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<br />.___ <br />I have rexxived tit this «me nn itemiration of [he ftmoun[ Finan49i.ry j~ ~ i ~ Secarify: ! am giving a security imerest in: <br />. My payrneni schedukwillbe: ~JG 4,I ~~i, S I. the goods,+zrvices and pmpert}'being purchased;und. <br />~ ~omher ~f Payments i Amnarit of Paymem~ Wh Payment, due u ~~.. '-~: my real estate and' improvements, including my. <br />_- ~-_.-- - ------, house, all at my "Address"designatedahove. <br />-.~- <br />~. _ _- hsumated-to be f -'' days utter the date { <br />I sr -p ement ~ , ~ ~ ~ of th.." Coinpleuan Certificate' Fiting7Recording fees $- <br />- ~ - - ~ _. I Ali subsequent Installments on ahe same da~ Late: Charge: If. a payment is more than. t@il (LQ~ aa5s <br />- S _ each consecutive. month tin«t paid in full. ~ late, i will be charged ~S.CC or 5% of the paymdnt, <br />- - - ---{ _J whichever is less, or in lieu of the. preceding charge, in- <br />Insurance 1- nili serest may becollectedon each delinquent installment <br />Credit I t l:u n z ni :Gil disability insurance are notrequired to obtain credit, und„ until; 'paid, not exceeding the contract rate nt 16:fi par. <br />"rem Nr onwided ur.lzss I :i=n and-aareetoDay the ailditionafcn.-t: « <br /> 7..Pe <br />~ <br />~ $ g lure <br />~ <br />~ <br />i <br />di <br />life <br />Prepayment: If 1 pay eft Carly. I will not have to pay <br /> redi[ )_itc ~ <br />~~ <br />_- l,~, <br />w <br />t <br />1 wars cre <br />(tC~k=~'""'~' I a penaity; `ard t may be "ehtitkd to a refund of part of <br /> ~ _ I ^~ <br />I <br /> , <br />R <br />--' the finance chazge. <br /> -~ . g t a uyer 1 ~"t wilt: review other portions of this coptmct <br /> iCredit Accident 1 want orediYaccid <br />r for addinrntaLinformatinn about non-paymuni,.default, <br /> - & Health t and health msura ,~, <br />naiur~_ <br />vtrr <br />any regwredrepayment in full before the scheduleddatc <br /> -=- <br />~ <br />I and' prepayment. refunds and penalties. <br /> i <br />F'rocertv insurancz is regvired,but f mayobtain thispropem insurance t"coin anyone emeans an estimate. <br />I want. if [obtain this insurance through you, f S - <br />COMMENCEMENT OF THE FINANCE CHARC=Ei The'firance charge:"(interest) is>es«mated to: sign on <br />(insert the date}except in theeventthae you comppletethe installation of thegoods and sen•ices nn another date; then [he finance chazge:(interesu will hewin <br />to~runon-the .datethat' shallsign aCOmpletion Certificate Theamauntof finance charge (interest may tie moreor lessthatr the amountdisciou~d depending <br />on the amountsf pay yeti andmy «melinecs m making p vmznts " ' <br />PREPASMENT: 1 ma} voluntaril repa the amount I tie ~.ou: m Fultorin part,at any hme- Ifl make a'; partial prepayment, [must continue to make <br />my regular payments anetl [have pair~all ainouna owed. - <br />REQUF,ST FOR FLiLL YAYIIIF,NT: [f 1 do not pay.. when due, you can declare, without gtvrng. notice to me, alt that. 1. awe under this contract payable <br />at otn:e. I agree to pay you inletest on that amount..not to exceed thohighixt lxwtul contract tare of t6ce .until either the amount 1 owe you Is bmueht <br />currem or until }ou sell mJ house f I' have given -you a Deedof Tmst. l understand: .the definitions both. of what a "default" is and what. }'our power <br />is ro xll m} house under a deed of Trust : ~ - <br />COLLF,CTIO'S COSTS: if I am In Sefault of this contract and-you demandfull payment, I understand that you may send it to an attorney .for colt _uon <br />and enforcement. It you do so,°' agree to pas ynurreasonable attorneys' fees plus anycovncosts antl expenses incurred py you, that. is, if you areallowcA <br />In collect such anwmnis by law: <br />DEED OF TRGST. 4s securityry tor: this con[raa t grant. bzrgain; sell, convey and confirm to Thomas P Egan. 3r.. of Omah Nebraska and a m ether <br />o£ fie Nebraska State Bar, asTrusiee. in rm.t ,uth .the dower m: sell, a deed to my real estate and ;improvements nn it, inciudmg my house ,I of . h~ah <br />.is commonly referted to and is located at m~ 'Address' designated nn the nop pnmon of this contract. Thin- Deed of Truss p-omeLS .you ,f I Ao r n pay <br />this contract as pn~mised or If [ break: any other promise made °neither side ofahrs contracC ~. <br />REVERSE SIDE: l understand that. Utc additional terms and provisions Printed on thereverse stdeof [his Installment Sales Cbnuact area part.nfthts Intuil- <br />menr Sales Contrect and thatT am'bttund by themim tha same: manner asttthey: were printed on [he: front of thisvery Installment Sales Contract. <br />NOTICE TO BUYER <br />I. 1 do not have to signthis contract before 1 reedit or if any-of the spitces intendedfor the agreed lermsao the extent of then available information <br />are tell blank. 3. 1 am emitted to a copy of lhfs awolracl apthe time I .sign it. ]:.I may pay. otl' the full balance due under this coutracl at any <br />time, and in su Aae t should be rutitled to a [uU'rebate oP the utrearned Koonce and insurance cha es (if au }. 4. I MAY CANCEL IRIS A6REEMEN~ <br />AT AMY TIME PRIO~ TO MIDNIiNi OF THE TNIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE Of THIS.TRr~11SACT10N. (I HAVE READ THE ACCOMPANYING <br />NOTICE Of RI6NT TO CANCEL FORM FOR AN EIIPUNATION OF THIS RIGHT.) 5. 1'undetsWntl'that this instrwnent isbased upon a home ,<tiicitation <br />stJe'and that this ittstrttment is itm'txgotiable. 6. ill shall not be legalfor }~.. to .enter my premises unlawfully or rnmmit any breach of the peace <br />toxpoasess Roods purchased tinder tbiscontraR. '. <br />COPY RECEIV F.D: f acknowledge retxipt ot` a cgmpletely fillet In ropy of this contract along with ~ (2) copies of th~,_~"tice of )F igh[ to Cuncel Fonn. <br />1N WITNESS NtHERF ~l hi.+ LXrd of "Cmst and Ynscallmet t Siics [_~ tat +....en signed on thn ~"" ~% da of ..~,..- ~ - . i9 _ . <br />at (city) ~~ =•,o ~~.__ ,. Stair I Vchra,4a ~9 , <br />PACESETTER PRODUCTS, INC. sFi i (:e - nevePtctnar = r*! ~~,r?~- =_; r_ <br />_ ~ ,~ jnv.._ Jt .: UST R <br />By its agenf.._ - --- -~- ~ ;''`C~-R't! ~'~ `+ ~ '('4J - <br />Staze:'of Nebraskn <br />~y..coHu sion expire>. -- --, <br />5-101-NEB <br />CONF.IDENT(AC' ONLY <br />C'r : NOTARY S <br />FINANCIAL <br />4_ I~ <br />regmq instcumem was. acknowledged beforeme on this ~_ <br />iY f - 19~.-~ . h•; the above <br />oared B r. cris} Trustort>). <br />otary Public `.- -- .- -- _ .- i <br />C3N CvPY <br />l- <br />