<br />- flxttlott?.t COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender cnvenant rind agree as follows: O~~, ,.~... ~~ lJ G U C; c
<br />Y. Paprnent of Priaeipal and Imrrest. Bnrrower shell promptly pay when due the pnncipaC of and intcrest sin the
<br />indebtednessevidenctdby the Note, prepayment and latecharges as omvtdtd in the Nate, and the principal of and interest
<br />anon Future Advances~.secored bythis Deed of Trust.
<br />]. Fonds for ?recta and Ettstaraare, Subject to applicable law or to a suritttn waiver by Lender, Borrower shalt pay
<br />E^- to Lender nn the day rr.nnthiy instal#ments of principal and intcrest arc psyahle. under the Note, untie the Noreis paid in fsltl,
<br />a sum (ttcrcin "Func9+")' ec#tva# tt>`.ona-ttvetfih of rho year#y taxes and assecsmenis which may attain prrority over this
<br />Deed .,t Crust; and gro+rrx! rents on the Property, if any,. plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for fiazard insurance,
<br />pHis arx~lwcEfthof yearly ptcmiuminsiaitmerits far mortgage insurance, if any. ail aszeasoaablyeslimattd initially andfrom
<br />tirne to ttmc by i_etrcfer nn the basis of assessments'and bills. and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />~T'he Funds shall be held in an inatitutipnihe deposits nr acdounts of which are insured ar guaranteedby a Federal°nr
<br />slate a¢cn;y I;ncludina L:endrr if (..ender is such an insttutt+nn}. Lender shall apply the Fundsto pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />tnuir,n~c Qremiums atsd'ground: rents. Ltndermay not ch.+rgc fnr sip hnldingesnd applying the Fiords, analy7ingsaid account
<br />or verstying :ind compiling saiel assessments and bids, unl~.ti irnderpay~ Borrower iniertst nn the Funds and uppiieable-iaH
<br />pcrmiis f.ander to make such acharge:.BoF•rowerand. f ~~~,der n,ay :,gree in writingaCihe time afexccation of this
<br />teed of Trust that inttrcst on the.Funds sfia°' t,c paid to Rorra~cr, ar,d unte,i; ,itchagreemenr:icmadr orapphcabklaw
<br />- retlurts suchinteresi tope paid, [.ender shat _._,t berequ~-cd :.~ p.i. ti rover :toy interest or-earnings on theFunds.-.I::endcr
<br />sbaT! give to Borrower; withoufaharAe. anannual account of .r ,nc Fumf= .no++ rig Credits and"debit': to thc~FUnds and the
<br />pttrpau for wfiicfi each debit to the Funds was made. 7~h Funds are-{.. cd as additional security for the'sums secured
<br />b} this Deed of'CttiaC
<br />It the aninuntesf the Funds held by Lender, tngcther wrth thefuai:c non hl? 6ntaUmeots of Ftmds payahle priarao
<br />the due totes of !arcs, assessments.irtsuranecpremiumsnttd ground tint<. hall e~ ~.c the amount rcgu+rtd to pns ~atdtaxes.
<br />:wccesvncnts, .nsurantc prtmtums. and gtnutxi rents a&. the} tart dt arch. c+ c haU hc. si Barrrwcr. ~~ni on either
<br />promctlc repaid to Bormwer urcrtdited eo.Ncxrrpweron monthly ,sa;,llmtni i Puns:.. !f the. ~.io_mt of she Fund,
<br />held ny t.cnder shall nor bt ctttfic~tnt mpaytaxes, aac;eccmen!s. 'imnranCc pr~mi;ims aad emend eerier ^< [hev fall dtte.
<br />Borrower shat! pay in f~nd:r an5•.amotmt necessary an makeupEhedeRciency W thin 3t) sia~~: it+~~m ±hr, d:uc note-. .~,alisd
<br />by Lttsder to Borrower rtyuestitrg payment thereat:
<br />L: pon payment m. ?all nt alF sums'seccrrttl'by thitDetd of Tnasr, lender shall ~mnirt!< :ci end s Norr.,.ce: <v,s Pli nett
<br />held 6y Conde r_ If _+ttdt~r pangia~rh i8 Mtcmot the Property tc saidnr the Prti~rty r, e~~hr, sr.c aeinLr _i by t undo- I_ende;
<br />shat! apply, no later tbaa immWtaidy prior to the salenf the pntperty sir its i qi ~atu?n h_: l.rnJc- n~ ~ ivn9s add op
<br />f_enda~ ar the rmcofapplicataaasa crrdet against the sums secured by this~k9ced vttnsr. -
<br />3_ A~Ibcalfaw o['Parsrnrs: Unltcs apptuable law prsavides aeherwyse, ail na n r.t
<br />. ~~ F- + ~ndc~ under the
<br />Note and paragraphs I and2hecswi_shaN.ht'apjTlted hr. i.iadtr first:a pa-,Tier.; iarnoii,r ta)a61e r Lender hr F3errower
<br />under paragraph '? ittrmf, then tp intereetgayahde on tier N<rtt, tfteR in the p:ir -.ip„I „# I'' tree- :a?d tP.en io it ,crc,u and
<br />prrn.:ipal on anv Future Advances; - ~
<br />1. CMartes: f_fewa...Borrow~crshali par: aft tares. '-s.SCtSmenr, ,r rice .:n rzez. ring- t i m, r - .u rih ir,hle io
<br />the Property »~htch rayaltain a griorety over this Decdot Tr,tst,ai 1 aseho ,-aym~nK ~r t;mu,~d r na, if my. in the
<br />moaner provided under varagra 2 hereof or: if not ~ j,,
<br />pFY. paid'tn sun!: met ,t tv bcr - mak.n • as~in nt whey, due dices tt ;'
<br />Eo the payee thereof. Barrowex short-pevmptly Furnish in 1 cede= a!t nn ~ -.f .tor , s iu~ mdu ;h•s - aragrapt. and m the
<br />event Borrowoc ,hailmake payment. dtracti Borrower shad }tror*i rate i _ru6 a Lc der m pts - it r. , such payment..
<br />Barrowrr sha1P promptly discharge ant,tt. •.+fnrh Iraxpr~rt.v tt _r th !Aril et ~.. ~ i~u •h.u t; r " tiha;l riot 6
<br />required to discharge any s,nh lien eo long a: Fiorrowrr: zhai". ;ig roe m Hri!ing .,. ~h^ payn,cnt sit ;tn_ -', teat rile - :red hti~
<br />such !ten m a manner acce!stsblc n, l e^dtr, of . a7 .n ~;<.rn1 ~ ~.: ~ i c,~ni r -.,ch love F~v „r Jr end sn [,;~: crncn[ el z cL Len :r-.
<br />total procteding< which opc[ate t:? I±aven~ ;l,i nirccmc t ; ~hc i i f~~i n c -.~f i',c Yr apc~i ant- ,curt trio rc;,[
<br />S Haiard Imrlseee_ Rormwcr h„II weep h_ ,mpro- sa,e. .t~ nc sr,fut~ h crater[. c,t •c~cd < he i;npen ii sired
<br />aEainat rasa, by fire. har~rds included Thin the .crm "e>4¢endeci Cccer -.-. aoii i.~++-?tnrr. hn,a rJ...s 1_; oiler m.ty n.,hr n-c
<br />and in Bitch amnuMS and .'o: s!.:ch ptncxfs :i: lcn•iCr pray •cll0u t: pro~idcd. ihn[ Lentici shAil nvi rey uuc oboe the urnount ;!
<br />such coverage er.ttd :hut amrx+nt ~?i trigs rte}.. rrdt+s pay the sump vocµred by ihis.Dtec! of "lr i.
<br />Thin inn+rancc earner pr: v, d;ng ihr inn+:rai a ,hail be chosen k+y Harrower st+ot~ui t appritv., t :de r ,vldeJ_
<br />that such approval shalt not be aortas m~ My' ~~ thhr_Id; AI4 premiums on etisuranct paiicru sha(I F c , ~ id i:, chi manner
<br />provided ceder pgragnph 2 txreof or if ,; :: ttia, ' in sus:h manner; by Bcrcrower maktngrpaymta~, who+, due; dinct}y to the
<br />tawrame carrier.
<br />.111 insurance poi,eics rid rcntvtat ireru.,t .hat :r in t t .~rptuble to t~.todrs and v!+all uiudr a ~tandardmont;are
<br />[louse m favor sit and in for t acctpizhic .v !end L n+h.. r r 1 havt ...e nil to troll rice p ic:.+nd rror:w a# tt ~ t~nf.
<br />and Borrower .hxDl prt,mptis furnish t I c~tdtr e11 i - +t - , ,,~d a! reccip t :. ~;# perm m.., In the e t.r i .•t: toes,
<br />Borrower shall Bice prompt ~rouce 'o oral as,r.,r -r .. r,_i , .,J i tstdtt her~~nr m tnal.c r ~,.d G:~ loss it eat madep:amptly
<br />by Borrower,
<br />t;nless I,endet aril Rorruwrr othc . x at, .•e m ,. ni~~g, it wia:,c -tt >. cod. ~h.,ll-be app3ttd to sestar:~tion -r ~;n<~i ~.~I
<br />the Pmpe rty damaged, pro~idcJ cu~h e yr u~mn orep...r ai all} ,~ vielc a•ni the setitfity i?I this th o.l ;~! l nisi •.~'
<br />no[ thereby +mpvred, It ~uih nstnrauon or rcp dr .not ~, r~i r~.diy ', mrbk .~: ~ the 3caitrity ofthis. Dcs:d c.i 1 i i ;: w •,,Id
<br />ere impa¢ed.. the msurarwe pa>tccds shall Se apphr [ t , ;hr ct+r d hs .his Cited Of~`ruRt, with the tr c s h;i:,~
<br />to Bnrrnwtr. If the Property is :rbandntx~? he b. r ~,r f4 ar roc r ~, reopund tq Lender-w ih r tU 9a r. n the
<br />wit ni~iict is ma$ed by lender is Ek.~ u cr teat th ~ ru sic ,au e i ~ , a t e ,i clam tor' ,n.• r I. n It I xlcr
<br />is authorized to colia.t and :,pply the n>u:ance , ei>iecdc :a I-~r8a r ~ .p„or ci t}.cr ,u rtsunai o.+ v: rcp..u n, nth- v r; lcr.:
<br />ar to the xun, sccarcd by ihts Decd ni Tnrst.
<br />Unless C,ender and Rwrtrwer nth<<w ise agree it ~. nest c ~ wsh pl -.,~ i I r dy prig mall load
<br />br po5ipc ne the dnc date of :he ntcnthis .nsiellmcr t. reter c ~ ,c ;n # r ~ i3,a ,i ire n riot tot r, ,.. o~l
<br />s+n:h installmuiu. It urxier par+gro~ 7 here.-s 9u Pwpt r-y -, acyu r d ,. siuk~, ;,,, lent t .u. are i nu res; ,., fi r
<br />m zed m aoy insurance txliaca and in an.l u, trc rcxceds slur ! rca i r ~.,? )a a ~ ~c ( h F r:(xa tp pr,,. rt i ii ~ ~~
<br />nr acquisition shall pa~c [c, # ender 7~, .ru c gent : t ,tk sea:. .+. c+.rcd 1-s n,, (?ecd - ", raa , ,ni.:,2aiel} prior to nc.lr ,_ l~ o.
<br />acgllAitiOn.
<br />i, hesen~tMba aid Ma[*.lenaacr of Pruryc ts, Ixastlwld l'or+dumin+un s }'tanned [ n:t Ikvelaprneats Ha. ~ over.
<br />+hal[ k ~p the Pr,ram rn s, x zit a. J -.al ~ , .nr~m t I'sr r r,~.,' t >ratian of 't tr. } :. t- sr•
<br />.end ihali `Omply with the pm sons ~ t ~..~ .east f ,hu C>ecd f 7t oat e :cat r i !t ch Kcd of 1 rttsf is it t r
<br />conclor,;-,:um a- a p3an,~ed vn d+°:e~~nent_ t3orro cr sfi 1 I~„7ur. ~l B ~ • >,yahrsns tnde+ ;bc Sn•.,on
<br />or cu...nants creasing or go rr. irg the coadoirunmr s I+- •., ,s,o# r -rt the ny-laws and ruguh~! m the
<br />c-andommium or nianntd :+t,it dtYCfoprrxrt _. sod. con.tnx, a v ,_m<, ~. ~ !f a ~ ~n..,.minii m or gSarrmd. _v:: + ~h,gmost:
<br />rider s rxxuted bq Barrcircc and. mtYrded IagetheF :h >ec i r sr ,h ~ nt rd rtgt rncr ,.~, :, ~ ~~dcr
<br />shaR'.>e ,nCOrporatec! into and shall>meodaindsupplem•:r .h4 n,e.... ,.~.~d a~Zr ~ ,c,,~s~.f ~s`a 13eedot 7r :,t .. m,..tiler
<br />were n part herwf.
<br />T. TrMertloa of Lcoler's Sorority. lf. BarrVRtz Eai:e [o peel urn the ~ ,.ors ;,gi ~..r is .d ;. :his
<br />Deed of Tn+st. -r if an} .than in nruv.erdiag ;s eommrr.rd ~+.tuc6 c r, a ~~c •ers sir, r i ,~h r n,~u ~ti ;
<br />inchee'ing, huC ro: lien nod etnmer,t dUmait7, msoivene}~, uade enk~ •r r t~ecr~ rt. pr .;n,;., -~.rl; 't
<br />hank rapt sir deceacnt. then (~u3cr at I tndtr's option. upon. not'ce to 13 t~~ t. ,~~ :f: ,
<br />u~t
<br />u;rs a=td take wit acti:>n ~ ;c rasa-sn • y c rcCLtodc gate ri h: r ~ _ I ,_,f
<br />rt~+szv'able actor ~ev'x (ees ar<d cot r, dpe:n the Pmpecc to ~u_,c r .i _n~r, , rd~
<br />crntdi6va of making the Ivan vwr~i h}~ tt. Decd ,f 'Y nisi. Korri?,+~ shad n:xy ~.~-; ~ .? J t, r~ ~. ,c
<br />i isitia e n etYe~i soh sm a~ the rtnur t~r - e t„~ a ~ i } r: i
<br />i-et.~°1r svt~-ter, it,ree rrrerit cr nppli~, hie law R.rn e~r.hah f.a, ihi ,.~ era ~, wtt~ ~ „~ ,. ,.,,, ~ ~,k..
<br />„tart nit 1„OCii3n. u~a'cr paragraph ~ hcrcrf. -
<br />:1n+ Ll -u'* s isburv 9 b} 1_cnd pvrs:. t h+a F: _ ~ F ~. ,n _t c - I i i
<br />enrich t t e w n; & ur_r sec ,red nti if, [xe' ;~r l v f-'-, 6 ~c c n I ~ r r roc ,t set ,„~1
<br />anreu~ts ha.1 1,t i;<'ah!c upa m t+ie fr , I oriel r S . • i r r~• i -c? i ~ , ~. ~. ,
<br />da:r n sissbur±,emcrt ar She air ~.g-a?:Ic r m tFm< - u n,. ar r. s.u ;f n~ , .gyp a i. d,, hr r• ~ ,.- ~ ~. . i:~,.
<br />a: xn- ~ : st - 'mot ae tt r ,gut 3 t~. a, j? -a k 1 u h h n .:~, i. - ` ,~ ~ i emir
<br />Pe°±nis ht ~_,,;ie a plca.9c aw a~xh ny c vxa ,u; n ih~ fa a~.a;af, a:' i s.. , n?.~~ a ~ r lake.
<br />any actipr, tner~.-u.itn`-c. ' - -
<br />E tmyrrtinu, ,.end:. may rruky + >.r i ~ m =dr r ,e rt i i'1s; t -rs of to P +.ih .led
<br />~: t t do st; s?! ~ ~c Gorr, w_r a IF`c F ., a } insh ~.~ r~s .~..: c. aEitc -.'e i ,. ;aGre~cs cl, eJ
<br />