<br />right $9°35'46" b, running-Foatherly 550.59.fL. to the North lies of said S&},
<br />tBteaea dafleeting,right 90024"14" 6 running easterly on the'North line of"said
<br />Std 1288.33 feet t° the paint of hegiaaing; said traet;;coataiaing 19x.54.-acres:
<br />,~~ St1lJt4T TO a mortgage in favor of"Ooited Stator of /rerica, acting through the
<br />`,~ !'axoer• 1io~r Adrtinistration, Defiled States Department of Agriculture, -ecorded
<br />£a the office of the register of Deeds, Halt County, Nabraak~, as Docuaeot" No.
<br />81-0012.b1,
<br />Lot Ponr (4} in Elock One (1 ), Westroads Estates !o the Morthvest Quarter of
<br />Cy the Ibrtheast Quarter (NW}IIg}) of Section Thirty-Mve (35) Tovnahip Elden (11}
<br />/~ North, Raege Ten (10) West of the 62h P,M„ Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />SDE~CT ~ + ~ortgaga in favor of the agyl[able Huilding 6 Loan of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska, recorded in book 162, Paso 13 in the-offict the Ra6later of Deeds,
<br />Aall County, Nebraska, apd
<br />SUgJtCT 70 a ^ort8ag* is f+-or of Itbited Statea'of America, acting through the
<br />larsers Hoatr Ad~iaistration Uaited States Da-art~ant of 4griculture, recorded
<br />in toe office of the Aegistcr of akada, Rall Coanty,,Nebra~ka, as Docuaent No,
<br />81-001161._
<br />together with all rights, interests, easements, heceditamea[s and appurxenaatces rheeeunto belonging, the: rents; isrues, and
<br />prafrts thereak and revenues and: iacotex tireretrom, all improvements and personal pmpetry now or Later attached thereto ur
<br />reasonably necascary co the axe tht•eaf, nc.udmg, 't+vt not limited ta, ra'.t~s, n{tigeratars, clorlies washers, ulothcs dryers,
<br />or carpetw~t purchased err fmanced is whoic oc m parr with loan funds, a12 water, water rights, and water stock pertaining
<br />thereto, sad all payments at say cunt owing to Borrowr. by virtue of anysale. least; ~anafttconveyance, br condemnation
<br />of any put thereof or interest thttein,all of which are herein ezllcd "xhr property?';
<br />T'O HAVE AtiD TO HOLD the property unto the Government audits assignsfoxver in foe simple,
<br />F~RPOWER Eor Borrovrcr'.s self, Borrower's heirs, executoa, administrators, 3uccessorsand xasigns WARRANTS THE
<br />TITLE to the property ro eht Government~ga~nst alllawfai lair..sznd demands whatsoever except atrv liens, encumbrances,
<br />easements, resuvaczuns. cx conveyances speci#"ted hereinabove, ~n,i COVENANTS ANll :AGREES a:s fullows:
<br />(1 } To p,y promptly whm due any iadebudnes r~ th C;c vern:Ttent horeby secured sad to indemnify' sad save hum-
<br />less the Government a~,asalt loss under file imurance isf pay mcnt r,E the Hate by ~~asoa of any defauic by Borrowet.'At all
<br />tithes when chc note is }field by ale insured kidder, Borrpvecr slralE cantmue to make,payments on the note to the Government,
<br />as=ollecttonagent feu [he holder.
<br />` {2? To py cc cl < Governmen[ su,.6 fees andothvz u:arges as ,nay now qr hereafter be zoquired by ro~.uations of the
<br />Farmers House Admirsiscruion
<br />t31 it requ;red by the Go crnmcnt, r~ mak< addaxwn~l r r rrtrv payments of 7;13 ofthe estimated annuaYaaxes,
<br />asx mnents, msurance prcmi~ms an i nthcr chcges upon the to urt~aKC r. premises,
<br />[4j A'hcther or nut the no a mrrrca v : - Covarn.rrat, dr Goyermuent may at anytime pay any otlxet amounts
<br />rcquircd hcrctn ;,> be paid by Horrower ar.d t p i;, ~.v Aorrower when due, zswell, as a^p. u7sts and expenses for the pre-
<br />servatsoa, pro¢ccion, or coforcemert u: axis 4c a, as adsancer,for the atcoun: ei Borrower. All such' advances shall beat
<br />inmrac ac du rate bu me by the ogee whzLh has die higi+ast interest rasC. -
<br />(Si All advances by the Government as oescsibed is eh.ts -
<br />itlstaument--w3rh aicrest, shallkie r metriaieiy due and pav
<br />able by Borrower ;o the G. ernment w~cn~ut ,remand ze the plan dosignated to e;-re Ltesx u;;teand ,hal, !~ secured hereby.
<br />No ;uc6 advaruc by [hc Go~ernmen: shall :eiie~~ Bcxtrower from breach: of Bosower's covenant to-pay.Suc,h advances; -
<br />with interut, stroll be :cud tc-err: cat Eirst available c--nllecxinns received from Forraurer, Otherwise, any payment made by
<br />Borrower may !+c applie- on the Holt or arl indebtedness ro the:Governmznt securedherebyin any order the Governnrenr.
<br />determines.
<br />c
<br />C____
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