<br />...,. ~ MORTGA~
<br />T. hi< mortgage made ,q t,d entered into this _ 13th ____ ling of _. ~uiy__.
<br />- - -----•
<br />L__ ~±~. h-: snd i~etween
<br />Frontier Properties Coro.
<br />Shereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and Ccmmrrcial National P.ank andTrus[ Company
<br />(hereinafter referred to as
<br />morzgage'<t), who maintains sn office and mace of business at ___ 424 w. 3rd ___ }tree[ in Grand Island,
<br />Hall County_ Nebraska.
<br />WtF!v~'sSE'iH, ,hat for ;-he coosiderat.ior, hereinafter stared, receipt oC ~ah~ch is hereby. acknowledged, the mortgagor
<br />does hereby rnorrgage, pelf, grant, assign, and convr7 unto the mortga8 c, its successors and assigns, all or the fol-
<br />lowing described property sihratcd ;tnd being en the County of Ha11
<br />State of l~ebraska.
<br />_L4L Seventeen (J.7) Kallos Subdivision, Grand Isl_and., Hati
<br />County . Neb:'aska
<br />together with ail the tenements and appur;enanmes thereaA bt[ontiing, a4! the rrnt~, issues anil rrofi tc thereof, and all
<br />easc',nen~, nghts, royairics, minrr7~1, oil and gas rights and profits, wirer, water rights, and water stock, and iiieludinr;
<br />all !renting, piambing, refn¢eration, fighting, cyuipnrent and all fiswre~ ~f even; +es~r ption ^elonging to the
<br />mortgagor now ar hereaf'tee !tithed ~hcre!i, or it:.ed !n connecuon wiRr rht ltrernis.< her ut 'escr~~beci :~pt1 in xdditio^
<br />thereR~ the fUllawing dexrShed propert!es which are snu shall 'sc detmetS tC b~ 'atvres an.f a dart oP the a'ealty, and
<br />c+re a iwrtion irf the oecurity for ttte eodcbrcdne, herein crated. (!f none, state ' tiuoe"7
<br />To have and w hold the. same unto :he Mortgagee, as iterrin prop iced:
<br />The mcutgagor is lawfully se!zed ar,d ;xuscss2d of and has :hr right rv sell anti crn'cs said r pert., ~h.,t the
<br />same is fare from ail etkumbr.,ners es,ept as hrrcirtabcase rctiited, and that hiorEgagvr covenat„~, zo ~sar.ani anti
<br />defend the title afores:ttd there~~: and rverc , ar, thereof aga.ns! me claims of a!i persans x~hca,soev;r.
<br />Thi: irtsintment is gi~cr, to secure rhepdvmem of a , rornissor. Were datcxS Jules l~! 1yo`2~
<br />in :he principal sum at 5 37, JCC?.nt'~ . __-- - -_ +:~t'u by 17onala H. } ru.~c arzd =.,exald G.
<br />in behalf of ---__ Pror tier Pro} tries ~`'~rP_ ~ Gazatoney
<br />aria. as such Wort er notes t; ay r"runt time !.~ time tie ctodifia3, *.tnewed or racte,3ci~d rn writing.
<br />]n the even: the title to said tea: aatate is trarsfarred, or contra:~ed to be trazzftxresf, `rom the undenigr•ed far any
<br />:easvn or by any mctnod whaUOt,~[, the entire ,-srincipal sung aa4 acerued tttterest shat. at en'c b~ti.rnc a,te :anti
<br />pa;,~ab6t ai Ehe electron of the n~afder hereof. Failare w exercise thi_ epuopbecause o=. ?: ,u~c, o t;t.e c; ab~s~c stated
<br />in one instana:e shat oat CoT1SFitff[e a ,ratz'er r37 th<- tight to exar,isa the ~;~ in the even: 04 any v~ b~eyr ent t tau>fex..
<br />1. The mongaROr cosrnanzs ant; agrc~s a~ rzilows:
<br />a To presrnpt;y~ pa, the in.;ebtectncss csidtncad by s:~itiprti-t;sser note at the tsttTrj alttd in !F. {
<br />.~n :r:~
<br />;hrein ;arov;i7ed. ,
<br />! To pa} a ! !arcs ass . _:; t +.ai r rat ~.
<br />HrSd C}{~i2"r goo ;tit nSCTlt2t t?r IT3U3 !y a'r 4h~tt r
<br />mils ti :i ~s !~ h h pr s¢ tor. .. ~ Ica.. n:.cc !rcreiubeF4rc. arrrlsuis`I nrr+ne r do ~.
<br />:ter : 1'aC ]air.... ^.~a~re R's ~ c. dl c r._WU-,,
<br />t l( F ! t :'.4:!r ~,-i •L6 .~. r; , .. ..'Ix i7 .!:1 C3 iT.~ ,, i~W,
<br />