6. In th~~ cvent'said property +s said ai a judicial faretaasare sate ar pursuant to the powero(a sale hereutaboue
<br />granted, and the proceeds aicnot s~(ffcienr ~opzy [he tota3indehtedness secured`bv this-insxrnmen! and ev:denc-
<br />edbv said promtssar} note, ;he mortacce a^f{ L~ entitled tt~ a deficiency judgement fur the amount of the
<br />dzj_zcienc}~ wiihout :~°,ea~rP ro appmisemaru-
<br />- !n the event the mur*,gagor tails to pay any federal, state, or ;Deal tax assesnaesu, Pneume tax or other tas lien,
<br />charge, lrc or other r?~.pense charged sgainst the pro}xrc the mortgagee is hereby authorised at its aption to pa}'
<br />ahc same. Any sums co paid h7 the mortgagee =hall be added to and 6ernme a part of the principal amount of the
<br />indebtedness ev:denced by said note, suhjea to the same terau tend conditioru. 1( the mortgagor shall pay and
<br />:fiseharge the indebtedness evidenced b~~ said promissory note, and shall pay such sums and shall discharge all
<br />rases and hens and the costs, fees, and expenses of making, enforcing, and executive this mortgaee, then this
<br />mortgage shall'~e cancelled and surrendered.
<br />8- The covenants herein contained shall rind and the hcnefits and advantages shall inura ro the respective successoas
<br />and assigns ref the parties hereto. t4`henevrr used, the singular number ihali inclndc the plural, the pluralthe
<br />singular, and the tier of any gtttder shall irdnde all ,.=rnders.
<br />9. No :~aiver of any covcnanth~ein cu i~( the obligation secured hereby shark a[ any time thereafter t±e held to be a
<br />waiver of the terms hereof or+a6~tite note ,ccured hereby.
<br />]0- A judictal dcc~ee, order, tit jntdgement voiding anc provision ar portion of this instnimcnt invalid or unenforce-
<br />ably shall not in anq war impair or pry tide the rnforcemrnz of thr~ remaining f~rovisinns or portions of this
<br />instrumcrtt.
<br />f i_ Anv wriurn notice to hr i>sue°.f to th- mortgagor purnuar,t to the provisions tit this instrument ihail be addressed
<br />to the mortgagor at _i~t13_i~._~[SIL_rSt?Ilt~~i3i1S1_.;S~LlS+.~IQ~2T~5-kd--------- -
<br />aad arty written notice to Ise issued ro the mortgagee shall
<br />hr addressed to the mortgag« a: __'~'_ti__Ihir~~L_._P____L..81~24.46 ~aC~na Viand NE 68802
<br />Irt R'tr~th~ WHeaFOr, she tnortgagcr ha_c ~ecuted this instrument snd the mortgagee ha< accepted delivery of
<br />this instntment as of rho da!.' and year atcutaid.
<br />'rihite Horse Tavern, inc.
<br />.. ~a~ry ~1:~ BollES, Prestden~
<br />Paul~i~ne ~. Belles, Vice Presider;:
<br />Etevvtcd and ddiwered in the ptecencc ni the toilowing wttncsxa:
<br />{Add Appropnatc Ackn~~wledgCmctltj
<br />STATE OF NEBRAS[+:.a ~ Betore mr, a yualificd Notary Public, prr,onal3y ap{x~rrd
<br />ss. __ - ----- - -- --- _ _ -- - -- ._.
<br />known t.o me to be identi~af person ar persons who signtc7 the foregoing insirumen[ and acknowleoged the evecction
<br />thereof to be .-- -.--_--- voluntary ai-t and deed.
<br />W itn~s my hand and Notarial )cat on _ ~_-~.___., 19 _.____-.
<br />(SfiA1.i ----- ------ ------ -
<br />Notary Public
<br />Ofs' Ct~mmissiott Expires _ _-. -_-_.____-, 19 _._.
<br />STATE !7F 1~AR:~kA ~ Betore me a yua~tfed ti~ita:> Public, :xrs ~n ~Ily avpearcd __ __
<br />ss. Garry Y~ 9o1'es Pre.~ider t a Pnul_nC- f. f3ol~s,
<br />_ ._
<br />t~UC~h`F4' OF __. _H31_l,_--_--_ ` Vi;,t~resident o W ~e Horse Tat err _ _
<br />a ~~tparatiun, knOw'n to me ra be the President and ide+ui.al prr,c=n ~~ho sign~nl ne tisregcnrts, insitu,net~i, and
<br />aCiino+~ledgecS ttte ceecntion :h_rm; us be':is ,~ehintsrs~ act and deed as n[rn z%(icer a u t`:e .~~ ~ .ate ac! and d€e~l ,:
<br />sari cctrparatton anti tas4 its cerpOtar~ swl xas a(fixc~ti thc'rctu b ~ts authcrrit..
<br />ti4';ineSs na•+ ttarsd anti Notarial Seal ~,n ._.-__ ~ug' ~ -~ ~y 82
<br />. _ _
<br />_ i
<br />_ ,.v _ _
<br />~f)MERAI MOT+4tr Sr» M MYOv+W ` N4 ~ l' t t~
<br />Fioro~ s~R
<br />~- 4s zR 19M
<br />.,. s;;
<br />~tC' ~ a}:lt lYl,y Si~~il (.'C~ .. _'~ 4~_%,[ . ~v~ _ _ . -.. ~ y J ~-.
<br />