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<br />~a_ <br />Such rights may also be suspended aster notice and hearing, <br />but far a period r,ot t~:~ exceed sixty !60) Sags, far ir.- <br />fraction o* published rules and regulations; <br />{c) Exercise `or the :association all powers <br />duties and autharities vested in ar delegated tc this As- <br />sociation, and ~_ct reserved to he villa owners by the <br />*iaster Deed; <br />!a) Employ a manager, ar. independent contractor, <br />or such Wither eciployees as they 3.eem necessar}-, and t_o <br />prescribe their duties. <br />~. Duties. It-shall be the dutyof r.he Board of <br />Directors to: <br />;a} r_ause to be kept a complete record of all of <br />its acts acid corpt>raLB affaixs and to ~r~sent a statement <br />thereo to sire villa owners ncrt less frequently Shan semi- <br />arr.ually; <br />(b? Supervise ail officers., scents and-employees <br />of r_he Ass©c3aticin and to see that their duties are properly <br />nerfcrmed;> <br />tc} ::~ mere `ully set out in the ;taster Deed tc: <br />{1l Pix the amount of the annual assessments <br />against each villa at least thirty i30) days in advance of. <br />each annual assessment; <br />{2) Send written notice of each assessme.:t <br />to e-~er; •~iila owner subject thereto at least thirty (30} <br />days in advance of each annual assessment peri~~d; and <br />133 ForecZcse the lien against any property <br />fer which assessments are not paid within thirty (30) says <br />after due date or to bring ~: action at law against the <br />owner personally %bligated to Fay she sane; <br />{.+} issue cr cause 3n appropriate of~icer to <br />issue, upon dr_n:anci by any person, a certificate setting <br />forth whether or nct any assessment has beer, paid. P.eason- <br />able charge may be made by the Bcard for she issuance of <br />these certificates. ~f a certificate states '-hat an as- <br />sessment has been paid, such certificate shall be ccnciusive <br />evidence o`. such pays+ents; <br />te) rrocure and maintain adequate liability and <br />hazard ir.~urance on the entire real esta*_e in the Francis <br />villas Condominium Propexiy Regime and. an ar_y personal <br />property owned by she i+ssociat_ian; provided, that the r',ssociaticm <br />shall not insure any individual villa or its contents, the <br />responsibility for that insurance cover_aye being witYa each <br />individual villa owner. <br />1f) exercise 311 rights, duties and resp~nsi- <br />bilities delecated *_o ._~ =~r authorised by tt;e !taster Deed. <br />Ai2TiCi..£ ~Jt1. <br />Ofzicers <br />1. :numeration cf ~;.=icsrs, i'he ~ftir_ers of this <br />~ss~iation s a2 ~ a Presldeztt, vna cr raore . ice ~ resi- <br />3e~nts, a Sevzet~~.ry a;id a "~'rea:;urer, ..=.nd suc~il _ther <br />