<br />~2 ~ q ++y t3 t~ ~~ ~?
<br />L[xtz:aaar Cavsx~tars. Borrower and Leader covenant and agree as fo?lows:
<br />1. d'ay~rni of PriaciFsd and Iatezrest. Barrewer sha€I promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indt#zedness evideatced bg• ;tx~ Note, prepay~tnent and Tate r_hazgcs as provided an the bate, and the principal. of and interest
<br />on any Future $dvances sea:it[~ed by ihts IvFortgage.
<br />Z, lrawir>~ EarTatces sad Etssnrsaee. Subject to applicable taw or ie a written waiver try Lender. Borrower shall pag
<br />to I,cttdet vrt the day monthly insfatititcnts of principal a,nd tntetrst are payahfe under the Note. until the 'Vote is paid. in full,
<br />a stun (herein "Funds" l eyual to one-tw•effth of the yearly lazes sad a5se&srtiettLS which may attain priority over this
<br />A^4'ertgage.: and.. ground rears an the Praacriy, if anp•. phis one-tw~alfth of yeaz'l_y premiam insta3finents for hazard.:irisurance,
<br />phas Dose-twelfth of yearly premium insta€iments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reawnably eu?mazed inizia€ly and #rom
<br />umc to time by Leruler as the basis of assessments and bills and reasanab?e estimates thereof.
<br />Thw_ Funds shall ~ held an an irxstitur9en the dtpcuiLS or accz:unts of whech are tnsttred err guaravteed by a Fs~erai or
<br />statrsgencz+ fine€trding Lender if"Leader is such an institutinn). [.ender sha?l appl±' the Funds to pay said taxes, assessmeu[s',
<br />irzstrrarx.•e. premiums and gzozrnd rents. Leader may nc?t charge t,srso balding and. applying the Funds, ana€yzing said aecavnt,
<br />or vetzfvingattd carnpi:in¢ xaid assessments an6 bills., unless Letrder ;rats Borrower interest: Ln the Futtds andapplicable law
<br />permits I:ender to make sueh a charge. B,xrctwcr oral S..ettder may agree zn writing at the time of execution of this.
<br />Itfarr$agc that inzerscz an the Funds sial} be pard :o Batrawer. and unls~x such agreement is made .r appiirablc ]aw
<br />rtqufre-x svctr interest to be paid, Lender shall nathe rayuircil tc p3y Bu`ir:zwer :en} intezsesi csr earnings. on. Cne Funds. l.endtr
<br />shall give m Bvrtawer, without charge. an anruaA acct?ttnt:zg of the Funds .slrzrw:ing credeu and debivs ta'the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which e~ debu m a Funds was trtade. T?u Funds arc p?~gcd as additional security far the sums secured
<br />by this "aiort~ge,
<br />If ttte aanount of t~ Funds held !° [.ender, t[rgethc: with the fotuve month?s• Installments of Fnnds payable prior to
<br />the dtte dates of tares.. aasesxsreents, ittszrrance prrsnrums and grotttsd rents. sltalf excred the amcsunt myt:tred tip pay said laces.
<br />aasessrsu;ats, inutrancc premiums arx3 2raund rents as ihtti tail due, srr~h ex.^esa Chaff he, at Borrawet=s aptstan, either
<br />ptomptfp repaid to Borrower ar c:edrzrd r« Bcarrawer on m<nttify snsta?tments e+f Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />htld by Lender slwtk trot :re snfficicst is pey taxes. asscsstnenis, insura.~e pzcmtums and. ground rants as trey fa11 due,
<br />8orrawrr shall ~€ to Lender atrg~ zrnczrznt rsc earx: s a~, ;xzaf:r up tlt~ defiecrcnca ~~azhin +tt day°s Srom the daze notzec is matiled
<br />by lender sa Burrower recjttx3!"ang payanent t?:creor>
<br />C?ptm pabmxnz in full a# aid stuns sn:ured !;ti thra klortgacr, 3,endcs 5hsi3 +ranspif}..refund to Borrower any. Funds
<br />heNf by Lander- i# urns ~ergtapir i'+ kscrrar tircP•ooe;i, xs ~•ril ._ ,ham IT;!~crr?° Sa crtttttw~e ac~gt:nred by lxnder. Lander
<br />shall app3y, no Inter than tmmeduttls prior air ,~ .„r !she P-,~:,c.^. ~ -7r ics a:qutsizaan t+y L.:nder. am f'runds htfd by
<br />Leader ar:helsnle of apptic Cum ~- a . c.::r ago n„ ti ,:.m .r. _r, .. , snrs Mrrrrgage.
<br />.?. to !ss>taea~ ,.p;.,,. ,•. .. ., ,,'.c.:'~ .. k •.. - a;f , actnanzs.. rts•etvcd by l.tnder under the.
<br />diexrc acsd puagtapbs P ~! ~r c ~ ,haft ~ mp: r~ ... ~,« _... n~.:c vt amcwnas pxg~akrle x~i ! Cadet by 8c rn: ves
<br />etndcr paragraph w !scant. ikxvs ~.~ :.....„ct ^a.at+ ."~ ~ r _~.- ,>¢ p~-:nczpai ~4f t?se e,azr: and ihena:r interest and
<br />prrrrctp•l i+s an7 Future »4avana:.,-,
<br />~, C7aeRtrst Liens. Bcrrrsv.cr mil .aa alt t:. ...~ ,;,,,, , ,, ;, , ,,,;~tci_ 5zrca arxt rnlt,cnnsi+us attrtbutahk to
<br />!~ prcxp6tty w, FIICTj 1ai'1 #frati5 a ~'>:,n[s ,vey Ira \ ,• +: ar. x1 .ca,c: .`.n ?rtf •,•: , r
<br />gzrrttrn9 rands. tf anp, in ttoc msn:bcr
<br />prcwi+,lec} uv.ic-;rsra~rap#, ? tcrcr.• ,,, .. ;:,,,,. -, ..„-..-.:~:,<. .., r„ :,~~a.: rr.,~,ng p;zymetst.. whezt due, s7rtgxxily to the
<br />psyoe tlfete:7i Fi~rrcw,*er ~F l3:run?v!,, • :rn,. , • t r:xi..r a„ 1, a.;,, n~~.,:~t 1„c :,nde[ ztusi+aragtan}t. and in t}~ event
<br />Bq~fira~+er semi! axaic paymems ~,rT<; : ts. ~: ... _,,;r ., ...., 1 rn,fe e.;eiptsevic3cr!cen# ta:h payrttenz~.
<br />Bairroweir shW;i prrtnm4tth. d,..natRr ..: , per . ,.., r, ., 'vi., :~.,>,. . e,,;rid- Choi h.,r*,,..
<br />e' s}.rt? nc» be
<br />regretted. to ,.,cchargt any s>/,.h f,.,, ,. , ..a „ & .. .ne ,s•<. , a,amom .: thr r u;.atrr++ .esuro>~ by
<br />Ytii;.h dit'a Its ». nYaaaer. aueyr'akric '.~ 1 c:.Jcr... , ..., ,... k,. a. ... , !••+r vr!~:~c .. , ,,rte ,.. , r{;~r: . n,cr,+ ,i , ,.h lien tn,
<br />led[ai prtriteilmpt whtclt`tYper .e ;. ;!r,rn: : c ,r r.rrx~ ~ :br ~.•ftr,t,rc .' !1,e Pe.,{rclh .. n ~ ;+vn tt:Creuf,
<br />~. Nw-dlaneanee, Clam[.. cr ,ha.. >rrp T rn,c r!.., ._:rg .. rain, c... c.1 , .the I'!nr -:r} .. tell:.
<br />agasxaz dx+,a ^ htc. !;ataaC. , ..la,#ti ••au•. e',c r c... .:_. ., ... .. ,•,hu r.,~ar i~ ,s [ ,.,,icr .xv r.~yutre
<br />;uul,n s,wn erw,,.n6 axxf 1. .,,.^~ t+rrrvf, .. 1 r~~r .. .. ,N a . .~f.-r ~'ar- ~ :ry he: +'.+r .1tA:eru}1t of
<br />NaCd7. 4.r: rt aYr <e.rr,r !!,~, ,.tn,•~:•., .~. r .~. ~. < ..., .^ .. \t,~r•.y_~i-
<br />Tbetanrunrxr .ar rrcr r.w r:Ir;,F ?x• .~,c.r t, <:. is ,. e, 11 K~,.„c ~c.r ! i,pr.,,.,i r, I cnd,r €s,•ovtdGd,
<br />Yi~tat „r.h arprr~ai :hall p,•< M -,nrrx,.•n.r', n.. 4'rt,u i~.~rm,+:m, ~ ,o•.ua.r,.c T..dee,e, .-w! r: >ard :•~. the manner
<br />prGr.,3rd JraScr far gytraph tc rgat ;•r. rxx .~. ...., n.aa.r.ra- ..; Yf, :°~. ,-.cr ..,a.. ng ;astscr,-:,, ,t ~.t~n~ilut. :1 tea tly tt= t$lc..
<br />itztauarsx ,:artxr.
<br />All unurarri.' {x~d,,,e, strn! rcntwi, .`rr~e,~: .!,a[ •, ~.. !„. ._-. r. ,. •.: ~ ,-,~,i ~: ^.,;..~. ...., „f. r.l ,.,rrw.,ge
<br />.. 1. • r
<br />rfausC rn tabor ~.~t arr.} ,n frrta W."ti'e~Rta ;-~ ? ~n,7c: , ::a] ^.,..,. .._ .c :'R^ -. ..t{f t ~.-'u. ,.~ ..J •. ::r. s. •. !?„•r c.Ya[,
<br />and flsirrc,v.er +.h:.it pryxnt,h f:rraiWlz rsr icmle~, ....c- . ^,. a... .. r, c,r-a ,:asi rt r...r. , , !-.r r,en, ;-r Ia,.,
<br />rhnxe: ,hat. g„c ~ ;:r+r new:.e za e!'pz --,ur ~:.. _..-r:~ >... ^ r.,.~cr , c _e , , ,,: , . <,y, ., .. m t#y
<br />~ c i .. _. ..c i'r'" f' .
<br />`~, B,,rrawrcr
<br />1 ;sleaa E truer wtsel HcKx~Kr tuhcrw:c w~!cc ,+:n~ !:,_ c,i,r,«I~, r rru~n cif rep#tr ar
<br />dhc F'rv.ptr!y ,4rnaKYd,. ~zxsv[cttd aush r,..,[a*µ• . , . cT,:,. .. c. :.r- .x.. _. ,r„r ~.:i .. ~ ++,~.,~ ^,{ ~!' ~~. y1t?ri~agC is
<br />n~ tfrcrrb.:mpa,•r,;g 1tasr:h re.tarats,*n ur rc,~,+-.r ~, -.. , ,r,.•m ~. ...~,>•rc .:r : ,!oc ,. , .. •rr!h,s Ad,.,cigaKe .wetu?U
<br />'.be ,mlprt[rci- the :mua~tK'e ptrxcedssh,tl- t±e ap rail s. r~ sun rs ~c.r ccs +. r.^rx ~t.~r;y,egC. ti.ri-, '. ~c ereeu. Sf arrv,paid
<br />t.• $orn» s L the k't+tpc+7* ta-etband.m+.: ~ . f3.•r[,-..c'.. H:~sr, Ms ,. -• rt,xra,¢ '.,. ? sndet wrlh!n 3UGxY# Ba'tim the
<br />ctau oruce _. ;rr,i,:c~1 y', Lender to 9av , t, ~ a. Rr .,,~:~:[,_ „r[,-. ,_r, , .rrrc , , a r:z ; t*[•urans:e bcitcfrts. I ~n~r
<br />rs szrRlrir#Ireti :~ _a}3ea atzd appix.~ is +us~rs..c ;rr,eCrei. a ••;..__ :v,:-:: ceCx+ t.. ~c~r .:aa. cn re~asr ai tir~drre»~-ztv
<br />c*r to tht auras secuttai tt~ ttu3 1+4ortp~tC,
<br />,~ ,- ,. _,
<br />L'nks,.9.xtxdcrrasutkiar'rrn.rrvaEzaracre ~rrc ,.ac .,~;, ..,. .,prK,r.rr "tixc€a tnfrnrrciyraisizadf 7tcttcxtrnd
<br />oc pesiparst the ~ dtzc az th2 n,.~,[ti . ;ostallnun:. ..~.[c.: 1_, . yr,~a, a-,i . *-,ra.{ x1s charzgc tat am",.:, ,r:
<br />3ttr.h intYai}meoi. 1Tirudcx Fatrregraph :. he*_~nt Yac r,•,-necn ., ~c cadet,•~. ~~ent.:it3e xtd ;estnrs°tk rat B.,r:: ~^~.-r
<br />n.rxl t,~ xna ,.,~,urac.;.r }xaitcies atydin start trtti:c , ~.-r4; itcrecaf r: a :^q ts~_trn rt;z:nagr io i#ze Property ptdu[ tit ^.?:c ;.tie
<br />or at•yu,vthu: shatd passto-LexxSer se zfse exErn? t;~ ~.:,:r» ,c<,,..c< .... •--:•, tifs>rtgage Trtaat:^atei_. pr:ar ?~.lt xush ,a3c: et
<br />S: Qt1l4itkY1
<br />r~ rrsewsatiezt enld\taYlt+etttwe`e of Petsgeezy: fem. t. e:ndortt~irms: PYrnoed tot. I?a,-telopmcnts. Bx+r r+a~tr
<br />xa~l keep the Ytoxrry is gs>rrd re~ir atxi shtaL r. r, cxesxmtt wsrsrt o• pcrmtt smfatt+nes>s :~r lcret :r;rariars iSf t#r+e fr,~.pe,t3<
<br />,.
<br />ax» .b:.l: c.xrrp;F ,. [:h :ic F c. :,,cr:. .e :n> :'sac :- .-: ~4a*rtga~s s' , z a `t4axthc,?A. ,. :~:ts. ;:iv; rgay~"tir is c,:-f a eat:1 Utz z
<br />rrtefx3tm:ua^r ., a .had , ca ~, .=irs}1r,.... $ _, ns,l t.:.+•-,. , .- „r }t,;.rs.,t t^ : r ,.•:•-icY itY4; c. ,.. , '"
<br />t±, f[`veP Ur;S creal~ng ~~r ~:>rcrn rg ;,;,; ~ i~;lw, _-:ri cse Flarti,.•r: t ~.~ _i:..~r<~.r. _w- r „ re,R.ca:a3, ~ •;!~.~~
<br />.,,n6+•rn 21utr, :.r ~tarncil unrt ec~rt:~:pmsrr, • ,,. -..; rrw ni str[n ur~aa i' ~ ,;<x>rrn,.~r ^ ,eencd unit _
<br />- -cks :. _acti,u.ra ldarro.~r: .,... n.osdsx3 , . :h .sx y5-=r pa$... , r. .. -,.utts ,u sg-ecm~:nt,~. v ,._,
<br />' malt t+t .:a.c>r tx`r a.eu nto E,,ti .nos a[rnurd~, S~ ,:zxr,vtt ;..~ -,,.... ..,., r :.., ~S~,rsr*agr as r,,::r
<br />1.+cre a part hrreaf.
<br />7. Pv~tarttoe ~r Lsrader's See,mrd9}_ {f l3:xstc er nit s , -i, r _:. ,,, , ,
<br />`e-Sk~;~,.x~.. ,. asay s ,arprs+r~ceciars8,..;t .. a =r.~c , _ _ .. ., . _,, ._ _:,, „ ~. .t.. ..
<br />7~.~:4.rr~. ~Ve t-.•.:.1 ,,: '.I,.U ", vAttPTtli di3mdiru. t- .•~'F"X:.y, ,~ ~_-, i.,, (;,.. :. ~ -~ - Cil„.~.. ::.~ •
<br />>snn~^.e.c.rzl. .r[c;. ... ..tc• kct„ier'. atg..,, _~..c ,-~, ~ ,u!,:h
<br />,,
<br />in. a; K7 ae. 5.... , are .n nCC-.Cats EtT __. Cn., .... _ .. -- ..: -. ag nQ
<br />sF.rr~u:.- .,.c>s;_ :. t:'~s >.:3 <-.~~v --, ~m t!he i i rs> ;u ~xa..c~ r,,, .. :~ ,c.-: ~-_ •,. .r .a.:v -. '.:. rtant,. .
<br />cx!tv!;., ..^.:aa.`5 rYac..S[+#r, ~...c 6} t:~.<, .,. gage- t;+.rts .,.... _.,. =r ,--., --.:. ,-a,[rtr, _,•7;
<br />ri'k34aSe1aiG+6, =. S:'t[:'. .['tai 3iJd:iF tYA1e' •; .Far iC<tzJ322[aCYtf fc7C txtS.h ,,~5{ii ,.oL' :i rfG<ri3te4 ~, sa x,.,F -.~ ^. ~}r.)r, s, atd:l
<br />