<br />82-f)(~3i9 ~
<br />UwroaM CoveHxrtirs. Hoei•ower andLere+er cavenant and agree as fcrHaws:
<br />- 1. Payment of I'riocipal and interest. Pm rawei shah .prnrnptly pay when'dite the principal ~~t and interest nn the -
<br />indebicdoexs eviizenred6y t!yc ~tote,.prcpas~in n. c3_ late charges as providei# m tfie Note, and. the principaF of and'.inter~ t
<br />On any Ftrt uie Advance. u~ui~ed by this: Decd t 1 ~~,.
<br />2. iteed+ for 'i'texea and lttatirance- Sufi)er t.t ap¢licaFtle law or to a warren waiver t,y [:,.ender, Barrawer sha#9 paj
<br />oa i ender en .he day rnnnthly enszatimants of pr~nei€,~! and interest are paya6#e undcrxhe ;Mote until the *laic is paid in full,
<br />a aum (herein "Funds') equalto ane-twetf } F ;`e. pearl, lases and asses'mcniwhrch may. attain prsonty over thi.
<br />Deed ofTrust, and ground rentson the Prapert} € ~nry. plm rarse-nvcEfth nF yearly premiicm tnsta4rnenn For hafard insurance.
<br />~ptus one-twelfth of yearly premium tnslallments fa .nortg gc insurance, rF any alt a+ reason3biyesnmarcd inl~;:liy. and J nom
<br />time to limb by Lender an zhe Dasis of assessments amt 6d(< artd-reasanahic estimates lharecrf t'c der~~ n
<br />The Funds shall'be held in an msti[utior +he de~ncrt< o- acconnis of ivht..h arc insured of gu3r+ntceu h t
<br />estate agency-(naiuding' Lender ifLender irsuch an in<tizuuan) Lender sha8 2pply the'Fun's uvpar ~t'-t:r<. s~nrnt-
<br />insurence¢remiums and graund!rents Lender maynai charge forsa ho#dmgand applying t~~~ Funds n ~ ~~~ i + "rcc"+ r't
<br />or verifyingandcetnpiling said-assessments-and bills, unie« 6cnder nays 8orrowerrazcr « bntheT"un i,,f € pl Ic ha o.
<br />permiTS I;ender to make suchicharge.: Borrowcr:and Lender may •~grec n wri:~n ~.~ n ~~ +i i,~ ,~ ;h'~
<br />Deed of Trust thafintereston the FandS shall be paid to Borrower, and unless Inch :~ ,.~t t~ ~.° n nI +be. law
<br />rcquaxssuch mlerest to be paidl~endarsha#€ nut be requited topay Barrawer anv;mtere t nr r.+rning ~i ~ir. r t-. I%:ndrr
<br />- sha€€ g"rve to Borrower, withoutcharge, am annual account+ng of "the Funde shawmgcred is art;l dafitt< t<, the f d~ r,nd ~hc
<br />purptsse for whicMcach ambit to the Funds was madeC 71tc Funds are pledged ;rs additional se.^urity_tor the .v~ms secured
<br />by this Deed of TnistC .. ,
<br />If theamoun[ oFthe Funds held 6y L:ender, toga her with-the future-mc nthty installments. irf Fand.< p 1 I - ~'
<br />the duedates of taxis. assessments,.iasurance premirims and ground renic,shalz exceed the amadnt regmred. r< E ~ -d t .z<.
<br />assusments; insurance premiums arsd .ground rents `ns theyty^ dur, >ueh cues haft he at Bnrrawer, ion, either
<br />¢rompttyrepaid to Borrower-ar eredited'to Borrower an monthly msra#Iments af:Funds Ef the amrnmt the € und<
<br />'held by Lender shall not he sul6cunr to, pay taxes, askescments, msurancc premiums and Ground renta az they fa€; due.
<br />Bortower shallpay lafxnder any amauntrtecessary t.~make:u¢ thcdeficiency wdhrnd~ days from the date.noucc ~~ Trt:iilai
<br />by under-to Borrower requesting payment thereof:
<br />Upon paymentin fu#I of.~f sittns secured try th+s Deeci:of Trust, l.cnder shall promptly refund to Borrower any Fund<
<br />held byl~nder. if:tander ¢aragraQtt tRhereof tbe.Propeny is'satd or the Property a i~thcrwrse acquered by 1 endcc licndcr
<br />s*.a€1 apply, na later than rmtlsCdtatezypriai' to the sale of ihe['rapeapzar its acgariinc+n by Ccnztrr..~. ny Fandc held hy.,
<br />Lenderarthe time of app€icatio:+as a credit against the sums secured by thisUzrci of'lrust
<br />3. A{}{flieaMeaof Paysewts. Cintessapplreablaltw ptr3vides atberwfsc. all paym nta rece~ cr.h~ i.~nder under thg.
<br />Note artd paragraphs l and 2 hereof shad be appplied by 1 ender first ~n payment of ,amounts papal c. i,- I :~rder by Borrower
<br />underparagraph2htrcof, then iomteresspayala3eon the Nate.ihen tothe,principal~f thcNate, :ntd then to interest and
<br />principal on any Future Advances.
<br />1. Ghae~.t.iess. Borrower sna#tpay all razes. assessments and nthcr charGcs.fincs anti: mrpavfi~~n:, sttrihutahlc tn.
<br />the Property which may auxin a prtortty. aver Ih+s-Dccd crf-Trust, and leasehold payments or ground rcnic, if any, in the
<br />tnaanerprovideduadekparagraph 2 hueofor, ifnofpaid irsuch manner,by Borrower making payment, when due;. directly
<br />iothtpayeeahcreof..Barrowushall promptty furnishtr+ l.cadcr"all nattces`of amounts durunder [his paragraph,.artdnthe
<br />evrmr.Borrowtr'shailmate.¢ayrnenrdirectfy,Borrawer chap promptly f nrnrsh m l..under recc+ptsevaic,,cmg'sueh payments.
<br />Borrower sha#I'pmmpily dischar~c any ticnwhrch #,as:pror ty ~n"cr this lhd + ~ trust; pr<>vrdei.,thal Bnrrewrr shall not hc.
<br />requtred[erlischargcany'soch hen srolarvg as Borra.ver shailasree in writing to ihepavmcntcif the ohtigatrnn secured c>~
<br />such lien in a manner acceptable to hrnder, or shall in s,Kwd faith cantest such hen hy, sir ,3e! end i. n forccmcnt at such I ten ~ n-
<br />Legal ppra-eedings which operates to prevent zhe: cnlorccmcnt z,€the t~cn or'inrfe~mrc +~t the Ptupcorty or any part .tht.rml.
<br />5.:.'Himrti Iwnra~ee. Borrower vhall keep the impnavcmems now exrsnnt, car ne:eatter erected on the; i'n>pcriy. insured
<br />: against. loss by fire, hazards trcludedwithiii the firm "cxtendedraverage.'; and ~ ~n ''her hazards as S ender may req:~irc
<br />aodtn such amoumsandforsuch periods sa Lewder may rcquere; pawidcd, h I _-. ~ hall ant. requrrcthat the amoani o:
<br />such coverage eMCrud: that amount of coverage rer;!iirr=d trr ;ray'.tne sumsxz a ,.. ~~ h uacd;at 1 rust.
<br />The insurance natant providing tht insurance shall Lan chosen by Bornwer 1-µ t hs apprm.,i by "€ ender, prttv+deLJ_
<br />tbal. suc}tapprovalsbatl rwtbe unreasonably u~rzhhthl All premrurns on urswa ue. 3*'tcrea: shall hr. pard +n tFre .manner
<br />prgvidedugdarparagtaF62 htrtof ar, ifnat p+~d in;;uch rn+u+;:ci -~i Borruw~r ~ a;<:ng Fayraea: wherrdul., Rl+rectlytz> the
<br />instrtant:e.Cattier.
<br />All iusttrartce policies andrerttwaldthe i .trail.hx ~ ~~+ ~ taf€eu I zic, ;end Nail i; ud asr:u+dard mo:i;ag+'
<br />elau~in favarafand in form :tcccptaaic tb I ,ndct P cnd~ hall ~e he ~+Ga t r, t„t, +. pi,i a ..tad renewals tht.rchf.
<br />and'$orruwerahalLprom¢uyfurnish to Lender sll renewal .~ne+ ~d a c , ~' p ~ r. nu a he event nflor
<br />Borruwe[ shall give prompt nPtitle to iha.:nauran ~ cnrrrer u, J 1 c~wr ~.,, eq mat... ~ . , , >, ii nvt rttude promptty
<br />'.by Borrower. .
<br />Unless t.ender-arni Borrower cuttrw e~ agr~ in wnrrnG. -.. ~ . ~~< ~,•«cJy ,I .,, ~,r, p.ic;l i, z ~.,unn or rparr nt
<br />she Property damaged, provrdrdsuch restarat+u+i u+ rcu ~ -~ ~r cr~,~,ic it r, €) vi of l r. ,i ~~
<br />nofthereby impaired. 3t xuczi restaratianor repair rs n r1 c.+,r ,r;, I+ ~r.~ • I I rl ~cd -! r r ,r nld
<br />' be impaired. ihesnsutance Prcicc.:ds sl+al#.he applied itt the ,,, n, ~ ~ i. , ~ _ i . ey
<br />to Horrcrwer. If the Propcny is abandorxd by Barrawer a N.orr r ~ t ~ ~ is ,~ u i ~, rr ~ ; ,i > i y -on +~.
<br />date twtice ax mailed lty ia•nder to Botiower rant itra,~nsurar~~ . , ~ u t u + i ,. f tr
<br />"ts authorized to collect anduppiy the 6nsurance proceeds ac €cn., ~o , ~ rte: 'o , , „r..i _ ~. i r+r_ I'rol.un
<br />ar to the sums secured by this Deed of 7 nisi
<br />UniessLendr~.and Borroweruthe,wnc agre+:-irr wrarizg„.ur} +,.. „pp ,>r;. , ,~ r::a, ~. ~~ t,.,; ~ ~.. ...
<br />or oostpoot the due.date ai the rwnth:y allmcni, scter~ui ~, r..c -.~ -•,. "tiz "" ;~~
<br />such instaltn+ents_ if under para3ra¢h i., fist. , ?Ire flrupe,. .y , ~d r I ~... ~ i~" .i .3-,r
<br />i
<br />in and to aoq i >u: ancC pahcies -rd n +nd }te {rra eeds rn -c ~~a I J.tr "~.ir - t~, ~~
<br />or acgwsiuan.,hailpasxta Lendz, tc+ il>< ccten...f ihesums.v~.,u _~. h 3 _~ ;. ~, ~~~~ ~. ~ .~.'n ~., ~ `°~
<br />acquisition " ..
<br />6. Preset+at3oa and',iriaintenance of Property, Leaseholds, Cunianunimnti, t'lannu. .-, lie cciupm-r s i,o;~.*e. c:
<br />~€ 'keep h r r,p~t ~ r I ,na _.. .~i, c f'n r _rt--
<br />and shal€ can,p~y wRh {{ln t ,• > s ~~ i tr= (Yet ` •' ' ,, ,, i .tic i+r, ;+ ~u i ~.
<br />.-crufanlruum ",r ~+ ,rySanre~ t.;~-r. ~ piu, r . do :,zr..~ ~.i. .. :~. ... _,. ti.•r.:: .:~ _ .. ~ i. _ .'c~l;i i;,,~.
<br />of Covenant< ~rce:: ag .. ~c.r +g try :.,,, ca.~. .1 , ,ro ~~aa ~. tLc
<br />eundominiun; ~ .mn~d -,.., a ~p.ae,. , .-d ~. ... .,, a ,... .. ;~i•,~ncn.
<br />;rdCi IS C~C..U[tu Y.o:,~w l:r ~... ~1 c ht. ._- i)_C~ - ~r + --~- - __ '.,1~1
<br />shalt Lumen €k.r.,te :u,c an.!-na,1 a.,:~.,d :+.:. .u,. N~s.+i..: hz :~ ,cr~:~., e. _ ~ ~.i.~ ..., it a ; 1; ,~ ._:_...z~
<br />were a ~rt nucc:-
<br />7. Yrutcction of Lenders tiecurit}- I bu ~;..,< .,., pr, ~.nm u . t•. _. ~ ir. r.
<br />Drxd of T us.. ..- iF _-. .. _.. . ,., ~ ,. r, .,. ~~ t _ ..~~ - .. .'ca
<br />_nctndi•rg, '~s +: m t d c ;r t •l + ~ • = r - ~:~ ', .. -
<br />bankrupt of d+.c,ie:ar r .. i ter.; ~. v. - , , , } S_n tr ,,~.~. ~ t
<br />sums znd t.`+i.~ ,..~h ,u: ~_ ,^r. tc_ I ,.. .. "=i a-5. .~, ~-. ~~~._
<br />rcascaahic ,rtt~ne} s ~ n rd ,n.. ne .'ro; ti ~_ ~ +. ~__ .._.., ~ >i
<br />caodiiion bf making _`~c ]ca,a •. .,._1 - , 'he..: r 1r, iii ~ .,. . " ~:.c~ -.. I"
<br />tnsurarce in effen +;n ,r_h ri r. h~ ,~+ t ., -. ~ _~, ~ - ^... . ~,
<br />?sodtz'sx c.+ v rct;:r_,:, _. .rt ria b.,: i h,":-,. ~ si..i h~ ..~, _ _ .. ..._ n!.i. ~
<br />;nanner prw~u~-• uruu raranra,^ti 2 Y,crcoi.
<br />rn' h c. cetiti - 9 . „+ h C+ T +. ~ ~- R ~~ i '=~ '
<br />~ ~r [, ;€ x31 he ~ t r ! t r.:: f -:; .~ u + ;; ...
<br />dart aF dis.n. samcn, +, tr,. -:ac , + , ,._ r i,r „o. , u , _- ,,, j. ~ t
<br />c~cb rein .aid t U ah, , _~
<br />xarsisai6le :..d~• ap,,."ca ~,. ., , ~, lnj; ... _.~ ._,._ . _ ._ ...
<br />tt. tnapr,.tiz,,:. 1 ' - mr ~r. _1. . .,, w~ .'oar: -..:,. .. _ ..
<br />