<br />
<br />~~--ut~2$J~.
<br />9. Condemnatoo, The proceeds of anp award nr claim for damages: direct err consequential, in canneetion vetch any
<br />condmtnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, err tar conveyance in Lieu of condemnation, ere hereby assigned
<br />and strailbc'paid"to'Lender..
<br />In. the evrnt of a fatal taking of the Prapetty,_the prncerds shall be-appbed to the sums secured by this Dte¢ "af Trust,
<br />widh theexccss, if any, paidtoBorrower: to the evrnt of`apartial. taking of [hcProperty; unless Barmwer and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shat{ tie applied ti~`the sums secured by this Beta! of Trusfsuch'propor2ion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to thaFpruportion which theamount of thesitms secured by this'Dced ofTrust rmmcdiately pear to the date n1'
<br />ta~:ing bears to the fait market value of the.Propertyiminediately prier to the date of taking, withahe balance-of theproceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />if flit Property is abandoned,by,Borrower,ar if,after naticc by Lender ]o Borrpwer that the condemnorofferstotnake
<br />an award or ;role a daimfor damagec;.Borrower#aits to respond to tender within 30 daysafter thedatesuch.notice is
<br />mailed. [.ender is authorizedtoc:olk=t-andupplythcprtpceeds., at Lender'soption.'cithertoa~estarationrarrepairnfthe
<br />Property or to the suiits secured by this Died of Trust.
<br />Lintels 1 ender sad Borrower otherwise agreein"writing, any such applicatianaf proceeds to: principal'shalL not extend
<br />or postpone the duedate of the-monthly iroitallments referred-to in.paragraphs I. and 2 hereoFor change the arnnunt ui
<br />such installments. -
<br />10. berro.rerNotlfekaved. Eztrnsir ~C thetemc for payment ormodifieation'of amortization of tnc .wins secured
<br />by this I?eed of Trust grantediby Lendertaany successor in ntonst of Bprrawer shall-not opern4c tit release, in anp rnanncr.
<br />the liability of theoriginal Borrowecand- Borrawer's=successors is t^ ^csti lsnder shall not-berequired to c:Dmmence
<br />pra.:redmgs agalttst'suehsuccessoror refuse to estend'tiine foT paymant'or otherwise madifytrmnrtiza:ion of the. ~aums
<br />secured by BtDt Beed:of Trust-byreason of`any demandmade ny the originat$orrowerand Barrowcr's success vs i.+ ieterest.
<br />I t. Forbraraat:cby l.end¢rIVot a:Waiver. AnY.farbc:trancti by I_endcr in ererctsing .toy right m rernedyFiercuuder. ,Dr
<br />otherwise aKorCled by'applicahk law, shaltnot Jx'a'-waiver of or ~recludt the ezerctse of ':any such'righl or rcmedv.
<br />The pen;-urement of insurance or the payment of taxes rir ..~thcr hcDts or chargesby L_endershaltpdt be aavaiver of Lender',
<br />right [a accekram the maturityaf the indebtedness recur d h•. this llec;d: of:TrusL
<br />t2. Rewtedies Cumdative> Allremedicsprov~ded in this Dctxf of Trust aredistinct andcomulative to:anyothcr right
<br />or remedy undtr the Dcui ~3f Trust or afforded tty 3aiv or: equity, and may be exercised cancurrentlg. independently or
<br />successively -
<br />1J. Srccmcors and AsaiRna6ouwd:'I~int aadSevcral [:iabi{icy,-Captions. .The cavenants and agreements Herein
<br />comaincd shall bind, and the rghLS hereunder shalC inure ter, the respective successan and ;3ssignsof Lenderend .Borrower.
<br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 7 herer+l Aq cavenants and agreements of $orrawer shall be joint and :several.
<br />lTte captions and headings. of ilfe pataarsphs of ihis.Deed of Trust are ]or convenience anty:.and are nol::io be "used to
<br />imrrpret or dcfitte ttieptrovisiont::htreof.
<br />U. Norke. tixcept for anti-.notice rcgwred unifier appbeatilt taw to Fr given "in. another manner, fa) any'nniice to
<br />Borrower provided for in this Decd of Trust >hall be y+iven by: mailingsuclt. nonce by i:eit~ified maiLaddressed xbBorrowerat
<br />the Property Address or at. such other address as :Harrower may: dexignare by notice-to Lender as provided herein; and
<br />(S) ary notice to Lender shall tx grvcn bycerfified_mail, rc2urn`receipYrequested,.to Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />such ether addncss as lender may alesigastc. by notice. to Borrower as; prnv+dedherein. Any notice provided form this
<br />Bred of Trust shall tx deemed to have Mxn given to°.Borrnweror Lenderwhea given in themanner designated.Fiereir,.
<br />15. liaiforre Iked of Trret; GurcraisR Law; Severabltity: This form of decd'ef imst cambines uniform cavenants !or
<br />national use and non-unifarmcoyenants with limited vartationsb~~ jurisdiction to cntisritute:runiform security iasfrumrnr
<br />covering real property. This Deal of Trtsstsha{i hcgoverned hythc ]aw of. tfie lunsdictionin which the Prpperty is located.
<br />In the event that any'.pravisiuu or clause of this I~edaf Trust or the Nott eonttectswFih. applicable law, such conflict s$ali
<br />no foYifi~ii.{y.;a of Trust or :Cte 14ate:which can{2x-givcti effect wtthoud iht conflicting pso~izian...
<br />a dal trust and the Plate.-aze declared to be severable. ''
<br />+ 1. 1lnerot) hail,bc !ur ntshed a i:nnformed copy nt the Noteand of thisl?ecd of Trust at thetimc
<br />of hex ~ f. .:
<br />t'"' pliop. tf a1C cr any pan w{ the Property or .tq inMresLtherein is sold ortransfeacd
<br />by Borrower without Izndersprtax writtrnconsenl. exe}uding ~:~> inc crtat .+: of a I en err ehcmnbrancesubordinaie to
<br />this flied of?rust, (b}.thec~a6onof a purchasemane} sewnp~ ~n2eresi iorhousehold appliances; ;c). a transferhydevise,
<br />descent nr by operation of law upon the death of a tainttenant or !.d) hr yraret oi-ctnyleasChotdsJnterest of there years or less
<br />not containing an optics to ptuchax, Lendermay, at I_eruler's opuo Jolla • : II the<umx scoured :yv this Deem of Trust to bs:
<br />tmn,ediatcly due and payable.Lender shatChave waived such.`opti , o . cce.i r,cc i;, prior ro the sale or transfer,: Lender:
<br />anti the perwn to whotn the property is !c f+e sold err transfcrre~i r~ r h •,grctm~~nt nwriting ihxL.the credi[:yl suchpersun
<br />is satisfactory to Lender-and thaFthe'snterest payable o., the sons ,cc ~rcd !~} his i7~cctii af.Trust shalLbe:at svch.:ra2r ~~~,
<br />Lender shat! request. If l.xpekrhaa waivedthc option to ~ e er .e per»illyd in chi. paragraph 17, end if Borrower's successor
<br />in intucst has caewted a written aasumptionagrernrent ~lepted rt -:w;g I>~ Lander; Lcndcr shall release'BOrrower frv~n
<br />all ahligatians under this Deed of Tttru and the Nole.
<br />If Leerier exercises etch option ro`ac~terate: 1_cndcr shsit mail 15orrree; nhii« ~~f acctileratinn in accardaneewiih
<br />paragraph 1d hereof. Such naticc shall provide a,pettod .~f °ot Av Shan ?(i days L'om the date. the notiat is incited ,within
<br />which Borrower may pay :he wins dedareddua 1C Bnrt er Ier„ rty such sums prie+ to thc,exp+rationcif sLich pericat,
<br />Lender may. without further notice ur demand. on.Borruwer n, oke anq r~mcdi~s permitted hyparagraphl F. kerea 2.
<br />NoH-L'titeopwt C;ov}Nets. Btxrnwec and C-ender iurthrr covens n; and agree aslollows..
<br />18. Acceieraliow; RerpeOies. Ezccpf. ae:'provided is paragraph 17 hereof, upon BOrruwe~s breach of any covenatu or
<br />agreew[eol of IMttrowrr is this iked of"Trisl,inC{udiwg thecovenanfvto :pay whendue-any Sums scooted by this i)etd
<br />of Trust, Lewder prior to aelve{eralipn [hall;[wailnotice to Borrower as provided is puigrop6 IJ hereof specifyir~: (li the
<br />bret.c-; (2) the active rcyuired [n tun st[c4bnath; 131a dale. riot less lhan30 daysfrom: ttie dale the notke iv mailed to
<br />Borrower, b}" which such breach must becared; awd 2i/ t-af'-fa{Irrr to cure suchbreachon or before the date specified
<br />ip [he tgllce Ray result la xCekratiOp ofl-e sums xC.uRdbythis Deed... of TrrsY-andsale of the Pn:prny. The notice
<br />shall frrther iw/ortp borrower of flit right to .eimlate afttt. acceleratiiopand the r{aW to brirtg a court action to risen
<br />t4 pus-exiaewce of a defsutl or any other defeax of borrower `.toaereteral-tonand-sa1e. If the breach is not cured
<br />uw or before the date. specified ip for wotica l,e ndrr at l,eader's~opf{on may. declare aU of the sums secured by th Ihed
<br />of Trust to be itwnredia/ely due and payxWe without (urlber demand sad mayinvuitelhc power of salt and any ~dher remedies
<br />pet wined by applicable law. Icoder shall he rotitkd to collect air reasonable costs wd expenxs incurred in pursuinX ti:c
<br />remedies provided in this paragraph If1, includiryd, bw nut Gmlted to, reasonab{e attorney's feat.
<br />If [he power of safe is iproked, Tnulee sbrdl record a notice of default in each cOnoty in which the Property or some
<br />part thereof is located and shall mail copies oC such notice in the manner prrscribedby applicable law to ftorn~wcr and to the
<br />other persons prescribed 6v applicable law. Alter the lapse nt wch time as may be regpiredhy applicable law, TnrsYer shall
<br />;five prMic notice u[ sale to the persorec and in rbe mariner prescribed by apylieabk law. Trm7ee, wittwut demand tin,
<br />1Wrrower, sha11 sell the Property at public auction lu the hghest bidder al the lime and place and ~+niler the terms designated
<br />is the oatiez cf sde in one or more paue(s and in such order as Tr,utre mac detrnniae. Tnrster may postpone. sale of alb
<br />or aep pucel of the Property by public announermrnt at the time and place of soy previously scheduled sak. Lender. or
<br />L.ender's desi~trer reay prrrhast the Property at any sale.
<br />upon receipt o[ payment of the prier bid, truster shay deriver to the purchuar 77u++ec's deed cunveyiog the Prttpei'ty:
<br />soM. i'Me rccifah iw the Truvee's deed shall br prima fair evidence of the truth of the statemems made thrrcin. Tnratee
<br />shah apply the proceed of the sak in the fullo m)L order; la) to all reanonahle costs and rspen.tirs of the sate, inchr ding„ but
<br />oot lirnitcd io, Trusfa's Ices of ncA more than ~~ ~ of the Bross sale price, reasonaWc attorney's (ecs and costs of
<br />title evsdepce; (b) t<> ab sums sri weed by chic Peed of Trust: and (c) the exc •ss, if any, iu the person or pc rsunn+ Irgalh- entitled
<br />t-erelo.
<br />19. ltorrower's RiRhl to Reinstate. tioD~H tstandiny-, f.tncters ~elerat~.cn .;t the air: _ -c o:.j ~, t?„ U-ed o Irus~.
<br />Horrnwcr shall ba;c tl.e right to have ant p occedirg; ..ega^ ~; i_°nd.r [r _-e the Eked r i -f-run if ~_rurrnird a!
<br />any tans prii?r ro the- car ice to occ~, „" fit !hi fifi!t d:n~ belt ra. ,Fie c.ate c,i t'a- °r p ,t} p., want .<, tr, I -~ _ ~ ,. +, ~r ni -~; o•, ei
<br />in this l3ecd o`fn+c;ur(s)e;rtry=ofaj.idgm;:n; .n,~>zine th~a Dec;l+~= Pn>i,: i,R-ro.-,-er~:a,=i.=.n„_~ ul _,r.ns ~al,f
<br />Ir• then due t,nler ibis Deed n[ Tr~,ist, ;hr tier ,.nc. ~c;r-..u ,. ~r rg Fci;utt Au _. .,nv, h.nd i :J=.:~ „
<br />(p} tlormwer c;:ros all hte.rh:c~i ` an)" other ~i`.ena~i ~ or agrceantl nts ;.I Burn tier ~ :aru„ tar ih .~ "i7 :.
<br />(e) Rt,r rein^_r pt;'> all res.a,nr hie ere;; asc> ~ .u^re.l by Lc •nici ,nd Tr .wee ~ i:ni .,_._ :.in°„ cif
<br />Be[r _. c.:=rt-ant:! kn .his Decd t':,s, :, •;d -, en.`erc tag I_erder', a:nt Tr ec:^ a ", a ;: in
<br />1xM;:reof irrc!ud,rs, bt~t ma I a .rd a c_,t..-:,!>!: a~'caf~°y f,r. .1 ~ E.c r r,.: ~.. t .~ .~ cut.°c- ~ r,-
<br />try, 4,e to zssure that the ',lr of th = Ihrd e Ira?'., ~. et tare t, -.i a t... L,..rl ,.z, s ~ ~, ,.ay
<br />is?,
<br />