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<br />_3 .,,OG~.J~~e3 ~, ~., NDTICE <br />i <br />~ This erodlt coatraet flntmeas a purchase. Ail legal". rights which the Buyer has against the Setter aNSing <br />out of ihte transaction, including alt alalmsand d1lMemea, are afao valid agaiftat any holder of this t7pntraCL <br />_> The right to recover money from the holder' under-this provision is limited to the amount' paid by the:buyer <br />under this contract. <br />- :- ~ A claim to a lagaiiq valid rsason' for suing the Sailer. A defense is a legally valid reason for oat paying <br />the Seller. A holder is anyone trying to collect for the purchase." <br />INS VRANCR CANCELLATION: If I hnvc reguestedi nbtUatlce mthis pUrehase. I mm cencel sudt request ter insurance for any reason w5thkn 5fieen (15~ days fr. m the <br />- dxic of this contract b}' rxitifying you or the holuer of II{is eontraetin wriong.l know [h,u 'he canoe-Ilarioo of my coverage wll tie artanecd with rho insurance curler(s) and <br />_- afull refund of me premium(d[oge?het withapp4icahlofnantt charge will be credited to this cootrac[ <br />Pl. F=ASE NOTE:NIIt r eaed nndreei [h's purchase,luillrecec -thin [hi-t Ind: daysacert7ficate of insurance more fully describing the insutanceeoverage. <br />~~u <br />_: I know that Y them c nv c ~ntlicl it th- -c crake or the languat,n of the rcnif u[c of in_ u2nce and the following No;ic_ of Proposed Insurance that I am covered only to <br />_ the exfenYstato8 inure folbw mg NataofRop?sed iosarence lalso know thatlhava insuranCe.ovcrage only if shave txen chargedfor it. <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br />I iakenutice that either Gedi[ Lrfe ur Credit Accident and Hesirh fnsurark e, nr both, will be applicable !n this Sales Contract on the reverse side only if [have choxn <br />_ [ by ~ienine the requrst f r arch insurto Tail ,uran e will t my rner tie rx -.n sign" e the mgoest at the cost for each o'f insurance chewn. Subject to acceppttaance <br />- a} the msurmce compan-, the nsurmw wul ~ ..Ytecdve as .t xday anu it c.ntinuc only for the number of months.a er [he efFtetive date equal7o the oamber of <br />monthly paymentc. [understand that this ~ert!cular insurance may notprovrda cover ge for my tar few Payments, and tilaCtlunng that period of time T will not have anu <br />n:u -rice coverage All tine .and proceeds of the insurmrce will he atd1oyou nr m a t nnncia; institution or a bank if i[purehases the Saks Contract [o the extent of i{s <br />"Merests arks any balers .will he pa}able to me. The it tial antnunt of Credal L[f insurance"_!he amount reyuirrd to repay[he SOtal of PaVmenis thereafte r. ttte insurantt <br />_ decreases by the arrtount of each monthlypuyrnent on ~i vcheduled 3Q'daybasts If . stn jointh obligated nn the Sales Contract with a Co-(ioyer std wchave both signed the <br />re the ipso f red~t Lifc Insurance, death benefits will be yable only;wi[h respect Lathe firs., tic of s to die. Sob" toexciusions, e1i¢ninations'nr waning pen od stated <br />9 <br />- - urance policy orccrti6cate;Credit:4cciden[ard Heallhlnsuranceisfar the3iencitmn>imt tit l:3(hh of eac tnon¢h's paymcm far each day that[am totallvdisrrhled <br />- due to an injury" or sickness while 1 owe any'payment toyou; kowevbr; l understand that I hnvc m be prerented;fiYimwarking Queu7 srieA eoial disability for molt thin four- <br />tcen (t a) con seemn•c days txfote the insurance benefit tspaid back to-the fi[srday o2 my Inml disability- [ sYo know that [easnat o[xain soy insennu tram you if [ <br />amnver65yearsotaRetoday,and[alsoknow~tha[[keitmurancecoverogeprovfderl~tomemaycnntalermaximomamounta~rcorerigewhkhrirlootpaylnsome <br />uses, the entire anroant that [owe you 'Due to the maximum amount:of nverave stated m the insurance policy. I know thatany unpaid amounrin excess of the insurance <br />coverage wit t sill have to M paid. [f tree Sates Contract isprepaid in full prior to the lust pay rt><nt datz, rim unearned insurance premiutnc willbe refunded to me in rho man- <br />ner prescritx:d by taw". Within thirrv, 1"tOJ days, T w71 ruetve the certiIMau hf insurance more full} describing my insurance tovcrnge. If [lie insurance is not accepted by <br />_ the insurmcecompany,Iwill reccitearehrndbflhe insurantepreiniums 7have paid. <br />BGYER:77oe tie..zuwuparagreph-r?n[niiwar~anties reFeuvetorhissa]c gicrn by us ~o the financial lostitution or bankin irrdtrforlt to bu ~ths contrar[. <br />SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND ASStt3NMENT OF PEED aF TRUST A fNSTA111jjjMENT SALE$CONTRAGT.-' <br />FOR VALUE RECER'ED, Seller hereby sells, assigns, conveys transfers anu delis ersto '~ i ~' ~ ~~"~~-T1-~--~~ '~--~~'" '%*"~-`~'- <br />(Assigrrcc) all of its rights, uric and interest in and to the DeeQ of l'mstattdlnsmllmcntSales Cdntraet, together with alllicns existing w s-roufe its oaymenr; artd-the pinperh~-- <br />encumbered hereby. AsstSrrce is hereby substituted asBenefeciary utidtr the DeedofTntst provisions o this egntrut: Seliasvartants and represents; ~'1 i,ft hasthc right to <br />- make this acdgnmenCf?)All statements and figures rn Nis con¢acG.andin thdBuya`s suuemmt ace mueriattyatiwand cartecL(3?This contract an7sedromthe bonafide <br />. ale of the goats urd sen"iccs dcxriwxi herein; ;1) The oasis downpayment shown in this a:ntracrsvuactualty paid by Buyer std no part of said dowlipaymwt was leaned <br />dirn.tly or iudinYtl}}~b_y Sella to Buv~r: IS)Each Bu illegally competent to cooilact;(t5)This coot[see isrrot and wtlLno[tx subject «r env ;:laim. defenu, demand or <br />iiGht of oftset:(7)The ezecufion oft6~s contraet,utd the underlying safestransaetiort giving risetheroto did not.violate anyfedetal or stale law, directive. rule or regulation <br />- now in t[fecr, (3)In the evem tha[this<onrract or [fie underlying saF[setansaction is subject toaright of reseissionarcante3lationbytheB~yer,suchrescissionorcarcelh- <br />ions:riaJhase<piredaraineithentiesulennrthi,cootrac; hasheenranceRedorrescinded.TNISC~IIT~ACTISSOLDl~SE4LER1MIiH0UTRECOUR$E. <br />1N TFSTISIONY NHEREOF' ibc undrrstgnci i" nauthomcd Sellecand has si~med below on behalf o(t}~c Seller en this - <br />_ .- r <br />day of - __ - - ". L_ f 19-,~.'r ~ _ <br />Th ~ fereFcng imtrum a as acknowledged before me on .--_____ PACESETTER PRODUCT, INC: (S~wr) <br />9-1-x- By -1 - ~.c _ ".~ <br />by the auth<r eed zgrm oI Seof $e =~ - <br />6F~ __ . <br />- mLUlrtux ~rU ~WWrrriz ~ ~ ~ <br />~' JtSSIE ~. dp,$1,hN 'i ~ ~ <br />~E::" _~ ~ -a n ikhTC - ~ ~ ~ _. <br />L __ <br /> <br /> <br />