<br />Persition .i
<br />GSDA-E~'tnfiA
<br />Farm FmI~A 427-1 tiB
<br />rRcv. 11.21-80± ~~ 1J ~ ry ('} Q ra.
<br />,,,,,~ G a7 CT r.7
<br />TFI15 MORTGAGE is made and rntered into by TA!'ZS- 6, MO OD AML 'HLIBIOR t Y ~3 huabaed aad
<br />erffe. aadt ~n hia ~ har'o~ett ri,Aht and as sooa se of eke other
<br />residing in 11x11
<br /> County, Nebraska, whose pose oFfice address is
<br />3432 Schroeder Atvemtr 8z~nd Inland"
<br />' b880I
<br />N
<br />b
<br />k
<br />herein called "Borrpwer;' and:. ,
<br />e
<br />ras
<br />a
<br />,
<br />'ArHE.RSAS.Borrcwer isindebYedto the United States ofAmeriu.,
<br />united Stites I?tpattmtnt of A
<br />ricultuet
<br />h
<br />s
<br />ikd
<br />h
<br />" actingtkrough theFazmers.HomeAdministntion,
<br />g
<br />,
<br />tre
<br />n n
<br />t
<br />e
<br />Governme»t," as ev. .ced by one. or mon promissory note(s)
<br />ex assumption agrecment(s}, hettin cnikd"nott,"'which. hubten exectttedby Bonowez, ispnyable totheorder ~ftht.
<br />Covernmtrt, xuthoriztsacceleration
<br />f
<br />ke
<br />i
<br />o
<br />r
<br />ent
<br />rc indtbtedness at the option: a£ theGovernment uponanvdefauh by Bor-
<br />mwei, andis described u folksws:.
<br />
<br />IJ.neof Irtrtrurnent. Pe'ncipa(.lmrn.nt .dnsuaal Rate 1?tre Date cf Final
<br />of I
<br />t
<br /> n
<br />erest ~ tstalbnrnt -
<br />March'9 1481. 46 000.00
<br />March L,1982 $~5
<br />~00
<br />00' SZ March 9, 2004
<br />,
<br />,
<br />lfazeh 9, 1981
<br />5 300.00
<br />>'lA[C8 4,1981 $5~.4~s0
<br />40 13.40X,
<br />March 4,1488
<br />12.255
<br />March 9,..2001
<br />.
<br />JULY Lb,k982
<br />$f-1;00000 13.005
<br />~~ 4,1982
<br />k4,2S5>
<br /> 7u .• 16,i9d3
<br />S1f the sarxresC rate is ltu than M/A w
<br />,o £ar farm:ownerslidp of operating loan{s;~ secured by this instrument, then the.
<br />rate may bit:chaattgedas.:pravided:in the natt.;i
<br />And the notr evidtnw a loan ea Earruwer, a»d ckc Govcrnmtnt, at any tirtie, may assign the note and insure the. pay-
<br />menr thertof psustrantto the Conaolidated:Farm and Rurall)cvelupment Act, orTitieVofthe.HousingActof194'9or any:
<br />ocher a:mm administered be chr Farmers Hamt Administration:
<br />And it is the purpose and inunt of this instrument that, uxtong atker things; ac all times when the note is held by the.
<br />GovtrnaunY' or in Ike event the Govtrnrxczlt skould assign oleic instrument without insurance of the note, this instturnent
<br />shall secure payment of the Wort: irut when the Wort a keld by an insured holder: this ansattmtnt shallnot xcurt payment
<br />of .the note. or ;.track to th.^ debt cvideuccdthereby,:but zt to tht nateand such debtslaa.U conatituttut indemnity mart~age
<br />tosecu.^e rheGoverhmem .yryinst :;>rs uti der i:t insuranct cantractbp reasann£any default. by: &arrower;.
<br />And this ins[rur1.-n, ~trr~ xcurca ti.c rruap;urt ot" any Interest crtdtr ur subsidy which may lse granted to the $orrower
<br />by the Governniem purtuane W ~t2 U.S.C a149oa_
<br />tJOSJ, THER£FUKF .r. crn,i~erarinn ~.~i the $oan+ and ~1 at eIi tines when the Hatt u held by the Government, at
<br />- in the event the Guvernnrene snutild assrgn the iasxrusnrr t wi~thztur. ir7sursna;e of ~' paymtnrof the nusq to sewreprompt
<br />payment oC the r:otc and any rcnewi« ana cztcnnians rbere ,i .od a :y avrrcmertr9 ,'oraained shtreirt, including pay prnri§ion,
<br />for the payarenr of ar. n,suran~c ux <ahcr :hartcc ,b'. at 1 c-rreswge t -hc truce n held by art insured holder i? stcurc oei-
<br />lurmar c o£Borrower ; agreetnrm hectic. m m {. unity and ~.vc h+rm.ess the c,uvtrament,.agains: loss aridtrlts i ,cranee
<br />contra ,. oy reason. of and aclaulr cy Barrowa n~ '.'. ir -ny.e~~en: anti a. ail tame tv saeure ,he. promp4paymene ~,f all
<br />advance and. expcn~iitur -made by ne io-.ernmutr, aitn ir,tcreet, a~ htteinattcz cev. riheci, and t5t. pcrlortnance o£.zvery
<br />coreuant and a~eetncnt ~,. Batxoact o^[ainca heccm u ant '°PFfemca~y :~rcemei~t, t3:xi ~.r~cr deer lltreby,gtan t,
<br />bar~ln, x11, convtp and ascigr., wick Keeca: wur.nc~, _nrc me ;,..cernmen[tf.e fi:~$owmgpropcr;y situa~edin$ttStatea£:
<br />s'lebnsia, c unty(irx) ~,• Ball • A 2cact of Land daacri~ad as part of tha Seutbeaat Quarter
<br />(9i~j of Sactlon 25, ?waahip 19 North, Raase 11, SEgt of the 6th P,1[, taore particulazly
<br />daacribad u follwa; TraeL Mo, 1-Cow°efng at ehs liorthaaat corer of the Stk of said
<br />Sao, 23 i *ti°°i°8 liaatatl7 on eha ?bzth line of paid SL}, 1288.33 feat to the paint of
<br />baalminQ; thence daflacting keft 90°24'lA" and panning Southerly 664, b5 ~t.; thence de-
<br />fltetiat r1811t 9U°24'14" and ranniab Vutarky 1288.33 ft,• tharacs dafleaCing
<br />_ Ftst}iA$Y7.1 N.B iRev. 11-22$O)..
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />