<br />$2-~ a1Cs2J4?
<br />5: :rt the event said prapertr is sold at a`judicial fnTecfQSure sale or pursuant'to the powerof a sale hereinabove
<br />granted,. and the proceeds are not sufficient ua pay she total indebtedness secured by this instrument and evidenc-
<br />ed by ;aid promissory not?,the mortgagee will be entitled: to a deficiency judgement Cor the amount of the
<br />de(rciencr ~irhnut record r<> ap~raisement:
<br />,. in t:~Ie scent the mortgagor fails to pay am federal, slate; or !peal tas assesment, incrome tax or other tax lien, 1
<br />charge, fre or other expense charged against the ~ronerty the mortgagee is hereby authorized ar its option to pav
<br />the same. Any sums so paid by the mortgagee shall be added w and C~ecome a part of the principal amount of the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by :aid Dote, subicct to the game terms and condilians. If the morgagor sha!} pav and
<br />disctiargc the indehtedness evidenced by said promissory note, and shall pay such sums and shall discharge all
<br />taxes and liens and the casts, fees, and expenses of making, v:nforcing, and exe:altir>e [his morreage, then this
<br />mortgage shalt be cancelled and surrendered.
<br />8. The rovenants herein contained shall bind and :he txnefits and adv2ntages shall inure ro the respecitve successors
<br />and assigns of the partir, hereto. Whenever used, the singular nu,.,,rer shall include the plural, the plural the
<br />iingular, and the use of any gender shall includeallgender;.
<br />9- No waiver of any covenant ,herein or of the clbSgation secured herchy shall at any time thereafter be held to be a
<br />-.vainer of the tams hereof orofthe Hate secured hereby.
<br />Id. A judicial decree, order, or jud~:gement holding any provision or portion of this instrument invalid or unenforce-
<br />sble shall not in anc ;v ay impair ur predude theenfoteement nt the ren.aining provisions or portions of this
<br />instrumen:.
<br />11. .4ny written notice to be issuedCO the mortgagorpurstiant to the provisions of this instrument shall be addressed
<br />ro the mortgagor at 312-N. %th (]maha.NE 68103
<br />_ __- and am. .tiri~-ten notice to be ir;ued to the mortgagee shall
<br />be addressed to the rnt)r[gBgEC'a[_._~2+~ W.: 3rd1 P_O. Sox 1DD6i Grand Island, NE 58802 ___
<br />[~' WtT~iliSS W`HexEOF. the mortgagor has executed this instrumem and the mortgagee has accepted delivery of
<br />this instrument as of rhs day and ytar aforsaid:' ii
<br />Frontier ?rnperties C~rp.
<br />_ Donald x. Kruse, t
<br />{s ~ti
<br />~er~Id G.' Hey. Secrt-t any
<br />~..:J t
<br />E7iecutcd and deliveted in,the presence of the following µitnessrs:
<br />~~"
<br />.....
<br />{.~dd'Appropriate Ac:.nowledgemetuj
<br />STATE OF NEARA5KA ~~ Hefore me, a qualified Notary Public, tkrsonally appeared ____
<br />-- -
<br />ss. --------------------- -
<br />COUh"FY' OF __ ~ ~ --------- -~
<br />known to me to be Identical perso^ or persons who signed the foregoing insirumetu and acknow,edgcd the xccu,icn
<br />thereof io ba ___,__ volun[arv act and deed.
<br />~4'itness zny hand and Notarial Seal on _ _, 14 ____,
<br />(SEAL) _ _ ----
<br />Tvotarp f uclt:.
<br />My Co[rmissioo Expirrs -----_-__,_~,~.~....___:,1~9 t
<br />ST;~ f E OF tiEBitASKA ~ Btfore me a ualified br'otary Public, persl3nally appeared _;,_ _ ... _
<br />qq 6e _.
<br />,s, Dor,~id EI. Kruse & cold G. Cilrtnoney
<br />~,~. -`
<br />COUNTY OF ...'loll---- _ ~ Frontier Properties Cosh'„- _..._.:.. ._,._..
<br />P.es.derr of _ _ _
<br />a corpcuation, kr>ov.n ±n rte -..,~ th the P.~rident and idenncal texson who stgnedthe foregoing instru;t cnt, ~tnd
<br />a.Knos.ledged tt;e cxeiu<iea thereof ac ~~ his ~cluntary act and deed az suchofficer and the voiutatarc~ aet anu deed iif
<br />;;lid cr+r;wratiov and :}u!r its cnrpcrat; t a: wad fi fixed thr~,to by its auth-~rity.
<br />' July 23 _ti, 19 ` A2
<br />iviui~.1 mi~ hand and ~otnrtai aea~ an ~.,_..._,,._,~. _ _ _,..
<br />rSTU\L ~K~NaR-ppelllizNs ~,.~.e...t_~. r'e y~>~.f
<br />rtri t.^~ ta, r,. zs. ; aa~ 'votaq;,,j..',tznHe
<br />
<br />