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<br />1VIpRTGAGE <br />82-~;1~i3~~~ <br />_ Au ast <br />This mortgage made and rnier~i into this end _,-_._;.'a~ of ~__~ -.----, <br />i4__~2_., hyand hetweer, White Horse Tavern, .nc. <br />I <br />(hereinafter referrctd to a. morteagor) an¢Gommercial National Bane: and Trust Company <br />ihcrcinafter referred [o as <br />mortgaget), a~ho maintains an offiecand piaceo? husine_;_ n. __`2c'4 ~J._T~_i rd __ street in Grand bland, <br />Hall Ccttnty, tiefsraska. <br />Wtr~~rsHre. [hat fcr the ccnstderation htreinafttr`siated, re~~ipt of which is hcrehy acknowltdaed, the mortgagor <br />does hereby mortgage, sell, Brant, assign, and rntivcy unto the tnottgagee, $s successors and assigns, all of the fol- <br />;owzng deu~ribed proptry situated and heistg in ti2e Co+:'try of Ha11 <br />Stateof tirbraska. <br />Lots `our ;4) and Fi,;~ (5} and the Nurtherly Eighteen (181 Feet of Lot Three (3), <br />in 81cck Seventeen fl]}, in Packer S Sarr's second Addition to the City of Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and al? that part of Broadweil Avenue, lying south <br />of the Southerly line of Howard ~treet to the alley connecting the alley in the <br />Fractional 31ock Three (3), of Kernohan & Decker's Addition to the City of Grand <br />Island, Ha11 County, Vehraska, and the Center ~0 feet of Lct 3, in Block 17, in <br />Packer & Barr's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Ha?1 County, Nebraskan; <br />The Westerly Sixt; Feet (6J`) of the ~:ortheriy Eighteen Feet (18') of Lot Three <br />(3), the Westerly Sixty Feet (6E)') of Lot Four ;41 and the Westerly Sixty Feet <br />(fiO`) of LoL "rive (5?> all 5einy in clock Seventeen (17;, Packer .and 3arr's Second <br />Addition to the City of Grand I>land> Nall County, Nebraska; and <br />Fractional Lots One (tj and Two 2i, in Fractional Eiock Three (3), in Kernohan <br />and Cecker's nddition to the City of Srand island, Hail County, Nebraska. <br />[cigcther wnh all the trncmrnts and a~urtcttanc>s tt+erem bciongiaK..tltthe rrnis, iss[ies and profits thereot, x to al' <br />easements. righu, royakies, mineral, oil and gas righu and profits, water. ,tinter ngha, and wstcr stock, and including <br />atl heating, ptum6ing, reiageta¢ion, iighung, ~uttrment and nl's fixture; of every descripiicm hcfonging to the <br />mortgagor stow or hereafter attached t3:ereto or user9 in conoectton with the premives herein dr,•scribed and in addition <br />thereto the Foliowinp, dts::eibtrf proper[tes which are and shat! be :iezm?+3 to he ~isturc~, and a part of the fealty, and <br />are a portinn of the security for !fie inaebted,neas herein stattri_ f if none, Matz "none") None <br />To have and to hold the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein pta.ided: <br />Fhe mortgagor is lawfully seized and assessed a( and has the right to sell and convey acid propesn; that the <br />same is free from. sll tncumbran<,es except as hranabo+'i recited; and that Ylortgagor covroants [o warrant and <br />defen3 the title aforesaid :hereto and tver<~ pan ttxrcof against the claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />i "Phis instnnncnt is g9vtn ro serarc the paymerst of a promissory note dated .___ Au uSt 2i 1982 <br />is [etc principal sum of S__6~_959~ _._~_-_. signed by carry ~_ o e5 arid~`auTine R:-Eo11es <br />in f•chalf of lihite Horse Tavern_ Ind _-----_----- _-- ---.-.----- _____ __ _ <br />also, as su:h note or notes tray .rom time to ~imc tx modified, renewed or extended in writing. <br />to the cs~eat the title to said rent esnte is trartsferred, or cunt=:aet.*d to tae trarisfered, from the ur,derigrred for anp <br />reascrc of by any method .vhatsoeeer, the ent;rt princ:pai sum and ac:r+ad ;nterese snail at orcc 'become due +nG <br />pa5ahit at the decdon of the holder h:.recf. ~ailare to exerts>e this option htca~se cf trarssfer cE [i;ir as aoo.e stated <br />in one iosrnnce shall not eoastitutc a waiver of fire right to exercise ttu same n tht eve ;t of az} ;u~5cyuent trar;fer_ <br />i. The mort6agt~r covsrants and agrees aF foittzws: <br />a. Ter pron:pttY stay [hr ira:rbtcdttes e>;idtRCed by Said promissory nose at the ieme~ ,[nd '~n ttt~ n:~ene <br />ttccrcin Z?t'uvid;~. <br />b. 7:t ,.a}~ xis taxr~. asses zm~ena. water rate;, ar,d othos trot~nm~=.nta yr r.~~ r~ipa' ~ttai w ~s. I~las., ~ . <br />i;r:~oittc n~, ivr w~his;#t provSSt~ctr f~as ,r~,, 4,.~n .,y'd_ , _._,,._,,,,, ..:d ~ „~,..~,, ,. ,~~~ _he ~ ~' ...~~~ <br />tht;e(i+r t<; the ~<N n:c*rrgaycc. <br />,t <, ~ , <br />~. Ter R~. .. .: t", ~: ": ~.,<-, ,_ =t3 ,, cs av tit acts r.ed i;; the ~ ~ .r- .._. _ ., _, ._ ,..... .. _ , .. <br />, <br />ite.,Ses!SzZ~ .a~ ~ .. ~:.~, ; aa_rne. c`ra Blot ~! by ;hc r~~tt es,y ., :~<_ ..ra-Lc, r. , . ,ir ~ _ ' :. .,„ ~ tr.!~r .. <br />