<br />13th Rugast i
<br />.. _. ,.
<br />xit;'+SUR't'GACrE in madeehis davo#
<br />19 ~.~ , ixtwean the ~attgagnr, u(IJ~iAttw~ E G}lFtRftlN .RNt?, BA3tBR#tA: ,A. 6!!!'INON,, husbdnd and •vi i e
<br />_ . f~ereia ."$~srnawer"?, aa¢t` the ~fortgapee, LFame F'edersl
<br />Se.~ings end Loan .~gaoeation, a eorPOrat~ou org~anbsee3 aad eaistitsg under the :taws of 'l'eis iTns!.~d 5tat2.s ~„
<br />:`~reerica. +fhcee cufdresa is ~I Sdtttttir Lr~trs~5tt~eert, Crrend Island, :Yebzaska ttie>^eaa'"Letsder"1.
<br />~r°TY Tnt'h'ISttAit~ APiD Jai©j100. -:-----
<br />~4'xElceas. tic>r*owec;s rtxtebtedto f.esadeT to he ~rinrital sum cf "^.. .. ... . ....... .. .. ...
<br />----- ---___ ___ _ __ _--f?o]tars, whtt,~t in3elatc~n~s is etitidenced by Bor;o•.ve.'s Holt
<br />datttl... Nugus L a 3 > , j ~~ ..... , . t #~scih ~' knt+e"".). F~h€ fz~t ~csrthiy izu~tailmtnis o¥~prinei~0~7 ed inrersst.
<br />u°rth the r,ata.xr .af :*e tnti~hte+Irs tf n~z? ssx>»cr laid, ctue and gm~tabta cin. , Sept2~er_`?.
<br />TcrS~e~er :u Leni~r %y p the rga~^.sena ~€ ;hc :nvebtr~ina=s rr~adeaaactf' h~ the ~nie, wiih ia;zrest thzrcnn, the
<br />~Int r:i a!I a>.her suass. °~-tth ; arE-rest ~~s~•;:~:>n az4~arszed sn aseeardansc 4x~regtith'tt, grrxsct thr security of this
<br />ttr{prt~ge. ~ eta: pcr'ortrsance cT the ~ ,-,°nar:: .rr~7 aer-mcnt ,,; porr~:we-r tscrein ton[a=nest, and jb) the repayment
<br />of sm~ ivtttrC asvacte~, .+it~ iaternt tlicre m, rsada r.~ F#cat ,u~r ` . t' tti ~arsu:+:nt tsr ~ra[~r~pta 2f: hereca (herein
<br />"future .Advars.~ 3r $orrrax:; cM~c+ txr~`~Lcateage. srs::t sru; .: ~asc~; :., lxndrr rt3t trstloa:iatg described prope:-t}.
<br />Ctacatcd ir. tt,c fa~wtq cr# ::... , . , . , ......... .State Uf i`iebraska:
<br />i.~T T6dIRTX T1iU #32}, 3.t izl.FlCiC E {t); IH tiRE*tTk~OQ 5t38IIIVISI(3h, IN-.THE CITY OF
<br />GiYAtiA ISiJiPtI3. i{ALR: C4'~tKTY, lt€&ttA5t~.
<br />>Ltaich has t3Y a~trv ~~ . X23 ~ , ++oor.+r s. dzje . ti-3 RQ . , .. _ .... , .. , Sirztrsd . s l arsr4 .... ,
<br />. ..
<br />:~r-..a: :c~~
<br />~~°t7•Yd'S k 3 ~~ ~ _ . r hereie ._Prrspcrt_w~ :1dt:scs.;" 3 ~,
<br />. .._
<br />.+s~ ++,~ i:r sw.3
<br />T-C3~:~YHF:R w~;h .t[7 the :mpr a.eznntty v~a,~ ~.: ?x,~.~3:ra vrcuer7 ors .tee p[u~r sad :a.! c:e dens s -rghts
<br />;yr'~'t,~bere-ath:a_N, e p'4 sRa~ERS. s3vACrt}~ sit :err.5 p]~ r p.~Sts 3.a~t ar ~t1 v.. t,~r wa r F La a tc9 ~a r wx 3 "~ :~i~
<br />tiiait;: r ~ ire ik. .iftrr s+ a.heu tU ,ham prr:.~v. v a :.(uvit. i:. a•4~ u; nr, cF ac nran'~r 4 ate v ;t- z rtr. t t -`.~~
<br />i ,~-a:n~er+:„}~: arsei ~n"Fa.~x;t z mat. ~.Y;hc ~:r: ~~+cftti ~e:r.,~ hr rtrs'~fi,~tg~~. ar~3 ili _,f ;a.c ;eti;:" ~ ,{i,tiu.t •.va:n ~..t;;!
<br />^-.rt~k'c[~ r ., . '"xe --~.act:~•.?i:f _ iuls. L tnis V4escyy~: , ." ~ +=;tach~ti. p -.: n:r~_r.....(rr,c . - _, t'~-,, ~ ,:.cx~riy~
<br />;~erret~.u.;<.r i^rr+~Zi:~sleza i2~ae7 ~icasitrco--.• is -a'a. uf,~ :is~., x'=, m~ .sztth~ .:~:: °:e„ n ,~~ ".as a-: (~h:.' '.
<br />.raft: .atkt c_~•R o;i :::t. r'e ~,*4'I~F s`?a.. :3•,s.~ f [s ~ ... J ~.i<:,.~.... :a-t-. ..:2 dc~.r~ :tai: ;. ~.... , ; I"::.i
<br />.1
<br />,. t.~ e:~.. 4; s''sr. b'n ¢7~- ufL_.[Ci~, _ a '.as. ~aJ ;.t -tir1,~«>. -: _~.. ... zat +. ~.:c'~ . t; -., i ..a _. ~.,.~_~
<br />-_,~ . ~ rw~ics=r ,f ~k.T., .:x,.,. , rays ~. .~ . "...r,~_, 3," , ~ is ~ ~ - a . ~'nv.
<br />~~~~"~ -.: sr :e _ - 7Wri4;B~.ait `ddtff&R1A SH.e~i7F1f~€t.
<br />