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<br /> C have: received at this time an hemizatian of the Amount Financ t Security: I am giving a security interest. ins <br />~2. <br />~ <br />~ <br />~3~~~ <br /> . <br />... <br />. <br />Mypayment:.scfn;dule wili:be: <br />~1. the goods, services and property being:purchased, and <br /> Numt,er of Paynrcnts' A l bt Payments. ;When Pavmcn[s arc Due " real estate and improvements, includingny <br />~ <br /> j'--~~-- -~- <br />house, all at my "Address designated above. <br />'<"~ <br />. <br /> days after [he date <br />KtPa mrnt - Esumatedto be <br />Y <br />°" <br />'%~- <br /> w ts,., of the Completion Certificate. <br />Fil[ttg/Reeordingfees S ' <br />=f r=% <br />~ ~ <br />(~ ~_ ~ <br />.Ail subsequent installments on the same day of i,ate Charge: If a payment is-more than tBB (1~) davs <br />h <br />ii <br />i <br />h <br />il <br />id i <br />f <br />!! <br /> eac <br />cansec <br />ve mont <br />t <br />unt <br />pa <br />n. <br />u <br />o <br />I _~~ late, C. will be charged $S.Od or 5 ~o of the payment, <br /> lesararrce whichever is less, or in Item of the preceding charge, in- <br /> Credit life Insurance and credi6drsability insurance arenotrequired to obtainctedit, and: will serest-may be. collected on-each delinquent mstalitnem <br /> ' nor bepmsideQ unless I signand, av~ree topay the additional cost until.. paid, nor .exceeding the contracrrate of 16~ per <br /> Tvpe : ~p,~m;,,ni: > ~ : ,Stgname.-. _ anhum. <br /> Credit Lite ~ 9 want credit life Prepayment If t pay off ea$y, I will not have in pay <br /> na R_ a Ixnalty: ands may be entitled toarefttndrof part of <br />I, insurance.- J, <br /> g <br />$ the finance charger <br /> <br /> Accident fiwant credit accident. - --~ i wilt. review other portionsof thiseontract <br />I Credit <br /> . <br />or additional information ^bout non-payment default <br />III & Health I aodheahh insurance, <br />mrc <br /> ,c a <br />.- <br />C any regtnred repayment in full before the scheduled date, <br /> and prepayment rePands and, penalties. <br /> ' Ropeny insurance is required, but [ may obtain this .property 'insurance from anyone 8 -means an estimate. <br />I want. [f I obisun:.thts insurance through; you, (will, pay. S <br />COMMENCEMENT"OF THE FINANCE'CHARGEc:.:The finance-: charge:(interest) is:esumared to start on- _:.' <br />(insert the date) except in the event [lief you Complete. the installation of the goods and. services on'another date,. then the finance charge (interest) wilt be&in.. <br />to run on the date tAat C shall sign's. Completion-Certificate. The amount bf finance charge. (interest maybe moreor less thanthe amount-0isclosed iiependmt <br />on theamounk 1-pay you and my3imehness!in:makingpavmentsr <br />PREPAYMENT: I may voluntarily prepay-the amount 4'owe you,' in full or-in part,. at any nine If T -make a partial prepayment, 1 must Continue to nmke. <br />my .regular payments. until T have. paid all amounts owed <br />IREQIIEST' FOR FLZL PAYMENT: ff I. do no[ pay when due;. you can declare; without giving notice to me,- all that Lowe under this contras payable <br />at once. I.. agrce topay you.interest on that amountnot-to exceedthe highest lawful contract rate of_16% untie either theamoum irowe you is broueht <br />current or until youaell myy house if 1 have given you. a Deed of Trust. I: understand: the defimtians both of .what a "default is and :what your power <br />is to sellmy houseunder a Deed`of Tout. <br />-:COLLECTIONCOSTS: [f 1 .amain default: of flits contract and you demand full payment [understand that you may send lie to an attorney. for eollccion <br />--andenforcemenu-If you do so,l-`aleree m pay your reasonable anorneys' :fees plus anycourt costs and expenses incumdby you. [harts. if yousre allowed <br />~tocoikeesitchamottatsbylaw. <br />DEED O£ TRIIST:'AS security for this comract, I grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirmto Thomas' P: Egan, Jr., of Omaha, Nebtacka and as a rncmhr <br />of the Nebraska State @ar, 'as rtrstee, in tmst withthe rawer to sell, a decd m env real, estate and improvements on it, including my house. all of which <br />is commanly refarred`to and is located at my 'Address' designatedon tFte"top portionoFthis contract. This Deed of TrusNprotects you ff I do not pay <br />this contract as: promised or if 1break any other premise made on either side: of this contract <br />REVERSE SIDE: I-understands that the additional terms and pmvisions Printed. on thereverse side of this Installment Sales Contract are apart of this Install- <br />ment Sales',ContraceandtAarlam bound he them in the ,sine manner:as tf they wereprinted'.on the front of this very Installmeni.Sales'Contrait. <br />NOTICE TO BUYER. <br />1.. l: do not have ws[pt this coa~raR before t-read Thor d' anyo[.the spaces-intendedfor the agrees terms to ine extent of teen avauaote tmurmatton <br />are. kR blank. 2. Lam entited.-ta a rnpY of ibis contract at the. tune. 1."sign it. 3..L may payoR the: full .balance due tinder this ~ mtract at env <br />Hex, and in so I sltouW ba etttitkd W a full rebateof the unearned finance and itawrance cha es (ifan ): 4. I MAYCANCEL THIS AGREEMENT <br />AT ANY TIME PR TO MIDNI6NT OF THE TNIRO DUSINESS DAT AFTER-TNE DATE Af THIS TR~NSACTit~N. (i HAYE READ TNFACCOMPANYIN6 <br />NOTICE OF RIGHT Tb CANCEL FORM fOR AN EXPLANATION Of THIS RIGHT.) 5. i andersWd hat this instrument is based upon a home soltciutian <br />sale and that tlNa iMrunent isoot negotiable. 6. IfshaN~not be legal for ,rou to enter my prctttises unlawiNlly orcotnmit any. brwch ofthe peace <br />to G~~ pttteluaed ender tMa raddtraR. <br />COPY RECEIVED: 1 uektaWledge receipt of a completely tilled in ropy of this contras: long with two f'_) copies of the Nonce ~t itigbt to Cancel Farm. <br />IN.WITNESS N'NERF.oP. Ihis Deed of'frust and In,tsllnteni Sates Gorttract has beenstgned on this day pf - ,14._'. <br />at (city) --.~=='=-~--~~ .State of Nebraska. ~~ <br />PACES ODUCTS ,set taFVfftaaavt ~ `~-t~~----~--" _ <br />~~~~ ~~ ~ s <br />By ns ag r ~ -' <br />~' '~ <br />- , <br />.State of .Nebraska ( - s <br />» The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this <br />County of _ 1 day of __ -- 19 ~ , by the above <br />designated Buyer(s)-Trustor <br />~ti~MlMOTMr-Stara al NalutY <br />RUtSEII'D. S <br />'' ... ~-,. No .Public ~alC d 'rte' ~<9 <br />My cammrssron expi '. - ~y <br />Slot NE-A/NB l ~"`. ~ ~ ,.. ~~ ~4 ~~;a ~.~ 1-,,~ <br />CONFIDENTIAL ONLY FINANGAL 1NSTITUTlON COPY 1' ~T'~ `'~ ~ ~'~ ~" <br /> <br /> <br />