<br />TH3S DEED OF TR~'ST is made this ....1st . _ _ _ _ day et _ _ .September , _ ,
<br />19.82, amone lhu Trustor, . E... Dean. Wolft~ .and. Judith ,a,, :•7olfe, , Husband ,and. Wi_fe',
<br />................ .. .. (herein '$crrawer":! ...•7ohn R. Brownell , Attorney.
<br />(herein `Trustoc"}. and [hc Bancficiary.
<br />SJo~erciaY ..Savings. Company. vf, ,Viand slanr3, a corporation organized and
<br />cxistinc under the laws of Nebra~.}:a..... _ .. whose addrss is .. .
<br />2121 N.. 7aebb.Rd., ~?x 47i. Grand .Island vE ,8802 nc~rc:n "Lender").
<br />Bo¢aawea, incensidera[ron of 'he indcbteuness hcre'.u rccr~~d and the trust herein created. irrcvtxably grants
<br />and car,vey>- m Trustee, in tru<+_ with power of sale, the following described prapeny lxated in the Caunty of
<br />... Fta11 ................... .. . State et Nebraska:
<br />Lot One (1), Sielfe's Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />w!tich hua the address ai.. 4000-5600 _ B1acK Faidley Avenue, Grand Zsland NE 68801
<br />i5~.ea1 ;G,rl
<br />1 herein "Property Address")
<br />(Sg1e aoC Z.O Cxal
<br />Taut-rttca •+:ah :.a th. rcnpruvcmcnt+ now or. ncrcanc•r ;~rectrd on the rrupury. and all caticncnts, right.,
<br />appurtcnanccs.:crs (subject hnwecc: to the rights and authrxit,cs grvrn herein to Lcndcr to col!e~c! and apply such
<br />runts). ra}altics_ mmeraf, ci! and gas rights and profits. water. water nghta, and water stock, and ail fixtures now or
<br />ixrcaitcr allaehcd .o the }uvperty, all of which. irttitrdmg rcptaccmcnts and addutons thereto, shall he dccmeJ ua be
<br />and nnwm a par: of the preprn covtvcd h}'this i)crd :rf 'Truct~. and all t,C th<: fomgoing, together with said property
<br />(or [he lrnchokd c>;alr if thl. Ched of !'rust is on a i.,asrhakl} are harcin referred =.o ns the'"Property';
<br />Tv CECCRt. t;~ Lender 1 ^ i the repayment of the inu~ct?tcdncs~ cviJcrccd by Dorrowcr's note slated ...9-1-82
<br />_ _ . (har~•~a `Nett-'#. in the prncipa! lont af_ !~nE Hwldr_~d _~ighw ?vo Thousand Aid no/3D0--
<br />"~ ~ {l,$2 t?00_ Ofl) - - . - - f~llars. wise i•'~tcte. t thereon ln~ tdirg for monthly mstallmeot
<br />/ ~ri D_
<br />of prrnCipst and interes;_ ~+a;, the haSnnec ~*f the ;n _bt_d;tcs , i not s~cmcr paid, du ittd payable on -1-91 -
<br />the pa,;mcnl of all other sums. with intcm_zt thcrecm. ad~+_trcc,1
<br />~n ;ieea,tlancc hczewith tv pnr. cct the sccuri.v of the. L7ccd of Trus.. tint the periermancc c>f the cvv,:namn anJ
<br />agrrentcnts cif Borr;twcr herein zntaincJ: and f bs t .c r.pa;mc;t of any furor: udvanc<~-, .~r6 intcr;s tr no'n. made
<br />t.: Borrower by hctxilrr pursuant to paragraph Z t hereof (; e:cin "Fuure ,~dvanccs`!
<br />rif(IFCS »-r coin n8s 1+ that Ik-~rruv~cr is ix•~dully st-isu! <<f t n ~.~[a:c h~ cby c~antie cd aad has the right to grant +t rd
<br />~[~m:e' Gh~ Pre-kr_r,y" that ?hc Yu: ~-rt} ,•. +.a~i;::amixe=c=. .~ni that F3s*rra~ws:r a-;It a,atrzai drat :7cf~nd tcncr;i l;r the.
<br />'iF'c 'o li't_ Pn~~: riy tg ~: ct :,li t~~~tn. and ;~c m:a nd ..:uh,.... a.iy ,kc :.,a: r:;-, ,.ax r.i,.,i,^ ~. r; rest::u ~,... Scle.l IL; a
<br />.chedul~~ , c; ipiu~n to case -i an. ei„ is-ur .»ns~~, , ~nucr~, ., _ _ i.: Yraprrty,
<br />~~~~AS~'A -. a s;=,... -, r~+«tArfN3 !YtC IiNSAti>•l sr51R'J±rrxi
<br />