<br />8 ~ --•~~ ~j '~+ ~ ~ ~ ADDtTtONAL TERMS..
<br />PRFPAh'MF`i'T AND ~CfRC'AS..tJF TH6 FlraiA?VCE CHAR/'Er Even though ldo not hove to pay intro than the regafar scheduled monthly payment,inave the right
<br />to Prrpav the hole amount e. u ing to mu m toll a±any time or in pan from time m nttx. tf ttie'lending instirtution or bank that buys my contract computes [he finance chargr.
<br />- dmR. T lopes my tnance charge will ~. less rf 1 make sr. easily payment, and it oil! he hither if I pay laie[T alsoretognize that grey necessary:adjastrmat to my total finance
<br />harce w-i1} be reflected in my i mal di 1 t also know that the amaunts shown on the reverse side•for the Finance Charge, Tnta4af Paymtnts; and theTcNalSale Price areesti-
<br />mate:. based on the assumption that vou will receive each of the payments axactly an i[sdue dato: and 1 know.that there will be no refund if f prepay because [bete"is nothingg
<br />to refund if f:am charged ona'itailYrbash. If the lending mstitunon or bank does not compute the finance charge daily, and if t prepay thewho!e amount, you wit(~refurtd
<br />to me thFUneartrod portion of the hnance charge (interest) b}' theacraunting procedure known as the aetuariat method7.and the amount of my rebate will be figurcdon the
<br />scheduled dates andamaunts nr'my momhiy payment and not on ehc actvaldates and uinounts of the prepayments that I pay to you I knpw that a refdndof less thanS.1.00
<br />wilirroi be made.
<br />..~...
<br />-•-•• • --••- • •••-~.+~ • +..~ .+ r-,,.,trwx.hn r~nrwc vn qLL tiVVVa qRp SERYIGES UNLESS SELLER FUR-
<br />(b)t:will and should ruad;.in detail,[hcseparnte"LIMITED WARRANTY"which accompanies[tfiscontract. It explains the conditions and etreumstaraes in n~hich
<br />the tnanufaetnred pritducts will be repaired orreplaced: [cake native of theSimtcstions on the wartanty, and I particvf arty recognize thus any implied wananro'.whrch applies
<br />to the gtxxts lasts aniy as long as thewarranty or service:contract.
<br />SPECIAL-ORIIER GOOA.S:Iknow that you have measured myhouse and itsopenfngs so that you can make the produc[s:[o fit my particularhouse.l takrntice that the
<br />gocxls thin are manufactured for my specific House probably wilt not fit arty otherbauses, and under such conditions, f knovyaAai [ cannotcancel thiscontnat at anv time
<br />-after the period of n me given to-me; by4au~, m which to cancel; Afterthataegatperitd of time, tknowtAatf have the obligation to pay you f n full the amonnr irw rd.
<br />OBLIGATI04 S PFRTAiN[NG:TO MY REAL ESTATE:~7. t pramise to keep: m}• fiouse in good}apart and to keep itinsnred for at leasf-80?b of hs rzplacement value
<br />b}bu~neat d ct xfedcoverage insurance oahcy. Ttieinsurance company must beapproved by you, andtfie policytnusthaveastandard trustdeedbenefciaryclause
<br />wMr h ys. in I i n n be id if there isa loss. The insurance company must agteethat it willnot cancai:my policy without first telling:ytw. t authorize. the insurance
<br />tomep stoF .cu dirycUy to any:loss. You can choose muse this insurance payment to either repayanyarnouneslowe youorta repair;my house,2. lalso prnmi.ve that
<br />Iwrlln,t al lr anyohe ulse to plats anyliens on myreal state without your written permission. 3.lpmmise to pay slttaxes,assessments and other chargeson myreal estate
<br />whetrdue- a I i remise to timely make all payments on my poor mans secured by my real estate. (also promise that 1 wnll nofeztend. renew: r r chance pries loon; withom
<br />youznri trap-cermission.5 ffldo noonsure. my house ar fulfill-my othe[obliganans to my real estate, then you camdo i[farmeif you want (but gnu do not have to). If you
<br />da pay any of these obligations t'or me, f agtet to ppay you back on demand plus interest a[ an annualrate three"lierrentagepofnts (79o).greater than the an,aua] percentage
<br />raze shown on the reverse side. Until t ypau in•ck, ttu^seamounts wiilbeadded to my debt CO you whteh [s secured by my realestate andhouse. I know that if you dreide
<br />tobuylnsuranceformethatyoudonothavetoobtainanyhomeownerortiabihrynsaranre."
<br />"SALE GF MT HOUSE: l promrse pct to sell: lease orgrve my "rouses to anyone until I have fLlly repaid my debt to vou, oq until l obtain your written permission. if l would
<br />submit to you someone to take over this conttac:, I egtee that you may review Incite(ttaiifcanon,4.3fvouappmve ahem,-volt can charge me a service fee for Chang inc reror ds.
<br />You can also increase the. mterestrate on rhrs cont2et by as much as t'nelaw allows; rt you do, you agreenot to.hold me responsible forthis debt,.
<br />DEFAGT;T:twill bain default undo ihts comractif:
<br />1'. idon'tmakeapayrnent whehdue; or
<br />?_ Ibreakany pmmiseTlnade tdyou iathiscoramct; or
<br />3::-Satrxthingelse happens which causes room believe in ggod faith that] do not intend topay you aspromised; or.
<br />4. f defauUon any obligations focwhichlam using my home as collateral;ar
<br />9;= Something happens to my housewhich threatens your righLi; if any;.in ii.
<br />: IF I A'1tdY DEFAULT: My huuscand real estate can be sold by you to pay my dsbtw vou. Before my houseis said, you will do everything that the law requites. A nyenc
<br />can purchase m} house and a:al estate st the sale:. including you, and, you can give the,purchasera Trustee's Deed wnhouCany warranties: however,. you scree that you
<br />• f ncl _ctl my house and realestate :f I pay aiGoverdue payment, and wrrect any default before the sale. Or, vou have the right to sue meandforeclose thn wnvact as
<br />t n c ;, mortgage, ll;you,bire an. attorney ioassist you to sell, ny house, or, is sue me; or, w:protectyouC:ngttis. [ a_grcx::topay vou fur }ourrezsoneble attorneys' tees
<br />ara rurtxhrr related ekpenses stictrascoun costs.titk searches amt manev,+ou expended to pmtu[my house."
<br />OTHER RIGHTS: WeCan choose not toenfome any of the right drmis oontractasoften as we wan[wiNput liy:ang them.ih, we can dehrv entorunc any of the rights
<br />wittentlmurg them Wecao also rise any rights paw annttk ,i uture c.ren In usbylaw. `..
<br />OF t AYS: I know that you will use your best effons m install iix. prouuxs lam purchasing on my house, bee I also understand that in someanuauuns you may encounter
<br />del ~ that are caused by strikes, weatlter conditions, delaysyou havernobtatnmg materials, ,~. Par other reasons-that are beyond your cornrol. I understand. tftat you will
<br />not hr liable for such delays..
<br />ARB!"TR,iTION: If I have a dispute or efaun withyou mncernmg the quantity, quality or performance of the pproducts, (understand thatmy dispute may besubmittedtcr
<br />and settled accardmg ro the mediation-arbitrauon. program that may have developed rn my cornmunitvor by theaocai BetterBusiness Bureau: i also knowdraz any decision
<br />made by an arbnratoc(s) would be entered m the a~urt havingjurisdtcdoo over me and yriu. -
<br />SALVAGE VALUE: I know chat thewrnduws, wWdwork,.an1 othecmnteria3s tharhave to be removed by you-for this installation haveN~salvage:value. When }6u re-
<br />movethena,ytusranhuvethemforwhetevezpurposeyouwant:
<br />SPECIAL STfUAT'iUNS: Flue to the unrqueuessof same of the Praducrs that },~u self, Innderstand that m special sitvahons that your Regional Office may havetocevteu
<br />and:a:ceptthls ono" a. !also understand drat thissak occurred In my home and ~natyou and t roar not have had ail the correct tnformationtmportant'to this transaction
<br />at ourfengertip-J¢n"~. voumveonsent+o cortecl anvobviousenors thatmavhnc,•_curredalentlizhlanks in [hiscont: acrweiz completed.:
<br />I\ti ALID PRU~ ISIU'\b. II :, ra} provistun t s u a ~ : iolatev ih le ~ are a unenfarceablaahe remit of the c-0ntraci witfbevahd. if any pan of Chu contract *eyuires
<br />payment of mo .. mte, est then ;he taw fk tit , , xn y u wil l or.l} bar e. m ighi o cwlaa:fror ~ ntc !hranwu ^t of mlemst whichlhe law aliows~)'ou to collet[.
<br />C ODiYt;ETENE55 OF'fHIS CUNPR_aC L [canna; invoke ate iroSi Chat) have created tr~ this contrau Phis contract can only beuhangmd C Mnh yr~u gnome agree in
<br />uiCng" -
<br />the fcll>w-rip, optic b~n~s tarry anenuon the nghti Fi tlha ~e evenwhen this contract is soldtoafinancial. instuwion ors bank,andishouldnatice:hanhcimpur-
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