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<br />G ®O U ~ `~ ~ ~ ADDITIONAL TERMS - <br />PREPAYMENT AND ACCRUAL, OF TNF, FINANCE, ~flARGF,: Even though I$o not haveto pay mom than the regular schedued monthlypayment t havt'tLe nght <br />to p)~pay the wloleamaunt owing toy1ou in fulls[ any time or in part from time to2ime: if the lending institution or bankthatbuysmy contract computes the hntuice barge <br />daih•,tknow my tnance charge will be (ess'ifi make ankady payment, and itwill behigher if [ pay-)ate;] also recogni~xthatanv necessary adjustment to u,y totalfi'nance <br />charge will be reflected. in my final bilk l also know that the amounts shown on the reverse side for the Finance Charge, Total of ~ayments;andthe Total Saie Ariceam asti- <br />r matesbased wt the ssumpnan that you wilt receive each of the payments exactly omitsdue date; and 1 knowalat themwil6bend refund ill prepaybecause [here isnothing <br />f to refund if I am chaiged on a dailybasis. Ifthe lending. instituton or bahk doesnol compute the finance chargedaily, and if f prepeythe whole amount; you veil} refund <br />[o me the unearned rlion ofihe mange charge f interesU by the accountingpracedure known as theactuarial me[tiod; and the amountof myy rebate witlbefigured on the <br />scheduled dates and~ar-nounts of mymanthly paymentand noton the actual datesandamounts of the prepayments-that I pay to you. ]know [fiat a refund of lesrrhan ~1 W <br />will not bemade. <br />IMPORTANT' NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />(a) We as SELLER HEREBY DISGLAIM'ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR'IMPUED OF MERCHANTA- <br />BILITY AND F(TNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE'ON ALL GOODSAND SERVICES UNLESS. SELLER FUR- <br />"NISHES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRCISEN.LIMITED WARRANTY OR'SERVICE CONTRACT' MADE BY SEL- <br />LER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE,,A000MPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />{b)Iwrll andshouldread: in detail the sepamte"LIMITEDWARRAN"IY"which accompanies this contract. It explains the conditions and city m c ~es ;~•,.-hl~h <br />the manufactured producrswilFbe repairedorreplaceda takenaticeofiheiimitadons on the warranty, and ipanieularlyrecognize that any implied°warran }.which applizs <br />[o the goods lasts only as long as the warrarin• nr service contract. <br />SPECIAL-ORDER GOODS: I knave that you have measured m_v house and its openingsao that voucan make the products to fit mgparticulaz houses takemotice that the <br />goods that arc manufactured form} specific house probably will not fit anyptler boosts,. and undersuch conditions, I know that I eannbT Cancel this conrractai anyaime <br />afterthe period of time given to me. by Saw,iawhrch tocancel'.Aftertha~ legal periad oftimeCl know[hail have the obligationto payyovin full the amduntowed. <br />OBI:IG~TlONS PERTAIIYiNG TO MI'REAI ESTATE:I Lpromiseto keepmyhousein good reparc and to keepirinsuredfor atleast 80%ofts reptacement value <br />by buvingafire and attended coverage insurance policy The insurance company must be approved.byyou, and the polity must haveastandardtmstdeed beneficiary clatue <br />whictisaysthat yen are tobepaid'ef there is a toss: The insurancecompany must agree that tt will not cancetmypolicy without firstYelling ynu:i authorizethe.nsurance <br />^am any. w pay y,w directly for anyloss. You can choose to use this insurance payment to zither repay.any amounts 1 oweyou or to repatr. my house: ?. 1 also promise that <br />f will notallow anyone else to place any liens on my real estate without yourwritten permission. 3..Ipromise to pay all taxes, assessments andotherchazges on myxal estate <br />when due.3. 1. promise IU timely: make ail payments on myy ppriorioans secured. by my. tea! estate. 1 also promise that I will not extend, renew of changge priorioanswithouo <br />your written permission.5. If I do nor insure my pause or fulfill my'other obligauons to my veal estate, then you can do it for:ate if you want (hut you do not Lave to). I f you <br />do pay any of these abligadons for me. I agree to ppay youback on demand plus interest at aaannuat rate three percentage points (3'io). greater than the annoy percentage <br />rate shown on the reverse side. Until.l pay youback, these amounts will bo added to my debt to you: which is secured bym} real estate and Louse. I know that if you decide <br />to buyinsumncefarmethatyaudanothavetootitainanyhbmeownerorliabihtymsumnce. - <br />SALE OIFMYHOUSE:ipromisenottasell,leaseorgivtmyhousetoanyoir_u`n[illhavefullyrepaidmydebtaoyyu,or.unwlobtainyourwritttnptrmission.Iflwould <br />submit to you someone to take over this contru0.t agree[Fiat you may reviewthetr qualifications:.Ifyou approve them,you can charge measervice fee far changinc records. <br />Youcanalsoincreasethemterestrateonthiscont~actbyacmuchasthelawal]ows;tfyoudo,you;agreenottoholdmeresponsibief~tthi~debt. <br />DEFAL'L?: [ ui11 be in default under thiscommct if: <br />1: Idon't makeapaymen[whendue; ar <br />Ibreakanypromisetmade [oyou in Lhis contractor <br />3. Sbmtthingelsehappens whtchcauses }ou to txlieve m good faith that 1 do not intend to,pay you as piornised; or . <br />d: idtfaulton anyoltigations for which fain using my home as collateral: or <br />~.<Samething happensWmyfioi[sewhich ihrearensyour rights, ifany, initr.. <br />IF 1 AM IN DEFAULT: My house and realestate can besold by you to pay my debt to you. Before my house is sold, youwill do everythinglhat the low requires. Anyone <br />' canpurchase my house and Teal estate at thesale. including yau,.and, you can give the purchaser a Trustee's Decd w)thouiany wamantres:.However, , ou agree that you <br />wiil.not sell myhouse and real estate if ]pay alloverdut paymemsand correct any defaultbefore the sale:-0r;you Lave the rigltto sueme:and forccl use this cone-ac[ as <br />if it was.a mortgage. If ~ w nirdan auorney to. assu,t you. to sell my.louse,. ur_tositeme, rights, Ia@ree tops} youfaryourrcas~nabie anomcys~ Fxs <br />andforaherrelatedzxpensessuchascourtcoststitkseatchesanQtnoneyyovexpendedtoprotxtm}house. <br />OTIIERIRIGIiTS: We can char. snot to enforce any of fLe righLti under this contract as aften as we wantwithour losing them.Or, wt can delayentorcing any of the rights <br />withoutlpsinglhem. Wtcan alto useany rights nave ar rn the future given to us by law. <br />VELAT J: t KnaW Marv Oa ui . , I54,w w nut;11 tha pr,xluda 1 coo poriN:vmg on m pause, lull al5a understand that in some SlW81iO11S you may encounter <br />de}zys that are eausedb} strrkes. weather conditions, delays you haveinobtaining matenals, or ~ir other reasons that are beyond your control: f understand that yrs u-ill <br />' not 6eiiable farstul delay.. <br />ARBITRATION: [f Ihave a dispute or claim with you concerning the quantity, quality or performance of theproducts, I understand that my dispute maybe submitted ro <br />: and sealed according tothe midis[ion-arbitration program [patina} have developedinmycommunity or by the lar3l Ber[erBUsiness Buttau..[also know ttialam•decision <br />madeby art arbitrator(s)wauld be enteredin the court havingjurisdtc[ion overme andyou. ' <br />SALVAGE Y"ALUE; TknowthaDthe windows;wadwork, and othermalenah that have d~ be removed by you for the instal[atmn have-NO Salvage valut.t'+Tcn vnu rc- <br />movethem, you can have them farwfiateverpurposeyou.want. - <br />: SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Duc n the uniquenesso(some of theproduee~: chat you sell; V understand that m special siWations that yourRegional Office may have to review <br />` and acce~tt,il»s contract. 1 alsounderstand flat this sale aeeurred m mw 6ume and that you andl rosy not have had all the aortic[ infprmabon important Sothis transaction <br />ataurfittgenips;Igive you my cansentiocorrectany obvioys errors dot may have occarred when tle blanks igthis contract wete completed; <br />L\VALID PROVISIONS:.If any provision of [his contrneCvtolatesthelaw and is unenforceable; the restof [he contract will be valid. li any pan of this caneract r:yuire, <br />payrrteni of more interest than the law permits, ilea youveill onlylave theright to collect from methe amountofinteresi whicbtLelaw allows you [o collect <br />COMPLETENESS OF TNLS CONTRACT: Icsnnot rtvoke the trust that 1 Lave created by this-contract. Thiscontract can on{y be clanged if both .you and me a3rez in <br />writing.. <br />llx following nonce brings to my anention tilt nghts that I have even when. this contract issold m a financial institution or a bank; and I should notice that rite impor- <br />tone[ of ~tlis provision is stressed by its appearance m un point; bold face type: <br /> <br />~.~ <br />