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<br />82--v~i:i?y4'' <br />d. For better sceurity pf the indehtedncs~ hereby secured, ttpon the request of the mortgagee;. its siiecessors <br />or assittns, mortgagor shall e~ecote and deliver a supplemental mortgage or mnrtgages covering any additipns, <br />imprpvements, or betterments madrto the property hereinabrne described and all property acquired by it after <br />the date hereof (akin form satisfactpry Yo mortgagee).: Fnthermore,'shouid mortgagor ifail to ~:ere any default <br />to he pavtnent of a prior or inferior encumbrance'on the property described by shin instrument. mortgagor here- 1 <br />by a~recs to permit mortgagee to lure such default but mortgagee is not obligated to d~ o; and such advances <br />shall hr,omepart of the indebtedness secured by this instrument, subject to ificsame terms and conditions. <br />e. The rights created by this conveyance shall remain in full force and effect during any postponement or <br />extens,on of the time of tht payment of the indebtedness ecidenced'by said promissory note or notes, or anv <br />part thereaf'secured hereby: <br />f. Tp eoistinuousty lmaintain hazard indvrrance, of such type or types and in such amounts as the mortgagee <br />may from dme to time requireon the irnprovemen[s now or -hereof ~n said property, and will pay promptly <br />when doe any premiums therefor. AIf instrance shall be carried in companies acceptable to mortgagee and the <br />policies and"renewatsthereof shall be 6dd by mortgagee and'have attached thereto loss payable clauses in favor <br />of-and in form aceeptab[e to the. mortgagee. In event of {oss, mortgagor will give immediate notice in writing <br />to mprtgagce; and mortgagee may make proof pf loss if nor. made promptly by mortgagee.. and each insurance <br />company epncertted is hereby authorized-and directed to make payment for such less directly to mortgagee <br />instead of to martgagor'and mortgagee )niftily, and she insurance proceeds, or any part thereof, may be applied <br />by mortgaoee`at ivs option either. to the ;redvctian of the indebtedness' herehy secured or to the , ~,toration or <br />rcpatr of the pr ,pert' damaged or destrayeti. in event pf fot•eclosurt of this mortgage, or other transfer of dale <br />to sa,d ProPe• s :n extinguishment of the indebtedness. secured hereby, aIi right, iitlr_, and interest of [he <br />mortgagor in and to any insuranct polities then in..force. shall pass to-the purchaser or mortgagee or, at the <br />option of [he morrragcc, may besurrendered for a refund: <br />g. Tn keep all huildint;s .and other. impravemen[s on said property in good repair and condition; to <br />permit, commit, or utfar np waste, imi~airmcnt, deterioration pf stud propetty or any paR thereof; in the event <br />of,f3ilure af'the mortgagor to kcep the buildings an said premises and those erected on ;aid premises, or <br />improvements thereon, in gogd repair,. the mortgagee may make such repairs as to its discretion it may deem <br />nccessanr for: the proper preser+ratian thereof; and :the full amount of c~ch and every-such. payment sha11 be <br />immediately due and payable; and shat] be-secured by the ]girt of this mortgage. <br />h Te pat vaiuntarity create or permit`ta ixe created against the property subject to this mortgage any lien <br />or• tirm ,nferior to the_izen of this mortgage wnhout"written cnnsettt of she mortgagee; and father, that mort- <br />gagor wilt keep and rnaintairt Ehrsame free tram the eiarm of all persons supplying lobar or materials for con- <br />,tructtan of any and ail buildings pr improvemrnts now being erected ar to be erected on said premises.': <br />i. To nat. tent nrassignany part ofthe rettt<,f s,ridmortgagcd;propertyar demplish, or remove,.or <br />substantially alter any building without the ,vritten can.~cnt of tl[c mr. ~ ;~~, <br />!- A(1 awards o4 damages in canmrtior. rtith anq c~,ndemnanur for. public use of br ialury to any of the- <br />prirprrty subject to this murtr~age air hereby antiegnrd and shalt be t~a,d to rnpr~gggee, who-may applytne sameto <br />pacmen[ of the mstalhnenn last due under •;aid note, and mnngagee is hereby'authprizt~ti, in the name of the: <br />mortgagor, to execute and deliver-valid_auZuittana~ thercol and to ippeai from asy suchaward. <br />1. 1'he mortgagee shalt have the nght io inspect the mortgaged premises at any reasonable time. <br />i. To ~ompFv with .the provisions of any dense if-:this ~9ortgutt« is on a Ieaseitald, If this Mortgage is on a <br />unit in <, rondamutium or a planned unit development, Borrower sttal! perform all of Borrower's obligations: <br />under t'ta dcYlazauon ar covenants creating or gpveraing the condominium or ptartned unit deveioprnent,the <br />by-laws a,td regttanons of the condominium or planned unit development, artd constituent documents: <br />_. Default in ally of ttte covenants pr :anditioits of this ittstrurnenc or of the note or lawn agt~tnent secured hereby <br />she{I terminate the mortgagor's right to possession, use and enjoyment Uf dhe property, at the option of the <br />mottgagce pr assigns (it. being agreed that the mar[iZagor shaI1 have suelt ri t until default . U <br />default, the extort ~ ) port any such., <br />gagee shall Inecorn'e the owner f elf :!f the rents and profits accunng; after default a5 secur.ty For <br />ehe indcbtcdners secured hereby. with the right to enter upon said property f`or the parpose of collecting such <br />rents and p,ofiis_ This. ins€ruxnent shaS3 operate u alt assignment-of any recitals on said property to that extent. <br />If ehe -norg;tgrr d~fapits, and fans ro make a i s ;,t,ments •.i•hen~iue er ai, tnnform to and comply- wit}i anv cif <br />the cundat~ens ar agreem~enu c~utained ie thLs -ncr,gage r -Fc,wtrs wf,lei, a ,ecur~, then the entice principal <br />sum and ac; rued ,ntet~r shall aiance '+e~omc d~c a.,d naracie, and dray <br />~~ gcr cent (27.25rj®j iraterest <br />theresftrr until paid at the tltction.ctt tht naorteaaie; and .his t ;c*ia:re may thereupon be farcclosed irnrnediately <br />1'nr ?hc xhutr o! the ,ndrEstedness he rebv e,:u ea ,nduding the east ~•i extending the apstract of title from the <br />d:,ie vi h nartgagc [o the time of couutainc;ng „~;;h =uit_ *_~ - -n ~e_^;. <br />rind. t5nt:/(?u.rtizr <br />1.; the event ~t , fcaxlosu , pr default as etc v eij f:erur, t <br />r rte r.,i t~.a~~r hat , ante bye erttiAcd tp.tlte f+as- <br />~ YIC`n. ,lli4 Cray ~i4nCC 17 !7e CCd Ci,?tr t lC ~ Id 1 ee ) '. F' <br />is ,;: ~ es, and rofits ~thrreof; <br />r n; ~I:e ,~ r ~In1= ~.i _ -h r per. ?nu der rg th ra' ,:~. <br />h~[,1 9i c F ~ t r 3 ~ ei~ i mg4 : +d vnch tx9tpi:A <br />~ ~ f r- u. ~ tic m_rt~,~~t; ,~ ~~~~ Pte., <br />a r :a rv ~ i~ etv ;7i ~ ~~ <br />.3tC~i CCti 71 r,,. r!y ~ ... • a'1; f tJ t (u-' ;'.It it,a}'. i'7e <br />-Ff P„a.~,~., ,,.x-e,:u ~.o_ t .~ ,_vetv<< .Cex.titCtzrppert}. <br />1 - arse > t' ~ ~t;r 'gall he a hod tit t t> <br />~ is ~>.r ;~ , K,;c ~ ,' -~itsat+d tit ~. <br />d:z z sz s, .hi drt ur a l~ ztc~titn~: >,. <br />- - c t~ ,c [npC" <br />. ,~ ~ ness ,cv=sue Fe~.te,.., ,.,,,3 itxirdly, .,r 7^ct} s~rF xt:r ,,,.> •?r <br /> <br />