<br />Thic form. is used in connec-
<br />**,~~ i tir>n cc•ith martgages inst:red
<br />ir1~RT~~GE under the one- to four-family
<br />.provisions. of thz National ;
<br />Qp Aoudsittg t~et.
<br />O~~ ~}Vr~..lti~]
<br />TF,•$~ NORTG?.GE, made and e~zcutzd this 27fih day of May A.D.
<br />fy 82 . h}~ and ~etvc~ren
<br />Soel B. Garrett, a single person
<br />of the C onnt~ of Hall , andStateofNebraska,~rry of theitrstpari. hereina(tar ca8ed
<br />the ~1ar}:r2as. and
<br />Su~e~icz ifet.tgezge Irce.
<br />a corpo cation organized and existing under the laws of r?ebraskd
<br />parts of rtx,zconu part. hr=einz3xrcalled the \lort}:agee,
<br />t111~_E~SI='TN Thatt~rut:dN,.,rter~r,r.fr•ra[tclincon~idrrafinr.vfthe~umaf Forty four thousand *tine
<br />hundred axui t~% IOflths---- po#i~s f5 44.90. Q0 i. ,aid by the,Ltort-
<br />~tgee. rite r~ti:eiy; pf rovhich i< ttereb~ sckncawiedged. has Gtttnted and Soid attd by these Assent. does Grant, Bar-
<br />t+ttin. StJI. Conwr. attal Cuntirm into the-<vfortA~Qer•: its sur:~sors and assigns: fvrevrr_ the `,ollt,wing-descntxd
<br />real asta~e. snuattil iri the i'trtiaty of Ba31 and Jtan:
<br />ai vrbraska. to wic
<br />tat Eight (8}, KaZios Subdivision, in the. City of Grand Island, Ba11
<br />County,.lVebraska.
<br />c+! the Srxth f'nrntttir! 4lenahun-;r,nte,nang m aH ;cCretiacrari,mg a, Govern-
<br />. tucnt,u:vov. ,
<br />TT7 H:4~'F ~tiO Tfl NI)t 1) the , rtrnr,c+ ah~.,vc dc•..nhed, wnh a!I Ihc -+p(~tartcn;rncr. tfirrruntn 1-rlun~ing ,nd including
<br />ate hcntntg, plumbing end 'e,[;h[ink fi[hare•~ aTt ry vrpmrnt n.,u ,a he rc~f ter .,t(:.-bed t.+.n n,ed i^ c.,nnca tion with ,aid tea! r4tdiC
<br />unto tht NcKt~grc. a+cd to u, +rese,+r r, enJ'v+,rytJt+. ft,tr~cr 1 hr 41urti;attnr reArnent+ i.•.:md arvemmt, with, the Martpa-
<br />lire- that '.ht Mcm~igor kr, gu.+d nfdti fn ,cf1 and , >.vee, ,araf premr,cs, that they nee fret from ena:mF+r:mce: and Shat the
<br />Liarttpi;or v,dl warrant anJ defend the ,ease a~;am,t nc~ lar it„ ctarm, nF :r11 ;,sewn=. u hcam„rrvcr: and the +uid ~for[ftagor hart-
<br />. by rehr>Vvr,}ie, all regttt,;,l twmntes.t, erhl.aii mamai nt;tn, o[txr m law .ar m rµvity. ;ind adl ,ether ~ununttcnt ,stare+as r,f [he
<br />#ortgagex in anal w the »tnne-dr,cntxu prtmi~.c,, the mtentacn Hang laa couvcv Icerc?+t an ahwiutr title. en fee +impic, includ-
<br />irtq ,dl rtl;ht, ~,rf hc!mc,teau. arxt other ng(it+.,nd mtrrr,a, .:,.tf:.rte,erd
<br />('RC3YlDf?Fl A1. W A1'S.:un9 these per,: na,>re r~crariru' asst dehaered vpcan the ftNlrrwrngct)ndiGun,. !„wit-
<br />7hr ~lattp,>nt+x agree, (a Aay to true tiler. tgagct..x xdcr iht pnncipei sum of po~~, ~ fO,ilr thousand nine
<br />htutdred and '.~l140ths - tx»'""`~~ 44,940.fl0 )•
<br />,cash ;ntatst fiosii .;a[c s[ the ,arc ai Pifte~t atxd (?ne-half Vrr crnzum ( IS,~O '~=) per nnmrmptt"
<br />the unL*unf balance until paxf. lltc,a~d prrtrnip:c's and inceret ,itat#I In tvayat>)c at the tidier of StIQ?riC=... Mortgage, Inc.,.
<br />in Grand Fsland, :tE ~r qqt +uch yrp~ f r~ a he holder of
<br />the ;Sate *tsa} tic,ipiatc to vvrrnnit. in monthlq rn;tai;ment.,sf Fl'vE. ;hundred eighty Yiv~+. aitd ~~/lC~f~ths----
<br />-- ~i;ar,,5585.?3 }.com::~encmganrheFrstdayaf
<br />Jyly !9 g2 . and :.n the firs d:a~. tit cn~tr month there;effer uMi1 the prim°ipal ;end ~n-
<br />:ere,i ::re {uliv put c~upt ;hat ±hr tmat pa}~mcnt .•f pnn:::psi .and imrre,t. if rn~t ,onne: paid. shall he Jee and
<br />pay,~bk en the nest day: E,f June, 2©12 . ai! auording to the trrm~ of a certain ptnntis-
<br />v:r•. rr.tr :tf e~cn-Sett hcrcwa:h raeiutcd hv~ the +a,d li ort~^.agar
<br />T~r_ Ucutgatiur to order more futlq- fa (xotret the ,ervrity ,rf thi, ~4attgai{e. aazert+t '..
<br />, :hat he wilt , ap tix itiJChiedttctc.:as ittre+ni,ef,are , rn+idrl t'r:s~i(ege i+ rt~aned. so pay tht debt in ~.,;halr•, ar in an
<br />,a:ra;nuN cµnwl to tens e. mrnt manthty pv.}mrnis tin the , nn<ips( th.+t are rxxt ~tuc o[s ilfc:urtt. art ~hefirst dac~ pf artgmunth
<br />prize !o maturiy_ Fkvcidcd. lxxWCCZS- Tha: writ3en natx~e .rf an rairmwa to erer~i•:e ,uCh ~r•.i1C,c i_, ~i en nt itast thirty (3ftP
<br />.1st, grn;r ;.~ prtpal'ineni.
<br />=. 1?rsE_ ts>gether v.~tth, aid in :.ei:is[:.-n taa_ the, ^ron[h;v pas men!< of , rincipa! ::nd ante •.t Aarahie under ! hr, terrny c,f the
<br />m:~Ft ,t-cured htrrlty_ the 4tcxty,+~,fgax ~as' aav to [h.. ~1ar:gagrc. nn she firs[ cLrv c3 each ;math until >,he ,_r3 Heels i+*ull,; rai.J. _i•c
<br />ft~;io~,rRK ~}xms.
<br />F~: .{yY,vti32. 1iF3 t)G k'6S tU fkS+tPrisC t?., fs Stlf:(:T EvC; r!r3 wi LS feral s ,.aV tilt 4c'k% r:6BI i1~~e ~-'~;~ ~_~ •' ~]r:)•1t t'1rF, a'. ah4-
<br />._-:'u&;aat ~d the n~sc ax -c,v-:1 harn_wv are i;}wm7, --r a ._xrtirfs u a g~ rr>a !r<v nt ~.: rp=ra2ygr ,rum-~rrrre. pr,,~-
<br />.•-=nu-r, -:, _+ a,i . °?d rr--. t*. Sr.c n-tar C Hoaas-.2 rr.d t;,. sr ,3w~n: } n <n[_ ss a~len..-t.
<br />i I( snv3 ~ -,.my ac s<1 t r:,.ar :. E r Y_„ .i<ac srgi thrs ,s.r:u-'ri:'; acs. ,r,~ti-,ci C,:.a;e ,, SJ:n; ;t t•.,i t, ;?~ jilt?-
<br />-,,:,ms •,t ,fx tiat crsal i~,vang .~~t, ~,aa:acn+,r;t ;ai"oral. ~,~ ~...amw.ai :r, =Fe ty ,.. „i !;ic ._dcr ai~+r
<br />~ti <.;,, :' a aas ~.+,.•- .,- . -y .9.K. --~,~r,, aP ,a..arKt .•~ # 1 I'O}' °v }; iikia~~t,~
<br />