<br />gz~ i~~? ~ (~~
<br />(i # month prior to its due bate the annual mortgage insurance:premiuminorderao provide suchixolder
<br />a`ith fttnds ro pay such premium to the Secretary of;Houstng and Urban Development: pursuant to the
<br />National Housing ~1ct, as amended; attd applitiable Regulatipris thereunder; ar
<br />(Il} ff and so long as said note of even date and this instrument are held hg the Secretary ai' Housing and
<br />Urban l~velopment, a tnanthh charge (in tfeer of a rnortg•rge irtsurrrrace premium/ which. shall b~ itt an
<br />amountequa#toone-twelfth 11 ~ ]'1 of cme•half (Lj2) percenturn of the averageout tandingbalance'
<br />due on thz note computed witztaut taking intci ai:cutsnudetingtiencles «r prepayments;
<br />(b) ' A sum equal to the ground least, if :tny; next due, plus the prenuums tlrat will newt became'due and payable an'
<br />pr>licies of fire and other hazard insurance cavecing the marteaged praperrv, plus taxes;and assessments next dt7e
<br />air the mortgaged property f~ft as c•Stimated by rfte bfvrrgrigee j Tess ail. sums already paid theretiardi~~ided by the
<br />number of months to elapse before one month. prior xo the date when such ground rents, nremtmns, taxes and
<br />assessmenu,will become delinquent, s-uchsums to be head by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, pre-
<br />truums. farces and: special assesstttenu; and
<br />(e# All payments mentioned in the two preceding suhseceions <~( t:hit oaragrsnh and ail payments to he made under
<br />the note secured Hereby shall be added tugether: and th:' aggregate amount iheraot half tae paid by the ,~lartgag~tr
<br />each month. ut a mgle payment to be appli=d by the ~2ortgagee to the toiiowing items in the order cot forth:
<br />{I} piamtum char.~es under thr cantraa of irtsnran; e wash fire _~ cretan• of I-ious.ng and litb.tn [h:velanmant,
<br />ar monthly chare~ to :: «r : ~ m„rrglge urruranre exrenaiun:?, as the ease may 6e,
<br />(tl# ground rents.:a~r~, asSes3n~-nra, `itetnd ixher he.~arc9 insurance nrettuunis;
<br />t1:i1) tnierest on the note secured t.t:eb., . end
<br />fl~`~ amarttzavan ctt the princ.r,ar .~t s:ad r,:;e.
<br />.4ny deficiency in ifu amount t7t an} .uch aggregate r .~rtlti> rah 7t:ent sltail; ablest made :quad by .the ttiluct-
<br />gagor pnos_to the due Date of the nee:su~ pay'encrtt..~nstitute alt event tri" de#'auit uWdeithts marzg3ge. 7`tte
<br />A4ort3agee may co#lect r"late-u'targa" oat ~_, ctic~'et+ t,~ur zedts t~s,7t ;i>reachdu~tiar (511 of arch. oaynient more'
<br />rhea ftft,eett ! f 5# et::t`s i^ arxrars to laver flit extra exxnse rnvcived in handting delinquent payments.
<br />7"hat if thr total of thr pasmtmt~ maclt• bo thr 3#trrt~ay*arundsv nt nar:t};ritph :> prcrc+slin#; shall exceed
<br />ihta armaunt of p7vtsent~ ac~tusllt made hr t3te -~ktnt;afir+ for ttmund r!'nt-. £:t~!...:7nd a:~ ~-~tnf•,nca ar insurance pm-
<br />minm~. s< th<- ~a-~ msti +M. -urFr excc+. ifitar ifxvt r'c c ~tretu .!t e,c f,h,f.,n of vi~b9cxtgagar; ,,hall ka~ ercditedby_
<br />t}tr tlonQa2e<• on -ub-t^yuen7 pntrnent- t.~ h.~ mad«ht 711, ~lptxl*uc!tt. or r,•tundr~d to thr ilortt,+agor lf, howc~cr: t.h€`
<br />natxtt#tlt parmt•ntr an3~: hs' thr ~rtc:xc«r artier n! h:nr,,piaF>h ~recaintc u.il l a~+t 1><• ~ufli ieni talra)• grand
<br />real, taxa~ .utd a,-r>rmcrot~ ..r to-ursnt r pn•mtum-..,~ the f ago mitt nt` .+hi n th+ -anie ~ha11 become dUe and put!-
<br />able,_cltrd the \t<rry;uy;tx -hail pa, t,: the yorteaef'•' ant ..mount t~oc•--art to ma6~• a{7 tttr ~ii~ftcieWt t , ttn4r be(!ii•o
<br />the•dsk~ •.hen yavmrnt ut -uch around n•nt~- t,cv~. a-~<•,-m~•n7- or tn~uranco ,in•mtum, -hull be duo 1f-avant
<br />[iAAe thr lkirtyxp-K,r ~ieafS tvnd~•r t+., thr llnrtea,~r••, ~n :«-f ontanc,• f,7th thf~ unr~i~ionr `~t th!~ nnl[• -i•curt~d horr-b~'.
<br />fait #r.+vment of tht• ontiro tndebuatnt~-- r„pn•-r•r,t,vi thi•mPn. [he +Ir.rtltr~•••hull- u7 f~omirtt7ni the amount of ~-uch
<br />inttabtcninc~~. ucrlrt to the ecc,unt ,.I t*tr ti1<,rt;;.,Lnt .t;i (~.tcmtYtt. tr..nic un~icr the i~na ttirm5 nt ; ut. 1na gcftph
<br />htd"66( which [he Aktrtpas;ec ht- not h.`cnmr .,§ru tt.q ••4 t„ pat !u th!. `+. r.r•rcr,~ ~~I Ilnu-m~ .altl Irhar7 1)cvclop7ltcS~2.
<br />and snv halancr rt•matnrn. ut the Sund- ;! ru naui.ttrd nnd<~r ih, i,:ut;-inn, f,( ,~1 itur:7_rt ~>lt "ht•rnol: 14• thf+Je
<br />-hall M• a dclauit under ant f,i th<• pmrr„un- `•t th,- nK,np•tG, r.•-ultin~ in ~ pahlir --.71r ..I t#tt• prcmistt~cave~red
<br />hert•hs, or tf the tG,rtt:akt•.~ es yvrn•- rho pnqu•r+t f,thorwi-,~ , r do(ault, .hr Vh,rL^yit••~ •hali steely. a the timf•„f
<br />xh~. • ngtmt•nremt'ttt ..I -ut'h yruroedtnt`>..•r ;: rho rim.,• thc• hmtswnt ~ ,~rfirr.<:~.a~ .iryutmd, th,~ I~a(•uire tht•n rem:xn7•
<br />inf:.rn the land- arrumuletrd tinder - ,! purr_•t'.tph _' pr,~,..Uttlrt. .,- _, ~n•fiil -r~t.~n-t rho :fm~nnrt ul glrincipcti'Ihrn
<br />rayn:nnin4 unp:uJ undo-r ~u7d n.,u•..rnd -n,tii ;wnta•tl< ,td#urt :en-~ patmt•nt- .•htrh -hall t:e<,- bf , n marieitndcr(:.
<br />of ttxraertph :'.
<br />(hat :br ~tf,rtt::<n,•, ~~:: _r,,.7ns fr•n7• -,«H-;tsxssncWh +rr • ~tr~ .~r•,t ~nhrr ~•rtcnimcntui irimunicipal
<br />charge,. nne,_,K car;n.~atom f,-r wt,tch ;., .,;: fsa»f>r been tWauchKrc~nt~t~,rc . nJ :n <icf.,ult fiertzxf IhC ~larxgagee m~ti
<br />pat the f:::ar--, r,c •har 7hr tilfvtt::tgf•r f+tt ~ nt t ae~+~c' i!K JY~iini r,~.ci pi, Ihr,rl„r to the 'tSi r•::i~ee :.l.
<br />iht tit„fl }t.tK•>• „ri. ~ .,'1 !JtC; '•~h ~. ^I,i; "Y It ~. Std E3p6Jn ~. ~I RL"Jti~'_ ~ 'S1fCr~',1 1!: ,,i it2 real c ~i:ptC find Ilrlprc~.c;-
<br />nxnt~. and uhr,.R Iaat .Y it ,ae<i ,!p+,n thn r. ! .~a ~x :r •h,-,1ri4 v_u;rrd Weir ~; gnu; „lily t<• the ,: urns ,ha7 ,i,ch tti not p*r~hthrt-
<br /><'d h~ ;J,f :~IIU ,rflir ±„ t?1+C r,tc of Thal ~.,~r 1'! ..+~['l:ai:r ih~~ i~>.tn ~J,l'."~„Sr,+. t'l17 <'t~llldinj,,•,. Ill~l~'ilC I,', ~ 1iatC l' f GttC'I ,,
<br />~;n;w,td.°n llfrrtt;aitec. and wu'S!;e the „[h~ri; rinr.nuw;ny;.t~!t,^.:,>. mrn'with th+, ~li,r,4ny7cr [nun ,t, '.,7t~ur df thrs»mdet-
<br />t.v.mg,;•r tithe ttuttra c+n :, r::•hmttcd i', ! ,. m,... ,~: !err a'ir Cx7,t mid f: nr r.fyt:?u ?.he wh<,Ic,~r .,nf pnri:oW Of ihe:atn7 r.
<br />au,C !.ne: ,K u;~+n the rrnJcrror,f( an, „curl do<r~c ; n+hti`7nnF :.r pr, •o<nt ?~a the '~i nrl eazur `•r an: ,ucif t•: ~;ea,<>r if tacit law
<br />rr Jr.:rte i^r~.ef<3e~ :hat an, n,n„una ,:,, psid r: the `,1.=rt,va>;rr .na' 'c ::rst7,!cd m [`;r • vrtl;aee debt. 'he ~turlltagae.~ttalt h.:f-c
<br />the r7Fht t~• ct~e nstxn •.n., "rotten n:rltrt t„ tbt f'-.~r:er •~,' ±;:e :.~:rst;ny!ctf <~si-<•... ;eyutnnp >nt ~ay+nrnt fif..themtSrtQaKe.
<br />Seht. f'. ~rtch rk,:ut t+e p~,cn, ahe -aod tithe ~haL t'<ti.•m uc _ pe} tl:.,n.i c.. 'k-:[it~ie ~~, tare <pu:<i7~.urat ..:id Winery. days. -
<br />Thu1 .h.ru td f't ':971 to pay ao} ,~arr+ ar i~tp :eat ° c, )`~f;.d tdr~.f ,r :r ~h7= , triz:age; then the ii9ortgagee, a] t1, o?!- '
<br />th,e ~-iat R., :u ptrf,xm :he .a; ec- gnu z_. ca~aatt~:e - made -]aC ^e :.~.tdc:1 a, rh ~ :n.fpni ,Ita7 .Tu, i,ng an t;3t et}ovP n~. ".e.
<br />a ~
<br />,h:;i hr ,r. seed he;tt`} .and ,ha;t tieor irate:- ,7 at tier rate pct for*-fig t*7 the ,aer3 n.,7e v^,: pz7d.
<br />_ ih~ t ht beech" e„igm. t n nJ ,e7- aitr £n tiro Ater=.~gee. t ,app=led reward r)•iC pet moot-ezi E#keWCNe and :at.
<br />„7es ,riureal herth•. rr_ :e;e „- urSiv,t to ?ham rerrta~rr-a^.e :. n, o tar term ~aS cf,rtdntuas.afthis. jti4 %nc,ge t'u t!ar~:~:d.
<br />.«te. at7 tier crab. 'c<rrs trc, ~mj 9r -,_~mc if < :en, cd L~.r~ tsr r:-. ty._~e+. ~ •:r-~, d 79nF sncB Sine ;,~ tt>% ~rafia inJcbtt J-
<br />ne>+-gall retnatn urea 7d. and !ix SSartgaFec ~±~.tit h.a. <- P•ra cr ! .- <:u•. aRe Rt . .~r~~tt i' rna~~ dc,trc !~r 7ht: p.'pu,r trl
<br />ret~:atr?ng w,d t^rem+sr . n<i ~;f <enta7,x the': mt .; srd _u;wJ79n¢ the -n.,. ; e<eaa9t, acu r- °.,me, anff it .eta; ~~mt fd .;,7zi -n-
<br />tact ._!~ eapcnw., :d ret+atnng ,aiu prcmt.r, noa r.t,c„a; t ~f•m;r:ns7un, arrJ e1(k:r r ,..-.,treed u; rentink ~,nft i^anngin}; tt:c
<br />,acne arsd ,~F c<~iicatnF rcn~:. ,here-rain she CaSan_t •~~,»_as.tr,}7, -£ , , .x ;,; putt' -uw nr.t ,7c. dia~h3l t-e , .ago r. f~rtt;nge.
<br />:"h:Chieli rlG~\.
<br />T';a: rte t+:i, t.erp ;ire to%pn+atrnenn r,,,w rt7,trt•p .ft h,etea(tr~ c^r ,ru .. sic nf,rt~ai:ed prolierl}. ~.7t+u[~~l : :r„~. r<
<br />:cyarrc~+ tr,:m sir: :o nr«r h=. :rK Nf9rtg,tgcr oga7 ro5r '< ; r~, ', _ : m3 , ;h:: ~'afa•d~. ,..,,t:nl[ae5 and iuittinE<-trs.if ~ n ~ :~F
<br />tTtE.•.filit L`%5~3 <?r uFi..'1 ,.ter. *1,. t, .^.I:f t' r't {Yt;u4"<cl F~ '11C 'its"tK'Y~S.C eel. ~;. t- ,si V. WhEn di1C.: afdk ire:~~;U3r •i ti.14"
<br />;n+ar~rrc is r . .. „r; ~3, -:~tnt t+i V~}ifCi) Rai :.+rE then ,Ta eft :"t ~Fl~t. •.c `n~ t .n_'~ :h'.o(! ~°_ caT#'i+.d in w.. ~~i'acf ,
<br />•.eu h~ ere 11 _,r tMa}, .~ ~.ad the tv!6~u~. _.:,. ,-.x.~w ni, therC.,t tar: . ...;r± ' h~ tfsr. '7<. - _aec e :; it?vC i+ltawrrcd ti;rr ....
<br />a• nOY :;a.. es ., <+. of et`cf it r, ... _<i , 7•iC !.~, th 'd Dri yt, e'. , _ ~~ • .. 9~orif~,q~f,r ~ : ~iVt ttritric,L.<IC ~...
<br />ati a; 1c': the ttcxty~7wcc ••ho 9na: ^falc rr<. ~ .~ L,.. ~. ~n,xJ {'n ir+p.n r t.iur:p:zy-f)r. •; rd c,t_h im:_rnnCc :.-~nrr, > ~.
<br />s cd ~ r,r < r ~ 3`-c ~r U rc ~icd F, t xc 7.at ni f ! , z I tt 4 r k,. < t. 1< ~7u~ A : ~ ,ga;
<br />;nv ~r ~S u~tk3 -t p'•+z~rrs ,,. ,3 tear,... na_ r ,.<ri-_ ~ ., St par. , ,r,r ~[ t.. ~ !-. 1 : t~..p< , t :+•t .het
<br />r rcroirr..'N ut fN ISS :_M.L1~`:Cl7iX r. ef4: ~?: , •;-1 ti .c - r'..._ ... [ t:u, P! ~^r I`, . „ ._4u: ... c : ~ ., -
<br />st. _... ngzay;cf ,. ihr:-a , - ,r-=.• ,rsa".Y.~,.^ ,c ~t, ;n -..~ .. _. i- .,_... ._-,., ~~,, ._
<br />.t.. ^.-tti r.: e.f tf(.-. `°I rt,,,,~f. .ra,. .=9 t,~,; .,itt ,, .~.~ .!-_.t i.., m~ .. ,iu;~,r..:. .. _. ~_•rr
<br />14a _ =. S~9a, -..,,, .. ,ae.- c .. t. ri ,q in - ~. ,.- . -i i~ .n - .. -_. - !;:c ..<~. i
<br />, ,.
<br />tr:>•~c~ ...e:a> h;}^,... tx !i~Ipe .< ~~ a a„i~-, , . ,,c... t'hK~
<br />,".a 1Aa.
<br />