai-Borrower and Borrower's successors m- interest. Lender shall riot: be. required ta. cammence <br />'.procetdings-:against wch successor or refuse to extend: time for pa~rmeni. or othetvvisc modify. amortization of the: sum.; <br />secured: by this Deed of Trtrsrby r_-ascn obany demand. made by-the original Burrower and Btirrowei s successors in interest. <br />l L Fotrhnrawcc; bg Lenders Not a Waiver. .4n4'forbearance by Lender m exercising any right ar remedy hereunder, iir <br />`otherwiseaftcrrded by`applicableaaw,.sbaAnat he'a waiveroP arpreCludethe exetvise of5any sachright crrremedy. <br />`Chcpraeurementbf insurance or thepaymen[ oftaxes or etherliens ar..hargas by Lender shailnot be a waiver Of 1_endcr~ <br />right toaecelerate'the maturir}' of theiirdchsedncss secured t,y this DCed ef'Trust <br />12. RewtediesCulnuhetivd Allremedies provided in this Dced of Trust are distinct and cumulauvetriany otherrl:.tit <br />-.or remedy':undet. this Deed of Trost-or afforded hySawor egairy,..and may ive rxrressed: concurrently,. indeprndanttl or <br />succexsivety. <br />13. Saeceworsa+M A.tstas bound: Joint andSeveral [3ability; Caphorrs. The Covenants and agrecmenrs hcren <br />cantainedainll bind,-nod the rights hereunder shalt rnum rev. the. nspective'su..ce^ssots'and aksrgns of Lender and Sorr wee, <br />wbjeciao the provisions ofparagraph IT hereof. AilCOVenancs and:agreements. of BormweF shall be joint -i ssvcral. <br />'["hxcaptionsandheadingsofthcparageaphs of thispeed of Trust are for coin^enienC~ onlyand aieaot tr he used to <br />in[erpru or: define the .provisions hereof.. <br />li. Notico Ezcepi fof any notice requ+redunder npplicabie law to be given. m anothrc manner: (al s ry n puce to <br />Borrower. provided form this Deed of Trust shall tx: given by n}aihng suchnance hycertfied trail addressed t H r ~•x~er ai <br />-the Property Address or at such other address. as'Bormwer mati desrgnafe by notice 'n Lender ar~ proviu i nrr~.n :suet <br />(b} any notice to Lender shail'be given by cenified mail, return rcce+pt requested, to Lender's address atafce' nerrn or u> <br />such otfier'address as Lender may designate by notice to Borrawcr as-provrdcd herein. ^Any notice proyid~d Ior rn drl> <br />Deed of'Ttttst shall lx deemed'fo.have been given o harrower: or Lender when:-given in tfte manner designated 6crci n, <br />IS...:UniformDeed'of Tnsst:Corernisit l:aw; $evenbility ll'trs form of dcirdof'trust combines uniform cuvenamti for <br />national use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by ;urisdictton tc? constitute a onifot.ti security instrument <br />covering real properly: This Deed of Trustshall tu,gcis•erned tiythe taw of. the iu tsdieltan to which the Property is located. <br />In the. event: that. anyprovisionar clause ofthts llecd of TrusYnr the Natce.ontLces with applicable law; such confiici shirt) <br />not afStt-t:other pravisiotu of this Cyeed of 't -us; or the Note which earl l?r given t:ITi:et wrttinut the conf3icung provision. <br />and to this end the prevtsioos of the Deed of T ust and the `rote are deciareti to I+e sevcrablr, <br />lf. iorrower's Ca*g. Borrower shalt h.. ~„ ntshed a conformed uipy of the: ;Vote and of this Deed of Trust at t}ic time. <br />of execution or after recardatori ftercot <br />l7. Transfer of tAe lropedy: Aawmptiou. li all or , nv part of the Pr<5perty or an interesftherem is sold or transferred <br />by Boirrnver wizhauC:Lender's poor written _anxnt, e.~fud4n~ tat the creation af,a hen or,eneumbrance subordinate to <br />his Ueedof Trust, (b) the creapnn of s purr#tase r uncv ce: sin- nteresC for household apptiadces, tc) a transfer bydevise. <br />- dcsctat orby olttration of law.u{it~o the death or ~+ ,,:n; or J ~ the grant of any leasehold interest of three years~ur Tess <br />not containing an option to purchase, i,ender inn t 1 ender ~~piron, JCCiare a1f the sums secured by this C~eGd of Trust to tie <br />immediately due and payable, ):ender shalt h:;rc w.,~.~. uch r~puon to accrirrate if, poor to the sale or .transfer, L::cnder <br />_ an<! thea.+erson to w,hgm the Froixrty is.SVlfr sold or irnmfcr~c,i teach'agreenrcnt in-wrrung that the credit of such. p~:+cn <br />issatisfactory io Lrnder atnf'that the intern p .~ Kc i - c u+ n~.l try thislJeed of TYusi shall'hc at suCkYa[r a. <br />Fxndershaii rCquesL if LcuderNat; wai~cdth~ ol.tu.n „ .~Jeru:_ ; ros.ded nt t?ts paragraph 12, and if Borrower's succusec <br />inentetCSthas exeCUtt:d a written:ucsuntption agtcs:uum .+ue,trd .~ +~ritanC by t,rnder, i.ender~shall rr)oasc Borrower Iron, <br />all oblig°atiuits under this Decd a£ Trust and the Notc. <br />If:t-ender cxtrtises such option to seccieratr; tcn+?cr ,i,ri; ,J Rorer _rr.~:~x of accolerazu>n ~ ~ ,. ~,~idancewitL• <br />paragraph a4 hereCrf: Such nonce shad provrdr a'.peris`xi of+r r + than :.:! uuy^ trout rh^ Jatethcnotice i. sy+ailed within <br />which-Borrower may-. gry [he'surns ds.larc:i stun. 'Yf. Borrower i.r~, ' ~ tr.n ~t f utr„ ,nor t,~ 1ne cxpirati<~n of such. perioii, <br />: Lrndcr may; wirhoui further notice or :demand .,n Borrower. ~nvr e em rcmcJ ~•l , .~ nr;tced 'o},rgraph_;3 hereof: <br />Nos-U ~~tr~:>arit Crn~t>nunnrs Borrower ,nu t_e++Jer turthor ~ .cnanr :~n ,xrcc a, Irilows, <br />IX. Accrkration; Remedies. Except a. provitledin 17 hrreo6, upon.HorrawePs breach of:.any covenant or <br />aKrecment of HURaMer in 1hislXedo(71wt, iocfuditrltthr covenants to pay When dnranp~ tiums secured by this lleeJ <br />- of 'Criist, Lrrvder yrirrr to acceleration shaiima@ notice tel: Burrower ac pru+idcJ ioparagraph.. 1J hererrf sps.cifyinq:.(1) the <br />breach; (21 the action rcquiredta cure3uc6;{3f a dale, nw leas than 39 days from nc~:`datetfae noticC isma'ucd to <br />Borrower, by vvhi+:h such"breach must':beCUred;andf4}char failure to cure such breach onorbefore the dalespeei6ed <br />in the Clutter mac result io uceleraliirnofthc win, secured by Chi. t)erd of "I rust cad r.aie^.oF the Froper[y..The notice <br />vhall further inform &arower of rile right tc reinstate after aCreleraiion and therigbf #r bring acourl action tr.:+sse rt <br />- the rwa-existence of a default or ^n~ oOKr defense of .8orrnwer to acecieratiop and vale. ff the breach i:• not cured <br />on or before the date specified in the notice, Larder al Lender's optimi ma,y declare iii of fl~nun, +ccured b~ this Deed <br />of Tract to be immediatch due and pa viable »ithout further demand and ma} invoke fhe pawzr of sale anA env ulhrr remedies <br />pereriitted by applicable law. Lender shall th entitled to cnllcrt aYl rcawanirlc <vnh ;end espen-+r~ iniurred in pursuGng tl+e <br />remedies pro<rdrd in this paraYr~ph 18, inctedi~, Lot to, reawnnblr atlrlrria:y`ti fees. <br />IF the power of Betz is ins eked, Trustee shat{ rc cord a notice of default in each cr only ir. which the Nruperi}. c r some <br />put thereof is located and tihafl mail copies of -wch ounce ir. the rnaaner prescritxd hs appiieabie (aw m Aorrower and to the <br />other pervrni pre: cribad br app) icaNe Iaw. :1Rcr the ]apse of ±uch time :n roav ~ regwreri be ;,pplicablr Iaw, PrusEee shad <br />give public notke of s;de to the arsons and ir• the manner pre sr riixd by applicable taw. Truster, w$hqut demand on <br />- borrower, shall sell the Propem of public au<finu to the highest bidder al the time :u+6 place a+rJ under ihCa¢rm5 designated <br />in the notice of ~Ic in one ar more plrcet. a:ed in such urdera++- Trutiiec mat dr:erruin Tui,iee titay postponC Bete of alt <br />yr any guest of the Pnipe7y b}' public arnnwrcrment at thetimrand plate of act previat131} scheduled sale, lender iir <br />C.endcr's designee ma_v pureliase the Pruper•,} of ::nv .ale. <br />Upon receipt of paynteu: of the pure bid, trustee ~-hxlf deliver to lhr purchmcr itu ere"s reed cunri:ring the 1"roperfv <br />sold. TAe recitals in th Trust:-t~A decd ~hatl tw: prima Esc it evidence irF tL-c €rulh of the cL.fements made tbei'eio. "£ru3fc~~ <br />shsril apply the proerrd f lnr lair in tt+e hHbwipg prd r {-; to all rca,enabl e. t~ and eslxn ti +f t'r +a Yt including, but <br />nw iiniifed to, Tre•.ire'' fet_s r F not mare than ~ V ~' of tl e gross aE F arc, rc asu u.rf Ie ttoru •y"•. faea ant! costs of <br />fi.tta evidence; tL) to rJl - vn+ srenred h} :Lis Herd of Tnist: umi 1.c1 tF_c evicetic, tf an_., to the pzrsm! or yerwous lr_~sHv i•n titled <br />i hereta. <br />t0, $airrtrwcr's Bight to Bciaaste- .. .. .. ~ .,. _1 ! - u. ~,.~ r~.i <br />_ S r t' F : F e tom, c .. I f J ~~ ~ t ~. <br />do i r 4~ r 'r P :c f het 'rS <br />L .}.. I rf' .t,.n~ f.. J,.~ Y f .. 1 .. <br />.... .. .. ., ., ~ .. ~. ..~ r ._. ~ .. ,. .. <br />.. ~, <br />- t:.~.~ <br />__ {.. I <br />