<br />3} , ~~<~
<br />~,~ L1 l.r C1'~L C.'
<br />~i (3NIFRRM ~6YENAN'rS. $l)rFUM'tr .3Rd LEn(~t4 CUVCIId ftt ;nc~ a~i CC 15 ti}j1UW>'.
<br />l.. J!'apment sfPrlatipaJ aed.Jnterest. 1Jnrrawsr shall. promptly pay when due stet principal of and :interest tTn ahc
<br />- tndebtedrresstvidtnced. by ttae dVats, prepayarsni and }see charges ss provided rR tlt:e ?Nate, and the prinripal of und. interest
<br />anany Futarn Advancesaccurtd 6y thtsl3ttd aF Prrst.
<br />2 ~®is fsc Tares asptiteiaratece: Su6itcitoappkicahlt taw yr to a wnNenwsiver by Lender, Harrower shalt pay-
<br />to Lender oh'ths day month{y instatiments of prlnupal :ind lntcresrare payagic under tfic Plate, untt! the iVdtc ix pau{ fn fu{d.:
<br />a sum. {heresn "Funds":} equal t0 stir-twelfth of the yearly taxes and astiessmcnts wlarch m:ty a[taiR prittruy oo'er• this -:
<br />®eed of?rust, and grattnd rents an the Property, of any, plus nne rwt{tth ,rf yearly prz-miuns enstaNmsntt far hazard insutancc.
<br />plus oats-twelfth of yearly pttmium msta{ltnents far tnartgagc insuranct, rf any a{i asreasanab{y eStrmstc~d initfa!{} and iram
<br />tans [o time fay Lender'an ihehasisaf. assessments and hdtsa€d reasnaabls estimates tluureot:
<br />The.Fnnds shaft he hsid ;ri an Institutiiu~ tht depasite ur accounts. of which .are insx.ud or 5aarnnteed h'. .. i=cderal ar
<br />staitagetary S5a~3uding i~endtr if Ltorsdtr-ia such an instituri~ni !cgttrr stialS appiythc Funds tei pas' ;aid rice. .fs~esnicnts
<br />imitrattccpremum4 and groTtndrents Lrrrdtrmap rase charge - u haidrngand sppiv:n ~t'Firndx as 'y ~n4 a .account
<br />ar vsrlfying and r:timpif,ng sufd assessmsnes and bells. rRttt , f .,:c,_r a%.iys $rrttawer r.; c:r, :r,c I t ~ ~. , .:! :tr>p,,~,tb}c law
<br />perrttirrsLcnder'ta mafatsuch achar~, Bt#rawcr grad tc~ic'-er n}:;y :.gmt n ai,,e. :f :.t<. .. ~un of this
<br />Deed of Trusrthat mtertst_un tt>t Funds shat! bC {*aidtu $brrtiwtr ;m+l unlw'S f ~c r rt i. , ~ _ . _ t 1-.. Mc law
<br />requisss such interest to ftc paid, Lcndtr shalt am be rc-yurrtd to ~y LicrrroWer ,i t f,arr,_.t ,r r:rrzrtng r the F d, !:order
<br />sfidtit giv¢ to $arrower, ,. :!rural charge. an arinuai aa,~Rrmtang ni tlic F-cmd. ci,vwrrrg. curt . -a :' ich iu := ~- Fr:uis ,rnel the
<br />purparte far which each dthit Laths Funatx :uas made. The funds arc. pted{,cd as addi[iunai sccariiy tar the stmsstcured
<br />by this Dacct of Trust.
<br />Jf t3re..amauar of:.:he Femds he6d by i_trtcitr. tggtYtxr +vaih alts futnrt muRthty insiaflmtats at t n.,~ 1,;; ~. ~c ;,: f,~r irT
<br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, inxnraaec premium, and grr.•atnrk rents, vhal{ csceccCthe amalintr~q ,: r'.t :'„ -.,y sn~et f a Tc..
<br />assessments, i:awrattcc prcmiams and: ground rsmts as ib4 f.tt; due,. >uc#x <•u^t',~ ihait be at $'rr.: v,.. nation, either
<br />pmmpsty rnpaid t'a Bctrrau+er err: cttdiled icrtforn}wtr namoruniy rnstalimsats cal Fcwds {f tb"t m:.,f.! of tlx FrrndK
<br />held by Lrertter shalt not lie sutficarna tea pay. tazt.„ assn-~srsaen.x. inwrnaccprt:nrermsend zrotrnd enf. „v.taev loft due.
<br />Borrower steal) pay to lxnder any aanattnt necessary to *riake up the deficaency wfthlm :~ .iav~ ?'yarn tic .i:~te rr>ti~.:cis mailed
<br />bp.La~er to Hwmwer regtxstirig payrottsi thert:of:
<br />Lipaxt payerx:rii to felt n# Yit seats sectrrtd by this J)etc; crt t'raxcr trndtr shat! prasrtrptiv re+and to B;tizrawee any Fund,.
<br />- hsJd by J:ttider. 1f underparagraptr t8 Prererrf '*c i'exrpen} :~, wid ,tr lne~ Prcrtserts rs o:hc.wrxe .tcquared by i.cnder.. fender
<br />shall appty.na laierthan im,.,~fiatdy prtair 1n ;ht sett <,t the frapat•y ar its a xlauciaierrr by l.e~nrt.-r: _eny. F,.in~ he{d by
<br />- L.endsr a! ehc tame of appiuairoo as a crtdst agarstst ns scirns uYVred nv thfs tie 3 t I'rusr
<br />1. Ahlicatine of haa°iMt:.tz. L1nlsss app r - :yw tr vade+: srihtn.rsr.. etl paymen :eCCivtai by fender under the
<br />Kota .nd paragraphs {anal .", iisrcaf shall bc. stn ! cd 'ay i nde," first .R pa} mcnt ..S arrttrinrs ,rs}•>sb{c t.+ 1 oilier by Bot'rcawer
<br />trtfdst paragraph 2 hereof, then to intsrext paysh.c ern "hr *v,rte:, alien an rFatprrR p ~ t,f nc~ *+aas..ard •hen to interest and
<br />pnttctwJ isn soy Furore Advarnrs,
<br />Chw~e,~ J.Jeha, &irrr+wrf ;hr#k psy ar ~ -nsrssmtrar.w an'4rr t.,rK 'inca suet ,nrp.r.uianx „[trihutabtc av
<br />the t°rnputy which tttay alum a pnarity aver h 1 n ; Rif Trust. seed r ~scia+ f (•avrntnts sir grtannd rents; if any. in the
<br />mastr~s praeidaJart4uparagnph 2 hsrsrit err, t r: t a ,! an ,ch mattratr hs R r. w atak-ng •aaymcnt, when dot, direetty
<br />to t}Se paytttircrWti,t .Borrower shal.J p wnpaly . .: 1 r ~3 . ,,: m -.fr ,... ,ruder rhos paragraph, andin the
<br />evsat Borrower zbatl rna4r payrtuntd :e ~iy- & r. +. ,,mc:f, r', ~1- ;..dc: ,..:rasa ;vra. ..,,,, ,loch payments
<br />Borrawsr<igflt r;•mpat-. druhars;c ens .ern r :f i .,. i ~,- •, wtr .^.ail out he
<br />requrasd ho duck rge any su,.h 1>rn r_g , ti~ ~ f ~~ a.,i,, n a~catred hay
<br />inch itcn to amanner acctptsbts r:~ ! cr da. .: sn,v. „ ,: + - _ ~, , ,. . ,.! -rv, n~ „ :,l .urn$cn ua.
<br />itEit~rtx5eedtq. uhrch .grtratc ;,, ~ ~hr a r x -. i r ,rn.~. {rare nc~rcal
<br />~~~Ittdanrrct Ha rrcurr r i.ccr -n , F , _ .~ ,~ i r<rpcrtyinsu2d
<br />a~aimt icrst hyJirs.. h..[altt -icn3cil f~~ , :hr n ~ t, 1. ~ ~,. ~,. n~.,,~, ma} rtquue
<br />a*.id'sn such amewrux ind '~ r e,,en ;ire xt..r,. 1 c dr. ... ,, .. ,.ter , .. ,.f - ~ ~ .,rat the amau,n xrf
<br />such ps+tcra~ecsca=i asp ama~un: ,y ,•re.,Xo ..~ v )
<br />J'hs thtura~t carrxr trv FJnaq h ~a..n. N ~ ..t,s ~~ ,. t ~r~dc rJuavrclcJ.
<br />,trbltvstii~C.h a~(7rvYn, st>y Si ;h~: nc imrc.a~on.f;is ;n?~ti ni { : .. ., ..f, ,_ _. ,R ., a, ,;S
<br />lr---•--- Pa'+IJ''r i'h - hetar: ,, a „ot ;.r„J .. ,u~ . r 8n-r,. ~ ... - ,~" +Fc x+,raanet.
<br />w.ri akray pas;Irr ~f ,-I ,.~_ 3;reCely. ice (ht
<br />,cif tiratrratrct !x i -•r.+ ra rear.. II ~ tf - , , r ii ,. ., , '.7 ,,,rrtgbgt
<br />cfawe to lavo4 1 and ,. .m .:,.cr r• e .: v. , ,
<br />ai1d.&ntrcr..~fr Thyfl ;Y •,nrrl's 'o,mah ' ~ nsr. ~ .. ,,. ,- ., i . hereof.
<br />Barrawtr Shan gn ;+rsmpf ~eW ~:,c ~.~...r at:.,r. ., ..._ .. _..r ,.,.. n, , .< <~ _. ". ne. ks,..
<br />r - ._ ,.. ..~ _ .. ... ~ ., ac auc,mpt ly
<br />by BMaowcr
<br />' Elttesc ixnda xr:d & e, "n x rg~ ... r• ... or r .r; i,v , ~.~pa,irH
<br />tt~r.Pmpertv dam ;.V. ;^ .u1eil •u<P .r .F,r.a,,. ,.un ... .. c -.. F -., , r)„ f , [;tags n.
<br />7totllieitebyxnp. ;r.t ,. .laces!.. .. cn ~~ ,..r.t - ~ _
<br />„ ,. _ r I ~ N,,.,lii
<br />iMC'ttttpasrtrl ttx » r ,: ,rr!,crrds , .a.i rK~ 3txRn_ , _ . ~, ~-.r.. i ~ ~ ,,, ;,r .. ~-. ~ , ~,a .%,a+1.
<br />ta$aCr'm.~c," !; ht .•._ c. aba rk ,~,c:.~ H , .. _ t9~'. -. ..rr ~- Sri, IP:<
<br />ddtClrn tier .~. m , r ~.a i.endeo :u Eta r r r .,, ,
<br />a4 tatth.r :ct± tv , dr, , nd .{'}r; ~ th< n.., r,Y. t. ~.. ,, ~ -, f m{tie..
<br />or w at`+,pSUms x'-trc ri' '9.. t3eci ,.. - ,u ~~ '"n~
<br />:,nkts {.rtv~cr .rna r~ t t ate r x r ~ „ t 1 ~~ ~ ! lend
<br />aF paYtpxlM [ht d raft he ,; h a .v : - a' ~~ r
<br />,,,,
<br />xsiC}S +tktitalirtttr,~ t ' r is dr:. 4rlT r „ ;r, _. 4: r , • :. _ ~ t r ~..
<br />1a~IHf 90 env ':n~~r a.,c. fx,,,. e. e;,a? u,_ ,. n. ._..<. .~ n .. _ t
<br />Or aSgaaaiina4 a.^^., ~.a}3 .. ...c~,eKr 1.' ;`2 nat!ri .. i ~'~ '" ,t. ~."`
<br />r .,•cc 'J•_,,r.e ...~icrrr
<br />aityueSititNi °, '
<br />~. beer+atb.t suet ?rtaautifrxree .rl i'rar9tnr: l.c riEr.,iat.: tu.ndomtnrums: pfewwrd i nit lie ,I.,p,n.~ne h.r:~.,;...t.;
<br />5t7.:it i(le .alt' it <s-. rtf ,.,
<br />rnyl.tyati;Crnpie f ;h ibt T . 2.iu ti Ilse t ! ~ .•;3CfF'I
<br />unr!r, :l
<br />A'aadUrt R.tJnt >> 'r1. ~-, ,. t{T .ixH •,~ ~ fl,.
<br />4)t r:77 'nanl': arC i, fl£ sff <frC 1.7t'R t t .. , f,
<br />UrtdarlIntURT ., .trt'rt ,: r .'c'.. i.~.:,~ 1. frr
<br />1 ~'. .i1 i,r ... .,
<br />`TdCr IY GS. ~:rlieu - i1'l ~'~:v, L'~ 'CL ~ _._.. , ,. ~ .. .t
<br />.. _ ,y ,.r
<br />Strati be ,CiLV r;w.r ..,. _... .a,..:. ~ , , ~ T ~ ,.
<br />vtef[ a pace hCICO. '`•
<br />'f, Ttwectwn of J~adcr ~ Se,cwrrt ty. _
<br />ihsd (Ik ieZltt .. u:K* 'llf !iif.
<br />.] S I " t1z
<br />,
<br />eg. ~ :- m t ,a a ,~.
<br />bankntM cr ::ece tcnf.herr I -nt}er .., ~_,.er
<br />su,~. xt u.e u h - r °-~ c ~ ~L .f - - ,
<br />2~.i;ar aye atstu et , e v. ~. 4~ - ,t ~ •,. •;
<br />t
<br />csod,..c. ~f -an1, g r- n.a x~Fr:~ s ,~,. :>e i tiro Fat ,>, _. ..err
<br />~. nsylFdtA 'n etie un ss<.h z c- - _ 'i-~ _ r,zf
<br />1. r. [yclrr~ Mrr i:a.n 1 c,C F,.tlrl :.QUrrti ., tC ,,: t, H , ,. ~ _ ..
<br />4 H r ~ r :.. .. .. .-
<br />. ,. ,.r., . . .1.:-
<br />rnan[ser rt'r~rat:-tic: .<nc;rr ~. fryer e. c,. _ -
<br />w
<br />r~.T 3~rrr?llfi dibfl3f~ "]t CSk.I~ rit'7 ;. t
<br />.. .
<br />,
<br />~fKJtnleRlZrl"'+. -,t Jh ~r J '- < ~. it\:: ~. ~.
<br />.tY+~sr:~r h Sl.Oii 'K 'tc A:. ii ,a pr, l.~{~._._ , _ , .. c - .-' ...-
<br />+fYfS•:E6~1!FV>, err ,- r :tm -, .. _ ~ ~.
<br />~"- tv
<br />.. n -,r i.-. ~,
<br />. tee} .C'rf'J~[I-kL( '_ - ~_ n_
<br />at tm~,
<br />