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$2'-- ~~~;a~ ice' # <br />as the Board may From time to time by resolution designate- <br />Any two offices :nay a~-e taeld by the same person except the <br />offices of President and Searetar,~. <br />2. Election of Cf°icers. The election of c~`ficers <br />shall take place. at the f~"~rs meeting of the Board of Directors, <br />and each officer :ahall serve for osre tl) year and until Pais <br />successor is lull elected and qualified. <br />S'pecia~l~_A ointments. The Board may elect such <br />other~efficers as `matte a~£airs of the Association may require, <br />each of whom shall held office for such period,'have such <br />authcri'-Y, and pezf'orm such.duties as the hoard may,€rom <br />time ._~; mime ~?.elegate to that affcer. <br />~. :~esi~nation and Removal. ="sny officer inay be <br />.:.removed from office with or without cause by the act of the <br />Board_ Any officer may resign at any time by giving written <br />notice tr the Board, the<President or the Secretary. Such <br />resiy`i'-anon shall take effect on the date of receipt of su^h <br />notice oz at such later time specified thexein „and unless <br />cthe:'w3:se specified therein, the acceptance of such resig- <br />razi4n shall Hat ae necessary to :Hales it effective. <br />5 vacancies. Aray vacancy in any atfice of `the Board <br />shall be filled by the directdrs at their next areetna after <br />the vacancyeccurs:. <br />IiR`F ICT...,E , lTZ ~ I . <br />unties ' crf the Officers <br />The duties ~.`. the officers are as (allows: <br />President <br />The President shall pxeside at 'll meer.inys ~~f the hoard of <br />Directors and Mesn!>ers sham see that c>rders and resolutions <br />~f the Soard are 'carried our.; shall. sign ail bases, mercyages, <br />deeds an3 •other written instruments, and shall. cosign all <br />checks and promissory notes. <br />'Vice President <br />The Vice President shall act in the place and instead ~,~f the <br />President in the eveet *:f his absence, inability or refusal <br />to act, and shall exercise and discharge such other duties <br />ae may be required cif him by the Board. <br />Secretar~ <br />The Secretary shall record the votes and keep the minutes of <br />a23 meetings and praceedinga of the Board anti of the Members <br />and keep the co~orate seal ~~'° the f1ss~~r_iati,,n and affix _,_ <br />ar a hand-drawn. facsisr~le thereaf to all pagers requiring <br />said seal; serge notioe of meetings of the Board, a;id ±c~==eF <br />aFpropri:ate carrent records showing the Plirect~~rs of the <br />Association, to,jether with Their addresses, and shah p~:r`orm <br />all such other duties as are required by the Bc~ard- <br />`%reasurer <br />Tht reasuser shall .receive ar.3 epcsit in an agpro~r~~~:e <br />i3anic as designa._ed by the Soard, all monies :~f tht T,ssvci+.ti::, r, <br />anal shall. disburse suoh funds as directed by reso~:i':n .. _: <br />