<br />Leader's written agreement or applicable ia%~'. Sorrawer shall paq the amount of al? mortgage insurance premiums in the '
<br />manner pCo~°ided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />.A.m amourzs disbursed bc' Lender purs;tant tee this. paragraph ', with ;ntetrsz therern, she?? became addieional
<br />4RdCb4t{'{flCSS a€ tl'OII'Rw'er 5eCItTEd by thSJ` t~'IOtt$aS~TC. L#n1C.ss $allow•er and (_CndCT 3¢R`.C [a other terms O{ p34 ment, SltGil
<br />artttxsnts sttaft be patabl- up.?a ntxice fr,~?m Lender tq SaimwCT re:qu,~.sting payment tnereot• and shall hear interest from the
<br />date of disL+itrsemmt at the raze payahk fTOm: time to time oxr nutsrandine principal tinder the riote unless payment of
<br />inteaesz at st~h n-aze would 6e centr:an• to applicable ?aw•, in which went stri:lt amounts she?I bear interest at the hig[sest rate
<br />pt~isst'ble under applicable law.. ~?athin~2 .~ontained in this paragraph i shall reauim Lender to incur .any expense ortake
<br />any aetio+t Fn.rctiader.
<br />S_ inspectiam. F-entfCr n;a}• rnaF.¢ xtt cakue nr t:e made rea nflahlr carnet t:~ n .~r;d in p~tirans o{ the Prrrperty. provided
<br />that S..ender eha£1 gitne Borraw>i:r nceti e pacer sr. anc• xaclt .nspectintt c~ .€}•irzg reasrtnabic cattce therefor rel'ated'la Lender's
<br />SnFtresi in t#re E'xcrpertc.
<br />9: C'unden+»sr3on. The prw~c:er>3 ;ant aus*st •. darrt tar damaie~ diretis ar corceq•senti3l. in canneait~r w-ittz arty
<br />ce~sde-rnnat'zcsst or cK}7er taksng of tfie P c peaty. ,. r par". ,herd .. _..::r aomzc•attce .n lieu of cc ndertnation, are'tterebyacsigned
<br />and ahatt f5r paid to t..snder.
<br />ir, she e'G-cnt : f total taitirrg : s the Prv:~rtt. ifte ~.,cexis .'~at. hr applied #c the .tams :,CC4rrCd Zay ihrs ?vfwYgage.
<br />with lire czcc±s t env.. pad .a Sera-.ewer. 3n she event .e „a.tia t.xk:ng cat thr z^mpert:. unless Snrmwer and [.ender
<br />therw-Pse agzcx is writnz, t?ute a;`a;i he appit;f to t:!ee .um~ kec?>trd. by This !£t±rtgage reach prtrpx,rzion of zheprea:e~€eis
<br />as is ea uat tt? 'list p. ~±}; ttn t. n +~n:wh the smc+trnt e.f the c,.rts ~cculcd by t^,r ',si.?rpagr irnmediazcip nri~ir to rite date of
<br />taksng *xars to alit fa4r:narkrc'<a'.x u€ the Prx,~;~!-. s•a .mc °:atas ~, prr .= ec~ the irate .~f zaS:ing. u~ivh ih,: F,atane~ of the prt~eads
<br />paid t:? $ckrre3a•er:
<br />6f :he Prolrerty is abaradcxstn? h~ He ^rucr !,r- , :nice `. S cr;de,> t., Bc?rr;:,ur= rhea the cond.mn, r od#ers to make
<br />ae a+.,.xrs9.er wettit s cla:in fsr .4ama~s+. iit,.rr.-?=P. .;..-. ', -c-n~-~:+. e;, I.etx3er 3*•t?sAn 't'• elav"s a{tcr tht datestsch notix is
<br />trrxz'kd, [.ender ix auztx+rved 'a ~ot€ect trod xpr.•• ,~r r. -ca. ~t Lcrstder°s npticut. ether to rewtoraticm or ropirir a# the
<br />Pmpert~r .~• ttr t!~ ~ttraars ~c.-:.->~ Lk t!fip )S!x~rtg~w~.
<br />t"plea. ? rru#r* 7~3 $< .,..r-:,rsyt.ru~.~e ~+;~rr f ~-,. _- _ ;a ..etih ac+ptn:ata~>m x^i prc~':-ect~e. to princii?al..ahall not e:xtrnd
<br />ar;>+~~ipe~ar .. .: ac J„e.~.:ac :aam'^ta „r-, r. -,.- ... ~ rnragraphv taxed. 2.hcro:qtr=r cltnaRC Sheatnt of
<br />14F, 6wro+rrr Vw Reira:.ad• ! ur,.,-- ti _ .-, ~:c^€ ; z m~irfitatixxs+ ar aiM?°t5T1tC[Ml of tS1C stAmst u`cuted
<br />:a,
<br />t,x . c 'k. :xr, ..., : r,~-..fn ~., , fk tzxxw~cr ~ si ~. _ -.esatc s+, .tease, in am manner,
<br />ttx a •~ nr y.~, i;errri~a:x, ._... r~., _._, ~ turret rxirCr~~fi's ~.,t ?w: ~uirett t,+ eommrncc
<br />,, u,.:cr. •rp ,~,, rnr ~.::;:^, . aecswac+t e,.:. _. - r - ~. •ir-n, .,. rr+. :.a +n. wiih sn,..tarraFiti~n .~f ah~ Sums
<br />cect;.re 1 4r ;r,~, 4t..::•tpaC" ^. 3,'kk, .-. .,. .,: Fi~.r • ..cr .',u l~ '.. tier. .;1tt'CYtVR ett 7ntefeat.
<br />f 1. f~'Acu'ac>• 6;e l.ow{er wee a M airrr l ~ ~ ~r`.r.~ +
<br />!cr - ;r- ., srmeclr herx+rnrlrr- •v
<br />.n
<br />.etle~n,.,t :'tuvdm7 ~a s, r, a:,rc - :... r . < ~ ,x?c hr - ~ •~:~..r +-„ .: _h rz3iht or rertACdv.
<br />.- ~ - a: 4r• '-, .^ac. _.. •ne 1~~ a waiver i>f i rndar'v
<br />riglrII ', w_cir •s~c •hr mz•.. . ~...x `•r.S'-r .~\ .,ir
<br />.._ -, ..~.. .. r
<br />! Z_ Rs~edf<y (-eaaabeire ~.~ ._ .. , .: ,,,~ n-,. ~: . „ .,.... - ,. _ ., A,-• .;p)re
<br />FCr4tt' N vi!'-,Sc. 'h..l 47~,f'~,,t' a.. -,ir, ..n ..... .. r ~ .r .. -. ~ -,4~,z, r K1.' , ~,1. y1': etV'
<br />1 ~. ~rrRwar Aid \rry~ar bored; tnaar and 4.. n,1 I inMlltr: taytio>n ,c r ~a , ': + r. ><n~. hr~ern
<br />c.~yY+.P t..d . r r ti,. C ~ .;r
<br />-r;;ipc. ,< < .. ,, r{ _ .. - ~. . r. ,.. ~ ;•.. r f1,+~trowei',
<br />-7 hf at .., , nra~,: e,p, ~~x ,. .. At . ,. - ~ ~. .c , . , ;, r ,, ,r..f 9Cr
<br />rrSr firr '>< r
<br />U. \srrKr t-.. t1" r .rr _. .rc ,. •..~ ~ ~ ....+r.c, •nsna~; a .:.,9 rtC Ill
<br />$... •, ..9 St. ,rn .r , ;~~ u,i ~ •..,
<br />hu..F x-•-~ A k,:.u - ~^, •..+~ ~. ~ quo ,. rt at
<br />.,. ~: rK eJCrs ..•.}c a C K ur ..,s ~; t ; Ir „ f!rr.
<br />\t, .,,ia+pr .F,~ ~'~c .-.,.... ..,. .~<.. ~ .c ,4 -. ,, :-4r _ r ..r .~. ~•.x.• FuS .etc,} !_.
<br />l~ I ndor a, \hM~ge. L.u•.ear,rK 7 •... ie .. r~MEx. '' - er ,.: r. .r. ,.., , (t r,;rnun&1-
<br />'rr _. ..: s e ..
<br />rc..l ei •rc,.. SI,,.-rare v +.~ ,,, a ,. sverrnp~
<br />. .~ f •,..i..rt .,i~+. Itt tltr
<br />r~KO7; _,. ,. .. -. .,..~ St ~ °K'. ,.. ti , ..ntr as ., .,,n t+, :. er ~[!! ~[ ,rlYr,,;C
<br />ra+ut ,r. .-r. ~ti.x 1t. t,c...~v ~. .., . , ~ .. ,. o r u
<br />r'>tf ar nu m •t .~ 1V. , < <=r ire r - .np .Y+ rte. i. ibis
<br />:r.rce ~
<br />LL.~b....,..v •. tnt. H•„ - . .~,e, -. ':n: 're ..~ts~ .:. C9,~ ti:e~x - ttnle
<br />;xf ~.,. ...,... ... f h .r..
<br />l:. TrsadM ul lk hvrrrta Y,l'`cws~fitra , a _- .., :r .. '1 ar:tlY9~GTdC.d
<br />he B:n'r, w.. .., ~. ,_. S tn.S ... .. ,. ,.. ... ~ Sc .err, r, .
<br />' - '- - f::r- r . ~ ~~ftSaSC 7M
<br />!n,. N.,[~'~aY .~. ;:R r ,.. .. r l'(- t.. '.~: CS: t C.. ! if 2 . rl l . dti,'CA a del t5t!.
<br />.iS~CS' ., },! .,t>a.. f' .. t-i ~... ~4~a:~r ~c -Y~='t . ,. _ _ +
<br />rK:rF .~.t 3 i) (( ;~~ h<'. -b~C e r-k1C. '~ 1 ~,,..G a,q' rrfr' h _t of 14'"eA
<br />:x ~+t .r.~ .tsvt s'* :.yit e>.. ~ e.1 p ~c ~+, S~
<br />:Ytte3 ?Me +t y.r, t ~ a,r +' ~ pen ~. r-- .. uw ~ r. r •
<br />1t ~ e 4 :~ ~ ?Ct)o ~f}
<br />:. rnr cts ,-. .. c x. itxl •a. •.a ..- c~ 1 .g„F ~, ~- r 'e i r'+.ic:.
<br />~rli n,yura +i ? cnc.i•r yjn w~,c.: t•ac .. .. 3 ,.__ ,,... - ,., s.,.a;o ..r+a ~H+>rrs,+,'...-
<br />--:n'otcst 6.a: r.r,: _.rw a ~nr, rr. rs.:a^., >.. ,g: ;•~.m y.,:.rr,.,.~ -^. ,'-
<br />ah!_~am.>.'1c -~,.,.k ~4.~ L~l:,:xz+.yt s_~ ar ti.,rr r _ ur.. , ,_:,x ..rii ntew~ Gi.r, ., _ ._ ,,'~
<br />y~ ~
<br />-,~ - - e 'hit Lca the ra,asxr ., .~,{ .}.:.~
<br />!°ei t` l!w ., _. _'re '-s .ir ...;r r --,. . -, ~ -t. i.~. 'ftC6V ~`e xt ttr+ ti,l n yrr--..,
<br />r__n.5e rts.,i ..:rh, ~_ ,r.,tkt t<e .-r ><R,a.,,: - 1+.., ,: .-h; _.na:.i xtrn ~.,;,.~ ~ ;.:y,r;agra~; ~a c<-.r, ..
<br />~:, .w.C. wrp,.aa ~d E~~r<e •..~~t. Ft.:r. -:.:-~i b; ~- ~ r..-....,. .._
<br />_ .:ad :g ~ as :; su.avx
<br />ttt.. \e.+,D2rrlk a: Remc~lr.. }i,Y y~i a. qa. ~dsd tw Fsragcapir 1' btrtni. l;i@r~s Ewrturver'rr Ivrtac6 of aai, au, anatH w
<br />$~'PtFeafr~a/ of burrur rr is lace \1~ut~sNt<, is t,d'vgt R6e :..,-~~ynt. is Frr w~A doe eat rarer ?ecrared irv rh3s 11trrlgaYe.
<br />1!31~7e+ irriGr fa srtrlFra[7tm anal! R+asd n iitr tar ~[c9'+rerr ,t+ ~ur,crideat iw Y+tis4+~ t~ kae.~exsi" '7^~ H. ~.~: , t r the tmcac§as
<br />r2> ripe fKli(+r, re,yrirn# w e>tr¢ larch lrrreeh; t?+ a Saar sett ieari s~ t9 dapi #x+aet Ihrt dnls t~ex avr#f~e n mmtr,i tea ~caH'b'r/sYCa
<br />!st w!kit6 ru.-# hrtxA w4..t fx :w<~...: i !11 rlsat t.aita.re sweare. ~cte#rrciMelt ea cti' belwc t4r da4r s~Ct+r+t. ie ilsrt not5ce
<br />rsyt. rsaph to acct#rrtiMra .~t rbi~ ~u,~; .c•.t:rrrt h.. rtr.. t~~.e. lnrec~l+~uorz L» jocdic:r~ pnrra-rre^t~"Cntg sad sr~c of '_hc Yrxcpcrt ~
<br />ipr rrpiKx aAsr47 iactn.r ierinrss barrtsaret u{ ehr :got IC. reinatuts. sfter a:tcrlrrndiun adei rbe e°iplkt i<, a~ect is ton fnr,n+a.orn j
<br />prr.-.°e~w7~ rltr ~-s ..r.~ec~w..rf ~ datn+~it c>< er.. cratxrr +fefr^.,,r,r av€ Sor~sre+s¢rr ka mrx•e'.+se aatE fvv<4~tsare', #1 tMrr hrc~e.~ke
<br />a and ~arrty ace, , - hr C~.e !L,.r ;3xf~ .¢rrwfrd is r'.rr ,,::x. Ixrrrtes serf L.erowitea~:.-,~~13aa mnati~ der~rr a4~,st tM +~aa uesrc+i by
<br />~+ \~ire'it6+~= ?c: M• yeas=restir~w#- tins .'sari Pu-, addr » rttu>v+ Fura6rrt ~maaef neaef snag #stt €nrr !rr ~u&K...ad prvc~cedirag. f.xa+8er:
<br />t,~@.att 5s :~sfth~t3 ~ 3=.i•3.~ct ~ rw~h ?rte stt a.x pr~saa s~ :asrc3sm,ere. ix.rfss`-S~. Yts;i orii ffa>iited t~ t..a~ .,f d~ rrrenrvtsrrv
<br />eQUr3ectae., aa+s..aK:xv tti?ie e.t>•Ja~ty.. ..
<br />44. 11<arrov-cart High. ur blr'MYSett. '*~~w .t.`.,i~ :erw4ts.~. -'... ~. , .:-: ,; :.., ::.. 4q ..
<br />,.-,-~~ ,... ., ... -;8"'~-~:, x :a -• . ,. ~ ewe *=v { ~,~... ~ .,. _ . ..
<br />-_. .t
<br />