<br />~/ 2 y» t.I l; V ~ ll 'a P
<br />9, ('eademoation- "3'hc prnceedx of any award or claim for damages, direct ar consequential:, in connection with .arty
<br />condemnation or gather taking of the Praperiy, or par. thereof, er for conveyanr in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid tasi.ender.
<br />In theevent of a.tatal :eking of the Property, the proceeds shsil he applied to the sums secured by this Dced ofTrusl,
<br />With, the excess, of any, paid to 8»rrnz><'er. ]n the went of a partial taking :,f the Prnpertp, unless borrower .and Lender
<br />otherwise agre°r_ in wnttrg, there shall be appt'sed tc tttc susrc sc-cured by this Deed of Trust such propcirtion of the proceeds
<br />as is rljital ro than propor*_ian which the:. amdunt of ?hc sums secured by this Deed of Trust immtdiarely prior to the date of
<br />taking-t>eairs to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior tc the date of taking, with the 6alsnccof the proceeds
<br />paidzo Borrcnver.
<br />Tf tho Pmpertr ;s ahandarzed by bn.•rower; ar if, after notice by l.endcr to Borrower that the condemnor otTers to make
<br />an award or:setae a ciainr t'or damages.. $arrawer fails to nspand to Lender within 3C day's after the date such notice is
<br />maned, Leader is arrthortzed sa collect end apply the proceeds. ;tt Lender's option, tither to restoration orrepair of the
<br />Praprrrty or ro the Burns secured by this t~w'ed of Trust.
<br />4;nlese t:rndz:r and Barrawtr otherwise agree in wrtirg, any such application of proceeds to principa3 shat[ no[ extend
<br />or pnsiptsne the ducdate of the mont711v instatlmestis referred za rn par.igraphs l and ? hereof or change the amountef
<br />.' such enstai}rxats..
<br />14. Borrower ;out Rehtued. £stension of the time for aavment »r moditeation of amortzazizzn of the sums .secured
<br />ny then Deed of Trust. granted by f.endcr r :zn}' sttcctssar in interest of borrower shalt. not operate to :etease; iu sity iuahner,
<br />[he ti:soiiir}' of she ortginat borravver and borrr+wer's successors ir, in[tmst. I_endtr shaft oat be requited io' commence
<br />prc,ccedings against svcit successor i,r refuse to extend trnc far payment. rr ctthtrwisc modifq amertizateon af. ttte sums
<br />seCatred by' this Deci.af Trout b;~ reasfin isf any demand made by the itrigirzal barrowerandBoxrnwer's successors' in interest,
<br />1I. f orbesraacc by Leader vM a wmi+*er. ,in}' foriaearance 4v Lender in ezarcising any right nr remedy. Ftereunder, ar
<br />otherwise affortiM h}' appdicahlt taw, xha-.1 riot i?c a r:+aiver z>f <;r pcetFudc [hc cxtreist of ary such `right orremedy:
<br />"f'hct~ttxxurcmentvf insurance or ttte paytt•.crr nl taxzs ar trt?zer 3iens a+r chargest`y Lcr_dtr s4talt zto2 bee waiver of: Lender"i
<br />right taacceierate thematurin• rxf the :ndabiednexs secured by this Detd of 't'rust-
<br />'t1. Remedies Cnaraiattde. Ali remedies prrn4,ded in tFis feed »P Trust art dissinct and eurtcula[ive to any ozhcrrighE..
<br />or remedy under ihs Tkai of Trost ?r wt#arded ??u taw ;+r equitc-. ;end may trc ezeiased c+>ocurrenffy, .independently or
<br />suceessive3y.
<br />t3. Saceesytrtq and Assei(<ns Sez~trnl; latest y.d ~e+etii l.iabiiiay; Captions, The cavennnts and agretateitts herein
<br />conraetza# shat} bind, aced the:rights hereunder shad inure in. *he re-stuvt success,.~n sod assigns cif !:ender and Bortewer..
<br />subject to the pr»vesi»rtt of paragraph _' txerea5 Ati a:v'tasrts ar:d agrteanents r}f 8~r:ower s;:a41 4x joint and several
<br />'[etc in-aptious sod hcadingsoftfzeiairagraphe c,t ahi. k>ceo of Trust arc for cpnvcairncc s+niy andarenot to. Fxused to
<br />interpret z±r dtfitne the pravisionz hereof
<br />14. tiWtre: l=ac,^.s for an} nsxice requrret) uadcr app4icahtc ;aw to t+e given in another manner. (al any. naUCe to
<br />Borrower prtas~rhxl l;,r :n tto,s D~:d of 7rttsf shall he g,vtn hq rzai#entl such notice fty crrttfled mail addresud so Borrower at
<br />the Protxrty ~ddeess „c at tech ether addresti as. borrower may desigFrate. by notict tc: Lender as provided heren, and
<br />thT aay rtraUtc tr> t rnr_±er sha13 ~ given t+r ctmftcd ±naii: t'eturtt rtcupt requested..to i,eit.trt''s address stated herein »r to
<br />sorh +ather addseas as teesrSer may designate try notics in tTorruwtr as Iirav[ded huein. Any aotite provided for in this
<br />Y~eed of Teuss -tcaii ~ ,ieesncd to have hero given u~ Ftorrz,wer tie 1.endtr when given rzt the. ntanuer desigaat,cti trcrein
<br />tS, !%w~anna llted of "1'rwsfi (:aseriattrR t.s.., St.eralTit!y. Thrs ferm ,•f aced »i trust cctmmhittGS uniform .^uvenanix for
<br />natxonai znc Sri nnn~ur,~forrnna'etiants wreh vrrnued rnn,r.,rcti h. urwd,r_u+n to constituteaun:fi,_'m seeurrtyiastrument
<br />cowtrittg reef prvxay This taeab ri -(r~ir, ghatit,cgutirrrsdhy :he law nt the iurisdecteon in which the Fmpettyis'located..
<br />fn the r~cna rh,rr aa. prot,.,un or ~tausc at, ttxrt,. f}e;cxi ,-; i rtrst :~"trc. ~„tc ~. ~+++:'+t ts. wi[h applioabte VaW.surh aonNict shat)
<br />tart atfeU +°Rxr ; rv:rsinm .a chtf L>e~i i.f 'Trust cr. tht tom wh+ch ran ne >;~sen etTtxt wuhout its contlicting provision,
<br />exert !o zhi. onai nc~ prom:recta. ut the DCertS of Tr'~t dttoi the 'KaYt+C aro dxiatc~ 'ri tx-He+rerabit.:.
<br />4Ks ianostr's Czs~y. Sotrzxrstt ihatt $c fear rrasMtd a cczafctrmexf cops sf +hc Aiatc and. of aftis Iked of ?'rust at tle.ume
<br />ai Cx KLb~Yn or N: [[r rSi,rdatwn htrClbf
<br />17, Trarlrr a! the ~t+Yi AarawgUaa: I r act t,r an} faart of tfix Pro;+crty <xr as interest therein is sn3d <,r transferred
<br />by i?ormrcr w~tn.wt frndersprrarwrirteri a++nunt, rsaiudtng ta7tttt Crrat~~n at a Icn+it cncumbrancesutxrrd.i»atctn
<br />she t}m1 „t t ru„ nc~ r*raEacYn a,t x paarcn.ar ~,~nc, ,nui:ir .r,tr:re># f:.r i„~,.c}Kyld •ppl:nccs. !~f a tranaftr by c}evist,
<br />descent ar n} perm nn ,•! tawupon the death t a -. .: icr,n, .n sd9 tfre con of am ieaarh~'u interest ut three years ar tess
<br />+rat w;atzia,n,nf a , .pt,r,R t» ^urrhiso, 1 crs4r'r + ,. I cnrJC, . ~•p+r'm dei:iarr i• the i4r,,. „-t~arrd `+}' 3flrs ihcd of "Crustta he
<br />rritrfYe lraltky duK .,nJ tmh~f'ar LitwfCr eFt..ii q~~e oa,ve<; wah ,p,,. ,,v r„ ~cidetalt ,l, ~ n.,r •f±e Ca{t or tXan7.ftr, f;Cndkr
<br />anctthe Pusan so whor., ,hc Propcrt} a n- he d r „a 4u~a] reach xgrttmcnt a~, writing that the rt+txiet Of auch{teraon
<br />is sslufaaut~ ru i crxler and thet .hE interest ,nF t ,'n tae wens tiYUrcu !6rs 1.}ees3 Ot "1 nest ~h [€3 !?C 3t such tatC eS
<br />I.trder shah rz<.tuc.t. It lc,+dCr `ras wt,.r<i +t*r ,•ia ,~ ,~ .,c~cacru:c ; m~iate$ ~ntslrxspataitriptz '.', and jf Norxower's successor...
<br />in ,ntrrrar [rv raes-ut~ed :: wrruut :usuneptam g: tr.r,ce.:.at_e, teat ,:: writing ~,. I.rnder, 4,ender ~ita4t rcfeasc burr»werfrnm
<br />a!i oturganons unr&a •hts t3ccd ;'f 1 r[aar enJ rM ti,atr
<br />If Ler+dereaer:aces ucix.r,v,on t,. r..dcr.,+~: !recta ~.ns'.~ .era~~ t~rrvt)wtvrdotte^t.(sfacecfCratir5n'itz aCCStrd~rfea with
<br />parsgriph is hrrmE_ :Both r+cttacs shay ;,r,,,:dc a Per~ct+t n: rite °c., -hih3t7 days from the date the notice ism:sikd within
<br />, ,,.
<br />whta:Ys borrower an+> ~aa.s :i*c sun,,, dr,~..roi Sue. ]# 8tsrr w ., ~; pay. Brach surm preor to the expnr:tiara a€ such ptriod:
<br />Lendei° may, witfzo»t further ;oars. e, dentiod rsn 8rnroavar.. ,•axc say remedies permttacd My poragnph itt hereof.
<br />"Var.-G?*rtrttat~[ C`.a~t*+sNYa. fTerrowte grad I.en3erisiat4wvcaverzint,and aErK asfotto+rs:
<br />C L Arer/rratiar; Reaariks, Forest ar laoriiei ~ prnrRerrY iZ brreaf, spa. llArrw-eu?p breach of aay ra«rrwaa or
<br />ttttaeattewi of LtN,r:srsnrr in. this deed d. 7'nw4 itta'iaditt~. ihr carraatrrr aa..,pay +rhrw der tuts .suss secvreA by tleis.Ihsd.
<br />e( Ttwst. Lendrtr pi3ix to s#wlf resit natict ter ,a+wwret aw ir~otf/rd lr itw'sRt?yb l4, btr+muf sPerifYirs~: 4I1 the
<br />hrasa~h; d2) rir aetiasr rr~ttired as ctrrr srteb bneacia {3) a dtuzr, tNa leaf Iltarr JO dsY+ f»s tYC Mlr lhr ttgks B mated to
<br />Mrsrrsrrr. by whkb sects bttcrcir ratset br rsrre~: zid (4i taus Aai#arc #s ewe ttrelr htear6 aw w bsfaro for date speai6ed
<br />tw t!r notice my rewkrw ri~c'elrr>u~w ei tltr Bra xca[rf bf the Dee+i of Tort amt sir of 7k P^+r_rt7. Toe notice
<br />aaitrll" tttat#rt iai'wna :~ravsrrr .,i the risfwa to:rrrrtalt after x~teleratlaa swt the r#Sit to hrirryg a c+dart wedan to aasM
<br />-ahrtxtre-rstatettrr-ef a dRtatit w.~.oty de/resas. atlerrswer tisttccrlerati~sa.:gad stir:.if ibr brearh:is tta cared
<br />sn er tttfc.,. t#e dice s~rcillri is t#,r notice, l.cwier u f.ewdrr's amstietF west' dabn ap of the saaws rteured by MAls f)eaI
<br />M,T^tatt to Ere iwrrrdirl~ dice z.wd isyWe «ritMsr frrtYrr drtrand +tariwY iavaice !bc p~s~zrrtr ut safe rrrsd aay At#re rrnuei/et~
<br />emitter! ~ a~iicsiie in.. Leader aiatif k etolt!!rd ti roflep aN rcasattilrlr cwb and t tttcarred' is potanlhR Hte-
<br />ttnwnlin prowled in tlatt'rr*ra~iittb,fariodinR• bW'asotutrWed tzs.reawasahk altorvey'sfres.
<br />tt the Boxer s.T safe ry iwxalee~, iraRttahtsli rerorda notice of defattdf 9a esdt cawnty to rhtchthr Pnspenrorsottx
<br />tACrt.(w tocaprd fwd .-w$ eug ewsiesatswe# srtke to tit awaanecp~.aeeiiiei:fay ~iaw to Bornwcr sasat. to t6r
<br />:ether ptraowa Krx-rfhcv! Dr rtli/itriiteTaw.. Aflzet lhetasteaf'saeh tL~e asreay ba re~akeihr: tspsfieabie: taw,liraetre-shalt'-
<br />.give wNtr eottre ad Bak to t#rssp+o~ni and iw Ntersaaswer Prestr+fredbd' atssfi fax. Trastrq++itbaatdrmsed!ea
<br />Terri>rrr, .LaU s'+f rlr t`rwr..tjrs~ pabic arctiss to He ftig/rest bidds~r at ihr aLrr..zasd: parr Brad ua~drr t#e terms. dtriRatNed
<br />iat#e uoli« of sate iw ewe ar arose sarcebaasadir a+tc#erirr as 'N'rastecwt>.y +dtst`sufwr.'i'ratstte may past{loat s++k ieC ar~i:.
<br />er ia4 i~cri eft she 1•lU~lliJ b>r pybl~t ~aa~ Q thl tliar gad plaCE a( My prlYialndy sr#rdYlyd Ralr. Leader or
<br />Llwirc`s Otsgwtc Ralf ti1r1"cMiR tflr PEa~ritj ill ~tf)'1~r.
<br />t'pc+a rsrcys at trayrnrasr et tlwe s°ke bid, Trtassrt abaH dr3ir«cr to the-panekasrr Teastet's deed t+.wreyfaK tktr Preprity
<br />+wtsl. The rtririta iw tht -ir,.tsss'+ drtdr~:.be puma bete tsi+fewair.. of ttat tt'ath irf tie ststtaitntsmadt thetrfa,. "t°naeter
<br />ehaY ypTt sh.r proceed, ~,! tFt wil~.ie t#r feltewlaq erdert fi; torq reaex..uttbft esstx ined.eupeaxes ref tlarsaYe, irxiodiax,. faart
<br />tewt I..eiire ne,Trastrr4 fete u( riW ewers tltaaa~' C3L j 't^efttac =met sNt price. nas+saablr artt-orney'e Tres air[f co~baf
<br />kick e~videwcr, z ir! ew aH +wma w n*ed by dtfer of"fraal; asd. it} tit saersx, f( aay. to the petsoa or p:rxovin legatty rasttfed
<br />r6ts'ra_
<br />lo. 6«rra..T.-s 1t:i>;At i=, tt!:rrGtn2f_ `. crrvrthsaanairs=-f..er,c}trs a~tCrieras~-,n .: the s~rmx secrared tw xhts 13ecvJ srf Trust,
<br />$r,:r rr,u~cz aNar hs-vr acv -.ghu ray ^a c < :a erJm,{rs ht'gcaa ky ! e-rdcr ._ .., .c tbo: L'k~d tsf t~r„t ai>scarc+t inettl. ar _]
<br />anp ;,r:x ar,.~- . t>rr "a. t : r_K, ur J t',,c fifth da, ^cFssrc the s:,tr a sere p !renv. p.,rs!tanr ter cite `power of sale ¢»ntii»re+
<br />, ; M,~ C>c~4: „t Y .~., oC, ~ .,~s cal r-+I_ ,~.;.s A..}wzr?=_~i iL~~; .! e' €ir, rr ,~.~rer pay : tXni+-r ,4 .,~;n, v;hiCh uaa.~~oz
<br />_ f..
<br />._.. -
<br />is .!ken a .. S .. ,. ~ . `fie ~%c+: <n;I ". r .._ •ny F ,._~rc -", 9 a ice :. '. n , '~a,;t na .~-a'r +wn~rrft7
<br />,r
<br />rr,r ~ ,. ~. - _.
<br />Rr,. ,._w.-, _.. r .ac» a .a ,a ne, - ~ ,_~ .. _ --r .c,t;,..~e. .., ?4.c,5 -.. ,~,n,
<br />I .._~,x~- ~ ~ k`-it ~ vs r„ x ~ - .. _ o.. e S u, cr,x ;
<br />$,- ._ ,. ,. :Dv,r,; _, L,.., an.i rnt~ ~ r. _. „f, .i r.. err ~,
<br />