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x <br />the Board of Directors; shall siGr_ all Cher:-ks and promissory <br />notes of the Associat~~on; seep propez books of account; and <br />shall prepare an annua] budget and statement of income and <br />expenditures to be presented to the Board of Directors prior <br />to the annual assessment period. <br />~RTICZE IX <br />Gammttees <br />The Directors shall ha~re the authoraty tc, agpci*~t and <br />discharge committees in accordance>wth the tert^s of the <br />Articles ~~t Incorooratian. <br />ARTGI.E ~'- ` <br />Boo3ss and Records <br />TY.~ beaks, revurds_and',papers cf the Association shall <br />at all tizaes, during reasonable business hours, be subject <br />to inspection by any L~srectar. The c~iaster Deed, -the Articles <br />cf Incarporati~n and:*.:he By-Laws of tte Association shall be <br />available for inspect-ian by any Member at the principal <br />office of the Association>-where oopies may be purchased at <br />a reasonable cost. <br />RTICI.E XI. <br />Assessmenr.s <br />The Eeard ~~ Directors shall apportion ar.d collect <br />annual assessmen*s as provided in the Master Deed and oti,~r- <br />wise in these By--Laws. <br />AkTICLE XII. <br />F+mencimerts <br />?'liege By-Laws :gay be amended t~s pra•rideci in the Nebraska <br />C~.~ndominium Property Regime Aet. <br />AitTiCf,B XI I1. <br />Fiscal Year <br />ThC fiscal year of *_ha Association shall begin ~~n the <br />Ist day of January, and ens an the 31st day of Decertbe:. in <br />every year, except that the first fiscal year shall begin or, <br />the date cf incorporation and end on DeceL~ber '~1 in that <br />year. <br />SN WITI3ES5 WHE.REGF, we, being ail of tine initial Eoard <br />~~f Directors of this Association, have hereunto set our <br />hands this Say of Agrii, 1982. <br />',. <br />Charles D. Basselman <br />L t{, ~ --_-------- <br />re~r ck A. Aosselman <br />%~ ; <br />~, <br />3ar ara ~.'?ra~:es ~ <br />