<br />tlf~ cams srcumd by this heed of"fnrtt eh~tl~,v»rinerc un4mpaired. Lpon such. payment. wreck curet7y Borrower;thts [hcd of
<br />Truce an~ th:. olSleg~atrons Secured kcreb} shalYtenia,n in full forccand clFect its tf_rso ncceteraUp~n had cxcurrcd.
<br />20 Asnbtement of Rafts; AppalMment ut Recri.er; Crndtr in Poe~session. As additii?nal security hereon ler 13urrowcr
<br />hercb ,asides to i.ender the renrv ~,f th4 E m}x:rtr, provided •hat~.Borrower shalt, praarto aeceieration under p;e.agraph Ix
<br />hveof ;r abandanment of the Props, t}, have rh< right r© es~tlece wad tciain~suchrenlsaa they-hex:ame-due one. payabic.
<br />C'pon acceierur~or under as ragraph !'; h roof or abandnnmeht of the Property, [,ender.!ia pCCSOn, hv_ ~f, ni or is-
<br />judicially app.,~nted resets r ,ha)t hr -uit,ed u~ rnt~;r .pon, tnkepossesston of and manage Che k'roperq~ and ~ ,1 pct the
<br />rents of tha Proper v irehidirg those East ii c. :V~ reris .okuedby. L.andar'iirthe receiver shall. be'.~p~pliad first ?o p.e, ment
<br />cr('thc cost isf management of the Pro~rty and co`It; roe of ro(1ts, utcluding,. hutnaf lirottad ta'tCCeivcr's Ixs. premiurm
<br />on reCei ver's b. n .s snu rcasonahle atu+rnev'z ; ~ nn ~ then to the sums secured by this Decd of '1'ri~st. Lender and the
<br />teccivrr shalt tx. liable to accou it n:,Iy x .Cosa t .rcieaM.' ieee4ved.
<br />21. Faturt Ads-aeces lFen rcy e t .+f Barr i ender atLender's option, pnpr'to full i~coas r ~ e of the Prnpert~:
<br />by ln~slre to Burrosve r, nr v make t-.ture 4 a- ~i E, to F3or-tiwer,- Such Future Adtaaces, ~rtn trrt rtst thcreor shall he,
<br />secured b} this Dieu of Trmt ~nan es t,iut ~er k r rn ssorv notes Stating that said siACes are xu,red hcrt hy. At n tirr hall
<br />the pnxinal e*nount of th indrbte ;ru>,. s«urcit c h s need r+( Trita,.got includingsums idsan~ed m ..~cordanu~ h~_cwuh
<br />to pn;cct the xecnrit} o[ rh:. L7saa of i r,tst, es~ ~d ,ht :~rit,inal ::rnt~unk he'!Ynte pFuy-GS $
<br />22. Recowreyaeee- Lpon p:rymcnt n: all au ~~ _ e-cf h ihls [hednf trust, Lendertha6 ray asst Tnist^c t. rc-~,n.-cq
<br />the Pmperr: end shall surrcrdet .his Deed uI f st and ~, n~te.e ldm -irg indehtedness ;ecutcd by t7tis Decd of Traci
<br />!n Trusl~c. :ru t c shat! rc < .vcc •~~ F tops rl th-ur s r~r iy „aJ urthnut charge io the :person or Iv~r,om !cgulh
<br />rntiFle~ t4ereto_ Such pe taxi c pe rson. _Fnlt act} ^,I u~s.s nt r ttn:nnon, ii an;
<br />2t SudstilWe'Irvxlee. Lend-r. t I ndcr t n .t n irtc iim remove in,leCand ppnen; sac u sot
<br />:rttSE~ ny Trt ae: ceppsinD~d lists nrr h, as i t -tc [ ~e~. ue .he county .r: s.hiph IhIS DeCdot Tn.~si s r ~ rdcd
<br />W item t u-to-eyen~ ~ of thr P open v, he st~e;cs r .r.aste~ t ul suc,re~i to al! the :i tic. power attd. duFte+ ca~n,c rrtd r pon
<br />the .uvr~ herein and by apphcaole law.
<br />~1~1. Repuest for Yotices. Bc+rrrnscr rryucst- hxt c~le; .l ,hr r.~. i c of ;ieSaeilt ande~ottre of sale be.5ent n, Bn~mt.cr's
<br />addrr,s which e, the Property Addsxs>.
<br />IN wtr~rss Wueazaoe Rocrr~w~x has ~•aecared lyt !~.e<; ;:.i I~ruat
<br />/ ~ ~ .
<br />t -t ~ ~ - -ea„~.,
<br />~ ~~ ~'
<br />~' ->- I 1 ~ ~ ~l C~ .
<br />~t ^ _ ~.
<br />E:c~ v+.er
<br />S[Kre. OF NFDRA~KA... ~ <1_
<br />~ t'
<br />' ~ ~ (-lil lfs 53/
<br />C)n this '. iati ~t 19 s~etnt n c he ndcrsiYn ~! ~~ '~'oLtr} Nnb!iC
<br />i ~- ..
<br />duly ~u[nmi-iiiM d anc]qualtt -d or ,tt<I ours ~ro~si~aih s:amc - ~.. 1c. r,{ a
<br />.... . ' ..... ~ -... . .. ..... ........ . to rn_ kr awn t. be thi~
<br />!dentictl pcrxsn{' witost names. ara: se;?±scrti~d ~ ';:: {src~oing msirprne[Jt and aci.nswicds-d tFe cx_cutuvr
<br />therco! ro tx.. t re ~: r es-~-~
<br />....... voluntnrp ;+cr .t;iv
<br />Witnrss m~' hac4 and o.;;iai s-al :t[. .• -rG ir:i =nri
<br />. ... - .............: said counte, the
<br />:tats aforrsaid.
<br />lty Commissior, tzpirrs (o .~.4 : ~~ ~ ~~ ~\,
<br />tie,; P~_ ~ ~' . .
<br />• ~
<br />REQGES~I~ iOiiRf?Ci},v~'f?Y'ANCE:
<br />1'~ 1'xosrr.E:
<br />7hc underslgnc.-d is the Fx~kier PI ate ncxe 'v' notes rcuresi by th;s Decd of Tnts„ Said ooFe cr r~otc5, t:Ylcther
<br />with nil other indeht~rtess tic.:rara; be tiri; [7ccit ut 1•ru+t, haws tx:en pn,d in intl. 9'"nu arc hcrebv v'hcrtrd l c:rn:el
<br />said ncNe o[ Rifles and this DeeA1 of 'frost, which are dciicrred herehe, and [o r~+?n.ey. s.i[hout warranty, alt rite
<br />estate now hrid by }'nu under this Dee=J of Trust t1; the I>rrv~n or prr.oirts :ctslly cnirtied tr~crer,u.
<br />Date : .......................
<br />
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