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<br />$2-fl~t3 r91 <br />9: ConrMmnatlnn. Thr proceeds of any exceed or claim for damages, .direct ur consequentiat, in corneetionwith any <br />conden#ncton or cit~er taking of the 7?ropeng; er part thereof; or forcanveyance is lieu of condemnation, are here6}•-assigned <br />and shalflx patd ~ Lender. <br />j~ (n the eve t t a meal takingaf thePiaptrt}'., the. practrdsshatl beappLed to the.+ums secured by thisDeed of Trust. <br />` .with the excess ii s-~~'. pai.f ta<Borrower. In the event of a. partial taking: of the Properi}~, unless Borrower and I:.ender <br />otM:rwseagrer i•, there steal! t?e applied tothe-sums secured by this Deed afTrust suchproportian'af the proceeds <br />as is equal to that prcrponiinn which the. amount of the sums secured by Mss Deed of Trust immediately prior to'the dace of <br />taking'bea*s ro the fair market s~afue trfthePraperiy immediately prior to tfie date of.takmg, wit8 the balanceofthepmceeds <br />paid to Bam~wrr. <br />If.Me Fropeny is alaandonedby-Borrower, orif:after neticcby Leader to Borrower that the condemnor offetstomake <br />an awaTdor settlea claim tordamages,Borrowecfailsto respond toZender•wittiin30 daysafter thedate such notice is:. <br />mailed. Let+der is authorized to collect acid apply the proceeds: at'Ltnder's option, either to restoration rr repair of thee: <br />-Property arto the sams securedny This feed of Trust -. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower othervrist agree in writing.. any such application of proceeds tp principal shall not extend <br />or postponetht duedaie of the mvnthyinsta(lmentsreferredto.:n raragraplis 1 and ?hereof or changethtamoiint of <br />.such ieritaltrnents- - - <br />t0:' Burrower M1otRelcased. Extension of the time for payment ar m~:dification afamortiaatron of the same secured <br />by this Deed of-Crust granted by i.criderto env successor in irttrest eF Barroti4'er shall not. apcrateN rrlease;:rn anymanner, <br />the liahitty of the original Borr<.~wer aad Borrower's successors in interest.. I..entler shall .not be required to rnmmence: <br />proceedings against such successor ar refdse =.o extard dime for payment or'ntherxisd; modify amartiiatian of the same <br />sccurtd'by this Deedot Trust b}~-reasc>n of zny demand made by the original Barrowerlahd B<irrowers successors in ~interext. <br />11:. Fnrhearanceby7.enderNot-a waiver: .Anc kurbearancc hy~ Lender iaexcrcising any right or remedy hereunder, ar. <br />othtrwisea#forded by apphcablt iaw,.s€saii »ot ix`awaiver of car. preclude the exercise of'anysuchtight or remedy:` <br />T'he procuremtnr af-insurance or the :payment of saxes ar othcrlicns or charges by. !..ender shall nor t,G a waiver of lender c <br />right to acceieratethe maturity of the indebtedness srcurcdbv this Deed.6f Trusir <br />12: RemediesCumulativt At. rrmediesprcrvided+a thrs Dyed of Tnist are disiinet and c»mulativetasny other nght <br />orreinedy underthis Deed a# Trust or a#Tarded ti+;aw or eyuiry, .and: may he exercised. concurrently, irtdependaptly or <br />auccessively. <br />l3. Suectssors and dssixncBoand;.Ioinr and fiereralLiairility:Csptiorts: The covenants and .agreements. hercm. <br />enntainedshalLhind, and the rights txreunderh>.tl inure to.:he respcttivtsuccessors and assigns of L-ender and Aorrower, <br />sub,iect. tnthcprovisions of-. paragraph':7htre+~' Ai! rnvena»ts an_d agreemems of Borrower. shalt hrjont andaeveral. <br />'fhe saptrors andheadingsof :hc-paragraphs. r; ch„ Deed <>t Trust ale: fvr comrniencc .only and are nor to 6e vvsed to <br />-inttrpreror define. the provisions hereof. <br />14.. Notfce~ Extepi farany nohcerequtredunder appiicabie few to tae givcrt.;n anotfiermsmner, (a) an}~ notice ur <br />Bnrrowerpravided fox inthis Deed of Truss shall hcgive».tsy.maflingsttch atoticehy ccrtifiedmail addressed. to Borrower at <br />.the Property ilddretsor at.:sdthoeher address as. Borrower may dexignaie by nattce to Lender asprovided herein and <br />(b) any notftrtn; Ixmder steal! he given by ctrti6ed mad, return rettipt requested, #b Lendeis address-stated herein' or m <br />suchntheraddressusLendermaydwgnatebynotice to 8arrower as'grovtdedhercin. R.ny »otice:provided for'in this <br />DeedofTrustsha(1btdeemcdta:haviabecn given taHorrcwcrarl,tndtrwhengiveninthe mann.r designated.(ierein, <br />IS:..UniformDeed of Trash Governintt;!ievtnbiliiy. l'hn r`orm: of dud of trust combines uniform cavcnaats: for <br />national. use and non-unifornteovenants withlimttd variati~+ns hs ;urisdtc[tan uaconatititte a uniform^stcurrty;-instrument <br />covering real prvperfly. This Deed of `Crust shall fxgaverned +ty the !awaf the turredicttanin which the Property is located. <br />)n the crcnt that any pravesion or clause of this Deed of Trusf ar the Natc conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall <br />nex affect other provisions of this Decd of I-rust or the Notc wha:h can tx g+ven e$ecr without the ~onHicting provr'sion, <br />amt to this end the Esrovesdnets of stet Decd "of 'Trust and the Note art declared to be severable <br />IL." iorrowcr`sCoMy. Borrowu shall be frrrntshed a enrifnrdntd copy crf the Notcu»d vt thin Deed 6f Trust al She time <br />at execution ur aher rtcardafion hereof <br />19: 'fYa~aftr of rtes peo'etrty; Atwtsptfon. It all i~r any. part of the Prvpcrty car an inttrest ihercin is sold or transferrc:i <br />by Borrower. without: Lendcrepnor written consent: excludrng%'a 1 tfte creativuoCa lictY or encumbrance sut?r5rdinate i„ <br />this Deaf of Trus[; b} the creation afapurchase me•etry ~c:orrty+ntetestfarhouschoWappliaoces, ic) a transfer bytlev~se, <br />dcscen[ achy optraiton of law upon t}tt ckeath of >. quint 1c~rant ar (d) the grsnt a#' ariy leasehold interest of three,years or less <br />_ not evntaining an optrom roprlrcitast. 3..citdex may, :~i :,cn,)cr`s c+ptran, ~toclare all. Che sumo secured by thst3eed of Truslta be <br />imttxaliatciydutandpayahk_.:L,endcrsh.d! have waivtdsuchapmnn tu:acceltrale+f:.prar tothe salcor'transfer,:Ltnder <br />.and the pcrsvn to wham the Proptriyis ra kr ~.Jd or :eau+ferrtc! rtac#t agreement to wrimng, Mat the sredir of suchperson <br />is satistaCfary to 1.eruler andthat the inlereat p•+yabic on theiums s+xuredby this: Clod of Trust shall txat suchrateas <br />Le+nder shallregi:est.; tf t:tndtrhas waived the ~=ptianto -ruelerate prov;dtdtn thu paragraph 1:9; aad if 1lorrowers successor <br />in:Fnttrest has eatcutetf a writtenassumptfon agtaenaent accepted to wrrtrngby:Lcrsdcr,Lendersha~l release.Borrower from <br />aB abl+gationa underthis Deai'vf Trosi:and the Note-: <br />2f Lender txerc;ses suthopiian zoaccelerate,.i_ett+Itr sha;f road lkerrpwtr notice of a+:ceieratian inaccvrdance with <br />paragraph. 14 hereof -Such noi;cc shall provide a: ptriixa ~~t'+~~: !<tis t}iau ill days from Me Hatt. the nottcc. is malted. within <br />whtch,Sorrawermtaypay.ttac sums des}aced due if Borrows= tarts tapay such sumspr+or tothe exprrauon-nf such. period. <br />Lentkr may, wtthautfurttternatitt or demand ern Iicarracser :nvcAe any remedies ptrmifted !>y paragraph IR hereof: <br />Nary-trwraast.C'ravtsr+ratvrs:. Barra~wer andl.eatder turttaer covtnautand agrceas.lallows.. <br />ltl.:: Atceteratfoa; Remtdies. Facrplas providodinparttei°spb 19 hcrcot, upon. Horrower's'breac6.of ,any covenawlot <br />ttRretmeat bf lbrmwtr inthiat)ted af::Trust, incJndin(< rtes covenants to: pay when dac anysumc secured by this Deed <br />of Trust, [:eaderprior to aceekration shall mr7 rtWice to Borrower as provided In paratlraph J4 hereof Apecffyitig: (.1.) the <br />hreaeA; E21.ihe actionrcgaircdto run such breach; (S) a date, tqt less rhea 30 days from the daft the notice is rrtailetl to <br />•orrower by which xttchhreaeh matabe cured; and: (4)tlut fellers to cure sechbttachoa'or betoretlie daieaptcified <br />in :he notice may .croak inuceicraiion oithe arms stcuredby. this Ikcd at Trull :and sole of the Property. Therwlite <br />- shall itt[Ihtr iaform..Borrower., of the. riRhi to rtixstate after: acceleration and tbe..ri;ht to .bring a court: action to: acgtrt <br />the noattriAert[t of a defaaltor anyolher defenseofBormwcrto atctleraalonand sak.lf tbtbreach is notcured <br />on or before thedate spetifiedin the taotice, I.ettder :atf,ender's option may $ccinre all of the sums secured by this 1?eed <br />ref Trust to be hnmrdiattly due and ptyahk withoat further. detoand attd may invoitr the pawcro( salt and aoy other remedies <br />permitted by appiiratvk bw. Ixadershallhe etrtltled`b eoHtctaA reasonahk earls:andtsfictesar inculrred in:pursuing the <br />rctsedirs proeidtd in this parr*raplt 1tl,inclydittR,,btr not t`sm$ed to, reasoaahk attorneys fees. <br />- If tb_ power of safe rY invoked, Trustee shag record a notice of detanlf `rn eac6xounty in which rtes Property or some <br />part ther:ot i< {orated end shall rrta0 topics of such rwtitt in the maaatr prescribed by applitabk law to Borrower and to stet <br />nt htr perwn. prescribed 6y tepplicahle law: After the Itpse of avch that as: may be required try applicabitlaw, Trusln~ shall <br />Rive public entice of sale to tbeptrsonsatul in tbe:mannerprcscribed by appiltabk law: Teusfee,.-without demand on <br />Rorrowrr, shall sell the property at public'auetion to the hitl6est bidder at the tune andplact and nndertbcternrsdtsiAnated <br />in the nolkr of +alt in oac or rparc parcels and irimr$ orderasTrustee'maydeltrmirae. Trgstce may ppstpattr,sale of al! <br />ar any pared of the Propene Isy pufAic sanwtnctment at the time and place of wry previously: uhtdnkd sale. L,endtr or <br />I,cnde is dcsi~oec may purchax tbtProperiy at any sak, <br />l'pon receipt of payment c! the price Itid. Try-sere shall delierr to the par<haetr Trux;tr'c deed eonveyintl rtes Proptriy <br />role}. The reritak in tM:. Tr~tct cr'!~ decd ctiaH'bt prienafacitrvidtnec pf the truth crFrhC 5ratements:m9dc thtrtin. Truster <br />- staa)1 apply the proceeds of the sak in Phi fotlowirgt order fat to all nasoiraMe cents and expenses of tAe srlr, includlegt,bnt. <br />aH limited ta, 'fruslrr's fees o£ teat mUre Man -}', Oi~ "• ref !hc Krnss ~-ale pri•~., rrasona)sle. aliatrtcv ~ ices and C0.sls Of <br />Ufk evidtnrt; ib) ra all cams strorcd by this ~ of Trui and (d the exrrss, rr was to the peesan br :pexsnn [rga8yantlikd <br />19. Rarrrowrr`s Right io ftrintitafr No hs a^.-v rat tc .der c ; ai t2 c m secured hr t2+k: t~ c:3 tf Tretst, <br />B.~.rrr,wer ;hr?, tea's the right !n Fa-.c .any {~r nccdsr.~ Fxk..~n hi ! < rlrr r ~ r5i5 ~.;ed of t cis ~i ,c=.ntiii~~Mi Ar <br />: xn••;Itrx p(-..r .n rtes ea.v~e-r ice oer,r vt l~?'he ,ftF ,'.a. `.K`: ea'x- ccf 'i-c rra~•~. ~~ ~. ~t ~rx,r;r ,: ;ale ~~+;!.~~+ai. <br />sn:nra Deed ,~: Tnid nt ntr,~ ~f a ?ndg rec. _tu.>r; -ny, h '>u d f ?Y;nt -.~ r, Bc.~:ax ,~ac~. it ~, .,.' +u r »hl! li c. , P,S <br />- F the Cue _,xle• fti, ~ ., .. 7 '!re ti .c ~.i ore, .~. - Fv . rc a .«,. .. - ~,i <br />R Burr*; w .a.r- :1 hci .. ~ i cr i ~='r r, ,err, ia_^°; s L _~. _. „ ~T ate' (~ . <br />1; Y, .parr, .a+1 ~xh•~ r:c3 ~s t, r1 .. 1'~= _. ,. ..r rust <br />- ft .. rr, ~ t,?ccd „t f , ncr [:. ~ :ri - :. i~ <br />r „ ~ ,. n~ ~ <br />t Z. .ra o .ri n~ `aA r4Y ..,~ :.r ,+c ;hz~~ I .,a,~at: ! z,~• ~ r°_. !", <._ (t _ _ ie.+g <br />