<br />82- ~.~~,~3~~
<br />d.Forhetre[-sectintvaPttte ndebiednesshereby secured, upon [he request of [tie mortgagee; itssuccessors :
<br />or assi~rts, murtgaeor s!rail csecute and deliver a supplemental mortgage or mortgages covering any additions,
<br />imnnn•emena, i?r betterment, madc,to the prcpexty hereinabove descritxd and allproperty acgaired by ii; after
<br />the date hereof (all in form sz[i~factan° in mortgagee). Fuiherm4rc, shouEd mortgagor fait to wre'any default
<br />in the payment ~af a prior cr in€eriorencamt:ranceon the property descrihed by -this insqumen[. mortgagor here-
<br />by arees to permit mortgagee to cure such default, but mortgagee is no! obligated to do so; and such advances
<br />haSf i>eceme par[ of the indebtedness set~tared by this instrument, suhje; [ to the .same eerins and conditions.
<br />e. The rights created. by-this conveyance shall remain in full farce and effect during any postponement. nr
<br />extension of the time of the payment. tzf the indebtedness evidenced b~ said. promissory note or notes, or any
<br />par[ thereof secured hereby:
<br />Tu continuously maintain hazrird insurance, of such ypc or types and in such anaourits as the mortgagee
<br />may from time to tittle require:.on the impruvemertts now:or her~eafteronsaid-property, and will pay promptly
<br />when due any premiums therefor- r111 insurance shall be carried in companies acceptable to mortgagee and the
<br />policies and renewals thereof-sltal3 be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto loss oavahle causes in favor
<br />oC and in form aeceptahEt to the mortgagee. [r, evzrtt afi loss, mortgagor will give 'rmmediatc notice in writing
<br />to mongagee, and:mottgagee-rna~y make proof of loss if not: made promptly by mortgagor, and each insurance
<br />company concertted--is hereby sutltorized and directed tn'inake payment fora-such !oss directly to mortgagee
<br />instead of to mortgagor and-mortgagee-:jointly,:and. the insurance praxeds, or att'.• part thereof, may be applied
<br />by mortgagee at its optton either to the rcductian a€ xhc indebtedness hereby secured or to the restoration or
<br />repair of the propern damaged or destroyed. In event $f forc~.tosure of this motteage, or othec transfer of title
<br />to said pmpeay in exttngtxsnment of the indebtedness secured hereby, all right, title, and interest of the
<br />rnvrtgagor in and t_ anw insurance potici~ then'in farce shalt pass to the purchaser or mortgagee or, at the
<br />option of the mortgagee. may be surrendered far a refund-
<br />g. To keep all buildings:"and other impr+uvemrnts vn said praperry in, good repair and condition; to
<br />.permit, commit, or suffer no wasxe, impairment, deterioration of said property'oe any part thereof; in the event
<br />of failure of the mortgagor to keep'the'buildings on zaid premises and those erected nn said premises, or
<br />improvements ttureon, in good repair, the mongagee.may make such repair as in its discretion it may deem
<br />necessary for the.proper prrscrvation thereof, and [lie full amount of'eacfi and even such payment shall be
<br />immedeatefy due and payable, and shall be secured by the Ice of this mortgage.
<br />h, Tii not voluntarily treatc or permit to ~ created ag::irtst the property si[bjec~ to this mortgage any lien
<br />or kiens inferior to the !ire of this mortgage without written coiLtenT o€ the ttsortgager; and father, ;hat nter[-
<br />gagt>r wi!] keep. and tnamtain tree same free frour'ttte claim of ail persons supplying labor ~~r materials for con-
<br />sxnrceic?n of any and. ail buiiciings or improvements"aqw Ong erectedaae to be rtevted on said premises.
<br />t. To not rent or "assign an> part of the .sent of said mortgaged .property or dcmu!ish, or remove, or
<br />substaneiaEly alter any building without the wrttcen cntisent i~f the mongagee:
<br />j. All'awardS o€ damages rn connection with any condemnation for public use of or injury to any of the
<br />ptotxrn subject to'this tnuttgaXrarc htrebc ;i~stgned and. zha11 be paidto mortgagee, who may apply the same [o
<br />payment of the rnstalimems lastduc ceder wd Wore, and-mortgagee is hereby authorized, in the name of the
<br />mortgagor, to-zttctvte and deliver voted acyuitzant:cs tttertof and fa appeal trom any such award.
<br />k The mortgagee shalt have the right to respect the mortgaged peemtses at any reasonable time.
<br />!. To comp:y with the provisions of arty lease if etas hfortgagr'is oa'a Leasehold, (f this Mortgage is un a
<br />unit in a ::undaminium or a planned unit development. Borrower sltaii'perform all cf E3orruwer'; obligations
<br />under the declara[ian or cdvtnants tiae2ting or governing the condominium or planned unit dcvelopment,[he
<br />by-laws and rcgutations of the ectndominiura or pLirtned utat development, and constituent documtn[s.
<br />2. Default in any of the covenanct er conditions a„r this instrumentwc of the note or loan ageement secured hereby
<br />shall termitutc the mortg~or's nght-ta possession, use, attdenjoyment of the property, at the option of the
<br />mortgagtt or assigns (t being sgxdttfat thc'mottgagor hallitavt such righ[.uatril default)- Upon an; such
<br />default, the mortgagee >hall bcZOme [hc owtm of all of t13e rents and:,pr~ts aeaurittgafter default as security for
<br />ehe indebtedness secured hereby, with the right cc cater upon said:ptupem for the purpose of colleerng sm~h
<br />rents rind pmfits_ This inetruatent s2ta!] operate as an assignment of any rentals on said property to that extent.
<br />3. !( the mortgagor defauln. and faits to make soy paymcutswhen dolor to conform w and comply Nair any of
<br />the wrtditions or agreements contained in this mortgage orthe notes which it secures, rY;er. the enure principal
<br />sum and accrued inrcrest shall at once become due and payable, and dear _`___ txr cot (_ * _D1o; interc,t
<br />ttsaeaffcr ur;iF paid at the c'icaion of the mor;gabee;axt this mortgage may iitereu pore ~e 1t ~cl:n_d in ^.edia+ely
<br />for the whnlt of the indebtedness hereby secured, taduding the cost of extending •.he absetuct of [[lc Iron^, [he
<br />date ofthis me~rtge3gc to [he tune of cotrtmcn: ng such su"tt. F{odLlho rats i /L rercer.t Over ~. -N. B.
<br />base Rate.
<br />s. In the event of a forcdocure ur defauk as provided hrceifi, the tncrigagee stta!I a. once be entitled w ins pos-
<br />stKSa?n, use. acrd enjorntent oC the real eststc nfurtsaid and to [hc rcn , ~;.,ue, nratr;z, and p~;o its .;crte•f,
<br />Ctcsn; the acCruin~ of etch ghts and dur;nl; the peoy'!?new of ;orecle~ure prxeEdi, ~~ and r ,_ .~i.x~,, etr_,
<br />shall at orne be detitieeed to the moregabec° u{~n rtycrt, upi>r7 fa?lur, smh ;iellvr e :.. s~~ I ,x z~~ rc~n s~~ hr°
<br />enf:,r;'rd bv' naaragajyee, by any appropriate k~ai prc,;eedings, including :~ re.ciser f -.r ;he. pre r~:r.rt..
<br />i, Tree lxrxrr-ds ai acs cal..>f said I•so,era; in a.-cosda..::_ -sir,; t -. r,rc_ us p:;ra- a,+Yr•~. ~. ~- .._ :r['~, ~_ fn<{
<br />{~-.av tkP ccri and c><i+e n;•_x ct ti,rd sate. else czy.eatc_. ircu rreti b~~ the m ~agrc ~r~se :. .-
<br />r ~~. r,
<br />nia ...aut;nc ~.a4e1 orlt~r -~ ? ~ E7 -, .. •,_;r> the ~aat .. z+,i:re..: _o „!,,, h~ ; t,, . _ r r ` . r,. g r~ ~ .~
<br />,a s- ri, :F~ ,r-an ~.; ,trtz,.~ -,.~1 cnc'.~i': :Fcr>r,;
<br />