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<br />NOTICE ~G° ~ ~~~~t:7 <br />This crtidlt contract flnancas a .purchase. Ail IegaP Nghts which the. Buyer has against the: Seller arlaing <br />out of this ransaction, ncluding,all claims antl defenses, are-also valid, agalrtsYany holder ot4his contract. <br />The r[ghtao recover money-from the-holder under this provision is limited to the amount paid by the huger <br />under thta contract. <br />A claim is a legally valid reason for suing the Sslier. A defense is'a legally 4alid reason for-not' paying <br />(- the Seller, A holder is anyone trying to colhat6t for the purchase. <br />1ASl'R,4NCE CANCELLATION: ii I ttuvz rcyuzuzd Insurance m thispurchase; l may cancel such reouest for insurance for any reason within fiheen l ~ 51 days from the <br />tz of :his c. vract by notifying you n: the ha!der of this contract in writing. [know that3hecancellatian nfmy caveragewill>be arrange4.with-the insurance earrier('s) and <br />emit refund n`in)premium(sltogzther with applicable Rnance charge will be ereditedto thiscM1ni~aM - <br />PLLASh.tiOTn ltlhae equested insurance in this ur hme,[will receivz within thir r30t da;s edticateof insurance more fultyd~nbingthc Insurance cotizrage. <br />t Anon that f m • u n)) c n1Lct in the coverage or ~ In xguage of thecertificare ofinsuram • end he f. clewing Noticeof proposed lnsvraixce that 1 nm uoe eyed only- to <br />the ex ie n[ stated m the folio s-inglvotiee ofPropbsed 1 n urn. rc. I sL e know tha[7 have-lnsuranee cove; nge c n Ip if I have.tieen efiarged for i t. <br />NOTICE' OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br />itakenotieathat either CrediGGfe orCredi[Acci~ent and Health lusurance, or hoth,wi(7 hz applicapletathis SaVee Contract on the reverse sideonly iflhavz choszn <br />it by signing [he request <br />' by they msurancewmpany, the insurance wilC be effec[4•.e:as of today.. and will continue ooly,forahe number. of months titter the effective dateequalm,thc Dumber of <br />- monthly payments: I understand ttia[ this particularinscrance may no[ providecoveragefor mylast few Qaymcnts, and that duringtharperiod oftime 1 wtil not havz sits <br />insurance coverage. Altbene5ts and proceeds of the insurance willbepaid ro you or toe financial insutuhon ors bank if itpurehases the Sales Contract to the extent of its <br />incerestsand any balance will be payabktome:The mina! amaunt of Credit Ltfensurance is theamount reGuittdtorepaythe Total of Pavmenisithereafter,the insurance <br />decreasesby the amount of each rnonthlypayment nnascnedoled 30 day basis. if Tam joindyoblegated on theSaleaContract witliaCo-Buyerantl-we have bothaigtuA.the <br />requestfor Credit GfeTnsurance; death benefiuwiil tiepayable only.withrespecttothe first one hf us io die:-Sabjecrto czclusions;eliminationsor wsxting period stated <br />mthe insurance poliury or certificate;Credit Accidentand Hea§th insurance isfor thebetiefitamotint of1130th of each month's payment foreach daythatlam toWllydisablcd <br />duetaan injury or sickness while 1 owe any payment to you; however. I. understand that I have tone pprevented from working due to suclr total disability,formore thari':four- <br />teen (14) consecadve days before the insurance benefitis paid back to the first day. uEnty total disabtliry: Lasso kmw that 1 cannot obtain any busnranee fromtyoa if I <br />am over 65 years of age today, aodSalso know chat the insurance coverage provided to me may contain amaximumamomt oreoverage wbkh wiltnot ppaayin'sotoe <br />cases, tlx entire amaant that Losrr you:Dueto the maximum amountof coverage statedin the insurance policy Tknow.thatany unpaidamount in excess trf the-insurance <br />coverage wilt still have to be paid: If the Sales Cotttracf isprepaid in full prior to thelastpayment date, any unearned insurance pttmiurrrs'willlx refunded to: me in the mar,- <br />. ~erpresenbed by law. Withinthirty{30) days; Twill receiveahe certificate of insurance more fullydescribingmy insurance coverage.. If the insurance isna accepted by <br />the insurance company; twill receive arefund of theinsurance premiums Iaave paid: <br />BUYER: The next two paragraphs contain warranties relative to ttiissale given by us to thefinancxalinstitunon orbanlcin order forit to buy this contract. <br />SELLER'S-WARRANTIES AND ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRUST ANO'INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT <br />°rvtrvnz,•ve-tattetvrv:~ellcrhetet~~'521Is. aYsSgnc. ~on~eys,~.uufera .utd delivers to .~~lj ~~ot~y ~t5 t'2t ~t h,s ar~?t'Yv `iC'. <br />(Assignee] allof iLS ri~itts, title and intetra in and to the Dndof Trust and Installment Sales Contract, toggetherwuh alt bens existing to secure its payment, and theprcpem~ <br />encumbered hereby Assignee is herebysubstitoted as Beneficiary imderthe Deed:of Truss provisions of this contract. Sellerwatranis andrepresents;.(1) sthas thtright to <br />-make this ass,grtntent,(2)All,~tatetnemsaodfiguresintAisctmtraetaridintheBuyer'sstatemen[a:emateriallytrueand.correct(3?Thiscontractaroxfmmtiie6onafidc <br />v21e of the 3oodsand servtce~ described herein; (4) The cash down payment shownin this contract was actoallypaid by Buyer and mpaR;of saiddownpayment was loaned <br />d,ttctiy or iuditecth~ by Seller to Buyyer. (5)Each Buyer is tegally competent to contract (6) Ttiis contract is not and will notbe sub)ecrto any claim;: defertsc,.dcrnand or <br />ngfitof offset (7) T`he execut§an of this contractand the urnlerlying sales transacdnn'givingrise thereto did. not violate anyfederal orstate law,. dvective, tvleer regulation <br />now in effect ($) In theevent thatthis contract or the underlying sales transaction issubjecr to a right of rescission or cancellstion by the Buyer; suchrescission or cancclla- <br />lion peritxhas expired and neither the sale nor this contract has been cancelled or rescinded: THIS CONTRACT IS 501:0 BT SELLER WITROUT RECOURSE:' <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the undersigned is an authorvxd. representative of the Seller and has sighed below onbehalf of the Seller on this <br />day of . ~ ~.~ "(\.w_ I l a4. ~: <br />The faregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on PACESE~ER PRODUCT ,,rr swag) <br />~. J ~ l By ,/// ~ -~-f. <br />by the auihanred agent cf Seller who is ! <br />Mycornmi~stonespxres: ~ / <br />e+Tm~--Sf-tfEn-,.t 1(it.`..9r-.;PSI: 4f HeLrK,a.I ` ~ l_.. / (~~ <br />":~~StE ~~ G§LEOW ~ 6 tioarv Public v _-_ _ <br /> <br />i._.~ <br />