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<br />+~L-y)l)~~Cf `2 <br />(bj "I'a use the loan evidenced by [}tc Wort solely for purposes autharized by [he Government. <br />t7 Ta pay when due all taws, liens, judgments, cncum b: ances, and assessments lawfully attaching to or assessed <br />:against xbe propperty, including all charges and assessments ir, ct,nnec[ion with wattr,watt: rghts,.and water stockpertainnng <br />co oc xeasanabty aeccssary to the use of the roxl property described about, and all taxes and assessments Sevied apon this <br />mortgage, or the note or any indebtedness hereby secured or against. any legal holder hereofnr of the note or of said in- <br />debtedntss unaltr the laws of Nebraska, artd promptly deliver td the Goveramerc without demand receipts evidencing such <br />payments. <br />{g)' 'dolceepche properxy required byandunder insurance policies approved by [heGoverniitcntarrd, at <br />its reyurs[, co deliver such policies to the Government. <br />(91 'E'o maintain-improvements in good repair and make repairs required by Lhe Government; operate the property <br />in a goad and husbandmanlike manner; comply with such farm conservaeian practices and farm and home management plans <br />as the Gavernrncntcfrom time co time may prescribe;and not co abandon the property, orcause pr permit waste, lessening or <br />Brepairment a€ the stcurixy covered hereby, or, without the written consent oC the Government, cut; remove, or lease airy <br />timber, grasel, oil, gas, coal, or other minerals except a, may be necessaryforazdinary domestic purposes: <br />{10j Ta comply with all laws. aedinanees, and regulations affettingthe property. <br />(11) To pap br reunburse the Government for expenses reasonably necessary or incidentalto the protetdon of the tier. <br />and priority hereof and to the tnfarctment of or the compliance with the prov' s hereof and of the :note and any3upple- <br />menxary agreemen4-yw}te[{'rwaor a£trr defao~t), including but not limited to costs of evidence oftitle to and survey of <br />¢heproperty, costi~{,~'rdiia<ch~s ,ndodtec instruments, attorneys' fees, trustees' fees: court cosrs,andexpensesaf adver-. <br />tiling, setlingan3~co:cfyvu:e ch< praperri~. - <br />(12j Ueithpr„tltt ~i•3Q~rt for any port~n,nxtscrtof oz interest therein shall be leased, assigned, sold, transtezrtd, or <br />encumbered voluntartlr o; otherwise, without the written consent oY the Government. The Governrnenrshall bave',the sole <br />.and exclusive rtghu as mortgagee hereunder, including but not Iimite<1 to the paver [o grant consents, ppartial releases, sub- <br />ordinations, and satisfaction, and no insured balder shall have any rights, title or interest in or to the. Iien or any=benefies <br />hertoEi> <br />{13 At all teas<?nable times the Government and its agents mar inspect the property to ascertain whtther the cov- <br />enants and agreements conxained herein ar in any supplementary a:~eement xrt being performed., <br />(ld).. Tht.Governrnent may ;ajastrnd ar defer xbe macunt at", and renew and reschedule the payments on,.the debt <br />etiddrncoua-by `he note or anv indebrttlness to the Govcrrunen[ eeu-ed by this-instrument, jb} rdoase any putywho is <br />liable ander cht note ar for tnc near front liability tt? the Government, ~. J release portions of the proppeerty and subordinate <br />its titn; and rdl: waive an)' other of it.s ;ighxs unda~-rho"instrumenx. Anyand all this cyn and will be tlcsne: withoutafftcting <br />the lien ar the priority o£ cells instrument or Borrower's ur any axher party s liability to [he Government for pavmenx of the <br />noce ordebt secured by x!tisirsstrument unless the Govcrnmen[says otherwise in writing.,HOWEVER; any tortiearance by <br />the.Government-wheth<r oatear crftrn-in: exercising any right or remedy under this instrument; or otherwise affordedby <br />applicable law, shall not bt a waiver x?f ar preclude the exercise nfany such right or remedy.. <br />l15; 1£ at anytime u' shall appear to the CGoverrmenrthat Borrower may bt abltto obtain a loot. from a production <br />credit association. aFtdtral .and bank, or athez responsible coapcracive ar private credit sovrce,at reasonablerates and terms <br />for loans for similar;purposes and periods of rime, Borrawcr will, upor, the Governmtnt'srequest, apply fix and accept such <br />loan in sufficient amourt to gay the note and any indc}rtedness secured 'nerray and to pay t"or any stock necessary eo bt <br />purchased in a erinperarive lending. agtncvin °onrection with such loan... <br />'1.6 f?efauirhereundtr shell canstituxc dcfavix under any other real rsta¢e: or underariy personal propertyorotlier, <br />sceur:ty instrument field or insured by the C avr rtmrnt .xnd executed nr assumed by Harrower: and :default under anv such <br />othtt seci:rity instrument shallcanscitute detau3thereundtr. <br />il'7} SHQItIp p~py~;LT occur in [he xriormance or disthtrKcnf any obligation inthu u[strurntnt or stcuietl by <br />this ussnuinenc, or should she parties mm~cd as Huerower die ux be dec[axed an incom fserenr;<~rshauld any ont of the partite <br />named as Hortower lit declared a hankrvpt.:>r as insuivrnr x>e make an asstgnrnen[ fur tier benefit o£crediturs. t}ic Govern- <br />. ment. ae its option, with or without naxice nsay. aj declare rite enrircamc++anx „,paid under the note an3 any indebtedness <br />xo the Goverrttncnt hereby sccuredirnrntdiateh due and pa6ahle, h'~ far xhr account ai`Horrower incur and pay reasonable <br />expenses £arzcpairor rnatn[rnance a£.antitaiccpossrsaiunoE,atxratr or rant nc~prc.ptrty, c}upon apalicarion by it and <br />production of [hie instzument, wtthaueuther tvidtn t andwitlrout notice ~£?iearin[; of said application, bout a eeceiver <br />.:appointed for the propecty,wich rltt usual puwrtsaf reGt:vrrs. in like uses d £acrclcs.. his itutrumenr as providedherein <br />ar by law and;e; cns`aur any and all other rights and remcditsprovrdrd hcxcm ar by prtsc rat r.~t C,aurr law. <br />{1$)_ The proceeds of Corcciasure s;tle shall Ix appsitd m the fiilucvint;tsrd::r to the'payrncnt cf: faj costs and expenses <br />3neident xa enforcing ar comply=,ng with the provisions hrrea£, {b; .any prior liens rtduired by Saw or a competent. court ro }re <br />so paid, Vic? thedebt evidenced by the .note and all indrbtr dress to the Govermnent secured `~crehy, ;d± inferior :liens of <br />record required by ,taw ar a eornpetenr court tnlx so paid, 'cat xi,.c Government's opxion, any nthtr'indr.6trcinessoCHor~ <br />ruwer'asving ro ur insured bythc Government. and?C? anv balance to Bonawer:.:'tt Carcclosurr ur ocher s:dc»f alfor any <br />part of the pproperty; the Government an3 its agents may bid and purct:asc as a stranger and may pay xbe Covtrnnxtnt's share <br />of die. pvrthase price by crediting such aneount i?nany debtso£ Borrower owuig tear insured be the:Gavtrnmeni; irathe <br />or der prescribed above, <br />9,' Borrower a~ees that the.G[svcrnment. witl not: be baundby anyprtsent ar future Swxe law; ,a; p-ovidang far <br />valuation, appraisal, liomesread or csent~tior, of rho property; ,bj tirahibtting maintenance of an action for x de.iciencr <br />jtidgtnr:tt ar I"artitirtg the amount thereof i?r the rime wixhui wlirCb such acronmust be brought, icj ptexnbing oily other <br />.statute of limitazians:, ?d; allowitig any right afredearption ar possession following any foreclosure sale; or.,;e). ivnitng the <br />coaditianswhich tlic Garoernment may liy rcgvlazion impeisc,. including theinterest rate ix niaycharge,:asac<rndician a£ <br />approving a transfer ot" the property to a new Harrower. Burrower expressly waives the benefit ofanv such State laws. <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />