<br />[hz• [mrs. y~~cvrai fry [his Deed of Trust shalt c+xetinuz~ unimpaired.. L'poa such pa}mcnt and curt by Harrower, rhr~ Decd :,I
<br />i"nrsraadthc %,h3rga[itrnsseeureil hercbyshailr.m:sm iafu£ffr,rceandelicc[ as tf no ,[ceciciareon hadareurred.
<br />T0. ,t~ciRnneeutof P2¢nts; ,Ap}rointn!rut of Rac¢iuer; f.rnd¢r iw:hossession. As 3cidstn>,r:ri +cennty'keri„nzler. Ei;,n~„w~;r
<br />4-c,ref -~v_ n , [sndcr the`tC~rtts rf the Ptapc.rty; prouith-d that t3c,rrower aha(1. prior t a,;c¢1;rutu r nn -r i. agn 't I ~'
<br />hlr~; r ~ r ., a,inment of the. Properly, hasc the right to .^cs@CCC and reT.un ,uLh nni ,s (hey ticuomc u r rl p ~ ati-r.
<br />t prnr _~.Jersltan [mdcr paragraph 17t huco# or ahan.kmment of [br Property i rnaer n P~ ,o,z h~ rgcnt .,r .,v
<br />"juciieiully apprzuifed reccivor;shali bt: enti[fed to enter upnn; tyke pdasCSSktn z~f atr~d`rnanape the Pn,ner[p ~ nd r, ~nllect ,hu
<br />rentstl the Ptu,h-rTy inclutlit:gthcne past ak,c A91ient. collected by 1.:cit~er netberec;r>, r ;hr,U he ~~pticd f,r,t ,~, p:.. im~nt
<br />cYI ~ c~stx cst`manxgemcrit of'ihe PPaperi} .zhd rot£ebGna ei rents, ,ncluaing, httt not-kimitedti,, rice ive is fre5_ ~nrr.uum,
<br />on reccivrr i h.+ncis anti rcasanahfe :+ttarncy's fe¢s. und.2hcn [f, the ;urns.,ecured h}~ this L3et°d :.ot' ? [u,~.. 1 ruder .,nJ nc~
<br />reccivcr shaif he 4tab}e toaccosintonly forthr~>c rents actrtall}~ rccci:~d:
<br />3i. Future Ad+~sne¢s.~ tarpon ues[ oC $orrx+~er ! ersder, ut 1 ender`sopNon: poor to full m t+n c... t:. <,r the Fr p ;,~
<br />by Trusrecto Borrower, may makuture .4dti: rCC1 [o Bbrrrrwer SuchPntrrrc. Advances; with mtvcst thcrcnn_ ,h th '^
<br />scrtrrcd pva this [?ced r,+t ~Frust .when ea,de~nc¢ti by,vom, ur:- ante, ,~.:iingthxCsaidda4es areaectlrtd' hereby Ar .'.o i rr._ sh.,L
<br />the poincrp:~l a:nnu;^r of the indebtNdr:essseuired hr th„ i~,cca •.,i : -..,. nest mefudtng sonrsadvanced +n are ~ I..^,~c her~•..rh
<br />to prcrtett tnt c ~ ~r;tt ,,t ~hts DectirrfTrust. rxcecd the er,;l n r cr the o€nzeph~s US 5 20rOD .OC
<br />2Z. pecom.}ance: flpctn gaymenc a€al£ .um~ set z! , y ; C}e;a er TrusL 'Lert[cler Rh~td request ~n,,;ce a, rc;.vi~r,
<br />the Prnperfti anti ,ha1C surrender this Decd of-Trust and;rl no* r.:dractng ihdaEi;ednci sccttre,f by thi. Decd of Trn.t
<br />So T'ru,.[rc`• (ra,osc shad rccam°¢y tht Prnpcrt}<withoui warts:r!} arvd w,ihput cS~argc t~.[hc Tier.~m or rcr.on, i~c.,~l,
<br />¢rtiriedthcreso Such r+ersatr ae persons shallpay. ¢ft .osts :i['rcu:rdat.un_ ,i am,
<br />23. $u6ctilWe Tnalee.'i.ender; at li¢nders opNan. mad- from time [a iimcrcmc~.c Trustee anrJ •,y~-~av :, ,acct„..r
<br />[rtasteetoaar ~Tr=.~vcc appciintedFxrcunder hy,an ,nv[nsmcnt rrtiarelyd :n ii;cct+unty rrs +s~hichths Ck:rd ,,V Tn„t i, rcr.,rd~,l
<br />Wtthokns:nnvc}anc¢bt thePecrpcrn•, >he succesum [rus;ec sh.d£succecd to a!i th¢trde, psrwcr. and tlutic, ~~;,nf~rrcd .ep~,,,
<br />[hc~ Tnutec Fsceern :,nif by app#ic.at+le l:rw'...
<br />' 24: [trgiuest for:;VM::^n. $trsrow¢r r¢qucus rhos copies „f th¢ nonce rrt deiasslt and natrce of sate tie sem to Surr„wcr',+
<br />.tddrt+a whicpr ii the :Property Address:
<br />Ixi WrrNen Wr[s;~eor-, 9orrrr+aer has cxc~cuicd this t7ccu crf Tz'ust: /~j'
<br />tkaxsa3+~ 3r. ,'}rMx't11~h/3yY/'at//Sf~/r£. -8orrrnver
<br />3 enntrara~ 6a~.a..r
<br />StarEOr'~ieaRASxn; 3aetli C;sauntyss:
<br />Un this '3th da} nE r'tugtsst, tq 82 . hettxrc me, tfrc trnticrsaancti: a Ncriztry ['uhf
<br />duly wmmrsseaned and +~aattffied fcrr said ;,.tun;} ;xncsnal8} s.amc
<br />Dt7neld A. 1)ennhardt,Sr. and Sof ;. ~)ernhszd.t, ~9us3t+nci ~ wife ,, to me lcnerwn in t.c the
<br />idencteati perwn4S.] whpse namr~,j .arc au64r,txd .,> thr lcare~r>rh~ tnsfrumcnt and recknawlcdged the etcKUtton
<br />ttscrenf iri be. heir e<r6uncart a+.'t .:nd :lecsi.
<br />Witness my h:cnd and trritatrsa9 kcal ,rt nand slarv3 in sn[s1 ctfunts. thr
<br />d~ic afnresaid. .
<br />M}. Cornm+ssrran cacpires: ~ w... .~
<br />Z'. ~.
<br />aw,nwwfra-aa.Kt[Mw.r I3arr?~~,. Rose +.~s.rr u„w,e
<br />eNUrfer C. ROSE
<br />-•" fi~;)t tt.1 t { 6}R FLF~~"UFi+. FY.SNC_`l"~
<br />Tv TausacE
<br />i'lu .~ndcrstgn~~ rn ar haldtr cst't2rc n,,ti ,-a :.~,ce, ,;,urcd by tfrrs i)ecuf trtTrust Sand note err nettcs. was her
<br />with ,ill c~[her irnfek+ctdne~s ,crated fiy ih,s ~lce,: ,t# Iruwi; +s.t~r t+cenparr€ sn tulf: Ybu .irC hctt~ti}'directed ttr cancel
<br />stdnS n: tt ,,r nuEeSand tt;u Dted of TrusE. wh„i' :re •:_trcexed h¢retry, acrd Sir ~;,a•~c~ witlil7ut uyrr.miy':.tllihc
<br />euaic raw het4 b} wuu undcc :nis I?cr,t3 of Leu,,i ~:, ~.e pcta•.4rr zrr persctrrs legalg ~rititied thereto.
<br />ss+•.e ea+s,. z-,., _ .w-vmr.ra Fc,..~naer j.RGusca~us?'; {
<br />C7 ~ ~°
<br />,i ~ 'as rrs: ~.
<br />.,.....
<br />K "'° u.
<br />+~"? ~, ~;: ~ zits. ~".. i cz-
<br />i ~ .r ,t ~ ~..... '~ m.+
<br />,~ sr Kn... ~• ._ _
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